CRYPTO 2024 Will Make Millionaires!!!

Are you ready to dive into the world of cryptocurrency and potentially become a millionaire? In this video, we will explore the future of crypto in 2024 and how it presents a unique opportunity for wealth creation. Discover the latest trends, insights, and predictions that could help you make informed investment decisions. Don’t miss out on this chance to learn about the potential of crypto in 2024 and unlock your path to financial success!

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2024 could make crypto millionaires this Will probably be one of the most Important videos I do to round out 2023 Going into 2024 yes it could make Millionaires but many people are going To get wrecked so we're going to talk About The Good the Bad and the Ugly and I'm going to speak exactly for my Paradigm on how I did this to create Financial Freedom and the next cycle is Going to be generational wealth my name Is coach JB what I work to do is make Very complex macro and mic economic Strategies very simple so the normal Everyday person can Implement them we've Helped over eight coming up on 8,000 I Think we just crossed 8,000 Warriors Worldwide since 2020 and my goal is to Help over a million before 2025 we have Three amazing resources number one we Get hundreds of questions every single Day about how I ensure my wealth which I'll talk about today in tax code 7702 index universal life it's work for Me I don't know if it'll work for you But we have a free consultation so you Can sit down and have a conversation to Get education that's in the description Of this video it's an absolutely free Consultation with my license insurance Agents in all 50 states we spanning into Canada we're on our way we're about Probably 60 days away from spanning into Canada number two is a 16 page

Absolutely free guide on exactly what I'm going to talk about today okay That's absolutely free put your email in It be in your inbox and lastly you can Jump into our education Academy if You're ready to jump right in be around Like-minded individuals okay so let's Dive into this so 2024 yes is going to Be a Cataclysmic transformation not only in Human consciousness but financially Spiritually mentally and for some people Physically write this down 2024 will be The biggest transformation I will Experience in my living history so I'm Going to share with you guys how you and I could become very wealthy in crypto But here's a caveat just like 2021 to 2022 everybody was booming in crypto And overnight it seemed like in 2022 People went from crypto millionaires Crypto thousandaires to completely broke With a collapsing portfolio of 85% so this is our Super Bowl it's December we got January February March April is the Bitcoin having and within That first quarter you're probably going To see a Bitcoin ETF be approved now About 90 days after the Bitcoin having Give or take I'm sure there's probably People that are uh more educated around The Cycles but about 90 days after the Bitcoin having you're going to see a Parabolic move so let's do the math so

We need to this is how I prepare my Whole team okay I'm What's called the Generator in human design I go forward I Forge a trail I make mistakes I come Back I build safety and I teach so what I'm doing is I'm just teaching you from My current Paradigm I want all of you Guys to have Financial Freedom but at The warrior Academy and all of my team We think very differently we don't see Crypto as a retirement we see crypto as A very speculative asset we make a large Amount of money in a short amount of Time but if you don't have a game plan Outside of crypto you will get wrecked We have to rewire the foundation okay so Let's talk timing so right now we're Sitting December 2023 we're getting a Little bit of a pump because of all the Uh it's it's many different things it's Not just the be everybody thinks it's Just the Bitcoin ETF you know uh the Anticipation of it guys but it's more The interest rates that are causing this With Jerome poell having this Uncertainty he said I'm uncertain about 2024 And them saying that they're going to Lower interest rates that is baked in The markets right the markets are Responding to future projections so the Thing that I've told you guys have been Parting over and over again Bitcoin Having Bitcoin ETF and interest rates

Those are your key triggers you need to Look out for okay so please get a pen And paper out and write down notes okay So we got our three triggers Bitcoin uh ETF Bitcoin having and interest rates Going down and that's going to be on the Back end of 2024 probably going to the Presidential election okay so now we're We're pro athletes getting ready for the Super Bowl right now that's this is your Super Bowl so here's what I'm doing I'm Just going to speak currently for my Paradigm so basically what I'm doing is I've been dollar cost averaging into Crypto every single every single week Basically so I've been dollar cost Averaging in crypto now what is dollar Cost averaging it's putting money into Crypto either daily or weekly or monthly At the same time consistently that's What dollar cost averaging is okay so They say that you beat the market Cycles The highs and lows okay when crypto dips I have money on the sideline to buy in Something that I'm accumulating right Now is Bitcoin okay so I have a diverse Portfolio across cryptocurrency now this Is really important because many of you Guys are oh I'm GNA get rich I'm gonna Get rich in crypto guys you have to have A game plan please look me in the eyes You have to have a game plan so here's My game plan so I have cryptocurrency And I have a strict exit plan which I'll

