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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel there are new claims that the Price of xrp is being suppressed that's Right the price of xrp that you're Seeing is not what it's supposed to be Because there are shadowy figures Pulling strings in the background and in Fact xrp is not going to be allowed to Run during this bull run it's going to Miss out just like we missed out on the Last bull run because of the SEC Nonsense now because of these alleged Shadowy figures we're going to miss out On this one and future bull runs now I'll tell you at the outset of this Video here it's complete and utter Nonsense so far as I'm concerned but I Want to highlight it because people are Talking about this and it's silly and I Just I just I got to push back against This it's just there's something Ingrained in My DNA that makes me push Back against this BS I just I got to do It because this is the time of the most Substantial opportunity of anything you Know as as far as this year's yes my God Because this is the moment before we're Seeing a crazy alt season the fact that XR hasn't gone means that that Opportunity is still there so far as I'm Concerned look at this headline though Also from the Crypt basic I'll be Touching on this data shows xrp Outperformed by 61% of top 100 crypto

Assets all right we'll talk about before Going further I do want to be clear I do Not have a financial background of any Kind I am not offering Financial advice And you definitely should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right I'm just an Enthusiast who Enjoys making YouTube videos about Crypto related topics but just as a Hobby and just for fun now just to set The table a little bit and remind y all Of some of the negative tone we've been Uh seen in the xrp community you guys Remember this headline from the Crypt Basic xrp Army calls Ripple Executives To act fast on xrp price declines that's Right a well-known member of the xrp Community member Mac attack xrp on February 9th just about a month ago was Calling on Ripple and Executives to do Something about the price of xrp as if They actually had the power to do so it Doesn't really make sense but the point Is this represents the um the emotions Of people in the xrp community there are A lot of people that have been hel Holding xrp a really long time and are Just having trouble with it now and it's Not that I have sympathy like some of it I look at some comments and like okay This is some silly nonsense BS and Sometimes I just want to be like just Sack up but you know what I I do get it I take to like there are people that

Have been Holding at least as long as me but you Know I I've got the patience like I I'm Doing the thing I'm I'm I've been Holding xrp over six years never sold a Single xrp you know I'm one of one of The people just like many of you most of You listening I probably that got Crapped on by the SEC I get it like I'm Sympathetic if you know we since we if You're upset because we missed I missed On the last bull I get that but my Mindset is just such that okay sometimes When I think about it it can seem a Little frustrating but uh I don't think It makes sense for our lives to be Emotionally wrecked because of the SEC Or anything else because the opportunity Is still out there like there are things That happen in life just out of your Control and it sucks to endure that this Is one of those things and yes it's a Big one that we just went through with The SEC nonsense but again that doesn't Mean that there isn't opportunity and it Doesn't mean there isn't opportunity With xrp it really is there there it's Just we're at this moment of the most Tremendous pain and that's why you're Seeing so many people so vocal because They're seeing other coins run and xrp Isn't yet but even that is statistically Normal and I'll show you a little bit Later in the video in fact it's not just

Xrp there are a ton of coins that Haven't run in any sort of substantial Way just yet this is is normal Actually and to highlight this further Here's a post from somebody named Maximus Prime and this is um the day That Bitcoin hit a new all-time high and Then fell backwards then you know what That meant for everything else in the Market including xrp xrp went down um And it did pop up pretty quickly but so Did Bitcoin so was good to see but still Just look at the sentiment just a couple Days ago he wrote and this is an xrp Price chart on your screen he says it's Just effing pathetic while swword tons Of other coins fly xrp is right near the Breakout where it started we got effed In another Bull Run tons of missed Opportunity again F Ripple forever Creating xrp it's only made me look like A fool for covering It ah it's just it's a bunch of emotions But if you look at the data it doesn't Make sense to be feeling this way which Is why I keep making videos highlighting All of these things and I will prove it Further in this video with some other Metrics that I haven't talked about Recently U but again this is just 2 days Ago and he did end up in a separate post Acknowledging that it wasn't Ripple that Made xrp but um but his sentiment his Feelings are real you can tell that this

Is emotionally Driven um and I'm assuming that's why We're seeing certain level letters here In all capital letters I'm assuming That's the emotion bleeding out here in Fact you know I was going to highlight This later in the video Let's just cover This now actually let's just go ahead And pull this up right now I got a Couple for here uh there is this shared By very popular analyst Benjamin cow and 83,000 followers on X and he wrote The Following this is a Heat map of alt BTC alt BTC pairs over The last Year out of the top 200 coins only 39 Have outperformed Bitcoin congrats if You picked one that outperformed but you Can see that most have bled back to the King and so for those of you that can Look if you're not driving or walking Your dog or something like that uh might Be fun to take a little look ski here And it shouldn't be surprising though Bitcoin leads the way at first and then Eventually of alt season and then what Happens once by the time alt season's Done you can see that pretty much every Coin Under the Sun puts bitcoin's Multiplier effect to Shame but the fact that xrp has been Bleeding against Bitcoin is normal look At the damn screen son like look at it Right there the data is in your face

