XRP: Rotating Profits FOR $17.00 XRP

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.

Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I'm going to be spending almost The entirety of this video talking about Xrp specifically including perspective From multiple xrp chart analysts and one Of them explains his strategy of selling All sorts of altcoins so that he has More money more profit to put into xrp Specifically so that he can write it to $17 but uh before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I not Offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun at the time that I'm Recording this latest Moon Lambo Hot jam It is past midnight I'mma past my Bedtime it is 12:27 a.m. Central Time my Time zone uh Monday April 22nd 2024 and Let me tell you at least at the time I'm Recording this xrp has been running for Like the last 3 hours it started running Upwards at uh called about 9 35 p.m. Central Time uh it's it's a hair shy of 54 cents at this point up from what it's Call about 52.4 cents uh bitcoin's been Going on a little bit of a ride too it's Currently a hair over $66,000 love to See it because Bitcoin leaves the market And a Bitcoin doesn't do well then

Nothing will do well not even xrp the Market moves in tandem led by Bitcoin it Is what it is I don't care about it uh I Mean it doesn't I don't look on that as Some sort of negative thing uh the Crypto crypto and green index now at 73 Out of 100 so Market participants still Feeling a little bit greedy you greedy Sons of um you know before Getting into some of the xrp specific Stuff though I did want to share this With you because this resonated with me And if you are an xrp holder I bet You're going to be yelling in your car Driving down the highway F yeah this is This comes from my fellow xrp YouTuber The bearable bull I agree with almost 100% of this uh I can only disagree with A small thing if I get super nitpicky But I'm telling you as I read through This I was just like yes absolutely and So here's what he wrote the xrp Army was Scammed out of new alltime highs by the United States SEC and eth gate the part That hurt the most was that the rest of Crypto Celebrated 2024 is our revenge we Deserve every dollar we're about to make Nobody can call us lucky we made it and So that's in I was just like hell yeah ABS I I would love to curse on my Channel but I don't for you parents out There that might have some children's in The background you are welcome but it is

True if not for the SEC xrp absolutely Would have hit a new all-time high last Market cycle I firmly believe that and That's a tremendous setback because Imagine the uh amount of wealth we would Have had years ago and what we would Have done with it since then leading Into this bull market and the the the Degree to which that would have Compounded over the rest of our lives I Mean it's it's substantial that being Said I'm not letting it wreck my life I'm still here in an amazing time this Event you know living at the Advent of Crypto for the I mean it's been here 15 Years now I still consider it the Earliest of days that's a that's a once In a species event and we're living Through it and it's Prime these are These are going to be looked back upon As the Glory Days because this Opportunity won't always be here Eventually there's going to be so much Money in crypto it's going to reduce the Volatility and the opportunity for uh Relatively speaking life quick Life-changing world it's just not going To be there not like this not even close It's going to be as boring as watching Somebody trade pressure medals so the Opportunity is still here and we're Still going to get ours and we can't Control it so you know I try to not Dwell on stuff like that and I really

Don't but it's it's still it's just like Yes it is true and people were cheering For this to happen to us because we're Xrp holders because a lot of those Especially the toxic Bitcoin Maxis my God the bane of my existence disgusting People like it just just celebrating That xrp holders are being financially Devastated because of a government Agency it's the antithesis of the Beliefs of the early bitcoiners it Really is so it's disgusting see but It's spot on so the only thing I could Slightly disagree with um he talked About eth gate here and you know Technically uh that was really more so Um the SEC you know picking winners and losers It wasn't something xrp specific but Yeah I mean so I can agree this is I am Getting npy admit that so I would agree In the sense that yeah it impacts the it Impacts xrp because it impacts the Entire asset class but it's not some Sort of conspiracy obviously not that he Saying that um but it's not xrp specific But uh I just I read that and I was like Yeah so I thought it'd be a cool way to Kick off the video here um two quick Things or well two yeah I think just two Things real quick on bitcoin then we're Getting straight into the xrp stuff Which will take us out through the rest Of the

