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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel this is the year your life Changes get ready for the largest alt Season in crypto history at least that's The perspective from a very popular Analyst out there and I got to tell you I broadly agree with this even though I Don't pretend to know exactly how large This alt season is going to be um in Terms of dollars um almost certainly the Case it' be it's hard to imagine that That wouldn't come to pass and um I just I I've never been this optimistic as as A holder in crypto and I I've been in This now over six years as many of you Know unless you're brand to the channel Other than that you've probably heard me Say that before over six years now which You know and the scheme of things isn't That long but in the world of crypto It's an eternity because things happen Much faster in crypto the opportunities Are very real here and I have like so my Crypto is worth way more than what it Was just a few years ago which shouldn't Surprise you right uh but you know and If I knew in 2017 when I jumped into Crypto that even before the alt season Began the dollar value of my crypto Would be worth what it is right now I Would have been through the roof about That I would have been very excited and So it is a bit surreal in that sense but I still have to see this thing through

And there still is opportunity for me to Screw this up or some sort of Black Swan Event to come in and screw this up kind Of like you know that whole SEC nonsense With xrb from the last cycle like things Can happen out of nowhere that can Really screw up people's plans um but I I I do think that that you know the Notion this is the year that your life Can change in terms of life changing Wellth this is very real this is not Some sort of pipe dream this is a real Thing when it comes to crypto and even For me on a personal level um I'm very Optimistic this is finally going to be The time I cash out and so I've um I I Have never cashed out any of my crypto To United States dollars and I've also Never sold a single xrp I've just been Patiently Waiting and uh some people mock me for That and that's fine everybody can have Their own perspective of what they what Approach they want to take and whatever We're all entitled to our opinions right But I know this works you know because Look I knew that that approach worked When it came to the stock market I just Applied it to crypto and once you know It it actually does work the crypto Pi Keeps getting bigger so there as long as You have broad exposure and you just Hold for a long time you're fine and a Long time in crypto is 6 years

Apparently But my God to know that this is where We're at right now I mean and The Best Is Yet ahead it's an exciting time and It's so empowering regular people like You and me because there's nothing Special about me I'm I'm a dude on the Internet I'm a regular guy just like the Rest of you um it's really empowering That we as regular people can invest and Then just sit and over a relatively Short period of time even if it's like Me and 6 years long in crypto find but Still a short period of time and then You just get life-changing wealth it's Like winning the lottery that's ins Insane but it is true it is real life so I'm going to share with you some Perspective and some stuff specifically About xrp which I think are going to Like but uh before going further I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right so this is the Post that I was referencing at the Outset of the video I read this I just Came across it today on social media Platform X and it resonated with me I

Thought yes and I want to share it with You because it's just spoton it's from Nick crypto Crusader and he wrote The Following this is the year your life Changes don't fall into the traps of Hodling life-changing money back to the Starting point or Worse take profits Drisk pay yourselves and change your Lives we are in the early stages of the Largest alt season in crypto crypto History when mainstream media starts Shilling ridiculous bitcoin price Predictions to the sheep and everyone You know is talking crypto you know what To do it's going to be a wild ride there Will be pullbacks along the way but uh Stay focused and remain emotionless yeah You know and I remember back in 2017 I Just jumped into crypto and I was at a Grocery store I was at Trader Joe's and Um there were people around me and I I Was already an exerp had been for a good What close to a month at that point a Few weeks I don't know and I I and the People around me are talking about Xrp and then as we get up to the Register the ntion is like oh yeah I Just I've got some of that too and then The the cashier is like oh yeah I bought Some of that xrp stuff so I'm just Warning you it's not it's not specific To xrp but it's just when you hear Everybody Under the Sun there's that Level of mania that is a sign okay and I

Didn't fully understand it back then cuz I was so new to all this of course but That's something to actually watch for That's not the time to be ultra bullish Right and people make these mistakes all The time like you guys heard of the Dogecoin millionaire this is another Example um and uh this is the guy and I Mentioned him a couple times on my Channel but he had he he put like over $200,000 basically his entire net worth Into Doge based on something that Elon Musk said and it was before it started Running in 2021 and so his roughly $200,000 quickly became worth over $3 Million and um these are the numbers as I recall them I think that's about right Anyway there's stories of them all over The Internet so you can get the precise Information if you care that much but Anyway it was something like that so it Runs to $3 million he has life-changing Weth he could just sell that and live Off the Interest he could just live off the Interest you know he was making about $50,000 a year even if he only took Three % interest on the 3 million that's 90 grand that's almost double what he's Making you could take more than that if You want uh he would have been fine but He said no I'm not selling until Doge Hits $1 which is the exact worst thing

