Biden Collapsing The US Dollar…

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Biden purposely collapsing the US dollar As we look up in the sky waiting for Russia to blow up satellites Biden is Sanctioning Russia which is going to Cause a massive dollarization so in Today's video we're going to break down The facts figures numbers logic and you Need to make your own judgment my name Is coach JB what I'm working to do is Make the complex macro and microeconomic Strategies very simple so the normal Everyday person can Implement them I am Very strategically setting my family up Financially number one I'm investing in Spective asset called crypto I'm pulling My profits as this goes up and I'm Securing my wealth and index universal Life protecting my principle can borrow Against my assets liquidity excuse me my Cash values liquidity and I'm also Getting marketti returns I'm putting my Money where the banks put their money so If you're interested in learning how we Do that you can click the description of This video down below set up a free Consultation with my licens insurance Team it's time to activate or in my Social media platform you you can set up A free consultation you can also Download my absolutely free book that Shows you exactly what I'm talking about On the back end of every single video Now the intensity needs to pick up Around our discipline and consistency

Within America guys we are looking up at The sky we're worried about Russia Blowing up satellites guys there's going To be a lot of distractions coming in You can believe me or not I've been Telling you guys since 2020 they're Going to have you look this way and There's a whole another narrative going On this way they're going to have us Fight against an invisible enemy a Foreign adversary when they're switching The system since 1913 when the Federal Reserve was created our dollar has Collapsed and in 1971 when they detach Us from the gold standard the wealth Gap Has become massive Wall Street is going To get very very wealthy in this Transition Main Street is going to Become very very poor and when Main Street can't pay their bills when Main Street can't pay their rent when Main Street can't feed their family they're Going to bring in a central bank digital Currency and you're going to be able to Access it on your phone very quickly and When you're in desperation that's when They're going to step in I'm just Letting you know what's going to happen In my opinion don't take this as Financial advice but here's what I told You guys when Russia invaded Ukraine and America stepped in by sanctioning Russia Taking them off the Swift system it's All Financial guys this is all

Financial okay Biden today is going to Be announcing that they're going to be Putting tons of sanctions on Russia you Have to realize the effect on the US Dollar Russia is becoming stronger and China is becoming stronger the more Sanctions they put on Russia we need to Take a step back look at a 30,000 foot Overview and ask yourself what is this Going to do to the American economy over The next 10 years pay attention President Biden says he will announce Major sanctions Friday targeting Russia The White House says the move is in Response to Russia's continued Aggression against Ukraine and the death Of opposition leader Alexi Nal CBS News Chief White House correspondent Nancy Ctis is following the president as he Raises campaign funds in Los Angeles just before jetting to La the President warned Vladimir Putin a new Financial Crackdown is coming I told you We'd be announcing sanctions on Russia We'll have a major package announced on Friday okay so he's going to announce His package on Friday and here's what's Actually happening so Western finan Warfare and Russia dollarization Strategy this is this is a research Study guys sanctions on Russia this in 20122 might reshape the Global Financial System it is family it is the more they Put sanctions on Russia the more Brazil

Russia India China South Africa are Coming together now Saudi Arabia is Evolved in five other nations which make Them larger than our Global GDP they are Coming together to D dollarize now Here's my opinion this this is what the Studies guys you can go research this Stuff the more sanctions he puts on it The more powerful it is making Russia so Let's just listen to what's happening as He puts these sanctions on here Senate Bill that will provide billions in Aid To Ukraine is being held up in the Republican controlled house and the White House is blaming that lack of Funding for the fall of a key Ukrainian City meanwhile Russia is richer than Ever before or Nick Payton Walsh Explains Why and this is not only from CNN but Putin told us he's like we're kicking Ass financially we're reducing our Supply of American dollars we're Increasing our relationship with China If you look at the treasuries from China They're reducing billions of dollars in Treasury blue tranquil a world away from Ukraine's front Lines we headed out to where Russia may Be filling its War chest to a record High crude oil tankers sometimes engag Engaged in opaque secretive transfers These two under sanctions busting Suspicions in the past the big one from