Video um so here's a post from a popular Chart analyst invest answers he posted This at 1050 p.m. so not long ago and 22,000 followers here very popular he Says Bitcoin at $66,000 and looking strong so he's Anticipating that we're going to Continue to see moves to the upside uh Here's another post this one from chart Analyst blunts with 256,000 followers And this is a Bitcoin price chart he Wrote expecting fresh Bitcoin all-time High within the next one to two weeks From a macro standpoint I think we Currently in a wave five of a larger Wave three with a few legs higher still To come ultimately expecting us to top Out around $120,000 this cycle now that that top That seems well within the realm of Possibility and what is reasonable I see A lot of a lot of analysts um out there The ones I don't follow just pop up in My feed calling for like half a million Dollar Bitcoin this or that I just not That Bitcoin couldn't hit that one day But I I think that's a major stretch for This Market cycle you if you're talking About you know 300 is super on the edge You know you go anywhere above $300,000 I'm going to start rolling my eyes at You you know but if you're talking about You know $10 $150,000 for a peak which would be

Shortlived for Bitcoin I could see that That that makes that makes a ton of Sense but if it goes that high the Amount of money that's going to be Slashing around and then ultimately Rotating into altcoins like xrp it's Going to be insane face melt season for Xrp holders will be Coming uh here's a post from chart Analyst egreg crypto talking a little Bit about xrp here and his plan uh for Making the most of the face melting xrp Rally which is a virtual certainty to Come this Market cycle probably this Year he wrote xrp the Bent Fork $17 in Historical support the first time I Introduced the Bent Fork chart was in June 2023 and then he shared a link to It for the purposes of saving time I'm Not going to go straight back to that Though but here's what he had to say in This update targets have shifted Slightly higher over time as the Curvature increases the new top Target Of the vent Fork now sits around $17 don't underestimate the $1 Mark as It represents both structural resistance And a psychological barrier and so folks I will say that the $1 Mark is going to Be interesting because it's it's an Obvious it's a round number it's an Obvious psychological barrier and I just Kind of wonder if it's going to bounce Off it once it hits it and then go back

Down or if there is a chance it could Just blaze through it because it is a Psychological level but I tell you this Once it breaks above it I'll not be Surprised to see an even more impressive Move to the upside but you know however High exer is going to go this Market Cycle it's not going to happen all in One go you know the last couple Market Cycles and I pointed this out before but In each of the last two Market Cycles There were two major moves in each of Those um and so I wouldn't be surprised If we have at least a couple I don't Think that it's just going to move Sideways and then at the very end have One major burst of The Upside I think We're going to have some fun before that There's going to be some consolidation I Mean if you think about what happened in 2017 we had a major burst from half a Penny to over 42 cents then it went back Down traded more or less around 20 cents For like 6 months people thought it was Dead wasn't going to do anything and Then it did and then the people that Sold were very sad pandas because that Was a stupid ass move I don't like that It's not moving high now and I want my Lamb now shut up you stupid little baby I just it's ridiculous people making Crucial financial Decisions uh you know with their feel Feels you know and the opportunity again

Think about what I said just a few Minutes ago because I I'm assuming most Of you would agree this is a once in a Species event the Advent of this AET Class is not going to happen again There's never been an opportunity like This in our species and you're going to Squander it because you want your L now Stupid little baby it doesn't make sense Look at historic precedent look at what Has happened in the past this is the Exact there's a reason I I'm more amped Up about xrp than I've ever been in my Six plus years holding it and it's great We got the court case behind us in terms Well at least in terms of xrp clarity That whatever happens with ripple the Rest of it I don't think it matters for Us uh but if you look at all sorts of Other what's happened on xrp BTC chart Binger B I talked about in a couple Videos recently like just look at the Negative sentiment that that that's Powerful the course pick a metric pick An attribute about what's going on and Then we've got the B this is a very Clear bull cycle it makes all the sense In the world to be the most excited at This exact moment but some people are Basically adult children adult that's Being adult babies you know and so Where's this going well e great crypto Wraps up by stating the following $3.50 Stands as the all-time high and major

