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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel in this latest Moon Lambo Hot Jam I'm going to share with you Perspective from a chart analyst who Says that he believes xrp will increase 15x that's right a 15-fold increase uh Before midcycle run ends and we are Talking about within the next couple Months or so that's that's close to $10 Folks from where xrp is right now so I Like I like I say many times when Analysts and I appreciate the analysts Out there sh you know putting their Putting their neck on the line and they Get yelled at if they're wrong I get it Uh I appreciate them doing that and Taking their time to share their uh Share their perspective on what's going On because a lot of these anst really do Put some hard work some real time into Analyzing what they think is going on And sharing what they think think makes Sense that said I do start to get a Little nervous when any analysts no Matter how reputable or or how great Their hit rate is I get a little nervous When they start talking about timelines Because even if they're writing their Analysis about any particular chart Formation portions of that chart Formation can unfold faster or slower Than than expected or what had happened In the past so even if they're nailing The chart formation you it's just I I

I've never seen in my entire life an Analyst who can consistently Reliably uh even if they have a higher Hit rate I can't find one that can Consistently reliably uh predict time When it comes to Movements but uh um I'm just I'm sharing Perspective from lots of analysts here It'll be another analyst on the record Sharing their perspective and we'll just See who's right and who's wrong now the The good news is with everything like The Confluence of events everything Unfolding the way it is right now the Idea of xrp getting to that price level Over that time frame is absolutely Plausible I I'll definitely admit that It's it's just in terms of can you see That timeline specifically in the charts Well I mean maybe it's reasonable to Have a rough IDE over a longer time Frame but man it's just hard to kind of Narrow it down and also share with you Some perspective from analysts in terms Of what's happening right now in the Markets are we going to be seeing a Further dip to the downside led by Bitcoin or are we finally going to break To the upside and that's important even If you don't care about Bitcoin because Bitcoin leads the market and even if you Care about your alts more uh like like I Do or maybe xrp is your largest holding Or one of your largest Holdings you you

Care way more about that I hear you I'm In the same boat but you should be Interested in what Happ happens to Bitcoin Regardless but uh before going further I Do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun as I record this video xrp Is 63 cents so outperforming Bitcoin Even in USD today and uh it's even more Impressive if you look on an xrp BTC Chart uh Bitcoin at 64,000 $326 market Cap for the asset class just under 2.5 Trillion and the crypto fing greed index 74 out of 100 so we are still outside of Extreme greed but we are feeling some Good oldfashioned greed just regular Greed here in crypto markets here's the Headline from the crypto basic top Analyst says xrp to 15x before midcycle Run ends a notable analyst in the crypto Sphere has asserted that xrp could Ain a 15 times expansion in its price in the Short term before the peak of this cycle Xrp's cumulative performance over the Past 7 days has translated to a 3% Decline putting its value at 61.86258313 particular analyst analysis

Is I'll just say this although I Acknowledge you could have a primary Move that actually does get xrp into All-time high territory I'd be surprised If that's what we see just based on Historic precedent the last two times That we saw uh if you just you're Analyzing xrp what happened in the last Two bull markets xrp had two primary Moves two major ones uh in 2017 that Would be in April and then again in December so over half a year apart and Then there was a for the next Market Cycle there was one November 2020 and Then another one in April of 2020 so About a half year later there so not That it can't be a little bit different Because history does it always literally Repeat down to every minute detail it Just kind of more or less rhymes with Itself uh it could happen but for fun my Guess would be that we'd see a massive Move to the upside may not you know lead Us to new alltime High though could but Even if it did go to an time high I Wouldn't expect that to be the uh the The peak for the cycle whatever that First move is however High it goes um And I'll be looking at what the Perspective is from everybody you know I'm always curious to hear what people Think especially the chart analysts out There but just sitting here before that Happens I'm just saying I'd be surprised

