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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel when it comes to crypto price Action and xrp specifically all of you Know that I love to just live in reality In a video very recently I highlighted Perspective from an individual that was Touting this idea of xrp blasting off Over 26 or 27,000 per somewhere around There up to something like $130 and look not that it's impossible For xrp to ever reach that but I pointed Out that the timeline being spouted you Know potenti as soon as months from now Occurring next year uh that seems a bit Far off that seems a bit unrealistic to Me and I I frequently state that we do Not need this level of hype we do not Need this level of fantasy land nonsense To be sufficiently enticed to be in the World of crypto to be holding xrp There's there's life-changing Opportunity if you just get expectations More in line with reality especially in Terms of what's going to happen in the Short term and while of course Admittedly I'm I'm not going to make Price predictions I don't do that I just I have a a broad understanding that We're going to see just a pile of money Flood into crypto in the coming years And decades and and yes for us here now Who are paying attention which is you Know you might as well round down to Almost 0% of humans on the planet paying

Attention yes that's going to be Life-changing for us but but so so what Is not crazy well one of my fellow xrp YouTubers stated that $25 for xrp just xrp hitting 25 bucks is Not crazy and so since I was blasting This idea of $130 for xrp it's at the Short term uh I thought I'd talk about Something that I thought was much more Reasonable $25 xrp that's actually not Unreasonable but before going any Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say right I'm just an Enthusiast to enjoy as Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun now as I record this latest Moonl hot to jam xrp is 49 cents Bitcoin At 27348 bucks so things moving a little Bit to the upside at least for the time Being you got the crypto fear and green Index at 45 out of 100 so Market Participants still in fear uh but I'm Not in fear I'm having a grand old time Here just as always and why well check This out I think it's because and and I Know that the vast majority of you Listening get this here but what the Price is today is not reflective of what It's going to be in the future

And I was saying the same stuff in in 2018 and 2019 it just seems impossible Things are never going to get higher we Have $ 150 billion do market cap for the Entire asset class but then it blasted To over $3 trillion so it seems possible Until it actually happens uh here you Have my fellow xrp YouTuber Mason uh who Stated the following it's not crazy to Think xrp can go to $25 plus Bitcoin Would just need to go to $150,000 plus and posted that this Morning and so not not that I believe For sure or have a high confidence Necessarily that $25 is going to get hit This coming Market cycle in particular But if it does I don't well first of all I don't think it's crazy to think that It could um I don't know if that's the Most probable highend that we'd see but It's not crazy is the point when you Start talking about the hundreds of Dollars next year that starts to sound Crazy to me but that's why I want to put This in perspective $25 even if we don't Hit that maybe we hit half that I don't Know but but $25 is not crazy and I want To paint a picture for you of just how Life changing this is so think about it This is why we don't need the fantasy Land stuff we are we should be Sufficiently enticed living in realville That's what I'm saying here and and and Also say look I'm going to be here with

All of you when crypto markets enter Euphoria again because it's going to Happen and I'm going to be here Celebrating with you and we'll take a Well-deserved Victory lap we're going to Do that right But Uh it doesn't take that much money Flowing in to get the life-changing Wealth and so even for just $25 Xrp based on the current circulating Supply for xrp that would be a 1.3 Trillion dollar market cap so mind you That's in the neighborhood of what Bitcoin hit uh when it went to its All-time high this past Market cycle When it was approaching close to $70,000 it got somewhere around there I Didn't pull the exact number before Recording the video but I know that's About right so the idea of xrp in a Subsequent Market cycle hitting Bitcoin's previous alltime high in terms Of market cap that doesn't sound Crazy and and Bitcoin at that point Would have a market cap if if you're Talking about Bitcoin at $150,000 that would be a market cap of Close to $3 trillion for Bitcoin $3 Trillion just for Bitcoin that doesn't Sound crazy either the idea of that Happening is not unreasonable and so if You're talking about xrp having a much Smaller market cap at its peak compared

To bitcoin at its peak when we hit Euphoria mode that seems perfectly Reasonable and maybe it is going to be Less than that I mean it could be $25 I Don't find that to be unreasonable to Speculate it might be next Market cycle But maybe it's more in line with what The blockchain backer is expecting and It's 10 to 13 bucks well woe is me Because right now it's only 50 like I'm Not going to be crying over that either But let's keep playing with the $25 Number because it's not great crazy it Could happen it just understand at that Point what you're talking about is a 50-fold increase in price and this is Why the everyday person paying attention Right now does have a genuine shot at The opportunity for life-changing wealth And even if we don't hit $25 this coming Market cycle well what happens to the Next one just the this is just my Opinion and I could be wrong and it all Goes to zero okay it's not a price Prediction I'm just thinking through it Just like you and everybody else there's Nothing special about me just cuz I have A YouTube channel But this is why I believe what I believe In in part I mean there's a lot more to It than this but this is the part I'm Talking about right now it doesn't take The average person regular people like You and me putting money in uh to just