Russia's Black Sea Coast transferring Crew to the smaller one which also came From Russia out here you get a feeling Of how hard it is to keep track of all Of this just transfers occurring out Here in the blue expans so we're Thinking America that were hurting Russia by sanction them they're building Their industry outside the American Dollar guys so this is not only with Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson he Confirmed this but CNN is confirming This guys they are building strong Relationships okay well if we don't Believe CNN let's listen to JP Morgan This was in 2023 JP Morgan on their Website we know Jamie Diamond is one of The biggest Bankers in the world the key Takeaways from their report here is the US Dollar I can't pronounce that word is in Question due to geopolitical and Geostrategic shifts including ongoing Russian Ukraine crisis while the dollar Has maintained transactional dominance Some dollarization is taking place in FX Reserves the green back is also losing Some influence in the oil markets which We just showed you where more sales are Now being transacted in non-dollar Currencies however this is the caveat However rapid dollarization is not in The cards especially in the US has a Long-standing Global Network of

Alliances and Partnerships we had a Long-standing global alliances this is a Transition what is going to happen Family is just like World War II we're Going to go into World War I and after World War II there was brand new Innovation technology American became The dominant superpower the dominant Currency we're going to go into World War II and we're going to see a Transition to a new monetary system new Innovation new technology Central Bank Digital currency so this is our Opportunity to get prepared our Opportunity to understand where this is Moving to and this is what they're doing So as we're all looking up in the sky For them to blow up satellites and we're All listening to JP Morgan and Jamie Diamond and black rock CEO Larry Fink Which I'm going to show you in just a Moment who told us that cryptocurrency Is a pet rock that it's used for money Laundering at the exact same time that He's building Onyx digital Solutions Enabling instant transfers and clearing For multi-bank multicurrency assets on a Permission distributed Ledger guys they are switching our System to an even playing field Distributed Ledger technology on demand Liquidity money is going to move at the Speed of light supply chain is going to Move at the speed of light America will

No longer be the dominant Force it's Going to be an even playing field now This isn't going to happen tomorrow this Isn't going to happen in 2025 it's not Going to happen in 2026 this is a slow Methodical transition where you can Invest in the future economy for the Next hundred years and radically Transform your family's life but number One you got to be very strategic number Two is you got to have an Exit Plan and Number three you need to diversify and Secure your wealth okay then we go over To Black Rock right transcending the US Dollar Black Rock CEO issues important Crypto prediction after huge week for The Bitcoin ethereum and xrp this was Back on the 20123 okay so as we're Looking up in the sky for them two Satellites T-Mobile get shut down guys Wait today I guarantee you today is What's the date today February 23rd 2024 there's going to be some Distractions guys we are switching Massively to an aquari into Aquarius This is a brand new world coming there Is nothing to fear other than being lack Of discipline lack of foundation of God Lack of following the life of Jesus Christ get a foundation of God family Jesus Christ I don't care if I lose Followers when I say this that's what I've done I built a relationship with God I follow the principles of Jesus

Christ I love all of you with all my Heart I love Humanity as I love God I Stopped judging other people I pulled The straw out of my eye and I got my together and I've radically Transformed my family's life we built Seven figure ecosystems we're now Building with other people we want to Build with you we got into Cryptocurrency we pulled profits we Secured our wealth this is your Opportunity we got to stop looking in The sky we got to stop fighting an Invisible enemy and understand that this Change is something that's been going on For a hundred years what is happening Right now is going to be the future for The next hundred years means it means in Terms of price I believe you know I Believe it goes up As if the world is more frightened if People have fearful of geopolitical risk They're fearful of their own risk um It's no different you hear what he just Said if people are fearful of Geopolitical Risk of their own risk so when there's Fear of War okay that's why these asset Managers are all moving into Bitcoin now That's why they're all going to a flight To safety they're getting their bags Packed getting ready because the war is Coming and people are going to flood Into this new asset class they're going

