XRP IS “ON THE ROAD TO VICTORY” Popular Analyst Declares

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I don't know about you but I'm Ready to get this xrp party started but At least leading up to this point what We can see is absolute proof that people And institutions are preparing for the Inevitable xrp party in which xrp will Melt faces as happened in 2017 and early 2018 look at some of these headlines xrp Price rallies 25% on bitcoin having but What next and it has don't forget that We recently saw an xrp low of uh I think It was about 42 cents well we just hit 57 cents in short order so fingers Crossed that's the bottom uh but even if It's not like I've been saying in recent Videos eventually a bottom is formed Even if it's not even if it's not what Just happened okay but we're we're in a Bull market folks it's xrp price is not Going to stay around here forever and The asset class moves in tandem period Xrp will be participating here's a Headline from you today Xrp bucks Trend with $1.3 million in Inflows as Bitcoin outflows continue so This is interesting we're talking about Institutional money right here 1.3 I'll Give you the specifics and what the what The figures are a little bit later in The video but it's just fascinating Because like a mountain of money flowing Out of Bitcoin as it's been in Consolidation mode on an Institutional

Level here but as track so I'll show you The specifics but it's just fascinating Here um also share with you perspective From a few xrp chart analysts including One who says that xrp is quote on the Road to Victory end quote and I could Not more fervently agree with that but Before going further I do want to be Clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun now First I wanted to briefly cover at least Part of this article from coin Telegraph It's from two days ago and it was titled Why is xrp price up today and they cited A reasons the first one I think is silly It's they they cite it's uh Bitcoin sell The news event sell the news sentiment Right you know Bitcoin sell the news Reaction after the having is benefiting Xrp blah blah blah I don't buy into the Narrative and Bitcoin didn't really have Much of a a negative reaction to that Anyway so if they thought that was the Case at the time they wrote this I just Respectfully disagree with that but the Other point the two other primary points They make in this article it's just it's Fact like take a look at this xrp whale

Count Rises Now isn't this fascinating As sentiment has recently been in the Gutter what are the whales doing take a Look at this today xrp price increase Coincides with a significant buying Activity from large investors often Called whales for instance the number of Whales holding at least 1 million and 100,000 xrp tokens increased Substantially in April right in the days Leading up to the having the trend is Similar among small investors or fishes With the number of entities holding at Least 10,000 xrp and 1,000 xrp tokens Also Rising so folks that's why I said At the outset of the video uh the xrp Party may not have technically started But a lot of people see it's coming A Lot of people are positioning themselves To take full advantage of the face melt Action when it comes and yeah I know It's not technical certainty but as far As I'm Concerned it's a virtual certainty that We're going to have that that type of Action so long as we do have a proper Coin bull run you know if this is just If we have a black SP of it and Everything falls apart okay maybe not Then and and nothing's for sure again I Acknowledge that I'm not making a price Prediction I'm a dude on the internet I Don't know for sure I'm just telling you What my conviction

Is anyway piece continues typically such Accumulations can signal anticipation of Favorable developments or Price Movements as both retail and Institutional investors position Themselves to benefit from expected Market dynamics and there you go there Are people that have been capitulating Getting out of Xrp buying other stuff and I've seen This movie before it doesn't go well it Doesn't go well I've seen I talked about The guy that I watched the YouTube video Of in you know middle of December 2017 He's like it just hasn't been moving I Just sold all my xrp literally like two Days later maybe three whatever it was Two or three days later it xrp went on Its biggest rally in history it's just The timing but you know if you get Impatient you think that that makes do Whatever you want I'm just I'm just Saying there's a store precedent for This and then they also note the Following oversold xrp price bounce and I don't really need to read the rest of The article I just want to make the Overall point xrp of course when you get Get that suppressed my God yes xrp Oversold Absolutely now of course over the last Couple days we've been seeing it moving Back to the upside a duh that's not Terribly surprising is it here's a post

From chart analyst dark Defender this is An xrp USD chart hi there all xrp closed The weekly candle above the blue support We discussed for the monthly time frame Another critical point is that the Weekly RSI rests on the previous support Trend this coupled with xrp's position Above both could lead to a retest of 6.44 it's hard to say how many times We've tested this level but it's a Factor to remember with with yesterday's Move xrp reclaimed the 52.8 6 Cent and The and set the new support Previous supports were 42.6 3 I'm sorry 46.2 3 cents rather and 39.1 7 cents we Are on the road to victory at Fibonacci Targets So as he noted here okay retested that Level multiple time well you know what It ex like I keep say xrp cannot stay in This range forever it can't it can't it Won't that doesn't make Sense one day either xrp goes to zero or It hits a new all-time high it will not Stay here And it seems very obvious what is most Probable new alltime high price Discovery that's what I believe Anyway here's a post from chart analyst Ereg Krypto xrp back inside the triangle And this is an xrpusd chart xrp has Bounced back facing resistance at 55 Cents and 58 cents with 75 cents as the Macro resistance level so it'll be

