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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel okay everybody Under the Sun now Knows that the spot Bitcoin ETFs have Been approved by the SEC a truly Historic moment I think it's like the Impact over a prolonged period of time Is going to be incredibly profound but The question that many have right now And for good reason I'm as curious as Everybody else out there what happens on Day one because January 10th we got the Approval what happens on January 11th When these things actually start trading Should we be ready for some extreme Volatility well look whether we have Extreme volatility January 11th or not Uh I think it's very fair to assume that We're going to have some serious Fireworks in the short term in terms of Crypto price Action uh you know frankly ETF are not We would I I firmly believe that to be The case but I know what everybody's Wondering you're wondering okay how much Money is actually going to flow into This damn thing and well damn things Because there are there are multiple ETFs that were Bitcoin ETFs that were Approved And and like over what period of time And so there are people some speculating That you're going to have literally on January 11th when these things start Trading some people are speculating and

I'm not saying to by end of this that You're going to see the volume for Bitcoin like Double so there won't be enough Bitcoin Pushing price up to an incredible degree Right out the gate ah fine I won't say It's impossible but I find it highly Improbable um and I'll explain why but I Want to share with you perspective from A number of individuals that are Actually working in this world and and Um and it's not to take away from any The excit we should be excitement like 2024 is going to be insane and I say There's going to be extreme volatility In the short term regardless and it's Going to be an incredible year that's my Anticipation but you know even if it's The case and my suspicion is correct That the um you know the degree to which These Bitcoin ETFs will be profound if I'm writing it it it plays out over a Span of years and decades uh that's Still incredible for us we are so damn Early do we need it to happen literally On January 11th just Like uh but before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto

Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right in case you Missed my last video I'll be brief on This since I talked a little bit about It but as far as whether or not the spot Bitcoin ETF approvals would be a buy the News or a sell the news scenario as it Turns out it was neither it's been Almost 12 hours since this damn thing Launched So for anybody curious it is Currently 213 a.m. uh Central Time Thursday January 11th 2024 and the uh the word of the approval Was at 2:50 p.m. central Time so almost 12 hours uh Bitcoin didn't do much today So that that is not what anyone was Guessing I didn't see a single human uh Actually predict that uh that that that Bitcoin is just basically more or less Going to move sideways in a very narrow Band in in terms of volatility um my bet Was that it would be a sell the news Event and it wasn't until January 9th The day before the approval that I I Brought it up on my channel for the First time I I'm not sure what we're Going to see the 10th anymore it kind of Got me thinking I was like is it is it Going to a sell the news or a buy the News situation I was openly asking this Question on my channel and I hadn't had Sufficient time to think through it Because uh now the unveiling of the Approval the spot Bitcoin ETFs on the

10th it was tainted the day before by The fake news uh you know because I'm Sure all you heard by now the SEC Account on X got hacked and there's fake Approval of the spot Bitcoin ETF and That that actually was a sell the news Event but it it seems to me like the Market didn't care about some of the Biggest news in history didn't really Respond in any meaningful way and it's Been 12 hours now Interesting so will we actually see the Fireworks now that the trading starting Today um well I'll note by the way uh Alts actually did they did go up a Little bit but again even that wasn't Crazy xrp got as high as 61 cents um we Do see for the first time in a long time That we're not just in greed anymore as Far as the crypto fear and greed index Is concerned we are in extreme greed at 76 out of 100 Which does mean at some unknown point in The future we will be in extreme fear Yet again now I'm not saying that's Going to happen anytime soon but it is An inevitability mark my words it's Going to not to be negative like I'm Optimistic for 2024 but I'm just trying To point out these things they kind of Cyclical right um but also just just Because we finally got to extreme greed It doesn't mean that we can't be in a Sustained level of extreme Greed for

