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Crypto investors the new 1% but here's a Huge warning there needs to be extreme Strict strategy if you want to become The new 1% in crypto so in today's video I'm going to share with you Bitcoin is Shooting over 50,000 and we're heading Into one of the largest bull runs in our Living history my name is coach JB what I work to do is make very complex macro And microeconomic strategies very simple So the normal everyday person can Implement them has some free resources For you number one is a free Consultation with my license insurance Team it's very important that you secure These profits in tier one Capital that's What I do I put my money into index Universal life secures my principle I Get market likee returns and I can Borrow against my assets taxfree it's Work for me and hundreds of people Worldwide so if you want to set up a Free consultation with my team to see How we ensure our profits click the link Down below and we can get you with a Free consultation you can also um join My uh or download my free book sorry About that a 16-page guide that tells You exactly at the back end of every Video exactly what I'm doing so let's Dive Right into this okay so I've been Sharing with you guys all the warnings Happening the bricks dollarization we Have all this weird stuff happening

Within our society right now weird weird Weird stuff but this is all a transition Since 1913 a hundredy year transition Into a new monetary system we're going From industrial to technical Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 know we're going from paper Money to digital money guys you're not Going to stop the change okay now this Is so weird man this is the President of the United States if you First saw well you guys saw the laser Eyes right so I'm not even gonna put it On my social media okay but Joe Biden Posted on February 12 2024 he said Donald Trump said he hopes this economy Crashes in the next 12 months he wishes For economic Devastation for millions of America he knows our economy is Strong let me ask you a question let me Finish it sorry and he knows it's bad For him politically if America continues To Succeed are comment down below are are You succeeding or is your rent going up Or going down is your food prices going Up or going Down is your pay going up or is it Staying the same are houses unaffordable Right Now what planet is our president on like What universe is he living on where they Think the economy is strong this is the that people see on the news it's Not okay family the economy is not

Strong the econom from a economic Perspective or Economist perspective but When you look at the normal everyday Person Jerome pal said I'm worried about The middle class getting wiped out lever Source technology the reason why we're In this position is because so much free Money for such a long time I'm telling You they are going to destroy the middle Class they are going to destroy the Middle class family they have to Normalize this econ economy and make it A real economy to get it back on track And that's not good for the normal Everyday American okay so let's take a Look at uh cryptocurrency I want to show You guys this really quickly this was From value tainment uh they play they uh Had this with u Michael sailor so he is One of the largest Bitcoin holders uh Which is micro strategies which uh Black Rock and Vanguard increase their Position in micro strategies which is The largest Bitcoin holder I want you to Hear this first part of this interview If you're trying to use money that Requires Banks you can't trust the Banks right you certainly can't trust The banks in Africa in South America and Most of Asia it used to be Americans Thought they could trust American Banks Now they're realizing that they can't Trust American Banks so the first order Impact of the bank so that's a reason

Why I put my money where the banks put Their money they take your money and They put it into Insurance when they Collapse they're insured your wealth is Insured guys not for your benefit but For their benefit banking crisis is People think well maybe the money I had In the bank's going away and so I ought To put it in a bank in cyber space that Isn't controlled by the government or by The bankers and that's Bitcoin the Second order impact is the solution to The banking crisis is print more dollars And if you print more dollars the actual Monetary inflation rate goes 10% 15% 20% So you think why do you think those Bonds crash So what he's talking about is the bond Yield inverted in 20 was it 2023 the Beginning of 2023 we had a banking Collapse the bond yields inverted guys The only thing they can do is lower Interest rates and start printing more Money this is not good for the economy The US dollar has no value anymore other Than our belief in it brics is working To dollarize they're trading in their Own currency Russia went from using 50% American dollars down to 13% and Increased their position with Yuan 30% You know because because there are Actually claims on dollars do you really Want to hold a billion dollars of Zimbabwe dollars what if I offered you