Interesting to see when xrp finally does Break above that to what degree it Actually jumps that will interesting and Then of course there's that Psychological level of $1 I'm very Curious to see what will happen at that Point is it going to melt through it Like butter or since it's a Psychological level is there going to be A little bit of a struggle here's a post From chart analyst cryptos and um I'll Note here this is at 7:53 a.m. in the Morning of the 22nd so excuse me folks Sorry about that so he didn't really Have the uh he you know he he doesn't Have the benefit of the knowledge we now Have we know that xrp um even yesterday Ran up to you know a little over 57 s And U and so he wrote The Following here Are your important xrp weekly levels the Good price held above blue diagonal Support the bad below the red 54 Cent Area and again that's why I said what I Said a second ago uh because it ran Higher than that it It ultimately did But he didn't know that so um then he Said below 21 moving average EMA 50 and 200 ma still lots of work to be done Before flipping bullish will update xrp And so he still is he's one of the Analysts out there who is very Optimistic yes of course xrp is going to Rally I can't find any reputable analyst Out there who doesn't have some sort of

Weird bias against xrp that thinks that Xrp will not be participating this Market cycle I can only find the typical Liming emotional retail speculators out There who think that reputable analysts None literally zero and and look I'm not Saying they don't exist bring them to me I want to say hello and make sure They're real please find me one Cuz I have never come across such an Individual uh here's a post from chart Analyst Mikey bu crypto he said allcoin Market cap is reflecting the 2020 alt Season Vibes and you can see he's noting Uh the altcoin market cap here that's What's on the top of your screen you got A circle here back in you know 2020 Shows where we are right now Circle that He's just saying it looks the same and We know what happens next if history is To kind of ride with itself yep here's a Headline from you today xrp bucks Trend With $1.3 million inflows as Bitcoin Outflows continue and I don't need to Read the article I just wanted to make a Broad Point here and this is updated Weekly this is from coin shares I've Highlighted data from them Before it's just fascinating to see that For the week Bitcoin outflows not Inflows Bitcoin outflows $192 million Outflows gone xrp inflows of $1.3 Million so I know in the scheme of Things $1.3 million isn't like some sort

Of crazy number but most of the focus of Course as has always been the case is on Bitcoin there's way more focus on Bitcoin compared to xrp so those numbers Are always going to be more staggering Anyway but what I find more interesting Is that we're seeing this is on an Institutional level what I find more Interesting is that in the face of this With those outflows for Bitcoin by the Way ethereum outflows of 34.2 million in One week even though 1.3 million inflows For xrp isn't huge this is in the face Of massive outflows for Bitcoin and eth Again Bitcoin out 192 million ethereum Outflows of 34.2 Million so is what it is it's just it Seems to me that you know the people who Are are not tribal the people who are Just intellectually honest they want Exposure to something they know Diversify and you know put put some Money into something that just know Hasn't run yet which is typically the Best time to do it's just recognizing Hey xrp it is part of the asset class They're they're clearly Demonstrating their optimism and this is What you always see though that's why I Keep it's like to me it just seems Incredibly obvious yes of course this is Going to happen unless there is a Black Swan event but if you're talking about a Full-blown All Season yes xrp

Participates that's what I believe Anyway and if I'm wrong I'm wrong and Then we'll have to seriously talk about That we'll have a serious postmortem on That one if that happens because Something would be wrong if we have a Full-blown alt season and xrp doesn't Hit a new alltime high we need to as a Community have a serious talk I do not Believe that's what's going to happen And you can see Confidence from the Players that you'd expect so here again On an institution level but like I just Highlighted the whales and even smaller Holders increasing their Holdings now Taking advantage of this oversold Environment so it's just this is the Most exciting moment that I personally Have ever had being in Crypto and a huge part of it for me Specifically because of xrp I hold a Bunch of different cryptocurrencies xrp Is my largest holding and I'm glad it is Cu I think it's going to go absolutely Crazy it's going to go Bananas I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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