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Multi-millionaires will be made in Crypto but a big butt if you don't do it Correctly those multi-millions could end Up to be zero so in today's video we're Going to break down how hot this Market Is getting and how close we're getting Remember first they resisted then they Sue it then they regulate it then they Join it now we're moving into the Regulation and joining phase in 2024 to 2025 is going to be one of the greatest Parabolic moves in this asset class Called crypto but you have to have a Game plan this is your one shot one Opportunity to secure your family's Timeline remember a bunch of people got Rich in 2022 and came collapsing down 85% so we have to know the game so we Can't be played my name is coach JB what I work to do is make very complex macro And microeconomic strategies very simple So the normal everyday person can Implement them I demystify all this Stuff so that we can practically apply It to our life so we can be part of the One %c and protect our families so I Have a couple resources for you number One is an absolutely free book is 16 Page guide on exactly what I go over on The back end of video exactly what I'm Doing and number two is setting up a Free consultation with my license Insurance team to teach you how to Secure your wealth in tier one Capital

Tax code 7702a ironically was created when the Federal Reserve was created 1913 it's How the wealthy secure compound and grow Their wealth and PLL at retirement Taxfree I like to secure my principle With this volatile market and I want to Make sure I get my profits and secure it So in the description of this video or In my social media platform you can set Up a free consultation okay so let's Dive Right In man Gary Gensler our buddy Here um is starting to change his tone a Little bit so we're GNA watch most of This actually we're going to watch all Of it so bear with me get your pen and Paper out what I like to do is I like to See how the the tone changes okay so now Gary genser was talking about Cryptocurrency he's still going to say It's Rife with manipulation but his tone Is starting to change a little bit right Because his friends and black rock are In there now remember he's vying for his Next job guys that's what he's doing He's just going to make decisions based On the next role that he's going to get Jay Clayton made a decision to put a Case out against Ripple right to put the Case against Ripple well the company he Went to consult for was increasing their Position in Bitcoin and ethereum just a Month earlier right one River capital And now Jay Clayton sits on the bank

Bailing committee board guys they're all Vying for the next job that's what They're doing that's why I tell you guys You have to have game plan you have to Know the game so you don't get played Wall Street will win 100% of the time so Let's narrate through this video or it's Going to be an8 minute video so we'll go Through it and then I'm going to show You another interview from uh grce scale And we're here team this is it we just Got to get ready this is our Super Bowl That's right now on the set for the First time to talk about Bitcoin and a Lot more is SEC chair Gary genser good Morning good morning good to be with you So it's a it's a month later and I think We're all curious about how you think This is going Uh not just in terms of what's happened To the price but in terms of what you Think is happening inside this market And and and whether you think it's quote Unquote working well look we V we focus On investor protection and of course the Issuers raising money so this product We've you focus on investor protection But you met with FTX before it collapsed Interesting and ripple tried to meet With you multiple times before you Initiated the case against them had Similar products in gold and silver ETFs you call them they're technically Exchange traded products um and uh we

Approved a group of about 11 at one time This was not the first way you could buy Or Express a risk in Bitcoin um but as we like to say we're Merit neutral uh this was not we're Merit neutral but he keeps telling you How risky it is we're Merit neutral how Risky it is he keeps trying to Manipulate the public to think that it's Risky it's supposed to be investor Protection Wall Street doesn't want Main Street involved in any way like an Approval of Bitcoin that existed it's Just how to trade it in these exchange Traded products um we've had uh both a Futures-based ether and Bitcoin ETF uh You know before and I'm curious sort of How you think that this is going to Impact the price of these things given That by the way interestingly was it Pomp who was just on Anthony Pomano was Just on earlier this weekend was saying That so few Bitcoins are actually moving This is so important so important this Is why he's so against this asset class It is they can't print it okay the Supply is not moving only like 20% of The supply is left it is going to go Parabolic and what we should think of That in Merit neutral I I think it's a Little less than Neutral Chairman it almost was we we called it Grudgingly uh when you finally got from

From the court case sort of forced in is It really just neutral or wasn't there a Little bit of a we're not sure about This thing and let me say it this way Yeah we're Merit neutral if somebody's Complying with the laws okay so they're Giving full fair and truthful Disclosures to them now all of a sudden He's Merit neutral when black Rock's Involved now interesting right now he's Merit neutral now we're Merit neutral They were telling you this stuff is a Pet rock it's rat poison it's the worst He's the head MIT Professor he was the Head MIT professor at at MIT for Cryptocurrency and this guy's going to Go in on him at the back end the American public who gets to decide on Their Investments but you're so smart You're at MIT and people listen to your What you think about Bitcoin and it is Troublesome to some to me if I if I look At it and I see all the merits of it and Someone that taught about it and Understands it seems to have an opinion That maybe it's I don't know pet rock or Something I get your I get your words About pet rocks and so forth but I think We also have an investor education Responsibility at the SEC particularly About those uh Investments that are Non-compliant with either the Securities Laws or commod Commodities laws and so Forth so here we have an asset class all