There's nothing specifically wrong with Xrp this is normal including Historically so it's not just normal Because look at every other coin that is Also in a similar situation but also That is what happened in the past and Xrp still ran anyway how about that Crazy how that works Right here's another one this is also From Benjamin count he said over the Last year 141 of the top 200 Cryptocurrencies have bled to eth well Folks this shouldn't be surprising Either this is the order of things this Is just historically how it's been and It looks the same this time how about That Bitcoin runs and then ultimately Eth runs and eth has been running have You been watching I mentioned that in my Last Video it's been running like crazy not That far from from an time high Actually it'll break out too but then Xrp historically lags behind there is Nothing weird about this and some people Are extra beaten down because of the SEC Stuff having lost a market cycle okay But you know what that's life we don't Get to control it yes it sucks to suck That's what happened it happened to us It's not our fault here we are though But do you still see that all the Opportunity in front of you all the Opportunity for life-changing wealth

Because you still have that it's still Really here including with xrp Like why don't we focus on that let's Just maybe focus on the small bit of Life that we can actually control rather Than the numerous things that we can't Control rather than D rather than dwell On that how about focus on what you can Do something About because the opportunity it is Actually here unquestionably it is Here but still we get bogus nonsense Narratives cuz again that's the backdrop And it what I'm about to show what's on Your screen now it makes this more Believable to some people this idea that There are shadowy figures controlling The price of xrp and they don't want Retailers to have xrp because it wasn't Designed for retail which is literally Not true but that's the narrative Sometimes right you've seen that you've Seen people say that it's not for retail That's the dumbest crap like xrp was Literally built David Schwartz will tell You this it was built to be a better Version of Bitcoin Bitcoin was built for Retail hence xrp built for retail my God This is not difficult Stuff there are historic records of this Being the case and still but so there's This post from Wall Street Bulls wrote The Following uh Insider insights suggest a

A strategic play in the xrp market Hinting at a deliberate effort to Maintain its price between 30 to 60 Cents during this and future bull runs This approach appears to align with Broader political and economic Strategies potentially involving Collaborations between Ripple and Government entities as the Cryptocurrency space increasingly Intersects with global politics Stakeholders are urged to stay informed With informed and Vigilant okay so the Allegation here uh we want xrp they want Anyway the price of xrp to to stay Stable-ish between 30 and 60 cents which Frankly isn't that stable you know That's a pretty big range I would say And ripples coordinating with Governments to make this happen and how So you can see that's a wild assertion Made literally zero proof literally zero And when you start to think about it you Can recognize quickly if you got half a Braak it doesn't make any damn sense Ripple has the most to lose if xrp Doesn't do well right because they hold The most xrp so Ripple the assertion Here Ripple is coordinating with unknown Government entities to keep their value At a lower level than it would otherwise Be if there weren't manipulation what Ripple is sabotaging themselves is that That's the assertion

Here see but that's these half-baked Ideas like the people that assert them Because you know that they're just Making this crap up right like you know That they're literally to get I guess to Get attention I don't know what the Incentive they're just making crap up And they don't fully think it through And it's easy to poke holes in it why Would Ripple do this to themselves did They ask did the creator of this Conspiracy theory ask that question I'm Guessing not it doesn't make a damn bit Of Sense and and even if you were talking About Institutions well why would Institutions want that to be the why Would any holder of xrp not want the Price to be higher and why do Institutions care if the price is Volatile I mean technically it depends On what they're trying to do with it but If you're talking specifically about Positioning xrp as a bridge currency the Volatility doesn't matter at all because You're in and out of xrp in a matter of Like 3 to 5 seconds so the volatility Actually is less um you know less Harmful than if you look at what happens With Fiat currencies uh which are less Volatile but holding them over over a Long period of time when it comes to you Know engaging in the correspondent

Banking just throughout the Correspondent banking system if you're Talking about converting from one fiat Currency to another like that's actually More harmful and there's math to prove That that that's from years ago I've Covered this many times on the channel Like the volatility isn't even a problem At least not for that use case so then If you're just talking about is it just Institutions investing in holding well Why would they not want retailers to Come in and like why would they not want More demand then why wouldn't they want Retailers to come in and push up the Price of the asset that they hold why Would they not see none of this makes Any damn sense this is the stupidest Crap and then W Street BS wrote source So this is the alleged Source in in Industry Bank uh Ripple apart industry Indust indust Bank a ripple partner Banker is the source of this information This is done so retail investors should Not hold xrp behind this decision are Many significant and most powerful Stakeholders involved again doesn't make A damn bit of sense why would Ripple be Coordinating with anybody and and to What end because look here's like how Are they doing this how would they Allegedly even do this because again Nothing's even asserted so all I could Do is sit here and speculate what are