Much of 2024 that certainly can happen I'm just saying it can't stay there Forever um and and this if anything's Alarming this is alarming you have Jim Kramer and I'm telling you in inverse Kramer it's like it's a real thing Whatever Jim Kramer says I'm probably Just gonna take the opposite bet I just He's a professional wrong person he's a Person who gets paid a lot of money Professionally to just be wrong it's Incredible that this guy has a following Who takes this guy seriously 2.1 million Followers famous on a global scale National Television he's wrong about everything It's astonishing and so after the Approval of the spot Bitcoin ETFs he he He shared this post on X he wrote Normally you would expect a top in Bitcoin on a sell the news situation I Am not even sure that happens I saw that I was Like if if Jim Kramer thinks that we Might not be seeing a sell the new Situation here like as in bitcoin price Not going down now I'm concerned cuz He's a professional incorrect person That's what he I just I can't believe he Has the platform that he has I just it's Impossible but yeah here we are and so The blockchain backer reposted that and Said retrace levels Extreme retail Euphoria and Kramer saying a top won't

Happen laughy Emoji Yeah so look folks I'm not pretending to Know when we're going to have some Negative massive negative move to the Downside but just be ready for extreme Volatility it's going to be going to Come whether it's today or tomorrow Whatever it's it's going to be coming Here you're we're not going to make it Through a bull cycle without a massive Pullback over 20 over 30% historically We history has taught us to expect these Things frankly right so I'm thinking That's pretty damn probable and then we Have the new narrative by the way here You can see the blockchain back road Here comes the new speculation wave and He shared a post by eric. eth on X he wrote an eth ETF approval could Come as soon as May so the narrative has Shifted now that the Bitcoin ETF Approval uh it's in the bag we got it uh Fantastic it is a truly historic moment Uh now we keep seeing all sorts of Articles and commentary on social media About eth and xrp ETFs getting approved Now I I will tell you I'm in the camp of Of a believer of Believers that think This probably this year frankly you're Going to see a firm or many firms apply For a spot xrp ETF I'm just not Convinced that it's going to get Approved because Kim Jean guinsler is in

Charge if he weren't in charge different Story but he is in charge and the reason We got the spot Bitcoin ETF is because He was backed into a legal corner with The SEC losing the grayscale Lawsuit but that wasn't about a broadly Speaking crypto that was Specifically about Bitcoin so he can Justify not approving any altcoin ETF And I just don't know why he would and I Would love to be wrong on that of course Uh I'm just telling you I'm skeptical Because I think that Kim Jong ginzler is An absolute Monster uh and then there was Also this yeah so let's talk let's talk About what might happen today because Again like I said at the outside of the Video there are those people who think That um we are going to see massive Inflows crazy volatility uh crazy price Moves to the upside for Bitcoin in the Entire asset class as result may move in Tandem uh then there are those that are Taking you know a little bit of a more Measured approach uh which is more in Line with what my thinking is on this um But but take a look at this here's From The Block spot Bitcoin ETFs have now Been approved what comes next and There's a portion of this article I want To highlight here flows over the next Few weeks all eyes will be on the Expected inflows within the first 24 to

48 hours said Anthony rouso head of Brokerage Solutions at multi-asset Trading platform trade station in in a Statement projections range from Substantial to record-breaking with some Envisioning flows in the multiple Billions and unprecedented feat in the ETF realm R rouso said so again folks There's no shortage of these types of Explan expectations rather if you're on Social media just walk five feet you're Going to find it you hop on Crypt media You're going to find these perspectives And maybe they're right I'm not going to Out outright rule it out but I would say Like even if we do have extreme Volatility in in crypto markets Specifically led by Bitcoin on day one January 11th which we're now in Technically at the time I'm recording This even though I haven't gone to bed Yet uh even if that does happen it might Just be regular Market volatility it Might not even necessarily because crazy Amount of money is flowing into Bitcoin You can just have crazy Euphoria anyway And maybe that would even be shortlived Because again I'm still in the camp that Thinks that this matters tremendously Over a long period of time but anyway Peace continues Russo also warned of Potentially underestimating long-term Implications for the Bitcoin Market Financial institutions have over $ 100

