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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I'm going to share with you Perspective from a couple xrp chart Analysts in this latest Moon Lambo Hot Jam including one who says that we are Experiencing xrp Deja Vu and I'll share With you specifically what he said Towards the beginning part of this video But I'll tell you here at the outset That we have seen this movie before we Do Know How It Ends right because History even if it doesn't perfectly Repeat it kind of rhymes with itself and I have a pretty rough idea of what this Is going to mean for us and suffice it To say what I am expecting as is we are Going to be entering face melt territory Uh we xrp holders this Market cycle in All likelihood I wouldn't be surprised If it's this year because I'm I'm not uh I'm not particularly convinced of this Narrative that we're going to see this Particular Bull Run Run way into 2025 And if it does hey I'll I'll be happy to To see that unfold I'm here for it I'm Just a bit skeptical of it that's all I'm saying also want to share with you Perspective in terms of what's going on With Bitcoin and their their are Additional concerns from some analysts That uh the bottom maybe it's in now but There's some analysts a real good chance That we're actually going to see at Least a little bit further a final

ShakeOut before we do see a move to the To back to the upside so I just the Little heads up here right now if we if We do get that no guarantees but if we Do it's not the end of the world this Happens in Bull markets and the biggest Way to not get wrecked is to not let Your emotions control you when it comes To investing we are our own worst Enemies because of the emotional aspect Of investing but before going further I Do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I'm not Offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube videos about crypto related Topics but just as a hobby and just for Fun all right at the time I'm recording This video it is 7:24 a.m. Thursday April 18th 2024 uh xrp is 49 cents bitcoin's at 62 , 354 bucks take a look at this though Crypto fear and greed index we haven't Seen it this low in a while have we 57 Out of 100 so that's still greed but um Get a little bit below that we're going To be back into neutral territory um and If we do get another drop I wouldn't be Surprised if that happens but it's also Historically normal to see this happen Even in a a wider bull market this Absolutely is what you're experiencing

Right now even if it's fear if you're Feeling fear I'm telling you what's Happening right now in this bull market Is completely normal it's the same movie We've watched other a million other Times it's just repackaged with the Calendar year 2024 stamped on top of it And to drive that point home let's talk A little bit about xrp here's a post From xrp chart analyst dark Defender This is an xrp USD price chart and he Wrote The Following this moment is not Just a coincidence it's a deja vu deja Vu that takes us back to 2017 a time of significant shifts in the Cryptocurrency market we had one of the Most extended sideways but the targets And the support Fibonacci points are Still the same and so my friends think About what's happening right now um Think about uh and compare that to What's happening in 2017 it's the the The depths of Despair I mean you're You're talking about xrp moving sideways For half a year as all sorts of other Coins were blazing to the upside but It's worth reminding you most coins Don't pop all at once you just get a you Know 1 2 3 4 5 whatever the number is on A given day in a bull market you'll hear About those they'll be widely talked About on social media and you're going To feel like you're missing out on Everything because you don't own most

Most coins so you actually should expect That the vast majority of the time You're hearing on social media about a Coin popping you're probably not going To hold it and you should recognize That's normal and then let that logic Seep in and then don't have a any Emotional response because the logic Should override that that's what I'm Saying anyway any dark definer continues Though I have added the levels we Discussed in August 2023 to the Chart Below and since then xrp has ranged Between the same levels things are Progressing slowly but between our Levels with zero change our targets are Precisely defined and Shining like stars Still the god candle is the missing part We know that timing is everything and The God candle is getting closer one Minute at a time now that is spot on I Completely agree with this perspective This way of looking at things and so he Shared one of his posts August 20th 2023 And he was noting that for xrp support Would be roughly 52 cents to to 39 cents If it actually got that low uh Resistance at the time 66 cents roughly To to 93 cents so he's just pointing out That we've been ranging sideways and so The fact that we've been ranging for What may subjectively feel to you like a Very long time is not an indication in And of itself that something is wrong in

