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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel here's a headline from the Crypt Basic three big indicators point to Massive xrp run now they're sharing Perspective from one of my fellow xrp YouTubers here and I will tell you here At the outset that I broadly agree with What is what was stated here in fact the Vast majority of it I can only nitpick Over little things here but the the Overarching message which matters to you And me the everyday xrp holder yes face Melting action is going to be coming for Xrp The the fireworks yes they're finally Going to be coming here with with my Caveat continuing to be if we see some Sort of Black Swan event and the whole Market starts tanking and maybe equities Start tanking too that the whole world's Falling apart okay fine then you know Put a bookmark in it and we'll check Back in a few years but I don't think That's what's likely in fact I think What's likely is some insane action much Sooner than later and I'm going to share With you why because there are actual Indicators that have been and I've Talked about one of them in particular I'll just tell the outside it's the xrp BTC chart I've been talking about that a Lot because it is one of the most Important things to focus on you can see What happens when we're at this moment

In time historically speaking it is Right before this goes but there are Other indicators so we're going to talk About it but before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoy Is making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for for fun and uh we'll see how Long this video goes because I don't Know if my voice I don't know if you can Tell right now but uh my voice is kind Of giv out a little bit in fact in my Last video I think when I started Recording it sounded pretty much normal And then by the end of it I sounded like I'd been smoking a pack a day for 30 Years so um uh you know if it gives out I might have to cut this a little bit Shorter than I intend but um and by the Way I'm not sick I don't know what's Going on it's just something with Allergies so and so forth and it's just My my throat is just it's sore and so I've been trying to keep the talking to A minimum today but uh but let's let's Dig into this let's let's dig into this So again the piece here titled three big Indicators point to massive xrp run as The legal Skirmish between Ripple and

The SEC draws to a close xrp price Actions have caught the eye of crypto Market analysts with recent evaluations Suggesting a potential surge in value Mckl a prominent crypto YouTuber and Market analyst recently examined xrp's Price movements and called attention to To three indicators that spell out an Optimistic future for xrp once the Ripple V SEC case comes to a final close And folks I'll note these are things um That I've been talking about there's one In particular I I haven't brought up in A while uh but I just wanted to know Like it's just it's nice to see that There are people who Come I think kind of like me and many of You listening undoubtedly we come at This as best we can to to just be well Informed uh you know looking at logic Data and reason rather than focusing on How do we feel in the moment you know Casting aside the emotions and just Looking at what's happening in the world And doing our best to come to reasonable Conclusions about what is probable here And I think that's what's being done in This this case and so um piece continues Here in uh in his recent analysis ml Confirmed that xrp has been trading Within a massive consolidation pattern a Common Preparatory phase for Cryptocurrencies before making Significant price moves according to him

This is is likely to conclude in tandem With the end of the secv Ripple case Historically similar alignments have Resulted in substantial volatility and Price increases for xrp as investors and Traders respond to new found Regulatory Clar and so that's certainly true if you Look at an xrp USD price chart uh in Terms of consolidation absolutely I I Brought that up many times in recent Weeks and months uh because it's one of The the metrics it's one of the factors You should be looking at which shows us Where we likely are at in this market Cycle 100% agree on that now um where I Would where I'm a little bit less Confident here is that the secv Ripple Case is going to have anything Meaningful to do with this because you Know the part of the secv Ripple case That actually matters to the everyday Xrp holder is the legal status of xrp we Got that Clarity almost a year ago that Happened July 13th of last year so Whether the rest of the case in terms of You know the remedies phase which is Where we're at in the case now whether That's good or bad for ripple I don't Know why the average xrp holder would Give a damn it doesn't make sense to me So if we get news and say it's positive For for ripple on a just for their Business which again has nothing to do With xrp specifically but if it's good

For Ripple uh if the market moves up I Mean in theory maybe it goes up a little Bit for xrp but I'm just sitting Thinking if it does that it's not going To be sustained I wouldn't suppose based On that because it has nothing to do With xrp specifically so it would be an Irrational behavior and it would be Weird to me if that were the thing that Caused xrp to Rocket to the up side when The thing that actually matters to us Didn't do that last year so if that Happens um which I won't 100% rule I Just don't think it's probable but if That happens it will be be because of The rest of the crypto Market on a much Larger scale so think about what Happened we got this incredible news in July last year we've got this regulatory Clarity uh xrp basically doubled in Price in a matter of several hours but That was it we it didn't hit a dollar it Didn't hit a new all-time high none of That stuff right what's the environment We were in though well crypto is Trending to the downside for months After that Bitcoin which leads the Market was trending to the downside xrp Just filed in suit it wasn't uh it Wasn't the um you know greedier Environment that we find ourselves in Now this is a much more greedy Environment so if we get this news which Is much less substantial but we're in a

