Are Banks Going to Collapse???

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Are the banks going to collapse we're Going to break that down in today's Video in the state of our economy right Now and what you can actually do to Transform your family's wealth timeline My name is coach JV what I work to do is Make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them I have two amazing resources for You it's in the description of this YouTube video or if you're on social Media right now watching this it'll be In my bio just click the link number one Is a absolutely free consultation with My licens insurance team in all 50 States so what I share with you guys is How I Ure my wealth during these walal Times we also can help you understand The power of insurance and protecting Your family and your wealth so free Consultation I also have an absolutely Free book on the back end of every video I break down exactly what I'm doing just Sharing with you from my Paradigm my Exact patterns and what I'm doing in the Greatest economic shift in history so I Wrote a free book that helps you Understand exactly what I'm talking About so you can have it physically Right in front of you just click the Description of this video or in my Social media platform bio all right so Let's go ahead and kick this off here uh

The first video here I love itm so itm Is actually who I use for my precious Metals um I Daniel cambon is absolutely Awesome she transferred from Sansbury Research over to itm just recently so The Best of Both Worlds she's one of my Favorite uh reporters uh in the Macroeconomics space and she moved over To itm which is awesome and big shout Out to um Tom over at itm who we use so This is video says get out of the Banking system the money will never be Yours Warren's Wall Street analysis well The money has never really been ours Right the money is just Deb so my money Is your debt so when you start to Understand what money is you take a deep Breath and you calm yourself and you Start to understand that the game is Rigged for you now a lot of people are Going to get upset when I say that but If you understand what money is and you Understand the money game you can do Very very well if you understand the Game okay so we're going to watch this Quick short um clip here my internet's Been acting up a little bit so bear with Me as I go through this we're going to Watch this short clip from this video You can guys go watch the whole video Where he breaks down now I don't think Again do I think the banks are going to Collapse I think some Regional banks are Going to collapse

Absolutely your money is going to be There guys there that's why they created The bank listen to me that's why they Created the bank bailing committee Bail-ins are very different than Bailouts bailouts is when they pump Money into it a bailin is when they take The debt they turn it into equity and Guess who gets to buy them JP Morgan Wells Fargo Bank of America you're going To see a monopolization of the smaller Regional Banks which is going to create Massive digitization as they transfer us Into a brand new economy I guarantee you Your banks are going to be trying to Custody your crypto by 2030 let's pay Attention so you like Bitcoin and and Gold right you're one of those rare People I say that you see um both those Assets as being a solution outside of The system oh absolutely I think you Know you got to keep the big picture in Mind here the big the main we're talking About money and when I money isn't Confusing money is a very simple thing It's just a a tool that sends value uh To store and exchange value in other Words to send value through time and Space that's all money is it's a tool to Do that uh so what is the dominant money In the world right now it's fiat Currency uh you know look at all the Base money in the world it's about a Hundred trillion dollars give or take uh

Then you of course you got the bond Market which is some more and then all The gold in the world is like what 13.5 Trillion is and all the Bitcoin in the World is about one trillion so look look That's the the universe of money here And the vast the biggest thing is the Fiat currency system so yes I think gold And Bitcoin are superior to the fiat Currency system and I think as long as Uh that exists you've got two Alternatives once the fiat currency System has totally collapsed and all of That $100 trillion dollars has Evaporated out of it then I think uh That is when the gold versus Bitcoin Thing is going to truly play out but uh In the meantime while we still have this Horrible Fiat system you've got two very Good free market Alternative forms of Money but on the Bitcoin right are you Not concerned I mean we hear all the Time you know politicians hinting at the Fact that they'd want to stop Bitcoin um So does that so let's let's break down What he just said really quickly so the Fiat system is dying guys that's fake Money they detach from the gold standard Do I think the Fiat system is going to Absolutely collapse no it's a transition Family I'm going to show you what the Brics is doing right now bricks is Creating their own cryptocurrency guys It's just a transition the system

They're not going to collapse the Fiat System they're going to transition it Into a new system so you guys can go Watch the rest of that video it's pretty Powerful so this is another thing here What says Regional banks will need to Consolidate unless the feds cut rates Aggressively so so what he's going to Talk about pretty briefly here I'm going To show you the brief part of this video Is regional banks are in a big crisis Right now guys when the bond yield Inverted in 2023 and these Banks started Collapsing guys there's no money guys There there's no money okay they are so Overleveraged right now because the Interest rates were so low for so long And the printing of money there's going To be a monopolization of Bank the bank Bail ends your money is going to be fine Guys that's going to but that's why I Don't keep a bunch of money in the banks I keep enough to pay my bills and for Emergencies and I move every bit of my Money either into cryptocurrency into my Insurance policies or into other real World assets and I diversify that's the Key to this he's a partner managing Partner and director of research at Ironside macroeconomics and Barry here We go um markets are down yesterday but Barely we are just below all-time highs It seems like the move and the momentum Is certainly uh to up and to the right

