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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel is xrp dead I hop on to social Media to have a good oldfashioned fun Time and all I see is a bunch of people Squawking around uh like chickens with Their heads cut off and claiming that Xrp's dead it's looking awful it's never Going to go up look at the xrp BTC pair All this Crap and uh it's not just xrp that's Down how do people not realize this it's So simple the entire Market tanked to The downside and just about every uh Altcoin out there or at least you know I I scroll through the top 50 uh either Literally all of them or almost all of Them have performed substantially worse Than Bitcoin is xrp dead no it's moving In tandem with the rest of the market And so I want to highlight that in this Video because people are freaking out And it doesn't make Sense my God this is so normal for even In Bull markets it is so normal to have Fairly large pullbacks and I've seen way Worse than this and many of you Listening you've seen way worse than This but still there's this emotional Component I get it it's because it's Markets you've got skin in the game it's Your own hard-earned money you've Invested in whatever meme coin that's Going to go to zero eventually that you Put it I'm kidding I'm kidding well

Maybe some of you did but I get it you Put your hard-earned money into stuff That you believe in like xrp and utility Coins and everything else I I get it but If you just so I understand that's why The emotion exists in people people but If you just step back you will recognize That we should expect these events even In Bull markets and wait till you see Like if you consider how Bitcoin has Performed compared to the altcoin market I think it's going to make you feel a Bit more positive we're not near the top Like we're not there folks and that's Good because as Bitcoin runs higher Eventually hits a new another new All-time high and breaks into price Discovery altcoins inevitably in every Single past Market cycle they play Catchup because people leave eventually Pull profit from Bitcoin and then it Goes into the large caps and the midcaps And the small caps rinse and repeat so No xrp is not dead everything is fine But I want to highlight that some people Just need to chill so if ever worried You can always come to this channel Because I I will not ever be freaking Out it just doesn't make sense to this Is this is what you should expect Jumping into crypto so when the crypto Market does what 15 years worth of data Should tell you that you should expect It to do when it does that maybe don't

Emotionally respond because it's not Worth it and it doesn't matter okay I'm Just saying that's that's my thought On uh here's a post from chart analyst Matthew Highland and he's talking about Alts total three seeing a fire sale uh Just another Opportunity still up big on the year if You zoom out many people will be scared To buy today or capitulate out of the Market completely While others will take Advantage of pullback in an uptrend and So folks to me that's the most important Point of this it's a notable pullback Certainly acknowledge that but it's a Notable pullback in an Uptrend which is why for people who want To accumulate many will view this as an Opportunity and so you do whatever you Want I'm not telling you to buy or sell You do whatever you want to do I don't Know what's right for you and nobody Knows for sure what's going to happen But I'm looking at an uptrend here what Do you See here's another post from Matthew Highland Bitcoin dominance breaks to new Cycle highs and so that's why was saying Part of what I was saying at the outset Of the video here Bitcoin breaking new Dominance highs this cycle over 55% Almost 56% dominance at the time that he Posted this in the in the afternoon Yesterday that is not what you see at

The end of the cycle never has been Never has been the case Bitcoin takes a Beating when all in terms of dominance When when altcoins take Off what do you it's just one more thing To look at this is not the end of the World here's a post from Mikey bull Crypto this is not the time to panic but The time to shill on spot and accumulate The breakout will be massive for Bitcoin And Altcoins and he shared this chart it's a Bitcoin price chart you you know what Happens next Right now there's this post and this is Where it gets interesting so I'm going To talk about xrp specifically but first I want to highlight a couple things Because you know I see people screaming About xrp and I'm just sitting here like I'm just wonder like have you opened Live coin watch have you opened coin Market cap and seen it's not just xrp Have you done that have you done that Simple task it makes me wonder perhaps The answer is no for some of these People but people holding other coins Are behaving the same and that's what I Want to highlight for you there's Nothing wrong with xrp specifically and On top of that it doesn't make sense to Be freaking out about this I put out a Video literally yesterday warning that This could