Macro resistance Closing above it could pave the way for The Valhalla High and so that would be The tippy top here $17 which you know I Don't make price predictions but if Somebody's making a price predictions of Of of $17 for this Market cycle that's Definitely in the realm of possibility And a major factor as to whether or not It's going to hit is how high Bitcoin Goes how much money will there be to SLO Through the rest of the crypto ecosystem But it's certainly possible And then he says xrp Army stays steady My aim is for some coins some coins to Pump so I can rotate the profits to xrp This is the conviction okay so I want to Talk about this briefly because a lot of People are going to do this I'm sure a Lot of you listening are going to do This my suspicion and this is not advis My suspicion is that's probably a really Good idea compounding money now I'm Weird though so I set up rules for Myself back in 2017 when I jumped into Crypto there're weird rules that I I'm Not aware of anybody else implementing Certainly not to this degree maybe There's some sort of overlap with some Of what you guys are doing but I'm real Strict about this once I invest in a Crypto that's it I hold it I don't sell That's it either it moons and I'm Enticed to sell or I hold it forever and

Presumably just goes to zero that's it That's what I do with all of them that's That I'm super strict in a bull run once It I am entic to sell which by the way I've I've never cashed out to USD uh in My entire life but I I at with the Starting point I am at at this cycle if It really does go I I'm very confident I'm going to sell either most or all of My crypto and so when I do I'm going to C it's out permanently for well I say Perman for the rest of the cycle that's It I'll be willing to put in a small Percentage of those earnings uh back in A Crypto after it's very clear that the Market has classed so once we're down You know whether 70 80% whatever Whatever it ends up being some coins Going down well over 90% maybe I'll put In like 10% of the profits that okay now There's a reason for that though I'm I'm Trying to idiot proof this once I get The life-changing wealth it goes into Other stuff and then when I earn new Money that new money that I earn I'll be Happy to continue investing in crypto Including more xrp once the market Bottoms absolutely oh absolutely but I'm Very strict about that and so that's why For me I'm not going to be taking Profits from anything and then rotating Them into anything including xrp now I Understand that that means I may be

Losing leaving money on the table I get That but this is my personal choice so We all get to have our own strategies We're all adults this is what I'm doing I'm very strict it's about wealth Preservation because obviously putting It into another crypto there is a risk Associated with that I'm just Acknowledging that if he does this I Will not be surprised if he makes out Better in terms of multiplier effect Than I do but it's but again my risk Tolerance is different that's all that It is so I just thought I'd share with You some thoughts on that but if you're Going to do that or not whatever your Your your stance is you're not crazy it Just depends on what you're comfortable Doing I'm not I'm not comfortable but I Don't think this is unreasonable what He's doing I just think it's a fun thing To talk about that's why I just Mentioned that uh I just I I think that By the time this Market's done even with We not rotating profits into other coins Not even Bitcoin I'm not do I just I Don't rotate profits I don't do it you Can make fun of me I don't care I'm not Going to do it I think even without me Doing that I'm the profits I expect are Just going to be wild because I've been Here so long and it's accumulated so Much and it's already notable right now But it hasn't been for most of the time

I've been in crypto uh well at least the First half of you know because I've been Over six years the first half of that my God I was mostly at like break even or Or negative for years which shouldn't Surprise you because I was accumulating During a bare Market that's not unusual But since we're past a whole another Market cycle even at the bottom and now We're not at a new top for a bunch of Coins including xrp my God it's still Incredible all suffice it to say though When xrp does finally Run I will tell you like the level of Vindication I'm going to feel and I know It's going to be the same for all of you Listening the level of vindication and The CI told you so which are welld Deserved going to plaster it all over The damn internet okay all over my YouTube channel and on X it's it's going To be fantastic and that's the reason That I have my future dunks bookmark Folder on X every time somebody says a Bunch of BS nonsense X your is never Going to go it shouldn't be in your Portfolio no new time However uh I I bookmark that crap and I'm gonna have a really fun YouTube Video highlighting all of It and it's because they're to it's Mostly the toxic people I don't mind People having opinions if they're just Saying yeah I don't suppose so so is