Show you Merlin Merlin on the back in Here everybody needs a download Merlin We created it ourselves 36,000 lines of Code to solve this exact problem okay so I have a strict portfolio Exit Plan I'm Holding 50% of my portfolio longterm Legacy not touching it okay if I need to I can borrow against the asset taxfree To buy more assets but we'll go into That in later videos in education and I Want to tell you something guys get Ready we're about to level this channel Up we are working right now behind the Scenes we are about to level this Channel up in 2024 so not only are we Leveling up in our finances we're Leveling up with our physical our Spiritual our mental my walk with Jesus And God and we're leveling up our Company and our Channel you we'll see Guys we're not playing games man we are Ready to level up in all aspects of our Life okay so I have 50% uh holding I'm Exiting 50% of my portfolio as it goes Up so people like well when well when it Goes up it's that simple it's not a date It's not a time it's when it goes up Okay I don't listen to the media I don't Listen to that stuff I just watch the Portfolio With Merlin when it starts to Go up and I hit my targets I exit it's That simple so I'll give you a specific Spefic example so let's take xrp if xrp Goes to

$3.7 I'll be exiting about 10% of 50% of My portfolio Okay so you have the 100% Or the 50% so I'll be exting 10% at About $3.7 now very important my Exit Plan may be very different than yours so I'm just giving you my Paradigm because I was dollar cost averaging at 17 cents That's my dollar that's my average cost Of xrp yours may be0 50 cents yours may Be 60 cents 30 cents right so exit plans Are personal that's why when you get Into Merlin you can look at the FAQs and All that stuff we show you how to do Exit plans so at $3.7 I'll be exiting my First 10% around5 to7 depending on where The market goes I'll be exiting the next 15% right and as the market goes up it's Not dates or times or predictions it's Just as it goes up I'm polling okay so Now I have money Fiat money fake money Sitting in my hands opportunity cost of Money okay this is the next phase for me Opportunity cost of money so I'll be Taking that opportunity cost of money And I will be securing my wealth we are Very big on tier one Capital tier one Capital if you look at a risk pyramid You're going to have insurance which is Tier one capital in 1913 the Federal Reserve was created and there was also a Tax code created called 7702 which a lot of people call it Infinity banking index universal life There's many different opinions on it I

Just know it works for me and it's Worked remarkable for me okay so Basically the way that I'm set up is I Have policies that going to be Max Funding during the crypto Bull Run and You'll sit with our agents and we'll Explain that to you very important how The Agents sets up the policy that's Where the negativity comes from Insurance because a lot of Agents set up Policies to maximize their commission we Train our team to maximize the clients Benefits we're building relationships Because we want you to win that's the Goal in all this right our goal is Financial Freedom and building Relationships so for me index universal Life I'll be Max funding policies now Why would would I put my money into Insurance well you may put your money Into a bank but if I put all that money Into a bank what are they going to do They're going to Dam it up they're going To lend it to the next person coming in Making money on my money they're going To put it back into the capital markets To make money off it and they're going To ensure my wealth so I just do that With my own money right so I take my Money I put it into index universal life Right I can borrow against my policy if I choose to this is not what I'm Recommending you do but you have access To your capital two borrow taxfree if

You want to buy back into the market or You want to buy a real estate property Right so I'm working to become my own Banker in that process next we're going Heavy into real estate and I'm going to Talk about business on the back end Because that's where I build my wealth So we're going to go heavy into real Estate okay so real estate the reason Why is because I've been very Transparent with you guys I went from Completely broke on my parents couch Four years ago in 2020 during the Seaword when they shut our businesses Down to Financial Freedom okay and Basically having a different tax Paradigm one that I've never experienced Before right when I was in Corporate America I had the W2 all that stuff now I had w9s I have companies uh We've Increased our earn income every single Quarter and then boom different problems Right you're you have tax not tax Problems but you have tax bills so now The next level is learning how to Mitigate through those taxes uh get tax Liabilities to decrease my tax by Through tax liabilities which will be Real estate okay I'm not a real estate Expert but we have people like Johnny Krypto who's a real estate expert we Have a ton of people within our Academy Who are real estate experts I'm Surrounded by that's what's cool about

