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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel Ripple CEO Brad Garling house Was on Fox Business Network in the Morning with Maria barter Romo and he Said a lot of stuff that you're going to Want to hear about and I'm going to Share with you some of my thoughts along The way but one thing that for I think Pretty understandable reasons stood out To me as the most consequential and Interesting part of the conversation was When Brad garlinghouse said and I quote It's going to be great for xrp end quote So what's he referencing there well I'm Going to get into it but uh specifically Yes Ripple and Brad Garling house Acknowledges this Ripple is doing stuff That is going to be good for xrp Specifically now what does he mean by That he didn't say price right so what's He talking about well even if he's I Mean let's mean really gets to the corv It gets to price but even if in his mind He was thinking of this helps xrp Utility well what does that then do if What Ripple's doing helps xrp utility That in turn should help price over the Long Haul anyway now of course I Certainly see the point that uh for the Entirety of Ripple's existence pretty Much any news that they've had that's Positive has basically appear to have Been on deaf ears because anytime Ripple Has has announced any sort of um

Positive Developments um you know the market Doesn't react now what they're doing Here specifically what he's referencing Once once I'll You Know cover it in Great detail since we get to that part Of this video what he's doing there I Actually will argue is going to have a Meaningful impact on on the price of xrp And the long-term viability of xrp and The xrp Ledger uh there also was one Point that he made separate from xrp That I disagree with so I'm going to Touch on that as well but I think on the Whole he makes a lot of good points um You know professionally rips on the SEC And Gary gendler love to hear that There's all sorts of stuff in here but Uh before going further I do want to be Clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice And you definitely should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right I'm just an Enthusiast who Enjoys making YouTube videos about Crypto related topics but just as a Hobby and just for fun all right so the Clip has been pretty widely circulated Within the xrp community uh here's a Copy of it that was shared by xrp Community member bank xrp and he wrote Ripple Brad Garing house on Fox this Morning talking stable coins and pushing

For us Regulators to step up now that Was reposted by Brad Garing house Himself who by the way Has still has 589 uh people who he's Following which I think is hilarious and He wrote The Following covered a lot of Ground with Maria baroma today the Bitcoin having my predictions for the Crypto Market by end of year how Pro Inovation policies in the United States Will prevail step one replace the SEC Leadership and step two Elizabeth Warren's staff should read some actual Facts on crypto instead of spewing Constant misinformation uh and why Ripple is launching a USD backed stable Coin on The xrp Ledger and eth this year And yes indeed he does talk about what The stable coin means for xrp a little Bit and so um and so as far as what they Had to say I actually did go ahead and Transcribe this so I'm going to run Through it and occasionally stop along The way just to share some thoughts and I would also love to hear what you guys Think in the comment section below but I Think it's very obvious that what he's Talking about here in the end is going To be very good for xrp holders that I Feel very confident and very strong About so the qu first uh first statement Or question here from Maria bar Romo on Fox Business here to Brad Garing house Is as follows first assess where we are

In this market because crypto is up huge In just the last couple of weeks right Brad Garling house well it's been up it Came down a little bit this past weekend But if you step back the last six months Bitcoin is up about 250% I think you're going to continue to See Tailwinds partly because of the ETFs That have been approved which you and I Spoke about in Davos but also the Upcoming having which is imminent Maria It's a great point the ETF introduction Really broadened out the market in terms Of potential users I think and people Want to get in on that so people bought An ETF to get in on it but you recently Predicted that the crypto Market will Double in size to $5 trillion in size by The end of 20 24 that is a big Prediction just by the end of this year And so folks you guys have to tell me What you think about that prediction and I covered that in a recent video Brad Garan house announced yeah he's he's got His prediction by the end of this year Market cap for the asset class of 500 uh I'm sorry five trillion not 500 Trillion five trillion doll now of Course the exciting part is and first of All I you know I don't think that it was That wild a prediction I mean I could Easily see it going substantially higher Than that but you know that doesn't mean That our crypto from here only doubles