To Target anyway because like even if You're not a chart guy you should know a Round number like that that's going to Be psychological resistance right that That is psychological resistance and You're going to run up against it at That point so uh you know and it didn't Even make it that I think what did Doge Make it to last cycle like 75 so it's These types of stories are going to be All over the damn place and I'm just Warning you you know um whether you're Talking about xrp anything I was like Xrp when it hits a new all-time high Interest interest price discovery which I fully believe is going to happen um You're going to be seeing people saying Like say the tops 10 bucks 15 bucks Whatever ends up Being when it seems very clear that you Know this things this runs about Exhausted there will be people calling For way higher say the Top's 15 bucks We're going to be seeing people calling For $50 $100 there going to be articles About it in crypto media just be careful The only thing I'll say is look I'm not Telling you when to buy or sell or what To do I'm just sharing with you some Thoughts to me what makes sense is to Just have an idea of what is Life-changing wealth for you and then When you are at that level you can make It real by

Selling to me if you're at that level Where it's actually lifechanging wealth And it's the targets you want then don't Worry if it goes higher because you Cannot time markets and hit the top take The risk off the table that's what makes Sense to me and so that's the reasons That I didn't sell in the previous two Cycles my targets weren't hit yes my my Crypto's worth way more especially at The peak last cycle oh yeah yeah yeah it Was it's I'm not pretending like it Wasn't a substantial number but it Wasn't where I wanted it to be so I was Like okay so be because like that's That's the deal I set up for myself in 2017 17 I was like no I'm treating it Like the stock market either I'm right Or I'm wrong we're going to find out but If I'm right then if I just keep holding It just works itself out and so far that Has absolutely been True so you know but for me I I fully Intend to Sell ideally all of my crypto if not all Of it then just About because if it's life changing I'm Going to take the risk off and then I'm Going to count on the market tanking and Then I'll buy back in towards the bottom So even if I sell all my xrp that would Be glorious if I in a position where I'm Enticed to do so that would mean it's a Lot of money to me and then when the

Market tanks and Bitcoin goes down and Xrp and everything else goes down well Yeah then I'll start putting money back In so I think that Nick's spot on here All I'm saying is since we are at this Moment I just wanted to take a little Bit of time to urge some caution here And just just be aware of this because These are the things like you're going To be tripping yourself up Fe you're Going to have fear that you're going to Sell too soon that's what you're going To go through because that's what Everybody goes Through and I'm just telling you again What actually matters is you on an Individual level forget what everybody Else might be be selling for if if it Runs on an individual level for you or Is it is it is it somewhere that would Just be incredibly life Chang for you Because these opportunities only come Across uh come come across like every Few years and some people think there's Going to be a prolonged bare Market Especially with how high the stock Market some people are calling for like A prolonged um you know bare market for The stock market and crypto and if They're right you know if you don't sell This cycle what if it's not just you Know their typical you know threeyear Weight foure weight whatever it is what If it's twice that just to even start to

Get close to these you know the all-time Highs of this one and so you know I Don't know if that's going to happen I'm Just I'm just sharing some thoughts with You and just another reason that I I Believe it makes sense if you have the Lifechanging wealth seize it make it Real you can make it real or you can Watch it fall Apart and and fine if it's if it's not Lifechanging and you and you just want To hang on to it I totally get that like I've done that for me I've just been Like nope I'm just broad exposure for Years on end it does work Um but I'm just saying if you are at That point and I think that I'm going to Be finally for the first time I think After six years I think I'm finally Going to be there uh yeah might make Might make sense to make it real and on Xrp specifically I just wanted to Highlight something real quick these are Some interesting charts here so I came Across this post from techdev 435,000 followers on X now I don't know Exactly when I started following him but It was at the beginning part of my um my My a journey into crypto so I'm sure I've been following him for over half a Decade at this point and I I've Highlighted stuff from him over the Years and a fair bit recently and he's One of the guys that said uh Hey the