Trillion dollar in assets under Management and a portion of those funds Could be allocated to bitcoin Russo said It's crucial to recognize that Institutions can follow due process and Navigate regulatory Hoops to incorporate Bitcoin into their investment strategies A journey that could span several months Russo said other experts expect some Volatility over the next few days spot Bitcoin ETFs are expected to track the Underlying Bitcoin but those ETFs are Large and will be having lots of new Assets under management investment Coming in in that first day or two after Trading said Stuart Barton co-founder at Volatility shares in an interview it is Possible that we might see and this is Work it's while check this out it is Possible that we might see the ETFs Struggle to get the exposure in the Bitcoin markets Barton said we know the Bitcoin Market might be 10 to2 billion a Day typically if 40 to 50 billion dollar Poured into these ETFs on day one it Might be difficult for the advisers to Get a hold of that amount of Bitcoin Yeah so look at any given moment most Bitcoin is not available for sale but if Prices get bit enough bit up enough then Some Bitcoin that was in Cold Storage Eventually like you know whoever owns That might be like H starting to get a Little enticed here so the question is

Is the demand going to be so high on January 11th that we act actually see a Dramatic move to the upside specifically Because of this uh look I'm not saying We can't have a crazy day maybe we do I'm not pretending to know but would it Be because these things are actually Live I'm not convinced in fact you know Big question is are all of the 11 Approved applicants actually going to Have trading on January 11th Today we actually don't know we Literally don't know there's a section At the I'm don't need to read this whole Thing but this section right here uh It's just the case that we don't know For sure so there is Broad expectation Yes some at least some of them if not All of them will be live and it is Possible all 11 could be live on day one But we don't we don't even know that so I'm sitting like well we don't even know Which of these damn is going to Be trading how are you going to come to Some sort of reasonable suspicion as to How much money might be flowing in when You don't even know how many are going To be active and what their connections Would be you know where's where's it Going to be flowing in from right so it Seems like we're getting a little ahead Of ourselves Perhaps um and then there was also this Coindesk had a similar article this is

Titled Bitcoin ETFs what to expect on Day one and they have perspective from Well a few individuals in the story um One of the individuals that they got Perspective from is Robert mitnik now Robert mitnik that name might sound Familiar to some of you in the xrp Community he it worked with Susan ay Back in 2018 to come up with um a price Model for in terms of future prices for Bitcoin and specifically xrp and numbers Were high in terms of what is possible Not guaranteed and acknowledging risk But they put a model out there so if the Name sounds familiar that's probably why Uh Robert mitnik ended up working at Ripple for some period of time he's now At Black Rock Susan ay who he wrote that Paper with uh she was on the board at Ripple for a long time and I'm not sure When she ultimately parted ways um but Just wanted to mention the background Since I know the name might sound Familiar here But there's a little subheading in this Article titled no immediate rush now This seems like to me the most reasonal Reasonable level-headed approach to in Terms of expecting what's going to come As a result of the approval of the spot Bitcoin ETFs um but don't take this as a Negative I think this is fantastic as I Say I've said many times now over a span Of years and decades but as far as 2024

Is confirmed this is not a bad thing Like more money is literally going to be Flowing into Bitcoin specifically and as A result crypto markets in 2024 because Of this so it's something it's it's it Certainly is something but I'm just I'm Just saying even if this wasn't approved I still think we would have had I mean Fine markets would have freaked out you Know on January 10th but I still think We would have had an amazing 2024 even If the spot Bitcoin ETF wasn't approved So to me this doesn't ruin anything it's Just kind of the question of is it Reasonable to assume big price action Because of the ETF approval on January 11th when it starts trading that's the Big question and we're hours away from That again now it's now it's 2:25 a.m. Central Time so anyway piece reads as Follows David man Franklin templeton's Head of ETF products and capital markets Told coindesk in an interview that it Was difficult to predict just what Inflows might look like in the first few Days while he expects a ton of Excitement on day one he said there may Be a more gradual ramp up in interest And Investments Than People appreciate So pause I appreciate it it might not be What a lot of people want to hear to me It's still incredibly exciting and I Think 2024 is going to be awesome sauce Anyways like I to me this is not even