No no no no no think about it because Most of the market at any given moment Isn't popping so if it's popped to the Point where the prices at any given Moment are double and that's just from a Handful of coins imagine what that means For the stuff that you hold as it Cycles Through the entire space because it Doesn't happen all at once yes the Market moves in tandem but the stuff That's really going ballistic before People um finally start taking some Profits after some crazy green candles Yeah there's only going to be so much of That going on at any given moment and Then there'll be stuff the next day the Next week so and so forth so that's why When he says doubling yes I still think It's conservative but even if that's Precise uh that means life-changing Wealth for lots of you listening I'd be Willing to bet I would definitely be Willing to Hazard that guess but here's What Brad garlinghouse said uh in Response to that yeah I don't really Feel like it's that big a prediction When you step back like any Market it's Driven by supply and demand you have Decreasing supply for a whole bunch of Reasons the having of Bitcoin being one Of them you have an increasing demand The ETFs being a key part of that I Think it's also people realizing crypto Plays a role as an asset it's a $2 and5

Trillion Market maybe a little bit less Than that right now so I'm basically Just predicting that it's going to Double by the end of the year and if Anything I think probably underpredicted That and so I I got to say I agree if Anything like I mean he could be right Maybe it is about $5 trillion maybe That's where it Peaks but if anything I Would guess if I had to guess is it Above or below that to any degree I'd Say that's probably a little light it's Probably going to be higher especially If my suspicion is that you know we're Going to have the market t top in 2024 Rather than 2025 then yeah that would Not surprise me in the least now one one Part where I do respectfully disagree is What he had to say about the having so I'll agree with him that the ETFs That Matters to a certain degree at least It's detectable on a chart compared to The rest of rest of the volume but you Should see this um this post from a Checkmate and um I think he's if I'm not Mistaken he's one of the uh glass node Guys am I mistaken maybe I should double Check either way he's he's from one of The onchain analytics firms I believe or At least previously but anyway uh rather Insightful guy data driven and he was Just sharing where volume's coming from Effectively and so he shared this little Charging screen might be kind of hard to

See cuz it's not blown up here but he Wrote how significant is the impact of The Bitcoin having on financial markets And his conclusion is in line with what I've been saying literally for years the Having doesn't matter so anybody that Says that even if it's Brad Garling House I respectfully disagree based on The data that I've seen seen this far And so he's got this chart titled Bitcoin Futures vers spot versus ETF Trade volume so what he's actually got Here there's actually four uh four Categories that he's tracking on this Chart and you can look at what that Means in terms of volume and so he's got Futures trade volume spot trade volume ETF trade volume and then the final one Issuance to Miners and so the one that's The the the lighter yellow here that's Very obvious to see that's the Futures Trade volume then the darker yellow one Which you can see pretty easily that's The spot trade volume so regular you Know typical transactions on Cryptocurrency exchanges then you can See there's some blue it's a smaller Category but there some blue there That's the ETF trade volume so yes it's Meaningful but is that what's really Been driving the market in 20124 um I mean it's a a little piece of It I don't think I I don't think that's The most meaningful in fact I would go

So far as to say this Market would be Really hot right now even without that Look at how small of a percentage that Is I mean you can tell look at how high It Stacks up here with the light yellow Then here's the blue now the fourth Category you can't even see here which Is the issuance to minor and so you can See up the biggest category Futures a Trade volume 60 billion and then he Actually zoomed in here I'll go into the Spot of the chart he was zooming because He was making the point you can't see it So he kept zooming in a little bit Further and then the purple become or The pink rather becomes more obvious and Again that's the issue in to miners Meaning new Bitcoin mind and he's he's Just noting as he Zooms in here and this Is a point that I keep making as as you Zoom in here you can start to see it It's it's it's I think he said it's less Than 1% of the volume so if you're Talking talking about having 1% of the Volume become 05% of the volume you're Splitting hairs here and so he posed the Question again after pointing this out And he said so is the Bitcoin having Priced in and he said it doesn't matter It doesn't matter because it's such a Small percentage of volume so I just Disagree and then as far as the Bitcoin ETFs it's meaningful um you know long Term um and and yet done something I'm

