Crypto is now Becoming a Legit Asset!

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Crypto is now becoming a legit asset Class when in 2017 to about 2022 they told you it was rat poison Used for money laundering and your asset Managers and your financial advisers Told you to run for the hills When Anybody mentioned cryptocurrency but now As we sit the Wild Wild West has calmed Down and now we're getting regulation a Bitcoin ETF but I have a huge huge Caution for you first they resist it Then then they sue it then they regulate It then they join it we're in the Regulation and joining phase which will Take a couple years and during that time It's going to be extremely volatile Remember how do you get people to react Through emotions so if you want to get This through the central banks and Through the centralized systems then you Got to create a problem right so the Next Bull Run I believe is going to be One of the greatest opportunities for People to make a lot of money in Cryptocurrency but if you don't have an Exit Plan and you don't have a plan Outside of cryptocurrency you're going To be one of the victims of the collapse Like 2022 so in today's video I'm going To break down my narrative not Financial Advice and exactly what I'm doing so my Name is coach JB what I work to do is Make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so

The normal everyday person can Implement Them I keep everything simple there's a Risk pyramid on the left side is high Risk High return you can put crypto Right at the top of that super high risk High return extremely volatile I pull Profits as everybody's coming in so on The back end of 2024 through 2025 I'll Be pulling 50% of my portfolio my Profits from cryptocurrency because I Don't trust the system I'm pulling it Down to the bottom of the risk pyramid And I ensure my wealth I ensure my Family and I ensure my wealth in Insurance-based products so if you want To learn how I do that click the Description down below you can set up a Free consultation with my licens Insurance team or click the bio in my Social media platform set up a free Consultation it's completely separate From my 3 Warrior Academy you can also Join my education Academy where we have Tons of resources to help you live calls All kinds of great stuff uh we've been Helping people since 2020 over 8,000 People have been helped with financial Literacy Financial discipline and Understanding how we did this during These volatile times you can join seven Days for free click the description down Below or my social media platform my Insurance company and the 3T War Academy Are completely separate entities so

Let's Dive Right into this today all Right so we went from cryptocurrencies Of fraud to it being now a legit asset Class but remember guys first they Resist it then they sue it then they Regulate it then they join it okay now We're in regulation and joining phase The great news about that it's going to Be extremely volatile the bad news about That is they want a piece of the pie so How let's think about this this is just My opinion Okay if you created a problem it created A reaction in the people FTX collapsing Celsius collapsing making the markets Collapse down with the big money coming In you freak out the public and they Make you believe that it's unsafe it's Not worthy and wait a minute what if Your bank start cussing your Cryptocurrency come on in water's warm Guys we are not getting away from Cryptocurrency we're not getting away From blockchain what they're working to Do is put it through a centralized System so there's this moment in time Where it's going to be extremely Volatile but eventually this is just Going to be a normal part of an asset It's going to be a normal asset class The Big Three are going to survive and Then the rest of the 97 cryptos that That may survive are going to be Fighting to uh have the funds to fight

The SEC in regulation or the regulation At large and there's going to be Thousands of cryptos that get wiped out Just my opinion so I'm just following That plan I can't predict the future nor Can you we don't know what the 1% is Doing behind the scenes so I make sure That I pull profits when the money's Good I pull profits and I secure it and I make sure that my family is secured For a lifetime let's check this out Well Bitcoin having a really strong Session right now up 3% to 6637 three per coin after its first Having event since 2020 concluded on Friday over the weekend the token has Been on a steady climb Rising 5% now the Bitcoin having event is this moment that Occurs about every four years when the Supply of Bitcoin is reduced by 50% it Also Cuts incentives to bitcoin Miners And drives up the price they have to pay To put new Bitcoins into circulation Joining me now in a fox business Exclusive on on maybe the next catalyst Is the Bitcoin Foundation chair Brock Pieron early adopter very early adopter Of Bitcoin uh Brock okay so the having Event has concluded everybody was Waiting years for that what is the next Catalyst you See well I mean it's what we've seen Bitcoin had record fees during this Having because a lot of what we call

Layer 2 techn techologies the idea of Building on bitcoin if you've heard of Ethereum it's all the other applications That had moved away from Bitcoin but Bitcoin is back and delivering smart Functionality nft functionality meme Technologies all of these things are now Being built on top of Bitcoin uh for the First time since almost a decade ago and So in anticipation of that record fees As people are trying to get in to be the First on having all these new things That are being built on top of Bitcoin Very exciting and um I'm happy with the Price remember people buy the rumor and Sell on the news so we were at $20,000 Call it you know earlier I'll leave it Right there guys you guys go I've been Preaching this to you guys since 2020 Buy the rumors sell the news I'm buying All the rumors and when all it starts Hitting the news I'm selling on the way Up in the next year and a half okay so Let's dive a little bit further into This you know Warren uh Elizabeth Warren We know she's the uh anti- crypto Elizabeth Warren Gets second Crypto-friendly Republican senator Challenger Republican ion Kane uh cast Warren who's running the third term um As an absent Senator more focused on Burnishing her National profile and Aiding her contenent so she's she's got Another um person coming after around

