Ripple Has Became A Bank & XRP Will NEVER Have To Be Sold By Ripple AGAIN! Israel/Iran Tensions




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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this Is the bearable bull Here and I got this aggressively average Content for you today as guys we have to Discuss a couple very important things Before we get into the meat and potatoes For the Day this political context is very Important we are on the brink of World War II if it hasn't even started already Joe Biden expects Iran to attack Israel Sooner than Later and remember when Waters above Predicted a war themed week of the April 8th Eclipse all I'm asking you to do is to Pay Attention as tensions are heightening More and more this Week this is important because if we're Deciphering the lizard talk and Projecting these events accurately then We can get a better sense of what to Expect on the world stage and guys we Are about to find out if war and this War theme is good or bad for Crypto personally speaking I'm perab Bilish on crypto right now and I do Think that war will positively affect The crypto Market that does not mean I Am pro war I'm just reporting what I Think is going to happen Now ladies and Gentlemen as you can see the crypto Market has pulled back and there was an

Aggressive pull back in the market Generally speaking yesterday and in my Personal opinion that's oh so important Because now because of all the leverage In Crypto these crashes happen a lot faster Than they used To and we could be in the territory Where we have seen the downside already And this could lead to an inevitable Uptrend specifically for xrp I am so Bullish on this asset right now in Particular and I'm going to explain to You Why I believe I'm starting to see the Vision for xrp post this SEC case very Clearly and I want you all to understand That Ripple is going to be becoming a Bank and and of itself very soon they Have the custody solution and and now The xrp Ledger native lending protocol Proposal is up for Review lending for xrp is going to be Massive this would further expand defi Capabilities and this is one of the Biggest things I've seen coming to The Xrp Ledger yet with amm's now live with The bug Fixes this is going to create the Perfect xrp storm for Price Action imagine if Ripple's doing this Now as maybe and those settlement talks They had with the SEC the other day as You guys all saw from Ripple's Brad

Garling house going into the New York SEC Ripple settlement Talks you guys remember this Photo so now that we understand that These settlement discussions have been Had what happens Now I think Ripple is Reacting this xrp Ledger lending Protocol is going to be the way Ripple Will be able to instead of sell to Institutions lend out xrp to Institutions isn't this Amazing are you guys seeing the Picture Ripple has about half of the xrp Supply a little Less and imagine the war chest of profit They're sitting on if they can just lend Out xrp into infinity and beyond and That could be the settlement that is Required by the SEC I mean let's put it to you straight Guys the SEC looks like an abomination In this case this was an official piece Of evidence provided by the SEC and the Ripple case for why xrp should be a Security a tweet of Randy from South Park balls being shoved in a wheelbarrow I you not this was inlegal Paperwork to the xrp community you Should be Heated this is Unbelievable they are looking at your Twitter and posting your memes in legal Paperwork this is the incompetence of

The SEC so now that they've been Thoroughly discredited with more Evidence that they've provided in legal Paperwork Ladies and gentlemen this is actually an Abomination I don't know if you've Really gone through the memes provided In this legal paperwork they have Stone Cold Steve Austin Anyways I think Ripple is thinking Ahead xrp and this lending Amendment Could be the game Cher and in regards to Price this increased usage for xrp with The lack of selling pressure on xrp will Be the Future Ripple won't have to sell its xrp Anymore and I can't stress this enough Next ladies and gentlemen we have the Narrative that I pointed out in my 100 Reasons why video of US bank failures There will be a Leman 2.0 and I want you To be on bank failure watch over the Next couple weeks this is a very very Important narrative that you need to Follow as this could be a catalyst for a Number of these Technologies going Parabolic and beginning to get adopted Now something else I want to bring up is The fact that eth gate is heating up Unbelievably on Twitter Steven naov and James o'keef has have had an interview Discussing the eth gate Allegations and the conversation about

The conflicts of interest between the C And the ethereum foundation is heating Up in real time the facts are coming out There's water behind the damn and the Xrp community continues to be Vindicated On Everything we were right about Ripple And xrp not being involved with fraud in Any way not being deemed a security E Gate is being found to be factual and Yet the general crypto Community likes To ignore xrp allcoin daily yet to this Day will never acknowledge rior xrp in a Positive light at all not even once and Yet he wants to remain credible as old Coin daily first they came for binance You Say then Coinbase now Unis swap my friend first They came for ripple we warned every Single person in crypto they were going To come for everyone else the XR P Army Got ignored tweeting into the void Understanding that truth will prevail And Float to the top and like clockwork We were right are you all beginning to See the picture the writing is on the Wall and you need to understand this now Guys I'm going to play a video of Shawn Lee discussing the very real possibility Of a Bitcoin and ethereum ETF being Launched at the same time in Hong Kong And if that is in fact the case the Crypto Market is going to grow