Close to being a negative some people May be disappointed with initial flows If we don't see the fireworks but I Won't be and again even if we do see the Fireworks today is it because money Actually flowed in or is it because of Wild speculation which you see it's just Common place in crypto anyway so we'll Be watching for that and I'll be Happ if I look I would love like 12 hours from Now to to be making a video highlighting The crazy unexpected inflows into Bitcoin ramping up the capital that's Flowing into crypto and general I would Love to make that video all I'm saying Is while I acknowledge it could happen I Just don't find that to be the most Probable outcome that's all I'm saying That's pretty much it it could I'm just I don't think that's the most Probable anyway peace continues it Wouldn't shock me if ETF users broadly Who are now looking at getting some Exposure to bitcoin within the ETF Vehicle are going to go through their Normal review process to make sure that They're comfortable with the ETF and That often takes time he said there may Be a pop out the gate out of the gate And that's a quote but investors may Take weeks or months to become Comfortable with the Bitcoin ETF vehicle And verify that it is behaving in a way They would be willing to put money into

He said black Rock's mitnik that' be Robert mitnik echoed this point Point Saying it would be a long journey after The launch for investors he pointed to Wealth advisers as an example saying They may be part of the largest Investment channel for the ETF because They have not yet had much exposure to Investment vehicles containing Bitcoin There would be a journey of Education Before they may allocate funds there Will be Su uh suitability conversations Between advisers and clients he said It's not something that is going going To materialize right away out of the Gate and the same thing for Institutional investors uh who hither to Have not really had viable exposure Solutions end quote okay to me that's Level hated as hell that is that is just What what are the youth say now based is It based AF is that that am I using that Right I don't know I'm a 40-year-old man Dude like what do you wondering but but Um I think what he's saying makes Sense yes so yes The implications of this and again this Is Robert MRI now now at Black Rock he Thinks it's going to be substantial and I I believe that he believes that and I Believe he's right it's going to be hard To overstate the degree to which this Will be consequential over a long period Of time but in the short term but that's

Also why I wanted to deliver the message If I'm right that's not some sort of Huge Negative 2024 even again without this I'll say it One more time I think it's going to be a Year of fireworks now of course there Will be n major moves to the the Downside at times maybe we get surprised And we have one today what the hell do I Know I'm a dude on the internet named Moon Lambo Okay like I I don't pretend to know man I just have confidence that over the Long Haul way more money is going to Flow in and now all sorts of people that Don't have exposure to this asset class They can get that actual exposure and it Requires uh the underlying Bitcoin funds To actually be held it's not like Futures markets where you can just bet On what's going to happen and and and Bitcoin doesn't have to be purch no no No the Bitcoin this is why this matters It will materially impact the supply and Demand Dynamics in Bitcoin that's why This matters and that's why people are Excited about what comes next is there Going to be an xrp ETF and I still think There will be at some point in the Future I'm just not convinced that it's Going to be happening soon I'd be Surprised if it happens this year I Could see applications coming in this

Year but I don't think Kim Jan Gins is Going to be playing nice you know what I'm saying happy to be wrong though Happy to be wrong so in my opinion yes Get ready for extreme volatility but I Say that regardless of the Bitcoin ETF And uh we're just going to have to sit Tight and see what happens but just in My humble opon uh in the short term I Don't think the ETF is going to do that Much but it's going to be exciting to See what Unfolds and nobody knows for sure I do Acknowledge that I'm not a financial Adviser you should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right that would be a very very very bad Idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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