To pull profits they're going to secure In real estate they're going to put Their money in Insurance they're going To put their money into businesses when They dip down we're going to buy the dip And then what gold represented over Thousands of years it is a it is a it is A asset class that that protects you and And unlike gold where we manufacture new Gold we're almost at the ceiling of the The amount of bitco that be cre somebody Like I mean he just told you guys he Went from saying that it's used for Money laundering he admitted this he Admitted it to it's a flight to safety It's like gold and it doesn't have you Can't can't just keep mining it has a Fixed Supply 80% of the supply is held It's going to get more valuable and more Valuable more valuable this is the Craziest transition and only 5% of the Population has access to crypto or or Has been exposed to crypto go go talk You're you're a rare breed right now if You're listening at 10 minutes and 51 Seconds comment Rare Breed you are a Rare breed you are a generational Shifter you are the person who is going To transform your family's life can you Hear somebody like Kathy Wood yes who Was on our broadcast yesterday say that Her base case base case is that this Turns into a $600,000 of Bitcoin valuation base case

And a a you know million plus u in a in A super optimistic case are you anywhere In her realm I haven't thought about it To me that what we are trying to do is Offer an Instrument uh that can that can store Wealth I think if he gets that even Close to that high gold will represent Even a bigger value and and and and Let's be clear if you think it's digital Gold there's going to be a reference Point between gold and Bitcoin um but Let me get back to so they're they're Telling you the game plan guys they so Larry thinkink is the largest asset Manager in the world guys the largest Asset manager in the world so are you Gonna believe coach JB or Larry Fink are You gonna believe the fact that we're Telling you the game we sanction Russia Russia goes works with China China and Russia if China invades Taiwan we're Going to war if Russia keeps we're You're basically creating war with with Russia right now so there's going to be All these distractions now they're Telling you that Russia's going to blow Up satellites making us fear of what is It the EMP what is that thing right guys This has been going on in history over And over and over again it's time to Pull the wool off our eyes guys we have The internet now we can Research we can do our own research

Now you can you can be a retail investor Now you don't have to walk into Wells Far bank and sit with a financial Adviser you can take sovereignty of your Own wealth but it takes discipline Consistency done for a long enough Period of time and my intensity is Picking up family because I'm telling You a lot of people are still not Listening I I ran into a couple people Over the past couple weeks and they were In my Academy a couple years ago and They're like oh yeah they said are you Still in crypto I'm like am I still in Crypto yes and we pulled profits and we Build wealth for our family he's like ah That stuff is a spec I'm like what Planet guys wake up yes and I do admit This part is it's extremely speculative And you got to have a badass Exit Plan That's why we created Merlin and that's Why we're giving you 30 days for free to Try it out guys we created Merlin I'm The co-founder and creator of this we Created it with an exit Plan we created it so you can track your Portfolio so you can see daily gains and Losses so you don't get the greede when This stuff goes straight up if you have An Exit Plan you exit on the way up I'm Max funding my index Universal Life Policies here's the why behind it number One it guarantees my principle and Everybody came collapsing down my

Principle is guaranteed number two is You get market like returns it's not in The market it's attached it's mirrors The market number three is I can access The liquidity of my cash value if it's Set up properly and whatever time passes There's certain ways you need to set it Up properly I can access the cash value To buy the dip if I want to or to buy More real estate so now I'm multiplying My money if I put money into crypto I Profit I pull I pay Uncle Sam I put it Into a policy and now I can access cash Value now I turn that one $1 into $3 that is what the wealthy do you Borrow against your assets Taxfree we have to learn the game family If you keep trading time for money You're never going to have enough time To pay attention cryptocurrency isn't Your savior to make you uh your Retirement it's not your say you if Crypto is an opportunity to make a large Amount of money like Wall Street does But if you don't know what to do with That money you're going to end up in the Exact same position number one is you Have to rewire the foundation number two Two is you have to gain financial Literacy they didn't teach us that in School your parents didn't teach you That the old industrial system is dead Number three is you need to develop Financial discipline number four is you