Having narrative it's nonsense he Highlighted that actually here's some Proof that it's just liquidity Cycles I've been talking about that a bit Recently so he's a very data driven guy And I think he gets it there's a reason He has the massive following that he has And he wrote this post outstanding work And so I was like oh what's what's he Talking about here and then there was a A post what he what he reposted was Something from uh cryp Crypt now I'm not Familiar with this account that doesn't Mean anything I'm just mentioning that But if techdev based on his reputation If he thinks that this is outstanding Work um that means something to me Because I've been following Tech Dev Again I think for over half a decade at This point and so he said outstanding Work and then I saw Ripple in here I Like whoa what's going on so Crypt Conflating Ripple and xrp he probably Just isn't a big xrp guy I don't know I Didn't get any sense that he was trying To be trolly about or anything like that Uh but he shared a bunch of Charts here's one of them xrpusd chart Going back to call it the end of 2013 and you can see what happened when We reached this breakout point in 2017 He had this major leg up and so this Would have been probably April of 2017 And then there's some consolidation for

Another half year and then after that Which must have felt like a Eternity for People that were huddling xrp for half a Year in 2017 uh while everything else was taking Off but then xrp had that other leg up And then he's noting that then we've Been consolidating within this range and Yes it's been about six years but he's Expecting that same type of blast of you Can see why he shared this little Further you look at the screen this Little purple cone triangle thing yeah That would be why he's saying kind of Looks like this is the moment and Tech Dev says outstanding work so that stands Out to me and he also highlighted this This is an xrp in United States dollars Uh priced uh in NV media stock and you Might think well why is he pricing in Net like if you and I I understand why It's because cryptocurrencies they trade Like tech stocks and Nvidia has been Going ballistic you've probably if You've been following with any amount of Regularity what's happening uh in the World of stocks and crypto you've Probably heard about this just I mean It's worth what like fivefold what it Was a year ago and this is a stock mind You uh it like in crypto that's a Wednesday I get It but in has been around a really Really really long time and so we did

Here as he priced xrp in Nvidia stock And it's interesting because you can see That xrp from even 2013 uh into the 2017 Bull Run xrp was losing value against Nvidia right but then we reached what He's highlighted here as the buy Zone And then it blasted off you know what Happened in 2017 everybody knows right What happened after the peak xrp again Began losing uh losing value against Nvidia and he's noting now that just Like we had that buy Zone in 2017 we've Got it here too and it's funny doesn't This look in kind of like the xrp BTC Chart in some ways does it kind of like The concept because think about what Happened with xrp against Bitcoin the Last like several times my God and when It looked like it was in the gut or what Happened after that just blast Off it's just interesting to see right So again I I might sound weird on the Surface if you haven't thought about it Xrp against Nvidia why well that would Be Why so again we'll see what happens just One more thing to consider here and even Did the same thing with eth this is an Eth in United States dollars price Against Nvidia oh we we'll see what happens here Folks so I'm just I'm nothing but Optimistic here xrp BTC looks like it's In the gutter uh X RP against Nvidia

Looks like it's in the gutter um yeah Happy to see it because I know That these are things that precede Massive moves to the upside for uh for Xrp Specifically this is the time to be Excited this is why I think that this Will be the year that our lives change I I think I'm finally going to get for Myself and I hope you all do as well uh It's just just I I personally certainly Have never been closer and I hope that's True for you as well cuz I know so many Of you listening have also been around For years waiting for this to happen but It's just like we really are right about There so thanks for going on this Journey with me it's a lot less lonely With all of you I'll tell you that it's Just it's just it's exciting like this Is a real thing and there's real Community out there it's just been one Of the most consequential and positive Things that I've ever done in my entire Life jumping into crypto and becoming Part of the RP community and I just and I'm so thankful and humbled by all the Support that I've received running this YouTube channel with a silly ass name Moon Lambo running this thing for over Half a decade now so thank you very much I just want to say that as well I just I I really do appreciate I'll never take It for granted I mean we're going on

Quite the journey together I would say And we're almost There I'm not a financial advisor you Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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