Of these 152,000 crypto tokens y many of which Without prejudging anyone many of which Are actually something called investment Contracts or Securities and the Platforms upon which you trade the Intermediaries they're not like in this Building NASDAQ that's that that has Protections and against fraud Manipulation and the like um just seeing People lose their shirt on NASDAQ you They're saying oh NASDAQ is is up and up Man the the the markets are up and up The 401K so many people retiring wealthy With the 401K guys we're just rocket it Here in America everybody's retiring Wealthy and we're good to go guys it's The point that why I'm being factious Around this is you know what Gary Gensler is saying is that the American Public obviously you indoctrinated us so We don't understand about money we don't Understand how money works so therefore You now put investor Protections in Place because you didn't teach us how Money works you don't want us to learn How money works you don't want us to Take risk ourselves and start to Understand what money truly is which Money is debt that's all it is and all The feds do is monetize debt and what You do is you bury the American public In debt you let them take a loan for 74 Months you let them do non-income stated

Loans from 26 to 28 you're not trying to Protect us you're not trying to educate Us you're trying to manipulate us so That Wall Street continues to carry all The money because there's risk there's Risk in Investments but what we try to Do as a society is take some of the Fraud and manipulation risk out of the Markets by regulation is is that the Problem though it's not necessarily Bitcoin Bitcoin the underlying asset but More the froth and the potential for Frauders to use it that has this is a Field Becky that's been uh Rife with Fraud and manipulation and look at all The bankruptcies and you've you've had On this set people talking about those Various bankruptcies and it's not just One but you met with FTX guys you met With FTX before they filed like you met With FTX before they Collapsed like and we saw all the Political involvement in that stuff guys Like we have to take our the wool off Our eyes guys you have to start and this Is not against anybody we have to start Take sovereignty of our own wealth Entity it's entity after entity after Entity and then investors are just Lining up in the bankruptcy Court what do you make of this goes to The underlying piece of this you've Heard uh Jamie Diamond say that he would Close it down that basically Bitcoin

You've seen the comments right it's not Just that he closed down that he would Say it's you know used by drug dealers And used by folks who are doing all Sorts of elicit and Terrible Things There's very few things that trade today That people talk about like that now There are obviously frauds and things That happen but maybe not like this like The dollar is like 100 times more I know That's your perspective but I'm Just like you said that's your Perspective no he's right the dollar is A hundred times more used for money Laundering it's a Ponzi scheme we've all Been put into a Ponzi scheme the Government doesn't have our money the Banks don't have your money guys the Banks don't have your money if you Walked in and asked for $300,000 they Got to order that the banks don't have Your money money just like in 1971 they Didn't have our gold they don't have our Money there's no money in the system the Dollar is used for fraudulent activities I'm curious how you think about that That's true though this is how much has Been money laundered with Bitcoin this Is how much this is Bitcoin this is do This is dollar yes Joe look here's the Jamie Diamond quote the only true use Case for it is for criminals drug Traffickers money laundering and tax Avoidance I know but we have a guess

Opinion we have a guess this is Important guys because now Gary Gensler At the back end of this is going to say That it is more centralized than we Think that's weird I thought Bitcoin was Decentralized that's why you wanted to Shut it down now you're going to tell us It's which one is it centralized Decentralized security non-security Commodity which one is it Gary Gensler Isn't this what your job is to do what You guys are here to do but your Wishy-washy back and forth I don't do Wishy-washy when people are trying to Control my finances yes Joe what what What is your opinion and what is your Opinion that we have some something Trading on the exchange for the public That has this type of use case at least As as described by President one of Leading Market in it's the leading Market share in ransomware uh and that's Publicly known you know it's the it's The the token of choice for ransomware Joe if I can say the US dollar the EUR The Yen you have the whole uh Society Using it as a medium of exchange we buy Our cups of coffee as I see here um we Get paid in dollars or Yen or Euro and You have a whole Central Bank and and Support for key he's telling you the System guys they're going to pull it all Underneath the central bank they have a Central bank a central intermediary