Sure but to what degree have the flows Actually done something for the price of I Mean it's not the primary driver that's All I'm saying but again over a span of Years and decades Sure Way greater so That that's where I wanted to kind of um You know parse a bit of what Brad Ginhouse had to say I just respectfully Disagree with some of it but um that's That's pretty much all I disagreed with That he said for and he spoke for Basically over five minutes um anyway Let's move a little bit further further So then Maria Boma responded to him and Said I feel like Washington is still Trying uh to understand this market and The people who are writing legislation Potential legislation here to put Barriers around this Market I don't know That they really understand the strength And the growth story here but you think Putting regulation around this putting Barriers in place is going to be a Positive for this market and Brad said The following there is no question one Of the headwinds that has held back the Market the largest economy in the world The United States has been one of the Most problematic for the crypto Market Innovation entrepreneurialism and Capital have flown into markets that Constructively engage this market so Dubai Singapore even the UK the EU has

Passed legislative progress here the United States has really been behind the Eightball this Administration has taken A pretty anti-crypto stance led by the SEC Gary guinsler as the chair yeah and So I will say something that I've Mentioned a number of times over the Last couple years as we've been Observing the complete destruction of What has happened to many xrp holders as The secv Ripple case has unfolded and Thankfully xrp has legal clarity now and It all it all has worked out but like This Administration way worse than the Previous administration when it comes to Crypto way way way way worse Unquestionably that's the case and I I Didn't think the previous administration When Trump and charge was any good for Crypto uh but my God the degree to which The Biden Administration is infinitely Worse is it's just it's hard to Overstate the degree to which that is Indeed the case so vote whichever way You want to vote just know that if you Do vote in that direction uh you are Definitely voting against your own Financial interest specifically as it Pertains to crypto it will not get Better there is no chance if if that if We just have a continuation of this um And so then Maria interjected here and She said uh and this is right after he

Said you know well Gary giner is the Chair that's what that's a Brad said Then he she says because he doesn't Understand it or maybe he does and the People working for him don't and folks I Don't think that's it personally this is Just my Speculation I think there's something Else at play here he came in to destroy Gary guinsler understands enough he's Done a 180 on so many things compared to When he was um you know speaking and and I guess he was he technically a Professor when he was at MIT Um what he was saying back then and Having clear understanding of certain Things including Ripple and xrp the Status there and xrp not having Sufficient legal Clarity he said that Back then which is pretty damning of him To go from that to then running the SEC And just a 180 now that he's in charge Doesn't that tell you that there's Something that's motivating him Differently I think it's something I Think it's has nothing to do with the Degree to which he has knowledge has to Do with the degree to which he's an evil Piece of crap he's just he's just a Piece of human debris he is not Intellectually honest and he he doesn't Care if he craps all over people and Ruins people's lives financially he

Doesn't care so I don't know for sure What the motivating factor is the best Speculation I've seen on that is that he Wanted to do what's in line with the uh Perspective of what the administration Wants and he was he's just hoping for an Even better position um you know should Things go well there now I don't think That things are going well for him here So I'm not optimistic that's going to Happen and we'll see what happens with The election you know later in the year But um that's the best speculation I've Seen about why he's doing what he's Doing um and so Brad Garing house said It's not clear to me I mean clearly I Think you have politicians and I would Frankly call out Elizabeth Warren goes Out and says the only people using Crypto are Bad actors it's just not true The US should have a pro-innovation pro Compliance policy this is good for Growing jobs high-paying jobs growing The economy and I think you're seeing People going out in talking points that Are anti- crypto it doesn't even make Sense this shouldn't even be a partisan Issue this is about growing our economy This is about leading the next wave of Innovation I was around Silicon Valley When the internet was booming massive Amount of value creation uh massive Amount of job creation the blockchain And crypto space is here to stay and I

Think that's become clearer and clearer But the US government needs to embrace That and put those clear rules around it So that all participants can play and Grow and so indeed he was around for Theom boom and bust and uh the growth That happened after that uh many of you Will be aware but uh he he worked uh in High level positions at both Yahoo back In the day and AOL back when those were Substantial companies in the earlier Days of the U in the internet and so It's kind of interesting that he got to Be a part of like that Incredible uh development of of that Whole portion of the economy I mean the Advent of the internet and then he's Jumping in basically not literally at The beginning of what happened with Crypto but close enough you know in the Scheme of things that's pretty amazing Frankly that he was able to play a part In that stuff to the degree that he has It has been substantial and so in Response to that though Maria said I'm Glad you mentioned all those other Countries because that's also an Opportunity for you at Ripple and I Wanted to get your take on that because You recently announced Ripple is Launching a US dollar back stable coin Later this year and this is where we get To the fun part folks so thanks for Sticking with me um you say this Bridges