10 billion Zimbabwe dollars I mean the Answer is it's going to a nickel okay so If the Cur if the paper currency keeps Crashing then you can't own anything That's currency related you can't own a Currency derivative you need to own Something that politicians can't print More of okay so that's where I'll leave It at with that interview I'd he highly Recommend you go watch that interview so That's a strategy that I buil I'm not Saying it'll work for you but it's work For me so when the bow run from 2021 to 2022 went up I pulled profits I put I Opened up my index Universal Life Policies to me I put my money where the Elites are putting money money where the Banks are putting their money got a Little bit of precious metals I'm Getting into real estate now we stacked Inside a business okay I don't want to Be sitting in a US dollar that they can Just print I'm not going to have a bunch Of money sitting in my bank account when They can lend it out to the next person That has no value my income inside of The bank is someone else's debt so my Debt is someone else's income there's no Money in the system so we have to move It into real world assets so uh I I'll Do this and I'll recap what I'm going to Do on the back end here Bitcoin ETFs Reach 10 billion in AUM one month after Approval and I want you guys to listen

To this this pretty powerful interview With an Anthony pomp Pompano so Joe Biden's out there saying the economy is Strong come on guys you got the banks Are in a liquidity crisis we have all The brics countries working to dollarize And everybody's flooding into this thing Called Bitcoin that they said was used For rat Poisoning this morning trading slightly Lower joining us right now it's Anthony Pomano founder of pomp Investments good Morning to you morning uh this has been A bit of a wild ride because we talked About sort of selling the news or Selling the rumor buying or buying the Buying the rumor selling the news but Now we've come back to buying yeah I Mean look the verdict is in right Wall Street doesn't just like Bitcoin they Love Bitcoin if you think of these Assets uh there's been over 5,500 ETF Launches in history never have we had a Fund get to $3 billion in AUM in the First 30 days Black Rock and Fidelity Both just did it so two for the first Time in history and then if you look at Bitwise and 21 shares uh Arc they're Both going to hit a billion dollars this Year or this week and so now you have Four funds they're going to hit a Billion dollars of inflows but the most Interesting part of this is the inflows Doing these funds are doing $500 million

A day of net inflows but there's only 900 Bitcoin that is actually coming into The daily incoming Supply and so when You look at that that's like 40 to 45 Million there's 12 and a half X more Demand for Bitcoin than what's being Produced on a daily basis how much of This do you think is being generated by The I want you to think about that for Just a moment there's 12 and a half 12 And a half X more demand than there is Supply this asset crypto Bitcoin is Going to go go parabolic ETFs themselves Well I mean you just measure the actual Net inflows right and so you can just See there is way more buying pressure You're saying three billion for Black Rock there's four billion now for Black Rock three and a half for Fidelity and Then you've got uh bitwise and 21 shares Will both hit about a billion uh this Upcoming week total valuation though of Bitcoin if on a market cap is a trillion So this isn't this a dominous issue or No now here's the where it gets really Interesting you most of these things Aren't trading 80% of all Bitcoin circulation has not Moved in the last months you got have Only about $200 billion is actually so What is that telling you 80% has not mve People are moving out into a flight to Safety that's what Larry Fink said the Head of Black Rock they're moving to a

Flight to safety 80% has not moved guys That is so important tradeable and so That means that these ETFs sucked up 5% Of the entire tradable supply of Bitcoin In 30 days I mean bit Bitcoin is become Wall Street's favorite Asset so what does that mean what does That mean to you as a retail investor What that means is you have to be Extremely extremely disciplined during This bull run okay because it's going to Get really exciting that the gentleman Said it on the news he said you buy the Rumors sell the news okay so when Everybody's flooding into cryptocurrency You should have an Exit Plan always pull Your initial investment every single Time pull your initial investment number Two is ladder out on the way up that's Why I encourage all of you guys to Download Merlin you get 30 days for free If you're in the academy there's a huge Discount so you download Merlin you can Set up your exit plan we'll send you an Alert when your targets are getting Close you want for what I'm doing is I'm Exiting the markets from 2024 to 2025 as It hits Targets on the way up why do I Exit on the way up at certain price Points because when you're excited and It goes parabolic these asset managers Are pulling hard you're the exit Liquidity you're the exit liquidity You're not going to beat Wall Street let