Right first they resist it then they sue It then they regulate it then they join It they're working to pull it under Underneath the centralized system that's Why I believe 2024 to 2025 is going to Be a massive Bull Run and as regulation Comes in this is going to get normalized Like this S&P one currency generally per Economic region that we don't have here So there is a very real economic Difference which is part of part of the Attraction since it's decentralized and And you can't have you can't have a Propagate Central Bank it's not that Decentralized well what I thought that's The whole point it was decentralized and It wasn't couldn't be controlled or Regulated but now he's saying it's Centralized I know you're saying because Of the ETFs but but but really not Decentralized because look how Finance Tends toward centralization since Antiquity so what do we have we have a Handful of three to six core so-called Crypto the asset itself the way that you Know the the he just explained what they Don't like we have a core of a couple Crypto exchanges they don't like that They don't like that guys I guarantee You Chase Bank of America Wells Fargo is Eventually going to start cusing crypto CH uh C uh coinbase is going to become a Bank kraken's going to become a bank Ripple's going to become a bank and it's

Going to be a centralized system at some Point That's How The Ledger and now how Many times do you have people on this Show that say I want to invest in Something because how the books and Records are kept I mean Joe really they Should you it's just an accounting Ledger a clever LG everyone has that Everyone has and can't be double counted It it's it's almost immutable that's That's why people think it has you trust It more than an Oracle database or you Trust it trust more than a lot the the Bitcoin bull say they trusted a lot more Than than the central bank that that Enables the the fiscal authorities to Spend money to the tune to $33 trillion That's why they're pissed right there we Do trust it more than the central banks That were created in 1913 the Federal Reserve was created 1930 on Jackal Island which they changed her name which Was a group of Bankers that became a Bank for the banks and ever since the Federal reservers in Creed in 1913 the Dollar has literally collapsed like of Course we trust it more of course we're Trying to take sovereignty of our wealth Of course we're working to uh get our Money out of this fake currency into you Know crypto's fake currency too guys We're moving fake currency that's why I Have an extremely strict Exit Plan That's why I put my money in tier one

Capital that's that's everybody's Investment choice but and then I think About how many things can be used in a Delerious way of course but That doesn't that has nothing to do with The underlying thing that you're using Itself I mean I can go run a car into a Parade and and run over you know 40 that Doesn't mean like we shouldn't have cars Does it no no no you you should have Cars I wasn't gonna use guns because God I don't want to trigger so to speak Anyone on the set but but but when the Use case of a particular thing that You're buying and selling as an Investment is just speculative Investment how many of the 90% of the People that own Bitcoin are using it for Ransomware for there must be well there Must be another use case that makes it So attractive to so many people spea Investing right speculative investing That's that's what okay let me ask a Separate question which is just to Pivot This because I think the next sort of Order event question is what happens to Ethereum for those in the crypto World They all want to know how you're Thinking about that and really if Ethereum is a security you know how does That analysis differ from how you would Think about Bitcoin I I watch watch what We did in January was cabin to one set Of filings we have other filings you're

Absolutely right uh in front of us but I'm I'm not going to prejudge it for you Or the audience that's something that a Five member commission God he just Avoids every single question that's Asked man it's like these are the guys Controlling your monetary system these Are the guys are doing investor Protection so we're going to watch a Short part of this video I know this is Going long but my point behind this guys Is some people are going to go from Thousand to Millionaires and you have to Have an Exit Plan you Wall Street is Going to make their money they're going To win 100% of the time when this [ __ ] Goes parabolic they're going to be Pulling profits hard do not be the exit Liquidity two questions number one how Is the tracking are they accurately Tracking Bitcoin that's what the viewers Want to know and how are the flows what Kind of investor interest are you Getting so the tracking has been really Remarkable we've seen uh the Bitcoin ETFs really doing a great job of holding Very tight bit ass spreads tracking the Funds NASA values very tightly and we've Seen a liquidity profile that has been Indicative of what we anticipated we've Got a 10-year track record and over a Million investors and you know over 20 Billion in assets so we're seeing Exactly what we anticipated are you

Happy with the flows because what I Noticed you had 26 billion you were the Leader of the pack you had an existing Fund you converted in I see about six Billion in in outflows not bad um modest Inflows into the rest of them are you Are you happy with where you are right Now you've got about 20 okay I'm just Going to pause it right here he goes Into it it's going to get too long if I Continue this on but I want you to see This here we got grayscale Black Rock Investco Fidelity which is the largest Uh holder of 401ks Arc investment 21 Shares dive into 21 shares Franklin Templeton haex Valerie bitwise and wise Tree and benck Guys these are some of The largest asset managers in the world Okay so now we Wall Street are playing With the big boys okay we're playing With the the big boys so if we're going To play with the big boys and big girls Moving the big money we have to put the Same hat they on the same hat they have On Okay you have to get out of the Indoctrinated mindset of get rich Quick what goes up is going to come down Really really hard this isn't regulated Right now so that's their whole Narrative guys that's their whole Narrative okay problem reaction solution Whoever creates a problem creates a Reaction the people comes up with the