Going to happen for a reason ABC 1 2 3x YZ fine but a lot of these people are Trying to get at us emotionally those People I have disdain for that's all I'm Saying that's It here's a post from chart analyst Crypto Insight UK and he says simply Don't get too excited but xrp BTC is Heating up oh yes indeed it is in fact Take a look at this this is a one month Chart for the xrp uh xrp BTC so we had The most recent low the low for this Cycle happened on April 13th and we Don't know for sure if that's the bottom But eventually there will be a bottom For the market cycle um at least we've Been climbing up pretty consistently Since then you can see on the screen for Yourself here um but yeah you never know For sure which one's going to be the Bottom but eventually it comes and then It's face melt you look at this this is What it looks like before xrp melts Faces historically speaking there is Precedent for this it doesn't look this Dismal on the surface unless it's going To result in the face melt because Eventually it gets like the disparity in In terms of what xrp is price against uh Price when you consider what Bitcoin has Been in priced against the United States Dollars or whatever your fiat currency Is people notice that eventually and Then they're like wow this looks like

It's really lopsided people start Putting money in xrp that's why this Happens and then other people notice That so the people that aren't emotional The people that are just of sound mind They'll be like wow this looks like an Opportunity this looks like a catch and Then more people and more people and Then you get a green candle and then the Idiots come in then the idiots come in Like oh the green that's what they sound Like too it's it's a really weird talk G They sound exactly like that and like Take my money and then you you take the Money that's exactly what you do and Then the green candle just shoots on up And it's a fantastic time we we all have A great time but you know that's why It's better to be well positioned before That moment that's all I'm saying here's A post from charting guy xrp he says is Xrp BTC doing the same thing it did in 2017 double bottom then rip Uh yeah I that's my expectation I think That this is something this is the Precursor to xrp going absolutely Bananas uh somebody named beans. eth Responded seemingly not pleased and Wrote seven years later dot dot dot dot Dot um and in a separate post he did Indicate that he's an xrp holder but Still he seems to be experiencing a Little bit of discontent and so the Charting guy wrote to him and said chart

Patterns can take a long time to play Out in a huge symmetrical triangle with The Apex coming up soon also macro way Fors usually drag out gold took 13 years To break its cup and handle pattern now Look at it and and so that that's a fact That I don't think many people are aware Of but sometimes chart structures can Actually literally take multiple decades To play out literally and so we are Spoiled having chart patterns play out In relatively short order in the world Of cpto it happens fast and trading's 247 which 247 365 which is certainly a Major factor it just goes and there's This excitement like people that are in This we know there are reasons for us There's a reason there's been a frenzy Around crypto for its entire existence Right and so we are a little bit spoiled But sweet like that sounds awesome sauce To me I mean right um but so I Understand like the you know that people Are getting a little tired of this but This is normal and and so yes you're Talking about in this case now you know Chart taking over six years to play out From one alltime high to another new All-time high for xrp finally okay but Understand the SEC nuked us right if it weren't for the SEC it would have happened years Ago uh here's a post another one from Charting guy I like this one he said

2017 called and it once its fractal back Fake Out Below just like before so yeah Fine xrp goes down a little bit but then What happens face melt season That is what's at hand whether it starts Today tomorrow next week next month the Next quarter whatever it ends up being If we're going to have a a blowoff top For this Market cycle you better believe Xrp is going to be a part of this it Makes no logical sense to think that xrp Just wouldn't Be um and then there was oh actually Check this out yeah for I was going to Share this um I block this guy this is Let this be a lesson in how not to Behave he just starts ripping on Charting guy and and then but the Response from charting guy I just think Is so golden I had to share it because It has to do with the outlook for xrp on Top of like maybe don't behave like this Because it's just this is like the type Of immature baby that I was referencing Earlier in the video so this is guy Named Elon X money and for those of you Looking on the screen you can see that His profile picture is the xrp logo so Presumably Pro xrp right in theory right And he says give it up going to 5 cents Before it ever gets back up towards a Dollar so there you go guy that Apparently holds xrp loves it so much Made a profile picture says going to 5