They going to do so a bunch of entities Even they how are they suppressing the Price of xrp are they dumping on the Market because then if they keep dumping On the market eventually they run out of Xrp and then you're done dumping on the Market and then other people have bought It and then the xrp asset continues to Move in tandem with the rest of the Crypto asset class see how stupid this Is like It's really burns my biscuits son like There is no reason that we should have To be talking about this and so I Reposted that and wrote this is a Perfect example of why I'm tired of xrp Conspiracy theories been proudly pushing Back against bogus stuff like this since 2017 some people are wired to readily Believe the most wild explanations for Things rather than be skeptical of Extreme claims and it is true like there Are people that will read them like they Won't even think in-depth about it and Consider the various angles that would Be at play Under such a circumstance was Being yeah man price of xrp is low yeah There's got to be something going this Is probably like some people are wired Be like yeah I heard this thing and it's Wild this has got to be it no no be more Skeptical as a baseline be way more Skeptical otherwise you're going to Believe stupid things be way more

Skeptical than that that should be Baseline stuff if the bigger the claim Somebody makes the more proof they Should have to have before you're like Yeah that makes sense now if they have The proof and it's a wild claim cool Because some wild things in life that People allege actually are real this is Not one of them This is absolutely not it doesn't even Make sense who would there's there's not An entity on this planet that would Benefit from such a thing nor could they Pull it off and until there is some Proof to the contrary that's that's That's my Firm Stance this is stupid as Hell s t o o p d stupid and then as far As this article and I'll be brief here Data shows xrp outperformed by 61% of Top 100 crypto assets Um and and this is uh pointed out by Somebody I'm a huge fan of attorney Bill Morgan and there's nothing wrong with Pointing this stuff out which is what He's doing in fact he's noted as he's Pointed out you know a fair bit um fair Fairly Frequently the throughout 2024 that I've Noticed you know xpiece performance Against other assets he's even publicly Stated that he's still actually just Been buying more xrp despite that so He's not some sort of hater or this or That some people have alleged some and

That's just been like come on he's just He's observing it and and and if it's Because there's some sort of level of Concern from him well so be it but That's that's why I talk about I just I'm happy to share my perspective on This that's why I was showing you what I Was showing you Earlier about look at the performance Here and it's the same type of crap that We saw in 2017 I've said this many times Because it's true like xrp it was Performing very poorly until suddenly it Wasn't but but uh here's the post that Was shared by attorney Bill Morgan on Well just yesterday March 6 not great 62 Of the top 100 cryptos are outperforming Xrp over the last year according to coin Codex is this just a function of xrp Moving last uh well my hunch should be That might be part of it but um I'll Just say this e even with this being the Case Here if you're talking about 62% outp Performing okay well xrp is not that far Off from being in the middle like it's Not that weird like like what about the Rest of the coins that are on the same Side of the fence as xrp does it mean That they're all doomed I'd be willing To bet that people in those communities Of those coins would be having the same Concerns and asking the same questions But the truth is the asset class just

Moves in Tandem and there's so much data On this like there's it's just it's Undeniable like it just it just is the Case So you know is this something that I'm Concerned about absolutely Not and again nothing wrong with Attorney Morgan pointing this out Anybody can point this stuff out there Are some people who are very emotional About this and um I'm not seeing that From him um although I I think for a lot Of people if they're in the emotional Camp I think it's a result of a lack of Knowledge and understanding of Historically how markets have behaved And also certain metrics um how they Stack up right now in two 2024 and where We're at in this market cycle but I Think once people kind of get a chance To you know consume sufficient data and Wrap their heads around what has Happened in the past what's going on now Where are we uh it's it's easy to feel a Lot more comfortable like oh okay so This is actually pretty normal then and The answer is yes it is you know most of The time um xrp is not going to be the Number one performer because they are Over 20,000 different cryptocurrencies And they all pop off at different time So most of the time is xrp just going to Be at the top in terms of recent Performance well no most of the time

When you hold xrp it's moving sideways Or down that's pretty much it and that's Normal but then when it when it goes it Melts faces that is indeed the case and So I'll just to to wrap this up no the You know the the claims of xrp price Suppression completely bogus wacky Conspiracy theory landed just doesn't Make sense there's no incentive uh for Anyone to to do to to keep the price Down or stable that Lev like to what End like who who Like and then beyond that for this Market cycle it's just it's a Nonissue it it ju it just that's my Belief and if xrp doesn't run this Market cycle and like we have a Full-blown altseason and xrp doesn't Participate and get to a new all-time High uh that's when I'm going to look Inward and be like okay what am I Missing because that would make me think I' I'm missing something if if there's a Full-blown alt season you know so Bitcoin's probably six figures and Altcoins are doing whatever and then When it's all said and done xrp it moves In tandem but doesn't hit a new alltime High at that point be like okay Something's wrong then we'd have need to Have a very serious conversation as as a As an xrp Community about what the hell Is wrong because that that would tell me Something something's off if there's not

A Black Swan event that breaks this all Down um then okay but I doubt that's Going to happen because the the truth is When coins stop start popping off it's Not because of the fundamentals broadly Speaking it's because there's a big old Green candle and then all the idiot Retail speculators that just jump In like they just jumped into crypto PRS For the first time they they'll go where The money's going because they think oh This thing's just going to keep running Like this is how humans behave they're Not going to stop behaving like that Because it's xrp that doesn't make sense Of course they are so if that doesn't Happen okay yeah now we need to talk That would shock me I think xrp is going To run to a new alltime high in Enterprise Discovery that's my guess Anyway nobody knows nobody knows for Sure but that's my bad I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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