Exponentially crypto is an international Crossborder Global phenomena it's not Just dependent on America and the United States the rest of the world is ready For crypto whether the US likes it or Not and Shaun Lee discusses the very Real likelihood of this double ETF Approval from Hong Kong so it remains to Be seen whether it is Monday or you know Or or other days uh at which these Amendments would be made uh but Certainly I I do understand and and Believe that the regulator have been Preparing for this for some time and we Will see whether these announcements Come into the the forway now one more Thing if I if I may add uh the launch of Bitcoin ETF uh is not a surprise um the The addition of ether uh or eth into the Into the launch plan that indeed could Be a surprise right obviously as we know In the US uh such approval has not gone Through yet and uh and there are some Jurisdictions around the world that are Progressing throughout that direction But Hong Kong if uh they do approve for Bitcoin and ether uh ETF at the same Time that would certainly be a first uh Around various different jurisdictions In the world now ladies and gentlemen as We saw that ETF news coming from Hong Kong let's stay in touch with what's Happening here in the United States Here crypto posted this video of Anthony

Pompano interviewing Robbie Mitnik at black Rock's next potential ETF Robbie has stated it's Overwhelmingly Bitcoin as their number One focus a little bit in ethereum as They have an application already ready And very very little everything Else ladies and gentlemen the very very Little and everything else is Xrp and just for your own information The person answering the questions is Robbie mitnik former Ripple by the way And current head of digital assets for Black Rock remember under every single Financial rock you look Under Ripple when xrp is There imagine being being someone who Holds xrp hearing ETF talks from Black Rock representatives and knowing that The head of digital assets for the Largest asset manager on the plany Worked at Ripple put two and two Together and pay the attention Should we expect Black Rock to now go From Bitcoin you know kind of building This fund On ethereum and Here Comes Everything else and as Mike said you Know dog with hat is going to be the Next fun you guys launch like how do you Think about what that fund is and then Kind of like the long taale of these Assets crypto Twitter would would love To believe that dog with hat ETF is

Coming next I actually don't know what Dog with hat even is didn't get that Reference but um you know that answers That Question what what I can say is that um For our client Base it is Bitcoin overwhelmingly number One their Focus a little bit in ethereum And very very little everything else and When you think about it in terms of you Know various metrics and dimensions I Mean Bitcoin 52% of the market cap of The whole asset class ethereum but 17ish Today maybe 18 and the next that is even Sort of investable is like three right Uh and so there just Worlds Apart there In terms of you know track record Liquidity product Market fit investor Narrative Clarity all the these things Right so that's where um I think there's Some misplaced uh speculation that There's going to be a long tail of of Others from us and that's really not Where we're focused Now ladies and Gentlemen as we heard from Mr Mitnik there's very little attention Black Rock has outside of Bitcoin and Ethereum but the very little attention Black Rock has in my opinion is an xrp As it's the only digital asset with Full-blown Clarity in the United States It's one and I believe a big thing that Black rock is waiting for before an ETF

For xrp can be filed is the conclusion Of this case and with that being said I Have to give everyone a brief Announcement the other day I posted that I believed an xrp ETF filing by Black Rock would occur and it hasn't in the Time frame I gave my sincere apologies As I believed and the source that was Putting out there a lot more than I Should have and I told you like I said Before I'll say again I don't need some Random anons with 100 followers on Twitter saying oh bull you should you Should be accountable I'm utterly Self-accountable my Friends the reason I even brought it up In the first place is because April has Been a major time frame in which we have Been talking about on this very Channel Since 2022 being a bull run moment for Xrp and I'm looking for Price catalysts I'm looking for xrp Price narratives do You guys sense the feeling in the air Currently I'm making this video about 6 Hours apart between the first and second Half of this video and we've since Crashed a little bit since earlier today With xrp at 47 cents at Bitcoin at 64k and all this means to me is that This is the final knocked down in price Before the massive Pump ladies and gentlemen the having is Approaching that's bullish for crypto we Have seen Mass liquidations we have