What what do you feel about things how Do you think think are earnings enough To justify the places we're going you Think that continues um they are for About half the market right so the tech Sector is 30% of the S&P consumer discretionary which is Basically Tech as well there's another 10 and communication Services is 10 and If you look at S&P 500 earnings this Quarter they're on track to maybe get to 10% this year but it's almost Exclusively being driven by those three Sectors and it you know makes a lot of Sense if you think about the whole Dynamic last year I was describing it as An unstable equilibrium where the Household sector had termed out their Debt um really wasn't at risk or Particularly sensitive to the rate hikes The same was true with the large Non-financial corporate sector but then You have this whole other Dynamic which Is the banking system struggling with The deepest yield curve inversion since 1980 and that is the banking system is The cond to it to providing credit to Small businesses the real estate sector And even the federal government so in That environment sure being long tech um Is you know works well I think this is Going to be a strong Capital spending Cycle probably have above Trend Productivity growth through this

Business cycle but then you have this Whole sector that is struggling mightily With what I've been describing as Nothing like 2008 because because that's The lens everyone always looks at know NYCB has trouble and everyone says well Is this systemic or their credit Problems through the system the real Comparison is 1980 when vulker created This deep deep inversion of the yield Curve that essentially started the chain Of events that wiped out the thrift Industry yes okay so what he's talking About is the the the bond yields Inverted last year which sucked the Liquidity out of the bank then they Raise interest rates right well that's Sorry that that's what caused the bond Yield inversion now if they aggressively Lower rates right it's like you're Swinging the Pendulum liquidity is going in liquidity Is coming out it's going to jack up the Regional Banks again creating a Monopolization of the banking system Okay so this was really interesting it Came through yesterday it said bricks as This yesterday March 4th my apologies Brics will create payment system based On digital currencies in blockchain for Some time now bricks group uh grouping Has been making efforts to reduce its Reliance on the US dollar dominance okay This was reported by Forbes here US

Dollar death spiral crisis fears grow After Bank of America issues shocking One trillion every hundred days warning Amid huge Bitcoin ethereum xrp and Crypto price boom okay so important to Think about this guys like what they Mean by that what they're saying is Basically the government is adding one Trillion every 90 days this is why People are flying to bitcoin as a flight To safety this is where we could go Listen coin is basically back to those Record highs from a couple of years ago Joining us now is Anthony Pompano a Founder of pomp Investments and it's a Kind of a Fool's errand to ever try to Figure out where Bitcoin is headed but Just in terms of of things that that are On the horizon we got the the having Coming up we've had the ETF uh that was Recently spot ETFs are now becoming more Mainstream and how long has it been has It been two months it's start start Maybe a little bit slow but then it's Been like kind of a rocket chip if you Look over the last 60 days and in the Next 60 days I think there's two big Stories the ETF approvals obviously were A huge deal uh Black Rock alone has 11 Billion dollars in their ETF they added A billion dollars just in the last day And so these are massive inflows for Just one fund there's 11 of them and so Obviously there's tons of money coming

In about 12 times more demand for Bitcoin than what the network is Producing every single day but also as We near this record high if we go back And we look at past record high breaks Or if we eclipse the old alltime High Three of the four times Bitcoin doubled In 18 days or less and so if you think About that for a second once you break Through an all-time high it's price Discovery what what is this thing worth The world is going to try to figure that Out and three of the last four times in 18 days or less it doubled in price you Add in the fact that we have the have Incoming and we're going to go from 900 Bitcoin a day coming into the supply to 450 And it's very hard to make an argument That Bitcoin is not going much higher And at a faster Pace than we all Expected this is this is crazy guys this Is where it gets wild this is where you Need to bring the emotion out and this Is exactly why we created Merlin so on The back end of every video if you've Heard this you know you don't want to Continue here I want to share with you Guys I'm going to repeat this over and Over again I'm just telling you exactly What I'm doing okay so basically what I Did from 2020 to 2022 is number one I Built a robust crypto portfolio and I Was exiting the market I had a

Spreadsheet so I had a spreadsheet I had A ladder exit strategy going up so as People were rushing in I was selling as It went up because I realized when the It went parabolic the exchanges start to Shut down it happens every single time When the exchanges shut down you're Panicking you can't get your crypto out When it comes back up it's collapsing And you're Panic selling but I've Already sold profit on the way up now There's a couple things to look at with That okay so number one I'll explain Bitcoin I've been open and honest with You guys in my Academy is um I just Started get into Bitcoin last year okay So let let me give you an example you Also have to look at short-term and Long-term capital gains so all my crypto Besides Bitcoin is I have I've been Holding right and I've been holding and Accumulating so all of that is in Longterm I've been holding over a year But Bitcoin let me just give you an Example I bought a a chunk of Bitcoin in January 2024 okay so when I bought that Bitcoin It wouldn't make sense for me to cash it Out even if it gets my exit Targets in 20 24 knowing that the bull Run's going To continue 2025 I'm better off waiting Till January 2025 to start ex exercising My exit strategy because I could get Taxed anywhere up to