Need to learn how to earn number five is You need to learn how to protect those Are the five things you should be doing Right now we teach all this stuff in our Academy it's so critical that you listen To me right now it's so critical that You take those five things Financial Refoundation rewiring you need to Develop Financial uh literacy you need To understand what money is you need to Develop Financial discipline displine Okay you need to learn how to earn then You need to learn how to secure that Wealth and if you do that correctly and You get out of all these distractions Happening you're going to radically Transform your family's life I'm just Telling you exactly what I did family I I've been honest I I went broke three Times in my life because of my Indoctrination I finally the third time In 2020 I drew a line in the sand and Became more committed to the pain of Change and staying the same I rewired The foundation end up in a different Situation I became disciplined and Committed I changed my environment I Changed the people I was around I Changed the things that I was committed To I built a deep relationship with God I started following the life of Jesus Christ and I got really deep on my Principles and my intentions and in Three and a half years I transformed my

Family's Life that would have taken me a whole Lifetime of being in a corporate job or Having a 401k this is the greatest opportunity in Human history and I'll tell you what 99% Of people are just going to let it slip By but that's not you you're still here At 15 minutes 56 seconds that's not you You're the generational shifter you are The one you are the one but you have to Draw a line in the sand right now you Have to get your head out of the clouds You need to get discipline in your Fitness your mindset your relationship With God Jesus Christ whatever you Believe in if you're Jehovah Witness Dive into it if you're Church of Latterday saints dive into it and stop Being a Christian because you go to Church be a Christian outside of church Be Christlike if you're Buddhist go Meditate more do what you got to do what Are your principles minor integrity Honesty and uncompromising belief in God For business peace freedom and family Structure for my family if anything Disrupts my peace freedom or family Structure I don't do it every single Thing I talk about I own the reason why I did that is so I can align with my Principles I advertise Merlin I own it I'm part owner of Merlin I talk about Insurance I'm owner of the insurance

Company everything I talk about my Academy I'm the owner of my Academy I Built systems because I was so devoted To my principles that I want anybody I've never been paid by a cryptocurrency Company ever I've been offered hundreds Of thousands of dollarss over the past Couple years we stuck with our Principles because we wanted to be able To speak from our truth from our Paradigm this is the greatest time in Human history the greatest time in human History to transform your family's life So if this message reach you well and You need a family send this to a do me a Favor share this this stuff isn't Hitting algorithms guys the stuff me Saying Biden's you know dollariz and is Going to hit the algorithm guys share This with a family member it's time for Us to wake up and there's nobody to Fight there's nobody to protest against Guys this is this is all they want us Protesting they want us fighting they Want us looking at our differences if You're in China Russia South Africa Whatever you're my friend dude I you're A human being I have no beef with you if You're Muslim I have no beef with you if You're Jehovah Witness I have no beef With you we're under the same Sky we're Under the same Sun the same Moon we're On the same Earth we are human beings having a

Physical experience let's lock arm in Arm and expand consciousness let all That Go what you don't like in me is what you Need to work in you and what I don't Like in you is what I need to work in Myself God wants us to come together God Wants us to cooperate God is not hate God is Not War God is love agape love And how does God know he's not perfect He comes through us to experience and Here we are here we are we have a Decision to make and the decision I'm Making is I'm going to free my family Completely financially spiritually Mentally and I'm not going to fight an Invisible enemy anymore and I know that Jesus said the devil is the prince of The earth and he is not the prince of my World because I'm in the world but I'm Not of the world I'm through my heart And I'm looking up to God and I love you With all my heart so if you're still Here let me know do you love me I love You with all my heart Warriors rise get Your together let's Go oh


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