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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I have a quick update for you Regarding Attorney John deon's latest Fight against the SEC this time it's Against coinbase and we've known for Some time that he'd be seeking to move Forward and in terms well it's the same Same way that he approached the secv Ripple case Being A Friend of the Court The amichi status here and it's been Officially filed so I'll share with you The latest and some opinions from a Couple attorneys within uh the xrp Community specifically but uh before Going further I do want to be clear I do Not have a financial background of any Kind I am not offering Financial advice And you definitely should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun now by the way obviously The secv Ripple case goes without saying A case of monumental importance uh first And foremost of course for xrp holders Xrp now has regulatory Clarity but Absolutely critical for the entire Crypto space um but the thing is Attorney Deon has publicly stated the Secv coinbase case is actually more Consequential than the secv Ripple case I'll explain why but um here's the Headline from coin Telegraph Pro xrp

Lawyer requests to be Amicus Kiri for Coinbase customers Pro xrp lawyer John Deon has upheld his pledge to support Customers of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase by requesting to serve as a Friend of the court in the exchanges Legal battle against the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in an April 19 filing in the United States District court for the southern district Of New York Deon requested to represent 4,701 coinbase customers by appearing as Amicus Council in the ongoing lawsuit That commenced in June 2023 okay couple Things I wanted to mention here 4,701 uh people like that's a big number That is a big number of people coming Out of the woodwork saying hey no this Is not okay we totally disagree with What the SEC is doing obviously Everybody that signed up feels that what The SEC is seeking to impose here would Harm them the everyday people that of Course the SEC is sworn to protect and Of course that was the same case in the Secv Ripple case but I just wanted to uh Take this moment to point out that the SEC Community community they're their own Little Community the xrp community is What I meant to say uh gigantic are in All likelihood I mean I don't know how Many people have purchased for sure you Can't go by total number of wallets and

I've talked about that in the past but I Mean it could literally be millions of People that have purchased xrp so lots Of lot just a ton of people on a global Scale active within the xrp community John Deon represented over 75,000 of Them and so it's just so fascinating That to see like how huge and Consequential our community really is it Really helps put it in perspective 471 Way less but that's just because there's Not a community around coinbase I mean I Think that's a big part of it coinbase Has tons and tons and tons of actual Users here so I just think that that it It doesn't diminish what is being Achieved here and having that many People following rather it highlights How exceptional the end llarge the xrp Community itself is which is also why And I'll show you this a little bit Later in this article uh coin Telegraph Pull the coin Telegraph and uh they Leave out some key information making it Sound like uh you know those of us in The xrp community are not as great in Numbers as we actually are by leaving Out a key piece of information stick With me I'll share with you what that is But um here's what uh here I'll show you A full screen here here's what was Actually posted this was shared by Fox Business journalist elanar turret and She wrote John Deon has filed for

Permission to appear as a Mei Council on Behalf of 471 coinbase customers in the Secv coinbase case and here you can see It's it's pretty straightforward here it Reads as follows this is what John Deon Filed uh to the clerk of courts and all Parties of record I am admitted or Otherwise authorized to practice in this Court and I appear in this case as Council for 471 coinbase customers and Then he signed it and so that's that's Pretty much it uh moving forward the Article though says during an April 18th Podcast interview with Fox Business Journalist elanar terret Deon suggested That his motivation for supporting the Coinbase customers was to protect Everyday individuals aiming to build a Little wealth in their lives and he said Quote this isn't about crypto this is About Freedom this is about upward Mobility this is about people who want a Fighting Chance people who want to build A little wealth they are not looking to Get rich they're not Crypt Bros he Declared and so I think a lot of people Are just expecting to get head some Actually are trying to get rich although That doesn't in and of itself make you a Crypt bro like I I'm fully anticipating That this is going to be life-changing Wealth for me but I've also been in it Over six years and it's not set in stone I could still there's plenty of ways

That this could go sideways for me right Um but I I agree with the overall Sentiment from Attorney John Deon and It's in line with stuff that I was Saying throughout the secv Ripple case You know we are just regular everyday People there's nothing special about me Even though I run a YouTube channel just To be freaking clear and I appreciate All the support I receive but um I'm Just a guy who wants to do a bit better Financially and I think there is a real Opportunity it could result in Tremendous life-changing wealth if Things go how I hope even close to that And I think a lot of you do feel the Same way but when the things that was Most offensive about this is that this Opportunity to achieve that Life-changing wealth the first time in Human history there's ever been an Opportunity like this to this scale this Is the first in the existence of our Species and so to have those assat Pricks over at the SEC try and take that From us and financially harm us by going After xrp specifically that was so Repulsive and so when John Deon speaking In line with that yes I am on board with That message broadly speaking Absolutely I'll also note that Co Telegraph has the Wrong date here but it's crypto media They scrub all sorts of stuff there it Was April 18th it was actually April