Cents I'll tell you what this guy does Not have control of the fuel feels so Charting the guy responded and said you Literally have xrp in your profile Picture you're a clown learn a chart and Then Elon X money responded that and Said yeah I do and I've made more no EU In four weeks buying into ve or V vo Everybody's talking about this coin I Don't hold it I don't know anything About it says makes made more money Buying into V than four years holding Xrp and you're an idiot if you think Technical analysis on xrp Works folks so here you go the first Asset in history where technical Analysis magically because reasons Doesn't apply it just doesn't apply and Then he's talking about how other coins Are performing better completely Neglecting to uh acknowledge the reality Which is that if not for the SEC suing Ripple and attacking xrp holders it Would have hit a new all-time high but Since it didn't then and other stuff's Doing better okay well yeah you know What the truth is if you throw money Into a meme coin and it's it's a a micro Cap and you just happen to pick the Right one yeah you're going to get like A 5,000 fold increase whatever the hell It is um super duper that's not Realistic the amount of coins you'd have To put that into like I just it's not a

Winning strategy you're going to lose a Bunch of money they're also very ill Liquid so even even if in theory there's A high market cap how much is there Actually that you can cash out you know People don't talk about that either it Just depends so it depends on to what Degrees on paper you've got something if You pull it off but my God so you're not Factoring in Risk what is a reasonable Risk xrp has a way better risk reward Profile in my humble opinion but if You're going to talk about other coins Especially new stuff that pops off fine It's always true that a coin that has a Smaller market cap if it goes it's going To get a greater multiplier effect but Xrp being a large cap in 2024 has what in the future will be you Know that that would be a small cap That's why it's so amazing you you can Have this opportunity for a crazy Multiplier effect but you have that Stability of something that's been Around for over a decade That's The Sweet Spot in investing in crypto in my Opinion that's why I hold so much xrp That's why it's my largest individual Holding that's a huge part of it anyway And then he says uh so he's complaining Says a barely moves there are a 100 Other alts you can make more money out Of using technical Trading and then he's Got five not one not two not three not

Four but five clown Emojis so that was reposted by charting Guy and here's what he had to say he Says it seems xrp Maxis hate xrp even More than Bitcoin Maxis and in this case That might be true it's it's Hilarious and so he says I've noticed These type of people many times on my Bullish xrp posts number one xrp profile Pick the irony number two says xrp has Done nothing so thanks that uh that is What it will continue to to happen so I Pause to say that's in line with Something I've been saying literally for Years on my Channel at least from time To time you know whatever is happening In the moment people feel like it's just Going to do that forever but it's Absolutely not xrp will not flutter About in this price range forever Something's going to happen either xrp Goes to zero one day or one day it hits A new all-time high in interest price Discover you just have to pick what you Think is most probable and then act However every want to act you do Whatever you want I've made my bet it Will not stay here forever there's a 0% Chance of that so what is going to Happen see this that's why this is an Instance of another adult uh just Refusing to behave like an Adult just the lack of patience the lack Of foresight like this is how you screw

Up your opportunity for life-changing Wealth I'm just being very Frank in this Video I I've seen so much of this lately And I'm not mad about it I just think It's absurd and so I laugh about it and I'm making a video and I'm highlighting A fair bit it's fine But I think there's a lesson in this That's the reason I actually want to Highlight this it's not just to mock Somebody who is rude to me and I Ultimately blocked that's not that's not The primary reason I mean it doesn't Hurt but no there's a lesson in this There really is don't be that guy number Three have lost all hope in xrp yet Continue to hold on because they know it Will be fine but for some reason still Talk sord on it in the short term what And that's a good point I exact it's Absurd but I see people doing this It's isn't it crazy I hold xrp but it's Going to 5 cents and it's in my profile Picture oh okay bro make it make sense What number four compare it to other Coins they recently invested in kind of Showing that they've been 100% xrp for Most of their time in crypto bad idea Never go 100% on anything always pick a Few good coins at least and I firmly Believe that although xrp is my largest Individual holding and I'm most Optimistic for what it will mean for me Personally by the time the Cycle's over