The gap between traditional financing Cryptocurrency tell us how that will Play out why it's valuable and give us The growth story for ripple where does Growth come from at your company in the Coming three years and I'll I'll pause To note and I've mentioned this a number Of times recently Ripple although Historically they've been known as a Fintech company um that's he's been Describing what his company does Differently lately and they're basically Just trying to do all things crypto on An Enterprise level that that's what They're trying to do in a nutshell so Whether it's custody like when they Bought out Medico in May of last year um You know or what they're doing out at The stable coin they're trying to be the Go-to for all things infrastructure in The world of crypto and they have every Incentive on the planet to make sure That xrp continues to be a crucial part Of that and that is why they're doing What they're doing so let's go a little Bit further here Brad says the following So to start on that last piece at Ripple Over 95% of our customers are non- US Financial instit tions we sell Payment Solutions we sell custody Solutions Around blockchain and crypto we're going To keep expanding even though the US Market as we were talking earlier partly From a regulatory view has been slow to

Adopt the non- US market has been really Really strong for us and then Maria says And you're going to be the Infrastructure around all of that Question mark and so even she she can See where this is going yes Ripple is Trying to be basically the backbone of The entire crypto space in terms of Offering key services not that they'll Be the only ones it's not a monopoly but They're trying to basically do that to a Particularly notable degree and moving Value around the planet is a part of it Yes xrp is absolutely a part of that and So Brad gardenhouse says that is our Goal and we think and check this out This is where we get to xrp says that is Our goal and we think that opportunity Is huge we think that is going to be Great for ripple we think that is going To be great for Xrp which is a digital asset we use and So I'm very very optimistic about that I Just think the United States needs to Figure it out okay so pause right there For just a second completely agree it's Obvious that whatever Ripple is doing um It's either directly or indirectly Related to their xrp Holdings because my God they're the largest holder in Existence they have the most to lose if This doesn't go well they're not just Going to stop caring about xrp and There's enough weight here enough

Connections and and enough things that They do that it's to me it's always been Like and I look I believe this in 2017 like and I wouldn't have been Interested about xrp if it were Centralized in 2017 I understood the Crucial of that even back then but the Fact that there is an entity that has Frankly this much Lo this but also this Much incentive to build that's a good Thing for an ecosystem that's a good Thing for an ecosystem so I didn't view It as a bad a bad thing and I understood Yeah I mean they could burn us they Could just say well we don't care about Xrp we're just going to dump it whatever Blah blah blah and destroy the market They could but I didn't think that that Was probable and they certainly haven't To this Point um so and even then you know you Can only crater that once if there's an Real ecosystem around that besides that Well you know it could persist anyway It's not like ripples the end all Beall Most certainly not it's about the Entirety of the ecosystem but what I'm Saying is obviously if there's a player At that level even back then in 2017 That's a good thing and that's That's I mean I feel like that idea I Had even back then it's been proven Correct now here over 6 years later look At what they're doing they're doing

Things that are good for the xrp xrp and The xrp Ledger and so as far as it pertains to The um the the stable coin here and I do Have another comment from him on that But let me just share with you something That I wrote in response to his post Covering this video I wrote great Segment Brad the Ripple stable coin on The xrp Ledger is going to be great for Xrp I think skeptic forget that the Usage of xrp is required for the Ripple Stable coin to exist and be used that's An obvious win for all xrp holders and So I do think that's something that People lose sight of well what are we Just going to ditch xrp you can't ditch Xrp you can't have a stable coin without Xrp no of course Ripple is going to Continue to care about it and they have All all the motivation in the all the Incentive in the world to care about it This is going to be good xrp is going to Be more used it will be viewed as more Long-term viable it as a result of this And so say we have you have the stable Coin that's wildly successful the world Over say it becomes one of the largest Or the largest stable coin out there and Xrp is required for it to be used well When people diversify into crypto don't You think that's going to increase their Confidence level that xrp is going to be Here because it's required for that

