XRP RIPPLE are going to Shock the Financial System!

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Xrp and the company Ripple are going to Shock the financial system this Ripple Versus SEC case around xrp being a Security in my opinion is going to be Written about in history books 30 to 40 To a 100 years from now it is going to Change the way that the system operates We are heading into a brand new monetary System everything will be tokenized and There's this window of opportunity for Main Street to get a piece of Wall Street my name is coach JV what I work To do is make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them what I do during these very Volatile High profit assets like Cryptocurrency the autoboom the dotom Boom now we have the cryptocurrency boom Before full regulation comes in there You can make a large amount of profit Very spective I pull from the left side Of the risk pyramid High profit high Risk and I pull it down the pyramid to Insurance product I ensure my family and I ensure my wealth to guarantee my Principal to get market like returns so If you want to learn how I ensure my Wealth with my licensed Insurance team Click the description down below set up A free consultation or click the link in My biow and set up a free consultation I Also have which is completely separate From my insurance company my 3T Warrior

Academy if you want an education Academy And learn how we did this on the other Side click the link down below you can Join 7even days for free to Dive Right Into our education Academy all right so Let's Dive Right into this so we've been Following this case since December 20th 2020 and I'm holding on like an tick on A dog you know if you think about this For just a moment not Financial advice But when this case dropped I'd already Been invested in xrp when this case Dropped I did a little press release on My YouTube video you know I don't even Know what why I would do a press release But I did a press release because I kept Getting taxmen xrp why why why I'm like I'm holding on like a tick on a dog Diamond hand don't trip by the dip and I've been buying the dip Diamond hand I've been accumulating ISO tokens I've Been accumulating things that I believe Are going to survive regulation and I Have a very very strict Exit Plan as This bull market goes parabolic okay Which I explain on the back end but this Was posted by the bearable bull I think It was Yesterday um was that November 9th oh I Must have missed this oh he reposted This okay so he he reposted this my Apologies so he posted this on November 9 2023 oh wow okay so he did he repost This am I missing something here

Anyways this was posted on November 9th 2023 we're going to listen to it anyways Because it says Brad garlinghouse fires Shots that will be heard around the World if the SEC Gary Gensler wasn't Wasting time suing Ripple and meeting With s bankman freed maybe we could have Avoided some of the fraud so this was Done in 2023 but this is super relevant For my video today so check this Out what you hear and you talk about how This is becoming somewhat of a partisan Issue I've spoken with a lot of Democratic lawmakers crypto Skeptics About this and they cite fraud off often That a lot of people are defrauded Through crypto scams also things the Questioning whether or not blockchain Ultimately really does anything new that Can't be done already that it's just Trying to recreate something for no good Reason and potentially bad things come With it how much more work needs to be Done to push back against that kind of Narrative well I mean the fraud point You know and you and I talked a little About this backstage you know uh the FTX Fraud wasn't a crypto fraud I mean yes It was it was a it was a Fraud uh I I don't know like it Absolutely it wasn't unique that this Happened to crypto uh there's other Frauds that in some cases were even a Bigger scale than uh what happened there

So I when I I hear people say well we Need legislative Solutions around uh to Prevent FTX it's like well maybe if Gary Gendler and the SEC weren't so focused On going after Ripple and meeting openly With Sam bankman freed maybe we could Have actually avoided some of that right Uh I I I don't know I mean you know Gendler won't comment on his meetings he Had with SBF so I don't really know what That's all about but it strikes me those Aren't the laws we need to clarify fraud Laws are there and there's many Jurisdictions you have uh chair benam From the cftc there's fraud I mean There's lots of ways you can address That and obviously Sam Bon freed I think Is probably going to go to jail I know The sentencing hasn't happened yeah uh But guilty on all seven counts correct So okay so I want you to hear that part Um around you know if Gary Gensler Remember Ripple guys I dove deep into This Ripple was meeting with the SEC They were working to be up with Compliance okay so now let's fast Forward because I thought that was Posted uh anyways some I was confused About that but it's a great video to go Into what was posted yesterday April 22nd 2024 so James K felon posted at Ripple has filed its opposition to the SEC government's motion for remedies and Entry of final judgment so Stuart aldry