Achieve crazy amounts of money and so to Illustrate that point just consider if You invest and I'm not telling you to do This I'm not this is not Financial Advice I'm just sharing with you some Basic math here if you invest $1,000 Into xrp should It Go to $25 that that $1,000 turns into $50,000 and in crypto this is not Fantasy land stuff now you go you fast Forward a couple years those Opportunities will be gone I don't know If it'll take a decade or two whatever It's going to take eventually there's Going to be so much money in crypto It'll be so adopted it'll be everybody Will look at be yeah of course crypto Work that that's the world we're going To get to at that point the opportunity Is gone but we are nowhere near that now That's why this is exciting so even if You're just talking about putting in $1,000 if if we get to this point where It's 25 bucks which does not sound crazy To me is xrp continues to get adopted Yeah that's 50,000 bucks if you put in $5,000 into xrp and that level is ever Hit that $5,000 investment becomes $250,000 and see do you you understand So it's not that $5,000 is Jump change But what I'm saying is relatively Speaking in the scheme of things it's Not that much for people in the first World right First World countries and to

Put in that little Bit and then get a 50-fold increase that That will be life-changing for people And just imagine if you put tenfold in Now you got you've got half a million Dollars what if you put what if you put $20,000 in now that based on the the Price today $20,000 becomes $1 million If we get that 50-fold Increase and and so you know you could Heard people speaking very similar to How I'm speaking now you could heard the Bitcoin people talking like this a Decade ago and it would have sounded Bonkers right except for it happened and The neat thing about xrp is yes it's a Large cap coin so in terms of the Multiplier effect if there's a small cap Coin that takes off yeah it's going to It's will obliterate xrp in terms of Return but I'm not interested in them Because that represents way too high a Risk I mean I hold some small cap coins I haven't put that much money in I'm not Thrilled about them or anything I don't Expect much of anything from them uh but To me that's why xrp is The Sweet Spot It it's just it's it's it's got a track Record it's been around over a decade The technology works it continues to get Adopted and since we're so early in Crypto there's almost no money in it Which is why it's not crazy to think That from where it is now it could have

A 50-fold increase that's just not crazy I mean hell you got people talking about Bitcoin going to over a million dollars You can't tell me that $25 xrp is crazy Hell no it's not I don't think that at All I just think that it's been Suppressed for over two and a half years But now it's got that legal Clarity it's it's it'll be amazing when That because to me and I could be wrong And it could go to zero like I always Say because CU that's the truth that's Why I always say that and I don't know But it Seems an incredibly high probability That if enough time passes so long is You know this level of adoption Continues which we're actually seeing in The real world you know imagine a world Where utility Matters like even xrp in the hundreds Like that doesn't sound crazy it just Starts to sound crazy to me if you're Saying that it makes sense to talk about That happening next year because then You're talking about like because Bitcoin leads the market it's not going To stop leading the market anytime soon Maybe it will one day but I mean what Are you talking about then Bitcoin would If bitcoin's going to lead the market Which would lead to xrp being able to Headit on 130 bucks so Bitcoin would Have to be worth you it would have to

Have a market cap in the tens of Trillions of dollars and maybe it does One day but next year next year uh no That's just that's just unreasonable but We do continue to see adoption with xrp And The xrp Ledger here is a an article From you today xrp this key metric Reflects sustained growth and I don't Want to read through it I just wanted to Point out a couple things things just to Keep just like Drive the point home like Whatever is happening with the price of Xrp whatever it has been for the last Decade and it is it's been volatile it Has been volatile of course despite that Volatility it's just it it just keeps Functioning it's it's a damn machine It's like a it's like a freaking clock Just bringing us forward into time so Like that well the clock doesn't but the Clock rep it represents the time it Shows time passing right and and like a Clock the clock just keeps working Regardless of what's happening in the World and and the XP Ledger in a similar Fashion regardless of what's Happening Developer activity or um you know chaos In the world volatility of of price of Xrp relative to other Fiat currencies or Other assets it just keeps moving Forward and to me that that's it has Like for me it has a soothing effect on Me I don't know if you guys ever think About it like this but it's like no