Fact this is normal the market is doing Uh it's be let me word it like this it's Behaving within observed parameters from The past there is nothing weird about This there just isn't so you know the Fact that people are screaming that's Normal too that is what happens markets Will beat you up they will emotionally Destroy You And Only the Strong actually Make it through that's why there's this Whole thing thing about Diamond hands Versus lettuce hands you guys heard that Before of course this is Why and so those who actually understand The psychology of markets understand That this literally having that sort of Mental fortitude emotional fortitude Is What It Takes those are the people that Make it everyone else good luck you make It for a little while until suddenly you Don't because it gets too painful Because uh prices has gone down too low And you don't like it it's not within The parameters that you'd prefer well Okay Go ahead and sell based on your how your Fuel feels are treating you but I I just I know that there's no shortage of data Indicating that not that that type of Person that type of investor is not the One that's going to find success Investing in in general if you're Talking about the stock market if you're Talking about crypto I don't think it

Matters it's about mindset and we are Going to get ours we have seen this Movie before and so I firmly believe Though yes fine technically nobody knows For sure but I firmly believe what's Most probable yes xrp hits a new All-time high in interest price Discovery melts faces the whole nine Yards but I don't choose when it Happens here's a post from xrp chart Analyst crypto Insight UK and this is an Xrp BTC chart and he wrote The Following And and this is worth watching I just Tracking the xrp BTC pair to me actually Is more interesting at this particular Moment in time because when it looks This horrific these have been the Moments in previous Market Cycles Where It ultimately does take off so it's Exciting for that reason but here's what This guy had to say xrp vbtc update to Be very Frank things still look the same In fact things look good if you have Been following my updates you'll know I Was looking for a higher low within the Launchpad Zone uh and so he marked a we're looking Circling right here this is what he this Low level this is what he he's calling The launch pad Zone on his chart pretty Low level that's roughly what 0.00 0 0788 somewhere around there on The xrp so that's xrp priced against Bitcoin and um and so we says uh could

Uh could we have found this because look He's he's looking for bottoms here so he Says could could we have found this if So the targets here versus Bitcoin are In Play I'm not saying we will instantly 30X versus Bitcoin I'm saying it's Technically possible if that affects you Emotionally get a tissue I like that Because it does affect impact people Emotionally and I'll note here that Where I'm circling for those of you Looking on the screen uh he's calling For ultimately a 3,000% increase for xrp priced against Bitcoin 3,000% increase and so this is That type of move that seems impossible Until one day wake up and you see things Are going and then you look back after The market cycle finished like huh yeah That's crazy it happen though and now With xrp having legal Clarity for this Market cycle yes it's going to be Absolutely fantastic anyway he continues Though from a more zoomed in Perspective we may be forming the bottom I've been looking for we are forming a Large bullish Divergence on The Daily Time frame we have seen volume back the Current low this is a good start I would Like to see price climb above the Gray Line at 0.0010 4 five before we can confirm this Bottom however this is looking

Positive and and so look I I don't know For sure where the Bottom's going to be In xrp priced against Bitcoin but I will Tell you eventually there will be one um There always has been I just I don't Know why it's like these people that say It's it's not going to happen it's like Why is this time different in your mind And I think the truth is a lot of people That say that either they're just um They're devastated because they're xrp Holders or they don't hold X X RP and They despise xrp and so they'll just Drive that narrative even if it doesn't Make logical sense I think that's a lot Of it too anyway he also shared this a Brief update on that and he wrote I Don't want to get too bullish because When you get bullish and are wrong you Get Crucified but this last dip kind of Reminds me technically of the dip before The rip on 2017 If We Can't Break range lows on World War World War I cuz you know the News from the couple days AG go he says That's probably good right and I say Fair enough point and that is another Reason that I'm very glad I'm not a Chart analyst because the chart analysts My God they get torn up by a rough Public when they're wrong about stuff And nobody has a perfect track record And also when we're talking about chart

