THE SEC HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN DENIED IN XRP CASE! Ripple To Only Pay $10 Million? | Hedera & Blackrock

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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this Is the beable bull [Music] Here and I got this aggressively average Content for you today as today ladies And gentlemen I am heated for Years of Our Lives Wasted but we got a a grand Statement we're about to get a major Answer we've been pinpointing this April Time frame for being a massive Milestone for the Ripple xrp Case and here four years of Our Lives Wasted can be summed up in one line from Ripple the court should deny the sec's Request for an injunction discouragement And prejudgment interest and should Impose a civil penalty of no more than $10 Million ladies and gentlemen the SEC Wants 2 billion from Ripple Ripple Believes they should pay no more than 10 This is how you negotiate and it'll Probably some be somewhere in the middle I think the courts will lean in Ripple's Direction in some way shape or form and After four years of Our Lives the only Real punishment was to the xrp community In the time wasted missing a bull run Waiting holding xrp at suppressed values The ecosystem weakening being Dlisted Off exchanges Builders leaving Developers Leaving all of these

Things have been a sacrifice we've had To Witness but I can't stress this enough That time is Over better days are Ahead the E system is Growing and once this case officially Ends in all Realms I promise you with price will Come developer activity more users And more Value Ripple does have a Plan but man it's been a painful show to Go through now next guys I'm going to Ask that every single one of you take a Listen to Jeremy Hogan describing what He thinks is going to occur and he Believes that a $100 million settlement Could be very Possible that's just his Prediction there's no way to tell what Exactly is going to Happen but we're all allowed to Speculate quote taking both Discretionary and comparative factors Into account an appropriate civil Penalty would be no more than $10 Million that would reflect about I think I left some that would have reflect About blank because uh it's redacted of Ripple's actual gross revenues from pre- Complaint institutional sales and would Be proportionate in both percentage and Dollar amount to comparable digital

Asset cases where there was no culpable Mental state and no substantial risk of Harm or risk of harm to others well Before gole the SECU is requesting $11.95 billion doar and ripple says not Only should there be no injunction it Should only have to pay $10 million in Total because no one was harmed they Can't prove any harm to the investors or To the purchasers and also $10 million Would be a reasonable penalty based upon Past Penalties so I would say that based on What we've seen so far in the case that The final judgment will come out this Summer I'm guessing July maybe August And then whatever the ruling I think Both sides file the notices of appeal And the case heads up to the DCA appeals Court and is ruled on next year now I Wouldn't appeal it if I was the SEC Because bad facts make bad law but That's just me I don't know if the SEC Can just let this go everything seems Very personal to Them in anyway that's my call $100 Million and an injunction as to the Institutional sales we'll see if I hit The uh Bullseye or if I'm way off Target now something I do want to call Out is this important piece of Information exposed by Wrath of camon Stating that if I read this correctly This passage says that from April 2014

Through December 20th 2020 without the sales of xrp Ripple Would have operated as a loss and that Is a very important point with more Developer activity like blockchain Backer states there is more money to be Made in this space there will be more Usage of these Ecosystems and right now I'm going to Call Ripple out Ripple has been selling Xrp into infinity and beyond and without It they would not have been profitable I think that 12 years is enough I'm all For the building of the Ecosystem I'm all for investing in the Token and the future price of this Digital Asset but 12 years is Enough I do think Ripple is pivoting in Real Time I think the stable coin and custody Solutions will be incredible revenue Streams but in enough is Enough I think with this conclusion of This case we're going to get a clear Definition of how Ripple is going to be Allowed to sell xrp or if they're even Going to be allowed to hold this escrow Who Knows nobody Knows the future of Ripple is Powerful but enough xrp sales have taken Place in my opinion

Ripple's made enough Money now I want to see the price action Because as we can See we're still at 54 cents other Ecosystems like salana are actively Thriving and I believe they are lesser Chains I believe their Community hasn't Been bred for Success I think our community has Something special about it I believe Leave a community like Salas which is Propped up quite fantastically by meme Coins rug pools and Scams that's not the same as a crypto That's in bed with regulators and the Banks not even Close but you better believe we have Seen our asses kicked you better believe I'm tired of it I want to see my people Win and so far this year we've been Winning Quite a lot for those of you that have Been following me for quite a long time You'll know that H is my second largest Holding in Crypto making up about half of my xrp Position I would Say harar is one of the most credible Cryptos in this space and I've been Recommending this since 1.8 cents we Took profits the last bull run at 45 Cents Reinvested during Market Lows and now we're riding this wave up

Again if you can learn to swing those Profits that you make towards Peaks into The Lows you'll make multipliers on your Wealth that you have never Imagined but I'll say this the Fundamentally sound tokens will always Win here the Reon reason har bar is Exploding in value is because black Rock's IC US Treasury Market fund will Be tokenized on Hyera and when you see black rock Acknowledge my second largest holding You better believe we're building Something special in regards to Generational wealth on this channel and We're about to make our bank money off Of every single one of them now here Listen to Larry thinkink In regards to his crypto vision and this Conversation should reveal a lot about How you should feel in regards to H We Believe ETFs are a technology no Different than Bitcoin was a technology For for asset Storage We Believe The Next Step going Forward will be the tokenization of Financial assets and that means every Stock every Bond will have its own Basically qip it'll be on one general Ledger every investor you and I will Have our own number our own Identification we could rid ourselves of All issues around illicit activities