The academy guys everything we have an Expert in everything inside of our Academy and I'll never pretend to be an Expert in something but I'm really good At surrounding myself with experts so Real estate is my next game so real Estate I'll be getting into for the Depreciation on the asset okay the Interest to be able to ride off on my Taxes and the increased income maybe With the doors I'm not really worried About that because I'm going to talk About business in just a moment okay Then we have precious metals so precious Metals I have silver for bability I Don't have a ton so I just speak about What I have and then I'll be getting to Gold for store value as my wealth Increases I want to deepen my Diversification strategy and then Business business business we absolutely Love business number one is I love Freedom okay now the key to business Though is you have to get to the point Where you're running your businesses Guys when I left corporate americ I Started my business I bought another job Most most people go into Entrepreneurship for freedom and they Don't know how to scale they don't know How to duplicate themselves with systems And processes and they end up buying a Job then they're in the same system They're working 19 hours a day trying to

Keep their business open they think for Cryptocurrency is going to change their Life and when it goes parabolic they Have no systems and processes in place No diversification and they're going to Take that money and they're going to put It back into a cycle a lowf frequency Cycle which is called currency which is Going to repeat the process and make Them broke again speaking from personal Experience okay then we talk about my What makes me the richest man in the World and I'm going to tell you guys We're going to go back to timelines We're going to go back to what I would Be doing and then we're going to go back To what the end result will be okay so What makes me the richest man in the World is my relationship with God and Following the life of Jesus you know Doesn't matter what the opinions are or How my belief system is or you know my Other channel talking about plant Medicines whatever it is guys I believe In God I follow the life of Jesus which Makes me the richest man in the world so I'm going to start there okay so the Number one one thing you should be doing Right now is building a foundation of Faith whatever it is I mean it could be Buddhism it can be whatever Church of Latter Day Saints Catholic whatever it Is you should be deepen in your faith Right now because 2024 it is going to

Get tested I promise you if you don't Believe in something you're going to Fall for anything because it's going to Get extremely chaotic on purpose that's Number one so you need to B build a Foundation of Faith number two is you Need to get your together mentally Physically and healthwise heed this Warning get yourself together physically Mentally and healthwise so Faith Fitness Next is family right now I am heavily Building peace freedom and family Structure so I have my small little Family but we are building an empire we Are building principles morals and Ethics within our family because when This chaos hits my family is going to be A lockstep unit okay so we got family we Got faith and we got Fitness okay so That has nothing to do with money yet Right but it does because money is Currency it's energy it's vibrational Frequency that's what change for me next You have your game plan this is what Coach JB is doing cryptocurrency dollar Cost averaging in and I'll be exiting as Everybody's coming in securing an index Universal life Max funding those Policies I'll be going deeper into Business and scaling and helping more People become wealthy that work with me The more people I make Rich the Wealthier I become it is really fun the Wealthier I become the more people I

Make wealthy it's that simple there's Enough money for every single one of us To succeed I'll be doing precious metals Real estate is going to be I I'm not Really excited about real estate to be Honest I got to change my frequency on It it just doesn't sound interesting to Me but now I'm starting to get really Excited about it because of Understanding the tax benefits to real Estate right but I will bring on an Expert to manage that type of stuff okay And then what we're going to be doing is I'm going to be doing the opposite of The 99% it's called inversion okay I Believe truly in my heart of hearts That's what Jesus was teaching and I I'll get in that on my other channel a Little bit deeper refined Integrity if You want to check that out but I just Want to share with you guys a lot of People are going to become millionaires But just like 2022 most of them became thousandaires So these are the paradigms that nobody's Talking about everybody every influencer Is telling you their favorite tokens and What's going to go parabolic and all This stuff but they're not talking about The mental aspect of this the foundation The reason why I went and broke three Times and ended up on my parents couch Is because I kept following the hype Dreams I didn't know how wealth was

Actually built remember write this down Wealth is a Currency take the word money out of it Money is put into a bank and Damned up And the bank makes it current remember What I said faith family and fitness That's your currency okay your Relationship with a higher power Spirituality that's currency then once You have the currency you create a game Plan once you create the game plan you Let that money flow through the system Once the money flows through the system Then you help others do the exact same Thing if I can do it you can do it You're going to hear me repeat these Things and it doesn't bother me if People unfollow me because I repeat the Same things because those are the people That are not patient enough straight up Those are the people that are not Patient enough and that will get wrecked In 2024 because they don't like to hear Repetitive process because what you Repeatedly do gets in greated in your Subconscious mind what gets ingrained in Your subconscious mind becomes an Unconscious activity guys you have to Repeat the same things over and over Again to rewire this subconscious mind Deepr rooted indoctrination of the System in the 1900s guys they developed A system to keep us broke they developed A system to keep us poor they developed

