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Xrp breaking breaking news yesterday xrp The company Ripple announced they're Launching a us-based stable coin the Tides are shifting quickly we've been Holding on since 2020 December 20th 2020 When they launched and initiated excuse Me a case against Ripple around xrp Being a security the case has lasted 3 Years and during the case it has not Settled fully yet Ripple announces that They're launching a stable coin in the US market is this all by Design or is There a whole another thing happening Here in today's video we're going to Break down the Earth shattering news Yesterday where Ripple is launching a Stable coin within the us we're also Going to show you on the back end of This a very special trailer that'll be Coming out in 2024 which is showing the Shift to a Quantum Financial system my Name is coach JB what I work to do is Make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them created free resources for you to Help support you through this transition So I personally ensure my wealth in Insurance as I pull profits I love index Universal life it's work for me and my Diversification strategy so if you're Interested in learning more about it I'm A licensed agent I have licensed agents In all 50 states to support you with

Absolutely free consultation to answer Any questions about securing your wealth And protecting your family so if you Click the description of the video down Below you can set up a free consultation To talk to my team or click the link in My bio to set up a free consultation so Let's Dive Right into this Earth Shattering news which is absolutely Amazing it just keeps getting better and Better and better and it's like it's It's just a beautiful thing right Because we really focused on Fundamentals we focused on the future we Didn't listen to we put our blinders on We didn't listen to all the [ __ ] Happening and we Focused now the key to this is you have To have a game plan family it's still an Extremely spective asset cryptocurrency We don't have full regulation and this Bull run to me is going to be face Melting Earth shattering so you have to Have a game plan so Ripple to launch US Dollar stable coin taken on $150 billion Mark market dominated by tether and Circle so we have tether who has UD St And we have Circle who is US DC and now Ripple is jumping in the game in America Launching their own stable coin later on This year so this is on their website or Excuse me their Twitter it says Stablecoin Market is booming around 150 Billion today and projected to soar past

2.8 trillion by 2028 there's a clear Demand and Trust for stability and Utility that's why later this year we're Launching stable coin PID one to one to The USD and The xrp Ledger and ethereum This is getting fun this is getting Really fun this is the official Announcement on their website Ripple to Issue USD back stable coin bringing more Utility to the and liquidity to xrp Ledger it just keeps rolling guys Morgan Stanley wants to beat UBS to become the First Bitcoin ETF Bank just let this Sink in family take a deep Breath now get fundamental have a game Plan get the GRE Gene out of your body There is no get-rich quick this is an Opportunity for Main Street to have a Piece of Wall Street that's why they Push back so hard on it that's why they Told you it was a pet rock that's why They told you it was used for money Laundering think about that for just a Moment 2024 is the biggest shift we're Ever going to see in our financial History and I want to share this very Special uh clip here um this is Something that's coming out in 2024 uh and I'm very honored to be part Of this project and I want to show you Guys right here live on my channel uh Xrp Unleashed coming out later this year In 2024

There's a massive Quantum shift Happening and if you can't see it you Need to look around for just a Moment why are so many people living Broke right now we're all feeling Inflation right now Americans are paying The price for Rising inflation and many People don't exactly know why the more Dollars that get printed the more that Gets put into circulation the higher the Prices of all of these assets are going It's an old archaic banking system it's Pretty Apparent at this point that we're In in a transition it seems like we're On the brink of a major collapse I think It's almost undeniable the system has to Switch I think we're going to see a Dramatic change over the next 10 or even 15 Years xrp is part of the heartbeat of Ripple you had kind of the ability to Exchange anything of value in a very Efficient way through this ingenious Path find the algorithm the utility Aspect of xrp you can move value from One place to another place instantly for Uh a very very nominal cost instead of It taking 3 to 5 days for a payment to Go through from One bank to another Cross border now takes three to five Seconds that's a game Cher they would Have globally dominated the entire Industry but for The Regulators pulling them back and

Congress kind of not getting with the Program you know we absolutely want to See the United States lead in this uh New Arena that we call blockchain and Cryptocurrencies and the clarity really Is it emanates from the Securities and Exchange Commission it was the darkest Day of the year was December 21st that Brad garlinghouse came out and basically Informed the world that uh they were Soon going to be sued by the SEC the SEC is its mandate is to help Protect protect investors I got fed out Of the whole project because of this Lawsuit I I Lost my dream my hope uh of buying Something really really solid at the Very least it's the appearance of Impropriety you know and then the other End of the spectrum it's absolute Coercion and collusion right and Market Manipulation people going to lose money And people have their life savings in Xrp it was Christmas Eve I came back at Uh about 1:00 in the morning something Like that Christy said where where the Hell have you been for the last several Hours and I looked there and I said I Think I'm going to sue the SEC we became convinced that this whole Case was was merely a show it was a an Attempt by the federal government to Slow down the adoption and perpetuation Of of xrp Jay Clayton drops this lawsuit

On his last day in office like mission Accomplished Jay Clayton he hires his Good friend Bill H bill himman came to The stand in 2018 and gave his famous Speech where he declared that ethereum Wasn't a security they did not issue That much ether and yet they let Bill Hinman go ahead and make the speech Saying that they're decentralized the Bureaucracy Beast system has been Weaponized against the American people Dozen FBI agents guns of Blazing uh came into my home they with Toss me into this fan as if I'm Pao Escobar or Somebody the United States government is Probably the biggest bully in the world You got to defend yourself or you're Going to get bullied forever we assemble An army so that we can be at the Forefront of this change the xrp Army is a group of diverse people from All over good morning Warriors hello and Welcome back to another episode of your Favorite crypto News Channel good Morning crypto I ended up posting it on Twitter the lawsuit and the next thing You know it was 5,000 12,000 20,000 and eventually grew to over 75,000 people from 143 countries around The world all joined they want to be Part of the new digital revolution Blockchain technology is going to change Everything there's always going to be a

Danger associated with blockchain and There's also going to be better benefits And things that are going to help and Improve Humanity we're just trying to Utilize a new blockchain Technology to benefit Charities even More than they are now if you know a Veteran that's that's struggling may Need to hit that reset button have them Look us up I am very optimistic about The crypto Market in 2024 we're entering An era where it's believed that all Assets of value will be tokenized Eventually the problem tokenization Solves ultimately is accessibility by Using intelligent tokenomics and smart Contracts we may at some point truly Eliminate poverty on planet Earth the internet democratized Information and crypto and blockchain Will do the same with value there's Little doubt about how far we have come But I'm incredibly excited the journey Ahead welcome to 2024 the shift in a Monetary System nothing will ever be the same I've been preaching this since 20120 when I got introduced to xrp by a Gentleman who was in our facility he Introduced me to xrp and I was like what Is this why isn't this used all over the World and it isn't just about xrp it's About a transition in a monetary system It's about a transition in humanity it's

A shift In Consciousness from industrial to Technical from Web 2.0 to web 3.0 from a Small group of people leading everything To everybody coming together to create Things there's a shift in Consciousness Happening right now I believe it's Christ Consciousness I believe that God Is filling the Earth with light and this Is the greatest time in human history to Get your [ __ ] together as we always say Warriors rise get your [ __ ] together Let's Go


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