17th and they were referencing this Right here this is the clip that Elanor Tret shared April 17th 2024 but it's Crypto media bunch of C students it is What it is peace continues and uh we're We're I think we're getting closer to uh The part that kind of burnt my biscuits A little bit yeah it's a little bit Further down so let's continue this Comes after coinbase filed an Interlocutory appeal in its law against The SEC only days after the court denied Its motion to dismiss the entire lawsuit The interlocutory appeal revolves around The controlling question whether an Investment contract requires something Contractual according to coinbase Chief Legal officer Paul Greywell now I'll Pause to note uh I of course it should We talked about this ad nauseum in the Secv Ripple case because Ripple Pioneered that argument you're welcome Coinbase Ripple pioneered that argument Well can there be a contract if there's Not a contract Right uh anyway piece continues Deon has Filed several Amicus counil requests Over the past few years in support of The crypto community in September 2023 He submitted his notice of appearance as A friend of the court in the library V Secc lawsuit and here's where we get to The part that burn my biscuits though Check this out most notably though was

In 2021 when Deon filed an amicus brief On behalf of uh of over 6,000 xrp Holders in the lawsuit between the SEC And ripple labs and so there we go There's the rub there it is right there You snide Mofos the number of people that sought To be represented by attorney Deon at The beginning far different than the Number of people that were actually Represented at the end so started at or Around you know 6,000 xrp holders but it Became about 75,000 Xrp holders and coin Telegraph those Little rat bastards they know that they Have been uh not exactly the friendliest Towards uh xrp and ripple broadly Speaking and the xrp community only Coindesk is worse coindesk is worse than Coin Telegraph but still I am not Surprised in the least that they want The xrp community to look smaller they Know they they they've reported on it in The past they're leaving it out Intentionally here comparatively oh it's About the same as the people that Supporting coinbase oh c give me a break You know what they're doing here you Ain't pulling a fast one on moon Lambo But take a look at this I don't need to Read this article I just kind of more Broadly wanted to make the point there's This article from coin gape September 4th of last year and uh really this

Little subheading here says it all xrp Lawyer John Deon asserts the ruling in Coinbase V SEC is more crucial and judge Fila could adopt the tourist Doctrine Now even though we may care most Specifically about xrp Monumental Lawsuit uh major success obviously for The xrp community and ripple of course But um John deanon has argued that this Case is more consequential which I think Is totally fair and accurate to be Honest with you because they're going After multiple coins here and so this is A choke point if if we can't have Exchanges you're shutting down the Lifeblood of all crypto in the United States so like really going for the Jugler here it's it's more aggressive Than going after any one individual coin That's why in a nutshell and so makes a Good point there he he he was saying That you know last year uh multiple Times and that stuck in my memory I Reported on it at the time and I was Like yeah that makes sense we may care About xrp most but really if you care About xrp you should care about this Case even more even if you don't like Coinbase and I know a lot of you for Good reason don't like coinbase um I Like how the the platform operates while It's functional which is to say not when There's tremendous volume uh but I don't Like a lot of stuff they've done they

Haven't been the friendliest to the xrp Community obviously they've done stuff That they're you know an xrp attorney in Fact Fred Rasoi is uh litigating against Them having stuff having to do with uh Uh you know flare and song bird tokens Specifically so if you got have any Grievances with them regarding that uh I Don't blame anyone bit to be honest with You um here's a post in response to this From attorney Bill Morgan of the xrp Community he simply wrote it will be a Well-prepared Amicus brief that will Assist the court here you have U uh EX Community member and Attorney James Murphy known as metal law man on social Media platform X and on this topic he Wrote here we go John Deon stepping up Again to speak up for the victims of the Sec's war on crypto will any of the People Behind These tokens at issue in The coinbase case also intervene and Then he he noted which tokens are under Attack here and um how many of these do I own let's see here I guess uh one two Three Um four I think I own four of those Yay Gary giner trying to wreck my Financial well-being again yay what a Douchebag my God that guy sucks so um It's incredible what Attorney John Deon Has done and he's been doing all this Free of charge like there are material Costs for him and he has a team helping

Him on top of that he's running a law Firm here so the amount of time it's Taken all this it's just I could be more Thankful and I know that everybody That's listening to this feels exactly The same I just think it's the coolest Thing on the planet and I love that um Even though it was bad circumstances With the xrp community getting attacked I love that the start of John Deon Becoming a warrior for the entire crypto Community started by defending people in The xrp community I love I just think It's a cool story and what he has done I It's just I'll I'll always be endlessly Thankful and I know I'm preaching to the Choir I know we all feel that way but It's it's worth worth stating that so Anyway that's the latest that's what's Going down I'll go ahead and wrap up Here though I am not a financial adviser You should not buy or sell anything Because of anything I say right that Would be a very very very bad idea until Next time to the Moon Lambo


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