Good News XRP HOLDERS! XRP Has SAME STRUCTURE As Previous Cycle, Analyst Proclaims

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I'm going to share with you Perspective from a few analysts Regarding what they think is likely to Happen with xrp and I'll tell you right Now at the outset of this video that There's one analyst in particular who Says guys the setup for what is Happening with xrp right now looks a lot Like 2017 when xrp melted faces surging to The upside to the tune of tens of Thousands of Percent inside of a calendar year it's Pretty fre while and um he says well why Can't we have that happen again Effectively in in in terms of chartwise Have that formation play out and I don't See why it couldn't happen either in Fact this looks exactly like the moment In time uh you that you've seen xrp pop If you just look back literally over the Last decade it's been moments in time Like these where it finally happened but Uh before going further I do want to be Clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun and so Here's a headline from the crypto basic

Xrp targets $22.37 amid potential breakout of Multi-year symmetrical triangle yeah and So I I'll just say this when we do get Our first Surge and mind you for the Last couple Market Cycles there have Been two primary surges There was one in April of 2017 and then Again December of 2017 and then for the Next cycle it started November 2020 and Then also there was one in April of 2021 So you know if you're talking about Targeting anywhere near $237 uh you know if that's the first Surge that sound that doesn't sound Crazy you know and by the way again just Be clear I'm saying Serge I'm talking About the biggest ones the ones where if You look at them on a chart you can see Them there can be other instances you Know throughout you know the rest of the The cycle where there subjectively you Might say well that was a pretty big one I'm not saying that can't happen either I'm just saying let years pass look back On this moment and I won't be surprised If you just see two major moves for xrp That won't surprise me in the least that Would just be history kind of uh rhyming With itself basically but anyway uh this Piece reads as follows xrp is pushing to Break out from a multi-year symmetrical Triangle a move which could trigger a Major Bull Run for the coin xrp's price

Action remains one of the most watched Uh per Top Market analyst world of Charts asset is still attempting to Breach the 62 Cent resistance region of The multi-year symmetrical triangle this Week xrp managed to break free from the Triangle when it touched 67 cents but Could not sustain the momentum based on The influencer of the influence rather Of the broader markets volatility yeah And so you may recall what happened with Bitcoin when it first peaked above its Uh it alltime High a few days ago oh my God holy liquidations everybody gets Flushed out whole Market goes down Including xrp so is what it is that's Really not a big deal I mean for the People that got liquidated probably kind Of a big deal but for the rest of us who Aren't playing with fire we're just like Right uh mean we shouldn't have Emotional response there anyway and so Here's the chart that they referencing From um analyst world of charts and this Is just an xrp price chart here and I Wanted to highlight this because it's Just another example this is the the Strikingly similar analysis I keep Seeing from analyst after analyst after Analyst and you just you don't normally See that having been in the xrp Community and been in crypto for over Six years now you don't normally see This many analysts agreeing roughly

Speaking on what's about to happen that That is super Rare um so anyway he says here xrp still Trying to clear multi-year symmetrical Triangle expecting successful breakout Soon uh after successful breakout Expecting massive bullish wave in coming Months so you know I don't know how long We're going to have to wait to see the First burst to the upside but uh I don't Think it's going to be that much longer Because you can see you can see why I Have the level of confidence I have Right I don't normally talk like this I Mean you you know that if uh if you've Been follow me but this this is the Environment where this stuff happens Like this actually is it and everything Is so perfectly tuned for xrp to just Rip to the upside and melt Faes then we have this from chart Analyst JT and this one's fascinating to me Because he's he's basically saying uh This looks like 2017 so here's what he Wrote xrp monthly xrp always moves less I got to pause right there real quick You know I was actually thinking about This Recently and um and I've even said stuff Like that like xrp always moves last but It's more like historically there's Precedent to believe that it's probable It's going to move last because a lot of

Times it has in the past but what Actually happened last Market cycle did It move last not like it did in 2017 so Obviously we already know we had it had Its first move um in uh in in November Of 2020 but Um but the second move again that so That was April of 2021 And you know had it been the case that Bitcoin's high which I think at that Point H um before cratering back down I Think that was May I can't remember like A week week and a half in uh to May of 2021 had that actually been the final High for the cycle of Bitcoin I would Have been like yeah was kind of blasting Off pretty close to the end but what Actually happened well Bitcoin cratered To the downside I can't remember how low It got didn't it get into the 30,000 I Can't I'd have to look at a chart again Just devastatingly low compared to where It was right cuz it it peaked out I Think somewhere around 65,000 in May of 2021 but then it popped off in November Of 2021 for a final High closer to $69,000 anyway uh xrp did not Rally it Didn't have a third rally closer to that So it actually moved sooner now granted Last cycle it didn't hit a new all-time High but it was also under attack by the SEC like exer beholders under assault by The SEC so that part isn't surprising if