Analysis it's about probability of Outcomes you know not some sort of Certainty or anything like that and so At the time I'm recording this here's The xrp BTC chart on the one month um so After we hit the most recent low a few Days ago uh it has been pretty steadily Trending upwards so we'll see what Happens I mean it would be real nice if This is the actual low but even if it's Not eventually one comes I just don't Control when it happens and nobody Technically knows for sure we'll just Look back and be like yeah there was the Low because duh of Course here's a post from chart analyst Mikey bu crypto and this is a crypto Total market cap chart uh excluding Bitcoin and eth so everything else Altcoin market cap is giving you a clue That the current selloff is an Opportunity to remain calm and Accumulate this has been observed in the Previous cycle which experienced a 30% Decline followed by a huge explosive Rally uh yeah so again kind of like I Was saying at the outside of the video Even though I was talking about exor Pete specifically it's the same idea Here we've seen this movie before so Last Market cycle look at that 30 it Looks like nothing once you have a a a Wider time frame which you do on this Chart and then you look at these

Individual seemingly catastrophic Instances when you're living through Them this is we're of circling that's a 30% drop in 2021 end the world except For now we're here 28% um and so you can see like it's Going to look like nothing when it's Done like that's the point this is this Is going to be a big nothing when it's All said and done um here's a post from Onchain analytics firm santiment and They said according to the crypto crowd The bull market has essentially come to An end after bitcoin's -6% market value Drop drop since the all-time high of $73,500 hit back on March 14th at the Same time bare Market mentions are Increasing historically prices move the Opposite direction of mass Traders Expectations the quick drop off of fomo Combined with a notable rise in fud is a Promising combination that Cryptocurrency may see a recovery either Right before the having or shortly after Okay so I don't care about the having Stuff I don't buy into the narrative if There's a reaction right when this Happens then that's just you know human Psychology don't care um but as as far As the rest of what they're saying yeah That's highly interesting and accurate Just whatever the mass Traders think is Likely to happen it's typically the Opposite so when there's Euphoria and

There's a massive drop this size that's When you should be alarmed maybe there's A little too much confidence at that Point uh but here no I I don't think That's this is very Normal uh there's also a post from chart Analy credible crypto I'm not going to Read the whole thing it's on your screen If you want to I just wanted to warn you That he is he has cited that there Actually is a chance that we could see a Little bit of a further drop and so just Watch for it if it happens it happens it Doesn't mean anything just changed on a Higher time frame uh bull market still Intact despite this but I wanted to Mention it just in case um chart analyst Income sharks another one of the Analysts out there kind of warning that The same thing uh well similar thing you Know could happen Bitcoin could go down You shared this bitcoin price chart and Wrote Bitcoin still still think we break And close below $660,000 to get another Round of panic sellers gone people Probably still holding thinking support Is holding we need to break them first Then we can get a hate having rally so He's saying he thinks that there are Some more people who need to have their Spirit broken so that they will Panic Cell and then after everybody else That's still around there are the Diamond hands then we move to the upside

Which is how investing in these markets Works either you're strong and you can Handle this stuff or you're not that's That it's just a matter of fact Statement and so the reason that I've Been I've been you know you know I've Been over six years you know I'm very Happy with my crypto's worth now I'm I'm Very excited that I I you know as long As we really have a full-blown alt Season I'm going to sell the vast Majority or all of my crypto I'm excited But even with where it is right now I'm Thrilled with what it's worth in terms Of United States dollars but the reason This has happened is because I genu I Have very genuine conviction I believe What I believe this AET class gets way Bigger and I've been right about it Trending that way for over six Years and so it's not that there's Something special about me because of That but I'm just noting that this is What it takes it is just that level of Conviction so the people that don't have That conviction well I encourage you to Do more research on crypto in general so You can figure out why people like me do Have that level of conviction because It's not going away it's just going to Keep getting bigger and bigger and this Is an exciting time to be here we are on The precipice of major face melt action For xrp specifically and really the

Entire crypto asset class 2024 has been Very fun so far but the best of this Year I believe is yet to be had I'm not A financial adviser you should not buy Or sell anything because of anything I Say or right that would be a very very Very bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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