16,000,000 XRP WHALE PURCHASE Spreads To MULTIPLE Wallets

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel and here is one splishy splashy Xrp whale getting aquatic AF look at This headline from you today xrp alert 16 million xrp bought by single whale on Major Korean exchange now I will tell You A lot of the times when I see these Types of Stories the numbers are are Actually much bigger than this it could Be you know like a 50 million xrp 100 Million xrp F flabby 110 billion uh xrp Just some crazy huge Mount and almost Every time I see that I'm like well do I Even need to click on the article Because the vast majority of the time When you see a story like that you Actually come to find well okay even if We don't know for sure uh what the Purpose was behind this transaction or Who the buyer was maybe maybe we have a Pretty good pretty good reason to Speculate though it's almost always an Exchange and you can see the two and From addresses and you can if you do a Little bit of homework you can figure Out okay is this one owned by m exchange And invariably the answer is yes now in The case of this transaction which Admittedly is By subjectively I'll just state for me This is a massive transaction 16 million Xrp uh it's it's not necessarily big Enough that you'd expect it to be from An exchange and I do not believe it is

In fact the behavior that we're seeing Here leads you to believe that this is Somebody who perhaps is engaging in in a Little bit of Arbitrage but is holding a Ton of xrp and so it's just so Fascinating to see to just kind of even Speculate about what the uh you know the Motive is behind this because for for an Individual and maybe it's an Organization in theory it could be but It could actually just be an Individual either way it's I don't think It's an exchange I think that's most Probable uh but to be engaging in this Type of purchase a 16 million xrp Purchase when you know there's the toxic Bitcoin match you hey xrp is going to Zero it's not going to do well you're Wasting your money buying xrp well I'll Tell you what there's some rich mofo Right here who absolutely disagrees with You all right so there's the typical Sentiment from the liming retail Speculators but then there's the big Money here and I do find that the big Money is more frequently than not the Smart money because if they weren't the Smart money they wouldn't have that much Money so more frequently than not that's The case and I just wanted to point out Before getting into some of some of the Specifics because it's just kind of Fascinating and I dug into just a little Bit uh just saying here's here's an

Anecdotal incident of a whale who is not Afraid to put a massive amount of money On the line investing in xrp so take it For what it's Worth um so uh digging into the article Here uh according to onchain data a Substantial amount of 16 million xrp has Been transferred from upbit one of South Korea's largest cryptocurrency exchanges To an unknown wallet On March 29th piece continues in a similar move Another massive transaction of 18 Million xrp was moved from upit to an Unknown wallet a whale alert whale aler Whale alert reports that 18 million xrp Worth $1.2 million transferred from Upbit to unknown wallet let's just focus On on the first one though so I did go Ahead and hop in here because if you Click on this here it'll load um and I'm Sure a lot of you are aware of this but You can just click on here you can do Your own little investigation it's not Difficult I click on here it takes you To uh bitm and it pulls up the actual Account you can go see here's the source Account here's the destination account Uh and so here's the actual destination Account right here this is the one that Received 16 million xrp and so when I Clicked on that I was looking at this Thing and I was like wait a minute this Is the receiving address it's only got

960 only 96721 19 xrp I was like uh did they just Buy 16 million xrp and then sell about 15 million xrp like where where's it go Because I started scrolling through this And I was like wait a minute these are Going to other exchanges binance and Bybit and the bitkit so there there are Multiple exchanges okx and so I started Scrolling through but then I noticed Wait a minute these are not very big Transactions here's one for like about 2300 xrp 151 xrp so I started thinking There are so many transactions here and They're so consistent it's like minute After minute there are multiple Transactions this has got to be a bot Obviously so I'm curious I'm like okay Well what's this splishy splashy xrp Whale up to getting aquatic AF what you Doing on my blockchain blockchain what You doing on my blockchain and so I was curious so I scrolled down scroll Scroll scroll and uh you can see here I'll just get cut to the chase here you Can see the part where there massive Transactions I think we're almost at Them here yeah so look at these you can See it's it's transaction after Transaction after transaction of 250,000 xrp so they were breaking it up Into p Didn't want to get it too big just in Case you fat fingered it so we'll just