37% um on short-term capital gains Because there's a big difference between Under 12 months and a big difference for Holding it after 12 months so those That's something you have to consider Okay number two is I'm exiting 50% of my Portfolio during the bull run I don't Care when the Bull Run ends I care when It hits the exit targets let me give you An example okay I used a Sheba is Example so this is our dummy account Here okay and it shows you if I click on Shib here um it's going to show you did I do my Exit Plan here oh edit exit Strategy here we go is it on my exit Strategy here we go I can edit my exit Strate here we go if you can see this on The right hand side let me make this Bigger for you guys I'll show you the Example of what it does okay again um I Know there's some people asking Questions we don't hold your keys this Is just an interface don't hold your Keys don't hold your combos it's just an Interface so you can see all your Cryptos in one place and set set up an Exit strategy okay so for example when Shib boomed okay I had my first Target At 0.333 okay it tell me told me exactly Based on what it was doing this is a Dummy account here but it told that the The say the dummy account had had this Much crypto in there okay so the it told

Me told the dummy or the dummy told told Us to sell told the dummy that's awesome It does it does keep the it's it's like It's exit strategy for dummies right It's like it literally tells you exactly What to do told me exactly how much to Sell we also had the tax bracket in here And it tells you exactly if I sold all These exit targets you have $3,643 that would be made off these exra Targets of 50% of my portfolio and you Would pay 910 estimate $910 in taxes Based on 3,643 so you're setting up your exit Targets and on the way up I pull and I Max Fund my insurance policies that's What I do personally okay it's worked For me it worked for me in 2020 to to 2022 and now I'm going to be doing that Even larger in 2024 to 2025 the reason Why I do that personally is because I Love the fact that I can get market like Returns six to 7% anywhere to six to 12% Excuse me my principal is guaranteed Because it's insured my wealth is Actually insured in there and then I Have access to the liquidity access to The cash value I can borrow against my Insurance policies taxfree then from There I buy more assets by taking Taxfree money out so my dollar that's Taken out of crypto as profit is put Into an insurance policy that I can Borrow against that dollar so now I'm

Not only made money in crypto I'm now Making money in my insurance policy and Then I'm able to borrow against that Policy taxfree to buy more assets that's How the wealthy become wealthy they Borrow against their assets taxfree to Buy more assets multiplying your money Richest man in Babylon uh from that I'm Going to continue to build companies um You know I've Equity multiple companies Uh precious metals we're getting into Real estate uh for the tax liabil Abilities and depreciation um and we're Just still learning a lot of a lot of Parts of the game and so that's that's What we do uh we just stay focused on Fundamentals which for me it's my Relationship with God and Jesus Christ Um and we work to be good people with Good intentions that's about all we can Do right so but you you you have to have An Exit Plan there's no reason to watch Your portfolio Skyrocket you know 100% 200% and not PLL and think about this Guys you know with you know I'll share With you guys with with shib alone like Well just with my crypto portfolio loan With this little minicycle we just Had that would take Someone like 10 12 years in a corporate Job to make that much money in their Retirement like I'm just trying to do The math is when I was an executive Right this you have to this is the

Caution in this this is not Realistic it is so unrealistic to make This amount of money and such a short Amount of time but it's a great Opportunity so knowing that it's Unrealistic and totally Natural you have to get it out into Things that are realistic that are Normal that are natural does that make Sense we're in a fiat currency that's All debt then we're putting into fugazi Fake Internet money that's Exploding if you don't get it out and Put it into things like Insurance like Real estate like Precious Metals Businesses tangible things that you can Touch and feel and then again Diversifying in those things as well Because what if real estate collapses What if they take away my business again Like they did during the pandemic right Well then I got some precious metals and I have insurance and I have some crypto Right it's not about this is what I'm Running into a lot is is in the crypto Like everybody's just crypto crypto Crypto it's like guys we're taking Fugazi Fake uh internet money and we're putting It into fake Internet money or or fugazi Excuse me fiat currency that's fake Money that's debt someone else's debt And we're putting it into fake Internet Money right it's not tangible we can't

Touch it so it's about diversifying Right you don't want to be 100% in Crypto right you you'll see you know I Would say probably a lot of asset Managers would have their people waited About 5% of their portfolio into this Asset class which could be a large Amount of money for some asset managers Or people they're managing their assets Excuse me we're not going to have 100% Exposure do I have a lot of crypto Absolutely it was because I was in that Frame of mind for a long time um but I Also have companies I have a little bit Of precious metals I I'm getting into Real estate I have I've ification I I'm Really bought into insurance so I'm Diversified crypto Insurance business Precious metals um and I just started Really small and I just keep adding to The buckets and so making sure that I'm Set up for retirement and then making Sure my kids are set up when I pass away With my trust so yeah it's it's not that Difficult we just have to start to learn Financial literacy develop Financial Discipline and and stop getting caught On these hype trains guys so I love you Guys I appreciate you everything in the Description down this video you got my Free book free consultation with my Insurance team you can join our Warrior Academy if you choose to that is a paid Academy and what else do we got down

There oh we have our freedom conference I would love to meet you in person we Have our freedom conference you'll meet The good morning crypto show as well That's February February Jesus April 24th and 25th here in Mesa Arizona uh You get to see you can see our studio You get to see our our beautiful Conference Center that we created here Uh it's a great great time so love you Guys appreciate you as we always say Warriors rise get your [ __ ] Together [Music] Oh


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