Different environment to where uh people Are losing their ever loving minds and It's one of those instances where people Are like take my money because they get All excited about stuff okay but still I Just I just I don't buy the rationality Of it okay I really I don't I don't buy That so could he be right yeah do I Think that that's something that's going To matter to the everyday extrap holder No I don't um we we'll see what happens Here but that's just one of those things Where um I just respectfully disagree on That small point but pretty much on the Rest of this stuff I think he's pretty Much knocking out of the part but anyway Um let's go down here and continue a Little bit Further uh xrp Ballinger bands and Performance against Bitcoin now this is Interesting hang with me here in Addition ml called attention to a second Indicator on the xrp weekly chart that Supports the bullish Outlook the Binger Bands these bands are a technical Analysis tool used to gauge Market Volatility and potential price breakouts Presently xrp's Binger bands are showing A squeeze a condition typically followed By significant price movements Mel Highlighted previous instances in 2017 And 2020 where similar squeezes and Xrp's bans led to rallies of 32,000 and

10,000% so um I actually a couple days Ago came across this this post from Charting guy on social media platform X And he separately on his own was making This exact point and so I was going to Talk about this in a in a video anyway Uh and he's it's just data it's on your Screen right now and so what you have Right here this orange line right here It's the 20-day moving average and and Then what you have up here there's this Blue line above that 20 a day moving Average and then there's a separate blue Line below it and this is dating back to Uh the chart shows you know into 2013 Technically but started tracking with The uh the 20-day moving average in 2015 So what the upper blue line and the Lower Blue lines are indicating is the Is is a range of volatility based on the 20-day moving average that's what that Is so what's fascinating and this has Been a signal for face melt action in The past it's on your screen you can see It as the volatility decreases that's What happens right before a massive Surge to the upside so you can see what Happened in 2017 rock it straight up as it got Incredibly narrow you saw it last Market Cycle got very narrow moved to the Upside now obviously xrp was Artificially suppressed because of the SEC nonsense but the behavior was the

Same and it broke to the upside now what We're seeing here is the most narrow Volatility range in the history of xrp In a bull market Environment that's why this is a big Deal so check out what charting guy Wrote about This and just to be clear here Too it is absolutely correct that Typically what follows when you're Looking at Ballinger bands when they get This this tight this squeezed what Follows after that is an explosive Move it can be to the upside or the Downside so what do you think's probable Now well check this out here's what Charting guy had to say xrp monthly Ballinger bands are now the tightest They've ever been in History 7 for the width the tightest it Got before this was 73 in 2017 one month Before obviously rocket to the upside And then he wrote sarcastically probably Nothing oh it's something it's Definitely something and then he wrote It either goes to $0 or new all-time High at $4 Plus A 20-day simple moving average which is The orange line is sloping up so it Massively favors a break to the upside So folks like I said when you get to This moment probably going to have a big Move explosive up or down he's noting That the the the moving average here the

20-day it's been trending upwards making It way more probable for an upside Action right but that's not the only Reason it makes sense to think that we Are in a Bull marketing Crypto you know this this year equity Have been ripping to the upside crypto Moves in tandem if we're going to Continue to see a move to the upside for Equities you better believe that Bitcoin And the crypto asset class is going to Keep doing that as well and so you've Got this Confluence of Events it's it's it's just it's another Thing to be aware of and then we've got Xrp BTC here's a post from chart analyst Bobby a there is a real possibility that Xrp has either bottomed here or is about To bottom against the Bitcoin pair these Are without question areas of Maximum Financial opportunity let's hear it Reply guys I can't wait to bathe in your Useless uneducated tear right and so at The time I'm recording this um this is What the uh xrp BDC chart looks like It's 727 p.m. central Time Thursday April 18th 2024 so it's it's been Hanging pretty well so far but this all These are all things that that have Coincided during previous Market Cycles Where xrp rips to the upside I think People are out of their damn Minds if They don't think it's going to happen Here and as far as what the charting guy

Wrote here he said um you know xrp Either goes to zero or new alltime high Well I like that because I've been Saying that forever that's my bet either Xrp does not that it would happen here Necessarily I mean I think that we're Going to see new all-time high soon Later but either either xrp goes to zero Or it hits a new all-time high and just Price Discovery one of those things will Happen it will not flutter about at Roughly this price point forever that's Not how this works now I place my bet I Think that what's most probable is new All-time high price Discovery all that Yeah but it was nice to see somebody Else write that because it's true like That's that's pretty much it and so We've got if you look at the xrpusd Chart Consolidation you look at Ballinger Band's incredibly tight Vol in terms of The volatility range here you look at Xrp BTC yes yes it's it's at its most dismal Point in years all of these things Historically have been indicators xrp is Going to blaze to the upside it's an Exciting time to be in crypto it just is So it's nice to see that other analysts Are are are are taking note and Spreading the word because it's true This is the stuff that I've been talking About so shout out and credit to my

Fellow xrp YouTuber mckel I better stop Here because I think my voice is gone That's it how long did I make like 12 Minutes God damn Wow I'm sounding rough aren't I all Right thanks for sticking to the end Especially since it was probably more Annoying to to listen to me if I sounded Like this but I do appreciate the Support hopefully uh my voice recovers Sooner than later but I'm not a Financial advisor you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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