Me repeat that you are not going to beat Wall Street so you have to make sure That you do the opposite of the 99% If The 99% is the exit liquidity you want To make sure that you are following Wall Street when this is going up you Have to be pulling profits I am pulling And I'm Max funding my index Universal Life policies that guarantees my Principle it never it never can go below The zero right so all my principles Protected I can get market like returns 6 to 12% I can borrow against my assets Tax free and I can buy more assets that Is the key factor okay I'm continuing to Invest in more companies going to go Deeper into companies to increase my Earned income I'm going to continue to Get more prsh medals and I'm going to go Deep into real estate I'm going to make Sure that I'm out of the as much of the US dollar is humanly possible I'm going To hold money in my bank account to pay My bills and to pay my mortgage and Things like that I'm not saying the US Dollar is going to collapse people keep Saying that I'm not saying that what I'm Saying is if the US dollar collaps the Whole world collapses what I'm saying is There is a transition we're going to go Into World War III which could be a 10-year run after 10 years there's going To be a new superpower there's going to Be new innovation new technology and a

New monetary system okay I don't believe America will be the dominant currency After 10 years I don't believe that it's Not going to collapse tomorrow it's not You don't need to go run on the bank That's not what we're saying but you Have to be smart about this Cryptocurrency is not your retirement Cryptocurrency is the ability for the Normal everyday retail investor to make A large amount of money in a short Amount of time but most of them get Wrecked because they don't have an Exit Plan write this down I do not want to be The exit liquidity I am not the exit Liquidity write this down I am wealthy Beyond my w the streams because I did The opposite of the 99% write this down I am disciplined Investor I'm an intelligent investor Write this down I am removing the greed Gene from my body and when I make a good Amount of money I'm not going to get Greedy I'm gonna pull and I'm going to Secure my family's Future this is our greatest opportunity In human history history for the normal Everyday person to get a piece of Wall Street that's why they push so hard and Regulation's not here yet guys so it's Going to be extremely volatile which is Great news when regulation comes in it Gets normalized the markets will be Normal okay but remember he said 80

Before before last interview he did There was 70% of the supply haven't Moved now 80% of the supply hasn't moved They can't print more of it there's a Fixed Supply and they reduce the amount That could be mined every four Years think about that for just a moment Think about that This is one of the crypto is one of the Greatest asset classes to ever hit but Here's the thing when regulation comes In many of the cryptos are going to get Destroyed if they can't survive Regulation so again you have to have a Solid game plan okay so I want to share With you guys as well uh if you're still Here if you're someone who's interested Uh this is a paid part of my Academy I Have a four-week webinar series that We're bringing on a 100 people so we're Crushing it January's phenomenal February's rocking it we have another One coming up here very soon you have to Interview for the process we want to Make sure it's the right people so week Uh week one is cryptocurrency allocation I just show you my portfolio exactly What I'm doing not Financial advice week Two is getting how to get in the markets How to exit the markets properly week Three is my diversification strategy Across business precious metals Insurance um all the things that we do And access to all the resources access

And phone numbers to my precious metal Everything we do so we're you don't have To go out and grab everything it's all In one spot and then week four is the Most popular one which is meeting my Trust attorney and getting access to our Trust attorney it's not do you need a Trust it's what type of trust do you Need and then every month this group Will have a call with me after I meet With my CFO I'm going to present my Financial plan to you guys and exactly What I'm doing even if it's the same Thing so if you want to be part of that Group and also if you're deep in there And you're involved we do 506 BS to help Non- accredit investors get into Investments so that you have to be Involved we have to know you we have to Know your finances things like that so If you're interested in that you can Interview by clicking the link down Below but do not click if you're not Serious it's it's a paid program okay um You are we're devoting a lot of energy Uh to these people and so I want to make Sure that you give it all you got it's a Critical time in human history right now So uh don't click the link unless you're Serious because you're going to get Interviewed by one of my team members They're going to take life force energy To make sure you're the right person so I appreciate you I love you as we always

Say Warriors's get your together let's Go


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