I hold 42 different cryptocurrencies Which is way more than one needs but I've been in here long enough that as Time has passed I've earned more money And I've explained this before I've just Put more in because I have more money And it's got to go somewhere some of it Has gone into crypto it's a little Ridiculous but the market moves in Tandem I've made my choices I'm at peace With that number five and this is my Favorite out of everything he said this Post doesn't understand Market Psychology and is getting angry at a Coin they quote unquote love when it's Consolidating near the Apex of a massive 7-year symmetrical triangle with uncanny Similarities to 2017 in a dragon year With the Titus monthly Ballinger bands In history in a Raging Bull Market on The verge of alt season with a pending Ripple settlement around the corner golf Clap for charting guy everybody spot now That's fire that's absolute fire the Only thing that I would nitpick on there Is I don't think the Ripple settlement's Going to matter I mean I'll I'll okay I'll seed this ground it's possible the Market responds and if it really does go And that's the point then that would Just be the straw that broke the camels Back but it doesn't actually matter for Xrp holders so it wouldn't be rational So like I acknowledge it could happen it

Doesn't make rational sense if it does That's that's more so my position um and And so you know exerp having legal Clarity that should have been that if Anything that would be the thing but it Didn't happen why because it happened in July of last year as as Bitcoin was Still in a downtrend and xrp fils the Market including Bitcoin which leads the Market so it's not surprising that that Didn't do it but that's the news that Actually mattered here so I respectfully Disagree a little bit on that although Again I do acknowledge it could happen But if it does it would just be more so It's the straw that broke the camels Back that was the final thing okay cool But what really matters is all those Other things that he listed and we're in A bull market you know it's everything Else so but he nailed it and and these Are things I've been talking about Consistently including in recent videos The Ballinger bands my God like tight Tightest they've ever been in history in Binger bands like when when they when They get that tight no matter what the Asset is it's an indication that it's About to burst with explosive force on The on the chart right so the question Is will that explosive force be upward Or downward and given that the trend Currently is up as far as the 20-day Moving average is concerned and given

That we're in a bull market uh I would I Would Hazard a guess that when it does Finally burst it's going to be to the Upside but still we have adult babies Crying that they don't have the level Now Really burns my biscuit Son so it is what it is everything's Looking great right now I'm excited I've Never been this excited to be uh and in The xrp community holding xrp I've never Been this excited to be in crypto in General this is the moment and so many Of you have been here right along uh With me we we're a community and we've Been in this together literally for Years we've gone through hell and back Especially with the SEC nonsense but we Going to get ours the opportunity is Still there that's why I'm not in the End um Crazily sour about what the SEC did in Harming my financial well-being and Obviously not just me everybody else's Um I I I recognize they did I'm aware of That I don't like it I don't care for it Obviously and I understand how that's Damaged the compounding of money that I Would have earned for the rest of my Life but you know what I I genuinely Feel despite that it's just true Excitement and this is the time to be Excited and it's okay to let yourself Feel

Excited this is the moment and if you've Been following me while I've been Running this channel now for over half a Decade you'll know that I don't normally Talk like this but we're in a bull Market and in Bull markets I do talk Like this because that makes logical Sense that is rational it's going to go Absolutely bananas and it's it's going To be it's going to be grand all time Get your happy dance ready son practice In the mirror if you need it's going to Be fine but you look you guys tell me What you think I spouted a bunch of Stuff I'm excited I'm having F I just Want to know what you guys think tell me In the comments section below please but I I think what I'm saying here makes a Lot of sense I've been watching this for Too long I've seen this movie before and So I don't know the specifics which is Why I don't make price predictions but I Have a pretty rough idea of how this is Going to go down and I think all of us Xrp holders more likely than not though Can't say technically with 100% Certainty I think we're going to be Really happy by the time this is all Said and done I'm not a financial Adviser you should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right that would be a very very very bad Idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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