Do a quarter of a million xrp nothing Big though right can you imagine that um Anyway though so uh so transferring a Bunch of quarter million xrps to a bunch Of different addresses and so they got It down what it looks to me and I didn't Check literally every single one because There's no point but I saw a pattern Here and eventually I just recognized That this is a whale who isn't trying to Just dump all of them on the market Right away and it seems pretty clear They're using a bot but each of these Accounts the rece and and so I think It's broken up into I'm guessing Probably about 16 different accounts is Uh I think basically a million xrp was Sent to each account and a little bit Has has been sold since then like you Can see here's one of the additional Accounts so this this account is 9648 31 xrp it received that xrp from The account that it had the 16 million Xrp so it's all owned by the same person They're all activated on the same date September 20th 2023 so they had a bunch Of individual accounts probably just Spreading out the risk uh which makes Sense from a security perspective just In case uh everybody always worries About getting hacked and you things Happen uh and so that's what that one is There's another one here just for Example 9614 150 xrp remaining in this

Account and so there's just random bits So what it what I'm guessing is that This bot is basically just engaging in Arbitrage and where based on where Whatever it sell price is whatever it Can unload without doing something crazy To the market it's doing it not that Necessarily 16 million xrp even if Dumped on the market all at once would Particularly do that much especially if Immediately because if you purchase 16 Million xrp you sell 16 million xrp like It's the you get basically more or less A Net Zero Effect so it wouldn't matter Particularly anyway but um it's just Kind of interesting to see that this is What they're doing so I'm I'm assuming That in this particular case which is Why it's just kind of fun to dig into This because I I don't normally do this But I just got a bit curious so I Thought I'd share it with you but it Looks me like this is somebody with an Enormous amount of money wouldn't Wouldn't be surprised to find out that They hold an absurd amount of other Cryptocurrencies and maybe it's just one Individual I don't know for sure but It's somebody who is smart and confident Enough to hold an absurdly large amount Of Xrp and they're just selling little Dribs and drabs here and there that's That's pretty much it so all that to say

If the smart money was concerned about Holding this much xrp the day that Happens that's the day maybe we should Be concerned that would make me Concerned so frankly like like what Would be an indicator that we actually Should be worried is if Moon lambo's Worried okay then pay attention because Um I do not get emotional about my Investments here not not well Specifically in terms of you know when Prices going down I'm not getting afraid Um if anything I I'll get excited I'll Experience the excitement emotion as the Price goes up and that's all well and Good but if if you ever see me uh Screaming that the sky is falling pay Attention because it probably is you Know I've been in this over six years Never sold the single xrp in my entire Life but I intend to sell a boatload uh But not out of panic you know at a point When we're actually in profit here and Uh I still firmly believe that what's Most probable here though nobody can Know what happens with xrp price for Sure uh alltime High we're in a bull Market here and entering price Discovery That's when I'll do it here but in the Meantime you have all sorts of whales Doing their own things and in this case Looks like there's some bot activity Just trying to eek out little profits so Probably doing this with a bunch of

Different cryptocurrencies but again Massive money here and not afraid to Hold xrp I know it's anecdotal incident Here but it's kind of fun to look at That stuff here which means that we're Not the only idiots that think that it Makes sense to hold xrp and and you know A lot of you listening even if you don't Have 16 million xrp is pretty much Nobody does a lot of you listening hold What you subjectively would say is a lot Of xrp to you so that's still real risk And I would say that for myself too last I checked the other day my uh total Crypto Holdings if you look at what Account xrp amounts to xrp accounts to Just over 24% of my total crypto Holdings and I Have no fear if I didn't have that Exposure then I'd have a hard time Sleeping at that because I believe the Thing ultimately runs period but I also Feel comfortable because I have brought Exposure to the entire asset class so We'll we'll see what happens but uh this Is such an exciting time to be in crypto And it's NE to kind of report on one of These whale alerts where it's not just An exchange stocking up basically this Is an actual it could just be an Individual doing actual stuff here which Is neat that's not usually the case from What I see I'm not a financial advisor You should not buy or sell anything

Because of anything I say or right that Would be a very very very bad idea until Next time to the Moon Lambo


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