About bonds and stocks and digital by Having a a a a tokenization but the most Importantly thing we could customize Strategies through tokenization that is Fits every individual we would have Instantaneous settlement think about all The cost of settling bonds and stocks But if you had a tokenization everything Would be immediate because it's just a Line item and so we believe this is a Technological transformation Now ladies And gentlemen let me remind you that With this announcement hadera made they Posted this exact video Black Rock and I Have plenty of Reason to Believe Confirmable evidence to believe that Black rock is going to be heavily Invested in h success Multi-trillion dollar moves are Happening in real time with the second Biggest bag on this Channel and just imagine the benefits of When H finally really takes off not this Little baby calf walk it Experienced when H bar does what it's Supposed to do I pray xrp still going Through Litigation I pray the price is still Suppressed because the allcoin Market Rotation of profits to other highquality Coins that haven't taken off yet is the True generational wealth Builder do you Get it if you get it please type I Understand in the comments

Below and if you don't then you better Figure it out because here I'm going to Play you a video of Mike novag grats Talking about the inevitable approval of An ethereum ETF and guys what I'm Predicting is that the crypto Market is Going to go from a Bitcoin new alltime High to an eth new alltime high Especially off the new eth ETF approval That will happen inevitably as you're About to see then all that new money That's slushing around in crypto will Make it to the other old coins that will Have much more Roi we're getting regulations stable Coin regulations are on their way A more credible crypto Market is on the Way trillions will flood In you just got to be in before that Happens ethereum right now has moved in A big way part of that is on the back Now of Speculation or of an expectation somehow That we're going to have a ethereum ETF And that that is going to create a Similar kind of dynamic do you think That that's uh the right way to think About it and do you actually think that Will be an ethereum ETF listen I think There's a a fierce debate inside the SEC Right now right I mean Gary gendler Before he was at the SEC is on tape uh Saying ethereum is definitely not a Security since he's been at the SEC he

Hasn't made a a ruling on it and I think What the SEC is doing is debating can They call ethereum security uh with this Idea that it changed when it went from Proof of work right right for for Validation to proof of mistake um they Can't make that argument and I think It's a tough argument to make they have To you know they're going to approve the ETF because it's the same argument that Won the Bitcoin ETF there already is a Futures ethereum ETF and so if you have It for futures you have to have it for Cash now ladies and gentlemen as you can See the world is changing in real time Crypto products are getting high level Regulatory Approval more of these are going to come Compound and compound and before you Know it the floodgates will open and you Will have missed the most legendary of All the crypto bull runs and frankly on This channel we're making a lot of money Right now if you've been with me since 2019 you probably have had H bar since 1.8 you've probably heard of propy since 25 cents you've probably had Quan since $7 you've probably had a lot of these Coins that have have all outperformed The S&P 500 how even xrp and its underwhelming Performance till this day at 54 cents Has outperformed the S&P 500 believe

That but I'll tell you this right now We're approaching the moment in time Where all the coins we've discussed with High quality fundamentals are about to Blow truth you Utility increased development Activity and Immaculate entry points are The Key on the screen right now we have our Biggest Gainers we have two channel favorites in H bar and algo combined with meme Coins this is the future of the crypto Space and that's why I have this visual On the screen ladies and gentlemen Crypto has gotten ridiculous but in that Ridiculousness you get the credibility Do you Understand if you do understand please Type I understand in the description Below and finally guys I'm going to Leave you with this Message and my only fans I've posted an Incredible final warning a review of all The tokens I hold why I hold them how I Think you can all still make Roi if you Haven't really gotten great positions if You haven't gotten some of these coins Yet but most importantly I make it very Clear that this is your last chance to Get rich before the world gets Crypto can seem like a Hail Mary to 99% Of people but with the systems I've put In place to research these projects I've

Narrowed it down to almost a science and Gem hunting for 2024 that does doesn't mean we can't get The occasional coin wrong that does go To Zero but for the most part we're going To make massive profits this Year ladies and Gentlemen please follow Me on onlyfans at thee Bearable bow for that 15minute Warning and I promise you it will be Worth your While now guys I leave you with a Message from our reptilian overlords as Too many people believe that the people That control the world the bankers the Elites the lizard people whatever you Want to call Them you really are too good of a person To believe how they truly Think smoke posted this beautiful post On Twitter and I highly Recommend you understand what you're up Against the world is shape-shifting in Real time into something that we may be Able to take control of Back but it's only if enough people pay Attention escape from The Matrix of Control you're stuck under and Become the new one Perc use me as a financial key to unlock Your shackles to Success and I promise you my

Friends we will make the world a much Better Place ladies and gentlemen this is the Barable bll Here thanks for tuning In as always I appreciate every single One of You now I'll be back Tomorrow with another video Oh Hello my name is montigue William III and what I will tell you may well Sound absurd but the less who believe it The better for me for you See I'm in banking and a big Industry for many a year we have Controlled controlled your lives while You ought to struggle and suffer in Strife we created the things that you Don't really need your your sports cars And Fashions and plasma TVs I remember It clearly how all this began family Secrets from father to son inherited Knowledge that gives me the edge while You Pe people lie sleeping at night in your Beds we control the money that controls Your lives Whilst you worship false idols and Wouldn't think twice about selling your Souls for A Place in the Sun these Things that won't matter when your time Is Done but as long as they're there to

Control the Masses I just sit back and consider my Assets safe in the knowledge that I have It All while you common people are losing Your jobs you see I just hold you in utter Contempt but the smile on my face well It makes me exempt for I have the weapon Of Global TV which gives us connection and invites Empathy you would really believe that we Look out for you while we bankers and Brokers are only a Few but if you saw that you'd take back The power Hence daily Terrors to make you all Cower the panics the crashes the wars And the illness that keep you from Finding your spiritual Wholeness we rig the game and we buy out Both Sides to keep you enslaved in your Pitiful lives


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