Not for that when xrp ran in April 2021 That probably would have been the moment Where it would would have hit a new Alltime high but we didn't get that but Either way so set that aside the fact That we didn't get the new alltime high Because that that was just artificial Interference look at when it ran though So all that to say I'm just kind of Saying it's possible that we could see Xrp moves dramatically higher and even To a new all-time high sooner uh than Later um it's it's not the thing that I I' suppose is most probable but I'm just All that to say I suppose it's possible And um if anybody surmises that's that's More likely I I can't really argue with You I mean I wouldn't say that it's more Likely than you know maybe F having a Final Blast Off towards the end of the Market cycle because there's more History indicating that's probable but It's not impossible like we we could see Our life-changing wealth even sooner Than what history would have you suspect Might be most likely anyway the JT Continues and he says xrp has the exact Same structure as its prior accumulation Phase if xrp can pull a 4,000% move on Its last cycle pump why can't it do it Do a a on10th of that this cycle and so I think that's a good point you shared This this chart here but you're not Asking for for much and plus since you

Already know that you should know if you Know each cycle has broadly speaking Diminishing returns because once there's More money in a cryptocurrency uh it's Harder to get a multiplier effect of two 2x 3x 4X so on and so forth so you you Wouldn't necessarily expect you know Tens of thousands of percentage increase In xrp but is it crazy to think what he St like this is like as far as I'm Concerned this is very grounded in Reality right here if you're talking About 1, 1400% 4,000% something like That that's completely plausible and I'm Not making a price prediction because I Do not know what the price will be I I Don't know what's going to happen but That sounds absolutely safely within the Realm of possibilities right and so Again with the setup looking like it did In 2017 uh even if though we know that the Returns won't be the same as that cycle Because there's more money and xrp a lot More in it now than there was back in The beginning of 2017 so what my God in The scheme of things not that much money In it because like xrp being a large cap Coin with about a $35 billion market cap In the future that that level of market Cap might be considered a midcap or a Small cap once the asset class gets way Way way bigger so we can still get Incredible life-changing wealth even

From a large cap like xrp if it takes Off um and then there's also this from Amb crypto is an altcoin rally in the Works what eth xrp and salana can tell You and um I don't want to read the Whole thing especially not the parts Where they're talking about eth and Salana uh but they go on to articulate Why things look good for all three coins And here's the part that they were Talking about for xrp they're Acknowledging that frankly things are Looking more on the bullish side for Everything and they note here uh the Bullish trend is certainly intact for Xrp they say the tokens RSI and cmf also Went up on top of that the tokens macd Displayed a bullish advantage in the Market not only that but bullish Sentiment around the token also went up In the recent past which was evident From the hike and its weighted sentiment But its social dominance fell last week Considering all these metrics and Indicators whether eth salana and xrp Manage to start an altcoin rally will be Interesting to watch and so again I'm Just Highlighting I can't find analysts Unless they're they're known xrp haters I can't find analysts that don't think Xrp is going to do Something I mean you can find like Either so the ones that say that they

Won't they're again either xrp haters or They fly by night individuals or brand New the space or stuff like that I can't Find any you know established reputable Analyst out there is like yeah xpiece is Not going to do anything I I can't find It if there you think there would be Someone out there with that position and Maybe I just haven't found it that's Plausible but even if you show me that Perspective from that individual I'd Still say okay you found the outlier Cool you know what's that mean that's That's if if each analyst is a data Point that's one data point Like that's that's not what people think Is most likely to occur here and as far As the social dominance falling For xrp over last week over the over a Shortterm time period like that I Honestly don't think it matters Especially when other stuff is popping Off you wait until xrp starts running That social dominance score through the Roof that's always what happens it seems Obvious but like I thought I should Mention that just in case anybody was Wondering what the social dominance has Yeah but that's because it's not popping Yet wait until it goes that's one where You know you don't really typically see It high unless something's actually Happening in the moment so it all that To say this thing is freaking teed

Up don't know exactly how long it's Going to take but we are just we're We're about there it is so close and It's been such a long journey to get Here it's so satisfying just having the Conviction that it's actually going to Happen and I really do like I just to me I I barely consider that it won't that Just wouldn't make sense unless we don't Have an ALT like if the alt season if You well if you want to call it that Whatever is happening right now if it Just ends out of nowhere okay I guess uh But other than that no that doesn't that Doesn't compute to me so sit tight Because it's about to be a lot of fun Here I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy yourself anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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