Matter what happens it's just it's it's A piece of proof that regardless it Keeps moving forward so the I think About that Concept in conjunction with The fact that adoption keeps continuing And the technology just works to me it Just it's another piece of the puzzle Just makes me think yeah as people Figure this out over time xrp is just Going to keep doing what it's doing Because the technology just works which Is somewhat rare in the world of crypto Which is kind of sad but it just works You know it doesn't need to be Ridiculously altered just to get you Know reasonable throughput or anything Like that just works and it has been for Over a decade and and so it's just People fig this out people will they Have been and they will continue to as Illustrated by the point so there's just Two metrics that I wanted to highlight Here they're talking about uh they're Talking about the total number of xrp Wallets now actually just pull up the Xrp rich list for the sake of it for Those of you that care to look there's a Chart on the right here uh showing the Total number of wallets at uh a little Over 4.8 million they just keep Increasing over time other than minor Pullbacks like you can see this one Right here which was in June and I Talked about that when it happened that

Was just because uh cryptocurrency Exchange ponia deleted a ton of of xrp Wallets it might have been something Like 85,000 if memory serves and the Reason they did that was to get the re Reserves out which were stuck in that They freed it up and put all the Reserves into one account uh but it did Result in this this dip in total Accounts existing going down but that Doesn't matter it doesn't mean that There's less adoption they just Consolidated accounts but the point is You can see visually it just keeps going In the right direction accounts keep Going up um everything just keeps Ticking along more use cases and uh and Actually also I want to point this out It's covered in the article and I Mentioned this from time to time but There are some actual numbers in here I Just thought I'd share with you uh Regarding the xs20 amendment that went Live for uh additional functionality for Nfts uh they share the following According to the bitm Explorer a total Of and I'll just round the number here 3 Million nfts with XLS 20 standard have Now been Meed there are presently 2.7 Million nfts in existence with 336,000 Nfts burned the total number of issuers Is now 5,741 Folks it's over

5,741 people or entities that are Issuing on The extrap Ledger that Wouldn't this is activity that wouldn't Be occurring but for this amendment Getting passed and there are other Things that are going to get passed in An additional use case and so on and so Forth and crypto in general is going to Increasingly be used in place of Fiat Currencies there's all sorts of reasons That this is working and will continue To work into the future and if it ever Starts to go south then I'll be Concerned and I'll be screaming it from The rooftops if I see adoption of xrp And The xtp Ledger go the wrong way you Better believe I'm going to be talking About that because uh I'm not I'm not Some sort of ideologue this isn't a Religion for me this is an investment Opportunity for me that's how I look at This and then I get to meet all sorts of Neat friends along the way that that's Fantastic but I'm telling you if it ever Goes the wrong way I don't care what People think of you I'm just going to Speak the truth should that happen but Wouldn't you want to know that or do you Want to be you want your head stuck in The sand if that were ever the case Because I don't if things ever start to Go the wrong way I want to know and if I Ever believe that's the case I'm going To share it but that's not what I see I

See everything going the right direction And so there is this Opportunity and I just I'm I'm so Thankful I'm here and I know I'm Probably preaching to the choir you guys Probably feel more or less the same as What I'm saying if you even if you don't Agree with everything that I'm saying Here or you feel a little bit different In terms of what's reasonable that's Fine I mean we all have different Suspicions about what's going to occur That's that's reasonable but it's just There's about 4% of humans that have Ever held any crypto at any point in Time and far less far less than 1% of Humans have ever held Xrp almost nobody on the planet has ever Heard of xrp and last time it went to an All-time high it hit almost $4 with Almost no one on the planet knowing what The hell it is what do you think happens When people do figure it out and so That's why I just that's why it's so Exciting this is why I'm thrilled about This every day and I love tracking this So much it just it just lights me up it Just does ever since I jumped into Crypto in late 2017 and and part of it is because I Understand that there are so many people That even if they when they first hear About these claims they just think that It's Bonkers but my thought at that