Maybe if they want to diversify maybe Some of that money makes it xrp don't You think and of course it's true that The stable coin is going to be on other Ecosystems including ethereum to start And so xrp isn't required for that but So what what would you have them do then Just launch the stable coin only on Ethereum and not on The xrp Ledger well If that's the case uh I don't know why They're not helping you know The xrp Ledger when they have incentive to prop Up xrp frankly like they do we all There's an overlap of interest there It's not a common Enterprise obviously But there's common interest there so What would you have them do Just Launch It on ethereum because they they look They want to have new revenue streams so It makes sense for them to do this so That just launch it on every chain but Xrp Ledger and then what see here's the Thing St St coins are either going to be Used or not and if none of them are on The xrp Ledger it's immaterial whether Ripple has launched a stable coin that's On other chains what matters is whether Or not it's on The xrp Ledger if you are An xrp holder so what I'm to be clear if If there's if say there's a land where There's never going to be any stable Coin on The xrp Ledger and ripple does Launch a stable coin whether Ripple Launches a stable coin on another

Ecosystem or never does does not matter To us that would neither help nor hurt XP specifically what matters is if they Are going to launch it and part of it is Going to be big chunk of it presumably Is going to be on The xrp Ledger with a Built-in decentralized exchange making It easy to transfer value back and forth That's good for xrp unquestionably There's no there's no world in which This is bad there were people Hypothesizing that this meant that they Were abandoning the use case of xrp as a Bridge currency this that just a bunch Of crazy stuff which is they're not Abandoning using xrp as a bridge Currency And there' be no incentive for them to Have a stable coin in place of that Anyway what's it matter then it's just It's backed by the the just you'd be Recreating a lot of the friction frankly In the system in terms of uh Counterparty risk this and that so I Just it that suffice it to say I don't Want to go any further down that path I've talked about this more depth in Other videos but yes so when Brad says It's going to be great for xrp yes he's Right for those that have a sufficiently Long-term mindset yes and even if you Have a more short-term mindset given That we're in a bull market I still Think we're going to see fireworks but

If you're talking about long-term Viability which is a separate topic like Is XR xrp going to be here in a couple Decades well if it keeps things keep Going like this then yeah this is great For xrp for long-term viability I Believe that and then Brad Garland house Wrapped that everything up by saying Ripple has always been about how do we Bridge this new world with traditional Finance Ripple has always been that Bridge we started around payments and we Sell into Banks a stable coin the demand For stable coins has exceeded what People thought it's a $150 billion asset Class now some forecast it to be over2 To3 trillion in a few years the players In the space particularly one called Tether is a non- us-based entity and the US is frankly kind of going after that Because they want this to be regulated Just yesterday there's a new bill Introduced in the Senate to create some Stable coin regulation which I think is A positive step hey finally we might get Some forward momentum there but I think That I think that Market's going to grow A lot I think a United States based Player who is compliance first has a Great role to play yeah and so that Being the case if anything that will be An advantage that will result in growth That is faster than what might occur With tether and especially when you have

Lower market share and you're just Starting out the gate it's easier to Pick up whatever you might perceive as Low hanging fruit if you're even just Launching a business in general and you Can just grab all sorts of market share And that's the position that that Ripple's going to be in but specifically If we can get the regulatory Clarity Side of this completely straightened out Uh incredible for the United States Either way still going to exist even in Other geographic regions around the Planet it's it's happening it is Definitely happening it's good for all Xrp holders period and it's exciting to See this and he gets it so there you go Double the market cap before the year's Over everything's going to be great for Xrp and screw Kim Jong giner there you Go in a nutshell Brad Garland house Everybody so I agree with almost Everything that he said had just a Little bit of nitpick when it comes to What he had to say about um you know the The Bitcoin having but I say for good Reason but uh other than that yeah I Think he pretty much knocked it out of The park you guys tell me what you think And I'll stop you happen I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Right that would be a very very very bad Idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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