Happen anyway and I didn't know but just Be clear I didn't know it was going to Happen today that that that part's dumb Luck but there's all sorts of warnings From multiple chart analysts and it Happened so we shouldn't be afraid if we Are aware of this is being a series Possibility just because it unfolded Today Anyway so a credible crypto shared a a Dogecoin price chart and he wrote The Following and this is after the the the Collapse had occurred right the most Recent one no change to this Dogecoin Idea fam in fact this is just another Chance to enter if you missed the first Opportunity those who keep asking if I'm Still in this yes we hold till we take The highs and make money or we take the Loss if we hit invalidation simple now And and he cites what would be local Invalidation now he's talking about in Terms of trading so he is a hodler but He also does some trading and so if you Look at the price of U of Dogecoin here Took a b bit of a hit it's down pretty Substantially at this Point this is what every altcoin chart Looks like right now this is Doge but This is what everything looks like Including xrb just to be clear so it it Absolutely took a beating and so Somebody responded to him there and Wrote sir is harar dead so here you have

An har bar holder wondering is har bar Dead so we've got in the xrp community People saying is xrp dead is then and Doge is Doge dead and then with h bar is Har bar dead yeah I guess just crypto's Just going to cease to ex this is the Moment we had a good run it's been here 15 years this is it it's all going to Zero this is the moment it was a good Run 15 years of happiness and fun and Then a lot of misery actually but still This was the Moment no of course not but anyway as Far as that post there sir is harar dead Credible crypto reposted that shared This H bar Chart and uh and by the way here's the Eight here let me show you this this is The 24-hour chart for har bar so let me Just flip back and forth between that And Doge a couple times you may notice That it's the same damn chart this is The same chart I'm flipping back and Forth har bar and Doge it is what it is And so here's what he had to say about Harar the idea of har bar being dead he Said LOL you guys need to chill harar About to hit my macro downside Target on The Bitcoin pairing that I discussed in Prior vid updates United States dollar Pairing for now will be dependent on if Bitcoin holds here or not but watching For a bullish reaction on both pairings Assuming Bitcoin does hold they're

Perfectly rational perfectly Reasonable the when the market takes Takes a dive to the downside led by Bitcoin yes everything goes so what we We we're supposed to expect This um now there was a response to that From attorney Bill Morgan so he Responded to that hbar post and he was Talking about the xrp BTC pair which by The way yesterday did hit yet another New low so just every time we hope we Hit a new low like we had on March 11th And then I think it was April 8th uh Well now we hit another one just the Other day but it's because the whole Market took a beating okay um you know And I mentioned in a video earlier today I was like look I don't pretend to know Where the bottom is I never do and I'm Not even a CH guy but I just know Historically xrp it it just tortures People you look at the xrp BTC pair in Previous Market Cycles it just tortures People and we keep hoping that each new Low is the bottom and then it's it never Is and another one hits and it never it Is and then another one hits another one Hits except for then it actually is it's Not that it never is because it does Eventually happen it does eventually a Bottom is formed that's what happens in Markets historically that's always What's happened with xrp priced against Bitcoin the xrp BTC pair yes exactly so

It looked even worse yesterday but do You think we find a bottom or not cuz I Do And so um attorney Bill Morgan wrote The Following he said yes but maybe give up The xrp BTC analysis it may hurt your Batting average this fall seems endless And credible crypto responded to that um With this and I did share this in a Separate video so I'll just be quick With this but it's it's worth sharing This in case you missed it this one's Worth the repetition even if you did Hear it but uh he was talking about xrp Here and this is after the drop happened He was talking about that yesterday Afternoon he said we ended up taking These lows on xrp which was a distinct Possibility I pointed out in my last Video update on it unfortunately I went Aggressive and added to my position Higher so I didn't have the flexibility To add on this dip with that being said We want to now see a reclaim of the loss Lows and a higher low which could signal The start of xrp outperformance of Bitcoin xrp BTC pairing if it closes Strong in 2 days is also in the process Of potentially printing a weekly bll Divergence uh which we will get further Confirmation of at the next weekly close And so he's saying watch what happen Sunday weekly close just got a couple Days there um he's he's expect so he

