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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and I am jacking My volume up because Garling house was Just on Fox Business and this is the Only copy of it I could find so far so I'm going to play this for You take a look at crypto this morning As we see stocks moving higher crypto is As well Bitcoin at 62,000 as you see Ethereum Litecoin all up this morning Joining me right now exclusively is the CEO of Ripple Brad garlinghouse Brad It's great to see you great to see you Thank you so much for being here first Assess where we are in this market Because crypto's up huge in just the Last couple of weeks right well it's Been up it came down a little bit this Past weekend uh but I think if you step Back you the last 6 months bitcoin's up About 250% I think you're going to continue to See Tailwinds partly because of the ETFs That have been approved which you and I Spoke about in at Davos but also the Upcoming having which is imminent yeah It's a great it's a great point the ETF U introduction really broadened out the Market in terms of potential users I Think and people wanted to get in on it So they bought an ETF to do so but you Recently predict predicted that the

Crypto Market will double in size to $5 Trillion by the end of 2024 that is a Big prediction just by the end of this Year yeah I don't even feel like it's That big a prediction when you step back And you know like any Market this is Driven by supply and demand you have Decreasing supply for a whole bunch of Reasons the having Bitcoin being an Important one you have an increasing Demand the ETF being a key part of that Uh and I think it's also people Realizing that crypto plays a role as an Asset uh you know a two and trillion Dollar market maybe it's a little less Than that now but so it's basically just Predicting it's going to double by the End of the year and uh if anything I I Think I probably underpredicted that un So now folks he's talking about this Market doubling from where it is right Now by the end of 2024 and now he's saying he under he Thinks maybe he underestimated that That's significant Washington is still Trying to understand this market and the People writing the legislation uh Potential legislation here to put Barriers and and around this Market I Don't know that they really understand Uh the the strength and the growth story Here but you think putting regulation Around this putting barriers in place is Going to be a positive for this Market

There is no question one of the Headwinds that has held back the market The largest economy in the world United States has been one of the most Problematic for the crypto Market Innovation entrepreneurs and capital Have flown into markets that have Actually constructively engaged this Market so Dubai Singapore even the UK The the EU has passed uh legislative Progress here the US has really been Behind the eightball this Administration I think has taken a pretty anti- crypto Stance led by the SEC Gary gendler as The chair uh has really because he Doesn't understand it I I I think There's maybe he doesn't the people Working for him though it's not clear to Me I mean clearly I think you have Politicians and I would frankly call out Elizabeth Warren goes out and says the Only people he's in crypto are are you Know Bad actors it's just not true and The US should have a pro-innovation pro Compliance policy this is good for in Terms of growing jobs high paying jobs Growing the economy and I think you're Seeing that you know people go out and Just you know talking points around Anti- crypto that it doesn't make sense This shouldn't even be a partisan issue This is about growing our economy yeah This is about leading the next wave of Innovation I was around Silicon Valley

When the internet was booming massive Amount of value creation massive amount Of job creation the blockchain and Crypto space is here to stay and I think That's become clearer and clearer but The US government needs to embrace that And put those those clear rules around It so that uh all participants can can Play and grow yeah and I'm glad you Mentioned all of those of countries Because that's also an opportunity for You obviously at Ripple I want to get Your take on that because you recently Announced Ripple is launching a US Dollar back stable coin later this year You say the bridges the the BR this Bridges the gap between traditional Finance and cryptocurrency tell us how That will play out why it's valuable and Give us the growth story for ripple Where does growth come from at your Company in the coming three years so to Start with that last piece Ripple about Over 95% of our customers are non- us Financial institutions we sell Payment Solutions we sell custody Solutions Around blockchain and crypto we're going To keep expanding even though the US Market as we were talking about earlier Partly from a regulatory point of view Has been slow to adopt uh the non US Market has been really really strong for Us and even and you're going to be the Infrastructure around all of that that

Is our goal and we think that Opportunity is huge we think it's going To be great for ripple we think it's Going to be great for xrp which is a Digital asset we use uh so I'm very very Optimistic about that I just think that The US needs to to to figure it out and The stable coin oh the stable coin so Ripple has always been about how do we Bridge this new world with a traditional Kind of people call it trafi traditional Finance and ripple has always been that Bridge we started around payments and we Sell into Banks a stable coin the demand For stable coins has exceeded I think What people thought it's $150 billion Asset class right now some forecast it To be over two three trillion in a few Years the players in that space Particularly one called tether is a non- Us-based entity and the US frankly is Kind of going after that because they Want this to be regulated oh they are H They're going after tether now the new Bill introduced in the Senate to create Some stable coin legislation which I Think is a positive step of like hey Finally we might get some forward Momentum there uh but I think that Market is going to grow a lot I think a Us-based player who is compliance first Yeah has a great role to play it's a Great folks I have been studying Ripple And xrp since