If that initial burst wherever it lands I just I don't think it's probable that That will be all she wrote and there can Be a g big gap in between when it Actually runs again but I mean if you're Talking about xrp getting up to $10 like These are these are totally reasonable Expectations this is if anything even Though I'm not going to make a price Prediction myself because I'd just be Making crap up uh it it sounds Conservative to me anything around there Just sounds conservative to Me uh anyway peace continues nonetheless Prominent Market analysts have expressed Conviction that xrp is primed for an Aggressive short-term move analyst Captain topone recently commented on Xrp's potential aggressive short-term Term move in a recent post on X he Argued that xrp would net a potential 1500% gain before the midcycle Run ends And folks uh that's not what he said uh He said 15x and then the Crypt basic Author here as is typically the case With crypto media authors they're a Bunch of C students and they don't Recognize that a 15x increase is a 1, 1400% gain do the math and I'll actually Will I'll show you just a second here so They wrote that it's incorrect I just Mentioning the detail here Um anyway peace continues with xrp Around uh

[Music] 61.86258313 form because I I can't see Anybody consistently pull this Off um now as far as the movement so the The price at the time about 62 C uh so You know if you do a 50 15 fold increase That would be $930 that's 1, 1400% gain So not 1500% is what it is but but look That's Conservative I just I I if it doesn't go Higher I mean I kind of be a little bit Surprised I I would I would I think xrp Is going going to go ballistic this Market cycle especially after Consolidating for six freaking years It's just absurd to me if that if that's It I mean look at where bitcoin's going Look at the market cap there what about Eth I mean eth hasn't yet hit a new All-time high this cycle but it's been About $4,000 and I think the high is What like 4,800 bucks or so I mean it's Going to smash through that I don't know How high it's going to go but to think That xrp couldn't get closer to That I mean we'll see what happens but To to kind of paint that picture Actually take a look at this too there's This post from chart analyst cryptol and There are a bunch of charts and I I Don't need to zoom in to make the point That I'm going to make here what's at The top here is the altcoin market cap Which is the total two chart on a a

Weekly basis so you have weekly Candles There and so the total two is just the Entire crypto asset class except for Bitcoin so it's every single altcoin Including eth and he notes particular Breakout periods and he highlighted them In yellow so there's one here those you Look at the screen there's one here and Then this is where we are right now Noting hey this looks the same that's What he's saying so we got out of Accumulation it's been breaking to the Upside uh again everything except for Bitcoin and then you noted some top Coins and so that's what these other Charts are below here it's eth xrp xlm Litecoin and Doge and what you might notice Immediately is that these charts look Very Samy they look very very very Similar that would be because the asset Class mov moves in Tandem the second one right here below The alt before the entire asset class Minus Bitcoin so the third one from the Top this is xrp in USD that's what it Looks like so structurally you can see It looks the same as the other ones uh Then the fourth one or well technically From the top it's the fifth fifth one Because there's technically six charts Here five coins this one right here this Is Xlm xlm and xrp out of out of the five

Individual coins listed here xrp and xlm Are the only two that didn't hit new All-time highs why might that be well Obviously it's because of the SEC xrp is The only top 10 coin that going into the Bull Run didn't hit a new alltime high Xlm trades almost exactly like xrp even When even when there's been um news Specific xrp having to do with the secb Ripple lawsuit Exel follow there's There's evidence of that so for what as Far as why people are treating it that Way I don't know for sure I've talked About it a little before it's outside The scope of this video but it just is So if that's just a blip on the radar Because the SEC nonsense and we know That the asset class moves in Tandem and We are at that breakout Point what he's Getting at here is this is that moment This is that moment before xrp really Takes off and starts melting Faces Again xrp as I've been saying in recent Days and weeks it's part of the asset Class the asset class moves in tandem if We're going to see a true alt season yes Yes xrp is going to be a part of it yes It's going to hit a new alltime high yes It's going to enter price Discovery and I don't know that for sure but I firmly Believe that is what is most Probable why would it not it just Doesn't make any sense once the market