Flushed leverage out of the system That's bullish for Crypto we sat here on this channel Earlier today talking about Israel Iran Tensions heightening and Iran has Retaliated with strikes Already the war narrative Waters above Has predicted post eclipse is 100% Happening in real time and there is Still the Putin Scenario at play in the Background that all being said ladies And gentlemen I believe I deserve a Little Grace in regards to the xrp ETF Prediction I made and the reason is Because in the speculation that we make On this Channel while we may miss time when These events could happen happen I don't Think many people question that an xrp ETF is on the Horizon we have the xrp price chart Relative to bitcoin at alltime lows and I do believe that blockchain backer is Right in his reporting that the current Pullback is somewhat similar to the Covid 2020 style Crash in addition credible crypto shows How over the past four years there is This trend line That we have hit as massive support Recently and we haven't fallen out Of I believe we are at the end of the Road for xrp's Price

Suppression and for the most Part it truly is only up from Here we saw the Ripple USD stablecoin News break the automated market makers News break with bug fix is going live Again Ripple's lending amendment is on The Horizon and all of this in my opinion Makes for The Perfect xrp Storm now in addition guys I had Mentioned in my only fans at thee barable bowl that I Had posted a couple cryptos actually That I was Perma bullish on but I waited A little bit of time to post it because We were experiencing a pullback in C Crypto so now you have a much better Entry point in some of the cryptos I Discussed in there I highly recommend You look into it as I believe it's going To be worth your wild as yet again I'm Going to let you know at the top of my Lungs that despite the pullback we've Seen in the Jupiter price I am a big Believer in this token this is nothing But a better opportunity you're welcome In advance and in the midst of my haters Saying oh we were right the bull His prediction was wrong I'll Simultaneously give myself some flowers Because if I don't do it and nobody else Will ladies and gentlemen while the Crypto Market has been pulling back I've Been profiting 15x from my 25c propy

Call that went up to $3.75 partial profits were taken before The pullback in price today and those Profits were completely rotated Xrp a 15x executed on mentees taken care Of in regard to this profit taking Strategy and this is how you make the Big boy multipliers in this Space how is it that the El Toro local Haters can claim I was wrong on a Prediction which I was but then Simultaneously don't acknowledge the Money we're Making you know my friends I spoke with Waters of above in our last podcast Episode how frustrating it is being in Crypto and making content because even Though I may be wrong on a call we're Still making Money and all I ever wanted to do is Make sure all of you make money even if You're incorrect and that's exactly what We're Doing isn't that Unbelievable this is the type of game we Need to Play it's only a Win-win this channel specifically is Dedicated to crypto Philosophy different topics Universal Concepts geopolitical Events and trust me when I say my Friends the thing I spend the least Amount of time on is chart

Analysis all I do is invest during Peak Bear markets most of my money and weight That's a system I've been able to repeat Time and time again and look at the Fruits of my Labor now guys I have yet another little Opportunity for all of you to help open Your perspectives I was told by a friend That in a couple days Jupiter and Uranus Will be conjoining to make a planetary Alignment that's apparently bullish for The crypto space the planet of luck and Financial expansion converging with the Planet of surprises Apparently this means updates and Technology Financial systems shaking Things up perspective Building and the fact that this is on a 420 Day means we need to smoke a little bit Of xrp cush for breakfast my Friends I'm for all of it and the xrp Space I'm for all of it in the crypto Space embrace the culture my Hooligans And Delinquents as I hope you're all having A fantastic Day I wouldn't want to be one of those People betting against Jupiter heading into this Jupiter Uranus Conjunction that's all I have to Say you know to buy as much xrp as Possible if you haven't bought any Jupiter already this is one of those

Opportunities of a lifetime to Accumulate And just so you're all made Aware you don't want to miss another Proy ladies and gentlemen we're up on Most of our bags right Now but xrp and Jupiter are some that Are still there for the Taking I hope this video finds all the People that were meant to receive It and I genuinely appreciate every Single one of You now guys to cap off this video for Today I'm going to give you a gentle Reminder to purchase your offline Hardware Wally and I've been Recommending desent as my primary go-to Offline Hardware Wally in the light of Ledger letting us down with security Hacks and also thirdparty seed phas Storage I do not agree and that's why I've shifted most of my crypto into Descent if you want a discount on your Wallets that link is down in the Description Below and I highly recommend you all Take Advantage ladies and gentlemen this is The barable bull Here thanks for tuning In as always I appreciate every single One of You now I'll be back tomorrow With another video


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