The chief legal counsel for ripple Posted our opposition to the SEC request For two billion in penalties for legal Institutional sales is now public in the Case that had no allegations or findings Of Reckless or fraud and in which Ripple Won a significant issue the SEC asked it Just more the sec's ass is just more Evidence of its ongoing intimidation Against all of crypto and the us we Remain confident that the judge will Approach this final remedies phase Fairly I mean this is it's embarrassing For the SEC and as that's going on the SEC Ripple is dominating the Global Financial system is experiencing an Unanimous increase in the demand for Stable coins centered around utility Liquidity and Trust the benefits of Ripple stable coin Enterprise grade Compliance first transparency liquidity Liquidity on aex and then you can dive In here on Ripple so it's champion Blockchain and crypto utility with Ripple's USD backed stable coin so this Company is being sued by the SEC the SEC Is asking for billions of dollars and They don't even Flinch they know that this is all by Design to slow down one of the most Disruptive companies in human history so I'm only speaking for my Paradigm guys I'm not a maxi on xrp I'm not a maxi on Any cryptocurrency I'm an investor

There's a book behind me if you can see It called intelligent investor I'm an Investor and as an investor you get Non-emotional about your Investments the Book intelligent investor you stop Investing in the stock market and you Invest in companies if you're tribal Around your investment it doesn't make Any sense right I invest in things that I can measure I invest in things that I Can see if they're trustworthy I can Invest in things that I can see Stuart Aldrey boldly standing up there chess Proud chin up Brad garlinghouse boldly Standing up to the SEC not even Flinching when they ask for $2 billion Because they know that's a horse I'm Willing to bet on bitco coin I started Betting on the horse last year just Being honest I finally got into Bitcoin Last year because the asset managers are Moving into it so it became more of a Horse in the race for me you know it was Back in from 2009 all the way to 2023 it was the synonymous Satoshi Nakamoto which is still that but with The asset managers moving into it and Bitcoin ETF being approved that made Sense to me now it's something that I Know that I could safely put my money Into and probably get some profits from It but also it's extremely spective guys There is no regulation right now so you Got to be very very careful you got to

Be an intelligent investor so as it goes Up on the left side of the risk pyramid It gets really risky I'm pulling 50% of My portfolio in this bull run 2024 back In all the way through 2026 I pull it Down the risk pyramid and I use I use Personally index universal life that's What I use it works very well for me I'm Not it's not a short-term strategy for Me it's a long-term strategy I like to Access my money I would like to access My money taxfree at the end of Retirement you can do that the cash Value with tax code 7702a it's not a 7702a plan people try to sell it it's Not a retirement plan with insurance you Can access the cash value taxfree at the Back end of your life which is opposite Of most Investments like a 401k right on The back end you get taxed I like to Lock in my tax rates I like to secure my Principle rule number one don't lose Money War Buffet rule number two is Follow rule number one so I make sure That when I pull profits I make sure That my money is locked in my family is Locked in and then I can be a little More risky with my other Investments so If I lose money my family is secure I'm Also Diversified in business Diversified A little bit in precious metals and I'm Using Bitcoin as my gold and then for me I'm heading into real estate and on top Of all that I have the Rockefeller

Waterfall system set up and it's a System that I built based on studying Nonstop how money moves through the System okay it's worked very well for me It's worked very well for hundreds of People that we've helped and thousands Of people that have gone through my Academy but the key for you though is You have to not like like think about This you need to build financial Literacy and financial discipline so you Can make your own solid decisions that Is the key to this we got to stop just Trusting other people with our money you Have to start to trust yourself we have To teach ourselves what money is in the American monetary system we go to school We get a job we trade time for money so Much time we can't pay attention we Throw it with an HR Manager they put it Into a 401k or you go to a bank and say Hey can you manage my money and they Never check in with you and you have no Idea and hope is not a strategy you're Hoping that when you retire you're Hoping that when you retire the market Is going to be favorable like that's What you're G that you've worked your Whole life for retirement and you're Going to hope that the market is going To be favorable at your retirement that Doesn't sound like a retirement strategy To me hope is not a strategy knowing Foundation security okay being able to

Measure where it's going to be at when You retire seems like a strategy to me So just want to bring that up these are Things that I'm doing exactly for my Paradigm if you need support I'm a Licensed insurance agent I have licensed Insurance agents in all 50 states down Below you can set up a free consultation With my insurance team I want to make it Very clear my 3T War Academy is Completely separate from my insurance or Arm of my my companies okay then I have The 3T Warrior Academy that's an Education Academy so our insurance Compan is completely separate you can Also join our education Academy Completely two separate companies so if You reach out to my insurance team They're not going to it's not the 3T Work AC Academy okay completely separate So I just want to make that clear Because we got a lot of mixing of lines Going there we have a bunch of different Companies so I just want to make that Clear do the best I can we also have Merlin the smartest way to track your Crypto that's how we do exit strategies I'm also the owner and co-founder of Merlin Merlin Merlin is a systematic Process where you can set up an exit Strategy so you can get out the markets On time and also want to give a big Shout out to Kevin love you brother Appreciate you for this amazing gift

Have an awesome day Warriors rise get Your [ __ ] together let's go A [Music]


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