Cryptocurrency she's the one that says It's used for fentanyl use used for Illegal activities guys they're all Buying for their next positions you know That right so two crypto regulation Bills now amend and moving forward uh This was um two bills amended to address The hot button issue of crypto mining Were amended and passed out um passed Out of the Senate City County and local Affairs committee today they will likely Vote in the Senate tomorrow so we went From like crypto is not even going to be Here to now they're passing bills this This one specifically is about mining The uh energy intensity the noise of it Right so they amended the bills but These bills are passing through and I Believe this is in Arkansas Yep this is An Arkansas right here so the bills aims To regulate crypto mining address some Of the problems created by act 851 in 2023 which sharply curtailed the ability Of Arkansas cities and countries to Regulate the industry so we're seeing uh I thought it was you know we thought it Wasn't a legit asset class but why are They passing bills why are they Regulating this stuff new regulations Get European Banks interested in crypto Services Europeans largest bank are Moving into crypto thanks to regulation We're here guys so we're here we buckled Up and maybe you're new to crypto so let

Me speak to both parties here so maybe You've been hanging out since 2017 2020 I got into crypto late I mean late 2019 Going into 2020 I didn't really start to Really I started to study in 2019 Started to really enter early 2020 so I'm still pretty early to this as well Um but if you're coming into crypto You're still really really early now Here's the Caveat I don't trust the system I just Don't so I always pull when I have Profits okay the amount of money I made From 2020 to 2022 is so unrealistic it's Unbelievable how straight up this stuff Goes and we're anticipating based on Historical patterns it's going to do the Exact same thing around September October it's going to shoot up on the Back end of the year and it's going to Go through a bull run in 2025 if it Follows the same pattern right with all The institutional adoption as Brad Garlinghouse said if the market doubles You're going to see price appreciation Right then you're going to see it pull Back once again going into 2026 then You're going to have another fouryear Cycle 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 will be The next Bitcoin having going into 2030 I think it's 2030 or 2029 I've been Saying that banks will be cusing your Crypto by 2030 this is just historical Patterns guys first they resist it then

They sue it then they regulate it then They join it we went from it's use for Money laundering it's a fraud to a Bitcoin ETF to now regulation coming in Bills being passed past everybody Pushing forward towards it we have to Guys the old analog system is dead in Banking the old banking system is dead The dollar is dying out since 1913 the Dollar has collapsed 99% it's a fiat currency it's a fake Currency since 1971 when we attached him The gold standard the only reason has Value is our belief in it brics is Dollarized we're heading into a new way Of regulating finances there's going to Be a bag of currencies you're going to Have a bag of currencies that's going to Be regulated across an even playing Field that's my opinion and it's going To run across blockchain distribute Ledger technology and a fast messaging System which is ISO then supply chain is Going to move at the speed of light Things like vchain okay so that's how my Brain works when I invest in these xrp Bridge currency xlm Bridge currency okay You have hbar decentralized applications Okay you have things like Q that connect All this together just like they did With interbanking bringing all the banks Together um what what else do we got we Got um uh vchain I say Supply Chain Management right so things moving ISO

Moving at the speed of light money Supply Chain's going to have to move Very simple way to invest is just being Intelligent around it okay but I'm not Married to these cryptos when they go up I'm out I'm out I'm exiting 50% longterm I don't care what any influencer says This crypto is going to I said it BAS Based on my expertise with my team have An amazing team the good morning crypto Show my I take my wise counsel from my Team they set up my they do Fibonacci They set up my exit Targets on the way Up using Merlin you can get 30 days for Free with the co-founders and creators We use Merlin to exit the markets click The description down below we can show You how to do an exit plan as well so as It's exiting I pull out from the top Super simple it's nothing complex I Ensure my money I Max Fund my index Universal Life policies from there I Look at the landscape and I make Decisions I'm like okay okay for me Insurance is a long-term strategy I like To access I want to access my money Tax-free at retirement it's not a Retirement plan but because the tax code 7702a I can access my money taxfree it's Also nice I can get market like returns Because it's indexed they're not sexy in The beginning but on the back end they Really accelerate I absolutely love that Because rule number one don't lose money

Warren buff it rule number two follow Rule number one protect your wealth Protect your wealth there's not be an Opportunity like this in history if you Do it correctly to make this amount of Money in a short amount of time so you May as well get your family set up That's what I did from 2020 to 20122 and I'm about to create generational wealth From 2024 to 2030 it's done it's written We can all do this together but you have To develop Financial discipline Financial first of all financial Literacy Financial discipline then you Need to learn how to earn once you learn How to earn you need learn how to Protect and grow that money and then on Top of that I have the Rockefeller System all set set up so that'll Waterfall from generation to generation For a thousand years so that's what I Have going on guys I love you guys all These resources down below I want to Make it very clear so my insurance or Arm is separate from my 3T Warrior Academy because I have my insurance arm Which I have licensed insurance agents In all 50 states to help you with free Consultations there's tons of scammers Out there we do not invest people's Money okay it's a free consultation You'll understand you're talking to my Insurance team that's for the insurance Arm our business then we have the 3T

Warrior Academy which is an education Academy okay uh it's just education just Share with with your Paradigm we have Live calls I do live calls on a weekly Basis uh we have tons of call from our Crypto team doing live calls just Education platform to help you be around Like-minded individuals you can join That Academy 7even days for free down Below or you can download a free pdf so Tons of resources for you um I love you Guys I appreciate you let's make it a Great day Warriors rise get your [ __ ] Together let's go [Music] Oh


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