Fully anticipates yes there will of Course be a bottom at some point on the Xrp BTC chart the fact we haven't seen It to this point doesn't mean that it Will never occur that's a silly thought Emotional people act as though that's The case and I'm not just to be clear I'm not claiming that about attorney uh Morgan at all just to be clear I'm just Talking about because I I've seen the Sentiment and stuff people are saying on Social media platform a it's like it's Just never going to Bottom but it is it of course it is and Everything under the sun took a beating On on the you know paired against Bitcoin Doge Doge BTC har bar BTC look At those pairs everything took a beating In fact a lot of coins performed way Worse than xrp major coins did as this Dip Occurred and then there was also This um somebody respondence to what the Post I just shared you from credible Crypto somebody named neb and wrote man I love your work with Bitcoin but I Don't understand your alt picks xrp CRV Har bar they're all horrible performers There is some amazing alts out there Pulling huge numbers and so I'll just Tell you as soon as I read that I'm just Like kind of like it's like a audible s Fake All that crap and nothing against this

Individual but that that seems like the Type of thing that somebody that's brand New to crypto would write because when Stuff is not performing well and you're In a bull market that might mean there's Opportunity not just with xrp pick a Coin the stuff that looks like it's Performing horribly might be going next The stuff that's already way up does That mean that that's the best time to Buy it or does it mean that there's less Opportunity in terms of a multiplier Effect because it's already had a Substantial run well of course the stuff That's already gone up way higher way Less opportunity think about it is it Better to buy Bitcoin now because look People feel more comfortable buying Bitcoin this year because they feel Validated oh well like it's it's gone up This much yeah that's great I'll Probably just keep doing that but it Would have made way more sense to Purchase at the bottom when people were Screaming no bitcoin's going to $112,000 Well same with xrp same with CRV same With h bar it's the same damn concept Which is why say not to be uh mean to This guy I don't know who this Individual is but that's what you expect To see from people who are brand new to Crypto that don't know what they're Talking About because the market and on top of

That the market moves in tandem broadly Speaking so yes if you so if you zoom Out on a chart it's going to like it Look like it's all popping off at the Same time if you look at a chart that is Like a few years for example or even Just a year probably really uh it's Going to look like everything's moving In tandem now of course if you zoom in Down to the day the month the week the Quarter so on and so forth well no it Doesn't always perfect ly line up but if You zoom out it's going to look very Samy Samy that's the point so if you Understand that concept then why are you Asking of xrp and CRV and H all these Individual coins why are you asking if They're going to perform like if they're Going to move in tandem with the market Like it doesn't make sense and so Credible crypto responded to him and Said they are all based on sound Fundamentals which allows me to hold Comfortable through draw down until the Inevitable face melting rallies arrive I Can't say the same for other vaporware In this space spot on and that's that's Why I've it's a big part of why I've Been at such peace holding xrp for over Six Years I just don't believe that coins That are functionally useful that are Used in the real world I do not believe Such coins are just going to go to zero

It just doesn't that doesn't compute to Me my investment thesis is that utility Matters and will win the day and I have Invested accordingly and yeah I hold Some crap that I'm I'm a lot of crap That just don't think is going to be for The long call but I also understand for I'm just going to planning on holding it For a market cycle and for a lot of that Stuff lot of stuff I purchased more Recently that is the case well I do Believe and I because there's evidence I Do believe based on historic precedent The asset class will continue to move in Tandem and there will be opportunity for Me to sell this stuff at a higher price So it is the the greater fool Theory Effectively yes absolutely I believe in The greater fool Theory it's a real Theory like it's and of course when People say that oh you just believe in The greater fool Theory like a lot of Times people say that to make fun of you Effectively but I'm like but that's how The humans behave there's data to I can Show you data that will show you humans Behave in this silly way I'm just Choosing to participate and trying to Get mine now as far as you know what I'm Most interested in what I feel safest Holding it's the utility coins of course So yeah xrp CRV H bar great super duper Fantastic so all that to say you know if You want to go Circle back to the

Beginning of the video is xrp dead no I'm not a financial adviser you should Not buy or sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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