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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a [Music] Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and I link to I Just got a notification that my sponsor Link to for for the next 48 hours is Going to they're lowering their minimum Investment to $2500 so I think it's on Just about everything on their platform You'll be a normally you have to invest At least 5 or $110,000 I think 48 hours You can go in and just buy $2,500 worth If you want to all right check this out The bricks is considering a stable coin For international trade Settlements a Group of commodity driven countries is Considering launching a stable coin as They continue to stockpile gold don't Think too hard about How This Ends folks It's very obvious How This Ends they Accumulate gold while they take Advantage of the the precious metals Prices being manipulated down for Decades they accumulate it knowing that There's a a financial reset coming in my Opinion they probably set the price of Of gold in the end to what it's really Worth and it's not showing what it's Really worth make no mistake about that JP Morgan's been manipulating it no Telling who's been helping the US Government manipulate this for all these Decades so it's very obvious so the

Second one of these countries comes up With a stable coin that's backed by These Commodities that's game over folks cuz Everybody will have to do it nobody want To be anything else we made an analysis Dark Defender we made an analysis for Gold orange line um expected path versus Green line actual many expect gold to Plunge even towards $1,300 but gold has Already touched 2431 our targets are 2813 and 3,333 per ounce by the way if you go to Miles franklin.com and you go and top Right click sign up you can use the Referral code Dai gold for the best Prices go check it out that's where I Buy my gold all right and then we've got U we've got this xrp is this is a I I Like these because this is a uh one of The um Charis type people who is a Bitcoin Maxi and when they say something Good about xrp I pay attention if They've got a significant following xrp Is currently at a level that initiates An explosive Rally stay tuned now here's an Interesting clip this is uh the guy this Is from um I think Ido finina and then You also have um man I his name is so Long but it's James it's crypto for ah They didn't put it in Here actually let's see if this was his Channel but I find no that they did it

From EO fin but anyway it's one of the Guys from um Black Swan capitalist as Well listen to this but I find also very Interesting is how this ties into like The xrp price when the precious metals Market was moving it made more sense That we're going to war and this is Because our debt is unsustainable and They need to uh print more money which Is going to of course debase the Currency further widen that wealth Gap Um and this is again why central banks All over the world are buying gold Because they are looking to position Themselves and hedge against uh the Imminent collapse of the US Dollar's Hemony not necessarily the US dollar uh But the endgame is always been to reset The gold price and digitize it onto a Blockchain node for Speed transparency Scalability environmentally so it's not Hard to uh see what's going on here what I find also very interesting is how this Ties into like the xrp price many people I think don't understand still what it Means if Ripple is building stable coins Too and the digital asset xrp is Designed to move that value so that Means that the digital asset ass was Designed for infinite scalability and That means there really is no limitation To its price later on down the road but As it becomes like universally adopted And that's what we see happening

Accepted extensively used which it will Be eventually at some point later on Down the road since it's riding on those Rails the protocol which leverages xrp To move the value and set the rules for All transactions it does at some point Absorb all the money in the circulation And therefore that improves its Liquidity and that's what naturally Drives the price higher there you go and Then um this is a cool clip from Ray Doo The billionaire from Bridgewater I thank you for your time um My question is do you believe there is An actual uh currency currently Challenging the US dollar as the Global Currency and if yes which one would that Be is there any realistic air to the Throne no I think we're entering a we are entering An era where all currencies are going to Be Bad and it's an ugly Contest in other words is it the euro is It the yen is it the REM andb okay is it Gold gold is a Currency is it Bitcoin okay there's going to be a void In my opinion because of this nature of This debt debt is currency if you're Holding um a currency you're holding a Debt Instrument and so be given the dynamic That we talked about we have a debt