A system to make us sick and they Developed a system to help us memorize And not learn how to solve problems so Think about that I'm 48 years old guys I'm going to 48 am I 48 47 be 48 that's A lot of deepr rooted indoctrination That I had to unwire so no wonder I lost My money for the third time until I Figured it out once I figured it out I Repeated the process over and over and Over again and now I'm the richest Freest man in the world and when I say Richest man in the world you think Physically it's all here guys and the Money comes to me so happy and grateful For the money that comes to me in Increasing quantities from multiple Sources on a continuous basis God Rest PR Proctor I know probably here with us Right now in this room he's a beautiful Soul I've been saying that since 2009 Over it's it repeats in my head I'm so Happy and grateful for the money that Comes to me an increasing quantity of Multiple sources on a continuous basis From 2009 to 2020 I lost my money twice In that process but because I kept Repeating that it opened up the pathways Of the education the information and the Frequency that I needed to embody and Here I am and you can do the same thing Guys okay so I like to make the complex Simple so very important this right here I'm backwards on my camera I'm

So this is Merlin the smartest way to Crack your crypto we are the creators And co-founders of this and I'm proud to Say and I'm going to say this every time Guys things I talk about I own that's it I don't have any sponsors I don't have Anybody that tells me what to do or what To say I own everything that I talk About why because of my principles Integrity honesty and uncompromising Belief in God I will never have anybody Come on board to pay me money and tell Me what to say these are our companies Built by our own team teams 36,000 lines Of code to help solve problems for Humanity that's how you become wealthy Guys if you can solve a problem for Humanity that's how you build wealth It's a currency it creates kindness and Love and if there's love and passion put Into a business it's going to do very Very well it just takes time okay s Merland so this is where I set up my Exit plan and you can do the same thing So basically you just go in there it's An interface we don't hold your keys or Crypto it's just an interface that shows All your cryptos in one place then you Set up your Exit Plan so if you're Sitting there at dinner with your spouse Partner Lo one for the birthday and You're having a great time you're at a Comedy club enjoying yourself and all a Sudden ding you look down it's like oh

Honey we're about 10% away from our First Target so you jump over to the Bathroom and you exercise your trade or You have no access you're having a great Time you wake up in the morning it's Like oh it flew past my price Target and the exchanges are shutting Down because everybody's liquidating That's the two options you have to have A plan guys or you just hold longterm And you never take profits so Merlin the Smartest way to track your crypto it's 30 days for free absolutely free okay if You click the description down below for 30 days you get to use it and after you Start going into the paid part of it if You don't like it you just go in there And click cancel guys you don't have to Jump through hoops or call customer Service you can cancel it right there on The app the reason why we did that is We're so confident and we were right Because we're coming up on 1,400 people I keep saying the same number I didn't Get the update the last couple days I've Been traveling so sure it's it's went Past 1400 but guys the reason why There's 1400 people since July because It works because there's passion love Frequency and we're solving a huge Problem so this is one of your tools Like if you're a pro athlete this is Your helmet this is your armor right That's a great way to look at it you're

Going to Super Bowl you're not going to Not wear a helmet you're not going to Wear your shoulder pads and then once You get that helmet and shoulder pads on Guys we got to start training we got to Start sprinting we got to get ready this Is so important I'm really excited about This because I'm so excited to see you Guys SU Ed I love if you're in my Ecosystem you will understand this I am Obsessed with seeing my people succeed It gives me so much joy when I meet some Of you guys I I'll give you specific Examples I've met you know this happened A lot of times at events and traveling Had people come up to me and say JV we Are now millionaires because of the Things we did the discipline the Consistency all the things I met a Couple I'll give you a specific example A couple came up to me it was at the Ripple event and the wife came up and Said I want I'm so thankful before I Introduce you to my husband I just want To say thank you my husband listened to All these different things you don't Know when you're doing these videos and You're speaking into a camera they went Down to one car they rented out one of Their rooms they created a side hustle They paid off all their bills and they Are going to be millionaires in Cryptocurrency because they followed the Dis it's it they did it they just follow

It's just discipline it's just Consistency okay it's it's it's delaying Gratification and when you start to do That stuff guys you'll be the richest Man or woman on Earth so I love you guys I appreciate you and um I'm wishing you A great weekend uh thank you for bearing With me with a little bit of a different Uh look and feel with the channel this Week I'll be back in the studio uh Monday and got some travels coming up on The back end of this year as well uh but It's it's time guys 2024 is going to be The greatest year in human history Warriors rise get your together Let's Go A


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