Gets going it just does and people fomo In regardless of any of the specifics About the coins that's why these charts Look the same and these these charts are Going back a decade I know you can't see It because it's so zoomed out here That's going back to 2014 They look the Same pretty striking right uh here's a Post from Mikey B crypto talking about Altcoins here altcoins market cap is About to transition into a maniac phase That initiates real fun in alt season The clock is ticking and so this is a Separate analyst noting it's another way Of pointing out the same thing he's Pointing out what happened last cycle With this little yellow arrow saying hey Same thing here this is where we are Right now and so this is uh crypto total Market cap and excluding Bitcoin and eth The other one was just excluding Bitcoin This excludes Bitcoin and eth but it's The same concept here he's saying this Is the point and anticipating that we're Going to go from um what what what it $712 billion market cap for for this uh For this group 720 for everything Excluding Bitcoin and E so from 7 712 Billion to 3 trillion Over a four-fold Increase and it's that doesn't mean that Each coin is only going to go up 4X that Just means at the peak that's what that

Would be and at any given moment only a Select number of coins a small Percentage of total coins will be Running to their all-time highs so in Terms of the actual multiplier effect Way more than four-fold you'll see all Sorts of coins going 10 fold 15 20 25 50 And especially the smaller cap ones You'll get greater multiplier effects on Those um now there're a lot more RK Ry Though and there's less of a less of a Guarantee I would say that those are Going to get uh the types of multiplier Effect that you actually want there's Just just take it for what it's worth The further you go down in terms of Market cap the further out you are on The risk curve so you just got to decide What's right for you but that's why I've Been um such a huge proponent for xrp For for me personally uh it's just it's The Sweet Spot when it comes to Investing it's a large cap yeah but There's almost no money in in most large Caps including xrp big picture uh but You have that tracker of over a decade Of success you know it just it just Works so that's for me that's a sweet Spot but folks this is this is all Coming here this is this is certainly All coming Here so uh oh oh actually as far as Bitcoin too actually let me highlight This real quick this is from um uh this

Is from Matthew Highland yeah let me Highlight this one he said uh I haven't Commented on bitcoin price action as Much the past few days was expecting a Pullback after last week's weekly close That would push us toward $60,000 or $53,000 we got the push toward $6,000 I Remain macro bullish however sometimes I Don't have a strong enough opinion so I Would say it's probably a coin flip if We get one more leg down or this is the Bottom a leg down would be out of the Norm for the past year and a half as we Haven't had a 30% pullback in almost a One and a half years but it would not be Out of the norm for Bitcoin bull market Price action dominant uptrend so Whatever happens I expect a break past All-time high Zone and a move towards $100,000 when it's all said and done Yeah so whatever happens in the short Term doesn't change the the fact that We're in a major bull market here and it Is true if you if you go back towards When we bottomed out November 22 after The FTX nonsense each of those pullbacks Was a little over 20% but not 30% not Even close Um so it's been less it's been the Pullbacks have been more shallow uh Leading up out of the bottom of the the Bare market so it's not that we can't Have a 30% pullback and that wouldn't Surprise me he's just noting here it

Just hasn't happened yet so it would be Out of the norm for this bull cycle but Historically not outside of the north That's that's the point that he's making So we'll see what happens and for for What it's worth for most of the analysts That I I follow um there's not strong Conviction as to whether or not we're Going to go one way or another up or Down in the short term term uh but I do Seem to to to to notice that most Standal think it's a little more Probable that we would move Bitcoin Would move to the upside rather than Getting into the 50,000 but either's Reasonably probable so we we'll see what Happens even if we do get that scary Move to the downside because some people Will be scared it is not time to panic Some people will be panicking it will Not be time to Panic Just pick a pick an indicator a top Indicator we're not there we're just not There lots to look forward to the most Fun that we're going to have out of the Cycle is yet to come I'm not a financial Adviser you should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right that would be a very very very bad Idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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