“VOLATILITY IS COMING FOR XRP” Popular Analyst Proclaims

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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel volatility is coming for xrp so Says one popular chart analyst though um As you'll see in this video I actually Have perspective from I think six Different xrp chart analysts and there Seems to be a broad acceptance of a Particular idea which does indicate Something is about to happen there's Historic precedent for us and in terms Of what this particular indicator a a Particular indicator means uh it applies Not specifically to xrp not specifically To crypto but to charting in general and It just seems broadly accepted yes Absolutely something is going to happen Which is why I've been saying a lot in Recent days the people that say xrp is Just going to be sitting on the Sidelines for this bull run are going to Be proven disastrously wrong the asset Class moves in tandem xrp is part of it It has legal Clarity there's a reason It's in the top 10 coins by market capab And has been for literally its entire Existence over a decade now uh and so This is all still true despite the fact That today there's been a little bit of A pullback led by Bitcoin here but that Doesn't change anything in fact this is Expected by some analysts anyway but uh Before going further I do want to be Clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering

Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun as I Record this video xrp is at 53 cents Bitcoin at 64,000 630 bucks so down a Little bit down about 3% got the crypto Fear and greed index at 72 out of 100 so Market still in in in greed not extreme Greed um and here's a post I got uh I Got a couple posts from chart analyst Credible crypto the first one is from Yesterday morning and he shared this Bitcoin USD chart and wrote highs taken As expected let's see if we can dump it Now in terms of downside areas of Interest I'm looking at either of the Upper two grp green regions uh where I'll start looking for long Longs again Let's see how price action develops and So this is a post where literally Yesterday morning he saying yeah what's Most probable what I see in the charts Is probability we're going to be seeing A dip for Bitcoin to the downside and That is exactly what we've gotten today As he noted in this post this post is From this afternoon the 24th another Bitcoin USD price chart he wrote and There is our drop would like to see us Go a bit lower uh but uh sorry did I Read that wrong would like to see us go

A but low he met a but low okay so uh Here though before the reversal so Ideally we aren't done yet watching to See how things develop so this is what He was looking for and one of my Favorite thing in in seeing analysts who Have been doing this for a long time They expect something to you know Something to go down in certain Instances as is the case here and Market Participants flying by the seat of their Pants don't know what in the ever loving Hell is going on they don't know why They respond emotionally there's a lot Of panic selling and um and then people Who are in the know and have been here For a while maybe a little bit more Seasoned like oh yeah cool did the thing It went down great let's see if we can Go a little bit lower and maybe have a Reversal back to the upside it's just I I really enjoy seeing like ju depose These positions in terms of uh how People are approaching things and there Really is no comparison I just got to Get a kick out of it uh here's a post From Techdev and um and he simply wrote The Following Bitcoin in Orange so top top Of the chart here uh altcoin relative Performance in white so the one right Below it alt out performance appears Imminent so you can see that these these Charts one looks like the other in terms

Of the movements they look almost the Damn same right and so he points out key Moments with various uh well it's Basically colorcoded right and you can See Bitcoin ahead Bitcoin has moved up Here you have altcoins I mean if it's Going to keep doing the same thing you Know what that means right it means the Explosion for altcoins is at hand here Here's a post from chart analyst Mikey Bull crypto this is a crypto total Market cap excluding Bitcoin and eth and He wrote altcoins are looking Prime for An explosive rally after the recent Correction If You observe closely alt Pullback happened in 2020 at FIB 618 Level which coincidentally happened at The same level recently this year alt Cap is closely following the 2020 and 2021 price action path but the timing is Different so it's certainly true that Since the entire asset class moves in Tandem yes like things are going to go Absolutely ballistic for for you you Folks who were here in 2021 you know Exactly what that's like that's the Environment we're about to get back to Which is the most fun part of all this Because most of what it is to be in Crypto is a bunch of sideways and Downward price action but then every Once in a while you do get these blowoff Tops that is what is at hand Uh here's a post from chart analyst

Crypto Insight UK and so the rest of This video is 100% xrp Focus so check This out volatility is coming for Xrp on the monthly time frame the Ballinger bands are the tightest they've Ever been if we look back we can see the Last time they were this tight was 2017 We saw some insane volatility after this Then again in 2020 now Ballinger bands Don't indicate momentum or the ction of The move per se but they indicate a move Is coming when they squeeze they are a Volatility indicator I would like to Suggest the move will be to the upside And we have Wicked below but held above The basis line I would like to see some Increased volume and an attempt at a Push soon for xrp and so I I've been Highlighting this I've had like I don't Know two or three times in within the Last week or so And it's it's just fascinating see that This is something that is broadly agreed Upon well when you're talking about Binger bands I'm not a CH guy I'm just Telling you what I what I know to to be True here and learning from and getting Perspective from people who are chart Analysts and do this for a living um Like when the bands get this tight it Doesn't matter what the asset is it Doesn't matter what asset Clash you're Talking about it does indicate that it's A virtual certainty there's going to be