Problem I believe here and so the Question is what is an alternative a Currency is a medium of exchange or a Storeold of Wealth I think the dollar will remain a Medium of Exchange But it won't be effective as a storeold Of Wealth and so that's where we think okay What are the elements of a storeold of Wealth well one of the elements of a Storeold of wealth is that you have to Be able to transer it to somebody in Another country who will accept it so It's got to move around okay so it's not A storeold uh a currency is not a real Estate oh so how do your trans and what Will be accepted all around the World is so that is what the question is Going to be I think I think gold will Stand as the best of that but Bitcoin And others are going to there you know What are their issues and we will be in A void as to what that is because the Basic problem is that you can't trust Central Bankers I mean they're all in a Bind they all have too much debt they All have that bind so who's going to Withstand it they compete with each Other when one devalues if the dollar Devalues the others are going to want to Devalue because they're going to be Under Uncompetitive so I think that's the

Nature of our Circumstances very interesting where We're at in this world um okay Bill Morgan I was looking at the figures just Yesterday and locked xrp was about 2.7 Million this is the amm pools um has Increased big time in the last day or so Now it's at 3.7 million this thing Is going to increase over time but the Digital asset investor will be staying Away from this I'm not diving right in With my xrp I'm going to sit back and Watch for a while because that's what I Do when any kind of new anything comes About uh because there's a thing called Beta and that's when when the bad stuff Happens and I want to make sure nothing Bad happens all right Brian Kelly on the Bitcoin having that's a lot of pent up Demand what about what the ETFs how does That change the game now because last Having we didn't have ETFs that's right And I think actually it changes Tremendously that's why Morgan stainley And UBS are so important because up to This point they have not been able to Buy those ETFs their clients have able To buy it so if you think about it you Now have an has an asset with the most Amand it's ever going to have right You've got all these people just able to Come on and supply has been cut coins on Exchange you're down so you're having a

Whole bunch of pent up and potential Demand hitting lower Supply to me that's The bullish setup for Bitcoin now just As a reminder Brian Kelly used to Understand back in 201718 he and CNBC totally understood Xrp some something or someone got them To somehow forget all about the Significance of xrp Ripple the next big Breakout coin and if so how do you even Buy it I'll fear not because they very Own crypto baller BK is here to tell us I just wanted to show it to sure so Ripple has been on an absolute tear and And just to add to what SEMA talked About what Ripple really is going after Is the Swift Network or International Payment transfers so what you're talking About here is an upgrade of the International Financial system and That's a very big market so that's why People are very excited about it so Let's go to palon x and figure out how Do we buy this here so here I am I'm on The ponia did a whole course on how to Buy it and now they act like don't even Know know anything about it now I ask You folks is this a joke I have Literally walked into one of these um This is one of those um shipping Containers that they have created There's been companies that have turned These into Bitcoin mining operations I Walked into one at a I think it was

Bitcoin Miami Conference and I remember Coming out of the thing and look I was With um Nick buedo and and I remember Saying you got to be kidding me why in The world would you build a financial System around this when you don't even Need It it's a joke it's got to be a [Music] Joke just a one big huge Waste you literally don't need anything That you're looking At to have all all this decentralization And stuff that they say that they're Accomplishing with all this you don't Need any of it and they know it that's The crazy part steuart alera in Gensler's first three years as SEC chair The agency has been sued for abusing its Rule making Powers more times than the SEC was sued in Prior 10 years spanning The tenure of three long serving chairs Combined unbelievable now um someone Found something in the ripples recent Motion and it point it points To well actually the re the whole reason I formed Dp.com was because there are certain Things that if I talk about them out Here YouTube would censor me um so in da Xrp.com today we're going to the reason I formed my patreon group is at DP .c is Because of that reason right there if I Show certain things on YouTube I'm

Worried about being Censored and that's the fact Jack I'm The digital asset investor I'm not an Investment advisor this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and tell Your friends and family censorship is Real so in dip.com we're going I'm going To show You what we're going to show you just How corrupt all this thing is with with Um this Deb box thing is a joke compared To eth gate total joke and we're going To I'm going to show you what came out Of those Ripple documents that really Puts you right over the target here we Go [Music] [Music]


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