Point is it's okay to be skeptical Actually at First that's that's Reasonable but you should do your own Research at that point and jump in I Mean if you just uh you know Whole Hog Jump in the F the moment you hear this Stuff without any sort of analytical Thinking you don't question okay but What about this could this make it Crumble and fall down if you don't think Like that then I'm like uh is your brain Broken so it's okay of course be Skeptical that's my default is skeptic Iism but you know if people if you if They would just do their homework I Think that many people would would come To the same conclusion that we are but When you're talking about adoption that That it just is what it is that's why it Requires patience you're not going to Have people just jump in as quick as we Necessarily like but you do reach this Point where there's um just an Exponential increase and and we have Been seeing that I mean if you look at What's happened over 14 years in terms Of the adoption curve the rate at which People jump in it increases although of Of course during you know bare Market It's it is slower but this bare Market's Faster than the previous bare market so Like in terms of anybody that gets on Boarded this bare Market versus the last One it's still more so we're still in

This upward curve over time and you will Reach this inflection point where it's Just face melting where you have much Greater percentages of humans jumping on Board and that's what H happens with Technology which is why from time to Time I pull up a graphic of the Technology bell curve that's how this Stuff works unless you believe the Technology is never going to be globally Adopted which I think is absurd at this Point it already has been technically Globally adopted it's just in terms of The uh you know the percentage of humans It's almost none of us Still so if you're talking in terms of Percentages of humans well look just Google technology belel I didn't pull up For this video but I pulled up from time To time because that's what happens it's Just you have this you have the the Innovators and the early adopters and Then he starts to you see this clip to The upside in terms of the the number of Humans jumping on board and then you Have the late majority so on and so Forth that's how this works and we're at The very early phases of this so you Will see if you stay in crypto and you Just keep tracking this you will see at Some point just a crazy increase whether It's a year from now probably not a year From now but not that there wouldn't be More people in a year from now but if

You look at it whether it's five years Or 10 years you're going to hit this Clip where it's just like and it's going To just destroy anything we'd seen in The past which is why I continue to say I've been saying it since 2017 for the Next 10 years the crypto asset class Will continue to be the best asset class Offering the greatest returns compared To anything else on the entire planet I Said it six years ago and I say it today It's just keeps sliding along I just Keep pushing it out because where I am Now I'm just like what what only it's Only like that for four years out Because I said it six years ago no it's Still true today 10 years out that this This is my Suspicion so Kudos and congratulations To all of you for being here before Almost every human on the planet and Before almost every instit tion on the Planet which let's be real inevitably The vast majority of humans are going to Be in crypto in one form or another it's Going to happen just a matter of how Long it takes and which cryptocurrencies Will be the winners but right now Sitting here right now xrp seems like an Obvious winner to me but that's because I'm paying attention to you guys are too So like we can see That it's just the typical person has no Idea so hopefully you found this to be

Reasonable enough um I just I don't Think that it I know you talk about a 50-fold increase in traditional markets And in most cases that would be seeming Like a Looney Tunes land thing but in Crypto it's actually not that is really Not this this doesn't seem remotely Crazy you know you just start to lose me If you're talking about the tens of Thousand percentage gains for a large Cap coin like like xrp in a year not That it couldn't hit that not that it Couldn't be wor tens of thousands Percentage points higher from this Moment in time I don't think that's Crazy maybe it happens maybe it won't But it's just it's more so sometimes I See some expectations from some people That Just you know a certain price in a Certain time period and it just roll my Eyes but that's why I thought I'd just Take a moment to acknowledge there is Reason to be excitement that is grounded In reality this is grounded in reality And like I said earlier in the video Even if the blockchain backer is right He may well be and we see you know a Peak this coming Market cycle of you Know I think he says 1010 to $13 awesome so we only get closer to What a 30 fold Increase so what $1,000 becomes $30,000 Oh

No but that's what we're looking at this Is not crazy stuff here so let me know What you think am I off base am I being Reasonable here I'm trying to be Reasonable I'm always trying to be Reasonable it's just I could be hypy and I could do the you know yeah $130 you You know it's coming and I could talk About all the the pre-allocation crap I Could pretend like I believe that like Yeah exrp secretly allocated for Governments around the planet and I Could have been saying that xrp secretly Backed by gold and all this BS which I Think a lot of these people have to know Is not true but they just push it out There anyway I could be doing all that Stuff and I'd have way more people Mindlessly following me but I don't want That I want people that are willing to Engage in critical thinking here which Is everybody listening here because the People that really just want the Nonsense hype and that that's it and the Like the buyback theories and all that Crap they're not listening to me nor Should they because they're not going to Get what they want I want to I want to Speak with people it's most people it is Most people thankfully that want to just Be grounded in reality so anyway that's It those are my thoughts I just wanted To share with you and just get grounded In reality but also share a positive

Happy little Sunday video here because It's reasonable it's perfectly Reasonable to suspect that this may Happen in the Future I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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