A an explosive move not a little one a Massive move and there's historic Precedent for this apply specifically to Xrp so then you just have to ask Yourself if we're going to have an Explosive move which direction is it Going to be what's most probable well I've argued that since we're in a a bull Market and xrp has been trending up Actually for about two years now uh Wouldn't it make more sense for the the Massive move to be to the upside and I Every analyst I've seen that talks about This and applies this to xrp says yeah That's what's most probable and I Highlighted this this is from April 16th For a charting Guy this is the first Analyst that saw highlighting this Specifically Recently and he wrote xrp monthly Ballinger bands are now the tightest They've been in history 7 for the width The Titus it got before this was 73 in 2017 one month before and then heed a Little rocket emoji probably nothing Which he said sarcastically so yeah That's the moment we're at and then There was this also uh from Tony srino Highlighting the same thing um xrp one1 Binger bands are officially the tightest Ever in history the last time they were This tight there was a 65,000 rally that Followed just broad acceptance this is The case here's a good morning crypto

Agreen as well xrp holders brace for Liftoff the xrp Ballinger bands are Tighter than ever on the monthly chart The last time we saw this in 2017 and 2020 volatility exploded leading to our Largest gains during the bull market While it's not a directional indicator It screams big move ahead signs point to An upward swing especially With strong support above yeah and That's why the charting guy he noted Okay well yeah so it this in and of Itself is not an indicator that it's Going to the upside but if you look at The other factors including uh you know He's looking at I think the 20-day Moving average well other but not just That even but if you look at all the Other indicators it's it's most Reasonable to suppose that the move is Going to be massively to the upside and So I just want to highlight this in this Video because I'm seeing this from Multiple analyst is um I'm not I'm not Seeing disagreement on this Point so you know whether it's today Tomorrow next week whatever we don't Know for sure when this is going to Happen when it goes It goes and the Asset class moves in tandem so Presumably once Bitcoin gets out of this Range-bound bit that we've been in for The last several weeks or so uh you know Alt coins are going to do what alt coins

Do and like we're going to be entering Face mount season that that's what I'm Looking forward to here uh here's a post From chart analyst tar she posted this This morning this is an xrpusd chart hi Guys good morning xrp is right at that Level that I mentioned a few days ago 54.5 cents it now looks like it's trying To build support on top this is a good Sign that we've started a new trend uh But then in a separate post she provided A little update just a couple hours Later said so I just want to add an Update to this xrp chart because there's Been some development xrp is coming down Coming down to critical support and Needs to hold 52 cents the range is Getting so tight this is the bottom of That major triangle that should turn Into support to continue bullish Trend And so again as I cited at the outside Of this video we're actually right at 53 Cents so let's see if it holds and of Course Bitcoin leads the way so if Bitcoin goes down a fair bit more I mean Presumably xrp and pretty much Everything else is going to follow but We're pretty close to that range so if It can bounce off here wouldn't mind Seeing that and here's a post from chart Analyst cryptos who simply wrote uh and This is from this afternoon said xrp Currently sitting on uh on daily support If this holds we bounce close below and

Then you just a little chart down emoji Let's go Bulls so um we'll see what Happens here we are at you know kind of A critical level at least on the shorter Time frame now for me I don't I'm Interested in in the short term just Because I got skin of the game so it's Fun to follow this stuff but in the end Do I really care not really I'm I'm I'm Just a long-term guy so I I care about On a macro scale what's happening higher Time frames like where's this where's This Market going to Peak this cycle That hasn't changed we're going to see Some crazy Fireworks that's what I'm here for we Really this is the this is why I keep Saying this is the most excited I've Ever been as an xrp holder and I've been Holding over six years I've never sold a Single xrp in my entire life uh it just We've never had everything so perfectly Lined up as as we do right now as xrp Holders this is roughly speaking that Moment whether the market goes down a Little bit first or not Roughly speaking this is it you're going To look out on a one-year chart you know Check back in a few years look back for Like a you know 12 18 24 month period And what we're living through right now Although it feels like a long time and a Lot of range bound action a lot of Nothing happening it's going to look

Like a tiny little pinpoint on the on a Chart over a higher time frame so it Always feels like it's eternity but it's Actually not we actually are that close And this is going to be over in the Blink of an eye so that's what we got Right now that's what we got going on I'm excited for it I know most of you Guys are too this is a crazy time to be In crypto it's it's the best part for Extrap hasn't even started yet Though I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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