2013 I've held xrp since then and let me Tell you what I've never ever been more Bullish on xrp than I am right now It's almost If I Didn't Know Better it's Almost as if all the plans are falling Into Place check this out from CH Chad Stein Grabber I think he's directly over the Target here the reason xrp price is not Affected by today's Partnerships and odl Payments utility use described below all Use of xrp globally today is essentially OTC trading let's skip down to here uh So we seem to be in a pickle right They're using it but not publicly so how Does this price go up by utility the Answer is simple it doesn't at least for Now it doesn't matter what the price is It works regardless the difference is Volume versus Supply the volume of Transfers that depends on xrp is key Because obviously millions of dollars Per day is much different than trillions So when the volumes do pick up due to Business dependency they will demand More xrp because they need it to send XXX amount of dollars when they demand More they will start acquiring xrp from Any Source they can get it including the Public the Utility side is 50% of the Equation the other 50% is the investment Side with ETF funds taking out public Supply the bottom line is that Astronomical prices will come from a

Complete depletion of the public Supply As my theories play out enjoy the rod Boy does this sound like the the uh Shane Ellis Theory all right here is the CFT one of The cftc chair people um Caroline fam Yeah and thank you for highlighting um My engagement my International Engagement last year because you know Other jurisdictions are ahead of the United States I don't know why people Don't want to talk about that it's like This Open Secret but it's true other Jurisdictions have had regulation um They've had registration and oversight Regime since 2018 or 2019 and they've Been examining uh digital asset firms And one of the things that I asked about These other jurisdictions when I sort of Ask them to tell me about their lessons Learned and what works and what didn't Work is you know what really facilitates Innovation and it turns out that it's Pretty consistent across the board Having a strong rule of law having legal Certainty um having political stability And having that regulatory Clarity these Three pieces are what creat creates the Ideal uh circumstances or conditions for Innovation to thrive and so with what I Can do today with what the digital asset Market subcommittee can do today we're Going to come out this year and we're Going to work on best practices and

Industry standards for tokenized digital Asset Markets okay and then this is a guy from Ripple listen to what he says uh we at Ripple we uh see uh rwa really as a key Strategic pillar particularly on rle X You probably all have seen the news with Uh Black Rock basically launching a Tokenized money market fund and I think It really manifests that we're at the Start of a paradigm shift where Blockchain technology uh will be Integrated in the real Financial economy By traditional financial institutions Going Beyond just you know Pilots uh and Checking the Innovation box but really Actually solving pain points and So uh we At okay and then here's this Gary Gensler yesterday was bragging about how He's filed more than 2,000 enforcement Actions the SEC this is a big deal for Me he's got 6 billion in civil penalties More than uh and more than six billion In disgorgement and I said while Gary Brags about his enforcement actions Against Americans and slowing innovation In the US bricks accelerate their Innovation who is Gary really working For It's not hope it's not China um I'm going to skip this one Because I got too much I want to cover First I wanted to show you this

Development of blockchain powered Secondary markets will help expand Adoption of tokenization In traditional Markets in a new report Moody's rating Says um look if Moody's is even paying Attention folks that means Moody's and S&P are ready to jump into this game Because they're going to start raing all These ETFs and all the different things You're going to see ETF Baskets it's coming folks Now um Chad Stein Grabber as we approach The having in other countries about to Launch we are setting up for the biggest Altcoin bull run in the history of the Market once it starts it will be a full One year at least of nothing but up I Think he's on to something here and We're going to we're going to go into This we're also we're going to talk About the Bitcoin having but we're also Going to make in in dip.com we're going To talk about this Bitcoin having and How prices have Historically oper how they've reacted We're also going to show you where we Are in relation to what happened in The.com boom because it's very Interesting when you start looking at This um and we're going to talk about The dotom we're going to talk about how Altcoins have performed Within These Bitcoin havingsex Today because you're going to see we're

Going to go through these things I want Everybody to see this is what I was There during the com boom I saw it I was There I saw how this all happened and This is from the day I discovered this I Thought this was the second second Coming of Doc and I still think it but This one's going to be bigger now Bitcoin having in previous uh price Action this is from C uh good morning Crypto historical data reveals an Explosive long-term surge look when the The real explosions H happen one year Before having 3.85% one year after having 8,839 per. so the explosion happens After the having in that 6 months to a Year after one year before having this Was the 2016 that was the 2012 142% one Year after 285 then in 2020 one year Before 26% one year after 5 48% And folks all of those you didn't have ETFs now you've got the coming of ETFs And you've got the stable coin Regulation folks this is the big one When I was a kid I watched Sanford and Son and it was a they ran a junkyard on TV it was like a TV like a Sitcom and uh the uh older man played by What was his Name his name was red fox okay he was a Comedian And he always anytime something got Stressful on that show he he his his

Wife who had predeceased him it's like He would look he would hold his heart And he would look to him he'd say he'd Tell her he'd say I'm coming this is the Big one and he's he's thinking he's Having a heart attack well this is the Freaking big one Folks this is the big one and it's not Just about Bitcoin it's about alt coins We're going to go into all of that in in Dp.com I'm the digital asset investor I'm not An investment advisor this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and tell Your friends and family that here we go


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