Solution ution so the problem will be Okay now the etf's come in it's going to Get extremely volatile it's going to go Up really heavy on the back end of the Year and then it's going to come Collapsing down we need regulation we Need regulation C public we told you It's not safe and then boom here comes a Centralization the banks are going to Come in they're going to normalize it We're all going to forget about 2024 and 2022 and 2021 20 all that [ __ ] and then We're going to be like oh okay and then We're going to be in this new System this is an opportunity for you to Free your family okay here's what I'm Doing so I have a very very robust Crypto portfolio across different Platforms okay across uh uh uh payment Tokens supply chain gaming exchange Tokens and basically what I'm doing is As it goes up I'm holding 50% of my Portfolio longterm moonbag okay I'm Going to exit 50% so we'll say that's The 100% okay I'm using Merlin we Created Merlin 30,000 lines of 36,000 Lines of code we built it so you can Have an exit plan you can see what's Going on with the markets right now like Right now bitcoin's up 5.7% okay you can See the market is green right now it Gives you all your daily gains and Losses it's an interface you can also Set up an exit plan so as it's going up

I'm pulling profits and I'll explain a Question that keeps coming up on YouTube I'm pulling profits and I'm putting it In tier one Capital Tax code 7702a I'm securing my principal I can Borrow against it taxfree okay and I'm Compounding at about 6 to 12% every Seven years here's the thing people like What if the US dollar guys the Dollar's Not going to collapse tomorrow it's it's Not going to collapse it's it's going to Be a transition to a new monetary system Okay the dollar if the dollar collapses And insurance collapses you should be Ready for a zombie apocalypse what I'm Doing is I'm getting my money out of Fiock fake right and I'm putting it into Insurance into more of my businesses I'm Putting into tangible things that I can Hold and I'm diversifying so if one Sector Falls the other sector picks up Okay so I'm I'm not just relying on Crypto everybody's waiting for crypto to Be the retirement that's one of the Worst mistakes you can make as I've been Holding crypto and accumulating I've Been building businesses I've been Building equity and companies I've been Solving big problems for Humanity I've Increasing my earned income with the Increase in earned income I don't let it Sit in the bank I put it either in Cryptocurrency a spective Asset Risk Weight it within crypto diversification

And then I'm Max funding my index Universal life policy until the back end Of this year from there I can borrow Against my policies okay I can buy get More policies when they're Max funded There's all these different things that I can do also I'm going to be getting Into real estate for tax liabilities Right for more future gain things like That so I think it's important for us to Really number one is develop financial Literacy you have to rewire the Foundation you have to get out of the Indoctrination system then you have to Learn financial literacy what is money What is money what does it represent Number two or number three after that You got to develop Financial discipline You got to develop a budget you got to Make sure that you understand how money Works number four am I skipping one Number four then we got to learn how to Earn right so when we make money how do We earn money off of our money and Number five once you earn money you have To learn to protect your money and That's what we've been teaching people In our Warrior Academy okay so I'm going To share this one more time and then I'm Going to bring it up again on Monday Because we have tons of interviews Coming in so we have an interview Process right now for my four-week Webinar series okay week one is my

Cryptocurrency allocation my exact Portfolio week two is how to get in and Out of the markets how to use Merlin how To do all these different things week Three is I break down my strategies Business insurance precious metals and We give you access to all the resources So you're not looking all over the place And week four has been our most popular As you meet with my trust attorney and Teaches you about I use the Rockefeller Waterfall system mine's Al almost Completely set up um I have three Different trusts I think one year Revocable and one revocable two Revocable um and so he'll break that Down for you I'm not an expert in trust That's why we bring the experts to you Okay then you have access to all the People then from there every single Month starting in March I'll be meeting With that group and I'll be explaining Exactly what I'm doing every single Month okay so it'll be a group of people We come together I explain to you Exactly what I'm doing you don't have to Do it but at least you know what I'm Doing and what I'm learning and the Mistakes that I've made and how I'm Continuing to improve and continuing to Increase my goal is to increase my Earned income every single quarter put That into assets that I can get profit From take the profit put it into things

That I can secure and I can borrow Against taxfree to keep the process Going so if you want to join that Webinar series if you click the Description down below um there'll be a Link and you have to apply for it then You'll go through an interview process Please do not set up an interview if you Are not serious about um meeting with Our team they're uh limited to amount of Interviews we have a ton of interviews Up until Monday so make sure you get Your scheduled and please show up to Your appointment because we have we have Almost a overflow of interviews coming In right now so we love you guys we Appreciate you as we always say Warriors Rise get your [ __ ] together let's [Music] Go


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