Ripple/XRP-World Leader-US Killing USD With Its Own Hands,XRPL Amendments/Updates,EU Banks 10 SecTxs

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines here EU requires Banks and 10c transactions how you Suppose they gonna get that done world Leader speaks on the fact that the US Dollar is dying and we're killing it With our own hands we got that in all The latest updates on The xrp Ledger Amendments and and you're going to want It all somebody rolled that beautiful Intro Digital perspectives with Brad KES come On In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter and YouTube for Exclusive content right now $1.86 Trillion market cap for crypto the Market is up 3.6% good afternoon good Morning good evening wherever you are 46,800 for Bitcoin 2,400 for ethereum Tether Market Cap's 94.8 billion plus Xrp is at the number six spot at 51 Cents we see it's up 0.1 on the 24hour Up 3.6 on the 7day range of price very Quickly is tight yeah we're ranging Between a penny here now imagine what'll Happen once we get these automated Market makers approved oh we got so much To talk about we're going to talk about It too now let's talk about this very Quickly though right now I want to tell You about link to listen the best Opportunity to get private Equity I know You guys have heard me talk about it but

Have you clicked the link below and Signed up and gone and got yourself Started because that's really the Biggest thing take that next step Don't Mess Around click the link go get Started and let me tell you best Affordable minimums in the business and The best offerings in the business and This is not a joke I this is not a hype Thing this is a fact and you can go look At the website and find out for yourself Du to due diligence you're going to find Out you're going to want to be on that Platform click the link to my sponsor Below before the equity Runs Out you Never know what's going to run out You're not going to get anymore circles On there ripples on there I get so Excited upholds on there it doesn't end Nevertheless let's talk about The xrp Ledger here and we need to know this Because there there have been quite a Few things in motion and I have said Multiple times certainly in the private Groups that we have and you are more Than welcome to join us but uh I can Tell you that the xrp Ledger has some Very important things happening right Now and xrp Ledger is set to dominate Real real asset tokenization which is Absolutely a fact and The xrp Ledger Clawback amendment has been activated But it cannot be used with xrp and very Quickly here just to be clear it's not a

Bad thing it really it let me just go Through this very quickly here and shout Out to vet who does quite a bit of Positive work out here for this Community to help keep all of us Uh up to speed that are not as Savvy as He certainly is that is for sure vet Does great work so validators on The xrp Ledger have formerly introduced a Clawback feature that could make the Blockchain ideal for cbdc and stable Coin issuers blockchains have gained Prominence over the years for their Mutability and irreversible transactions However this inherit feature also makes Them less ideal for mainstream use cases Such as stable coins and Central Bank Digital currencies to this effect Validators on xrp recently voted the XLS 39 Amendment proposal to enable Clawbacks on token transfers on The xrp Ledger and this is been done which will Really increase the uh um desire they Believe of people who are issuing tokens To want to be there so it is worth Noting the newly introduced clawback Feature only applies to tokens issued by Projects using The xrp Ledger it cannot Be used with xrp which is the Network's Native currency and it is important to Note that Right is important to note that Meanwhile the functionality is Especially important for issued tokens

Such as stable coins and cbdcs for Various reasons Prime among them is that The issuer may need to claw back tokens Transferred to Bad actors popular stable Coin issuers tether and circle have Frozen assets multiple times in the past For this reason cbdcs may also Particularly require this feature as Banks and traditional payment Institutions typically serve as Middlemen and can roll back transactions If user fail to meet certain regulatory Requirements you get the rest of this Right so so this is a huge huge feature That is going to appeal to stablecoin And cbdc Issuers now I personally do not find This to be uh a coincidence that is Happening Now I really Don't and everybody needs to know this Shout out to Daniel from Casino coin I'm Not sure if everyone noticed but xrp Ledger devnet is now running on rippled 2.1.0 Rc1 2.10 Milestone 100% completed so as I understand it this bug has already Been Fixed you know what the important thing To remember here about the understanding Of the uh uh automated Market maker uh Of Vote Yes we were over 80% a bug was Discovered the votes were pulled so it

Went below 80% which means it'll have to Go back above 80% now that the bug has Been fixed and the new Dev net is Running the uh new fix is running now Right and it'll have to get above that And see that it's fixed and then get Back above 80% for two weeks and then if That holds no more issues are found then That will be approved and brought to the Xrp Ledger just as the clawback feature Was I see this system working really Well I know that there's been a lot of People that criticized this system and Oh they should have found the bug before They offered it for a vote it's like I I Don't think so I think this is a great Next step and I'm sure that there was Tons of work that went on examining this But then you brought more eyeballs onto It by bringing it up for a vote then it Gives it another level of scrutiny and Apparently right now this has been very Positive for bringing things to The Ledger I think this process is fantastic Now if there's ways that they can make This even more efficient and more Thorough fantastic I say I welcome the Ideas of discussion but you know I'm Happy with what I'm seeing here and Again automated market makers the Ability to create liquidity pools like You've never been able to do before on The xrp Ledger clawbacks that are really Going to appeal to stable coin issuers

And cbdcs like you've never been able to Do before on The Ledger look look just Think of what's Happening Here this is all happening while we find Out that Maxine wooders tells Eleanor Mueller that her and Patrick McKenry are Now very very close to reaching an Agreement on stable coin legislation now If this holds and we get stable coin Legislation by q1 of this year which is April you're telling me that all this is A coincidence I do not I find it Calculated and cautious and smart and Very wise in Fact that Ripple has held off on doing Smart contracts and introducing them and Held off on introducing nfts for longer Than other Networks because of the fact that they Could have created more problems for Themselves going through this court case Than they currently have today and now We're down to one issue being resolved And I tell you I hope we get this stable Coin legislation because it's going to Be a game Cher but listen 83 days left to xrp Las Vegas I say that because last year was a Chance for all to Unite to meet to socialized to network And obviously all those things are still Available this time and it happened at An incredible level last year but what I'm telling you this year is think about

Everything I just shared with you and You're not going to believe the rest of This video think about everything that I Just shared with you and try to tell me Right now how you can't afford to make The investment into yourself to come Learn about all the new things that are Being brought to the xrp Ledger which in Fact changed the characteristics and Design in how it can serve the financial Industry for the World David Schwarz will be on stage Christian Carlo from the digital dollar Project this is is very calculated the People we have coming here uphold I want You to think about the relationship and The recent partnership between Ripple And uphold you don't think that's not Going to be a Conversation this is why I'm saying to You this is not an upsell I'm trying to Encourage you to not see this as a cost But an investment in your own education To come and learn about the very real Things that are changing right now in Front of us with the xrp Ledger and you May never have to sell your xrp what's That worth to you a ticket here I think So Mo white paper has set the rules to Allow crypto institutions to me issue Fully decentralized fungible stable Coins backed by us treasury bills look At this uhhuh you see it all coming into Play and now Maxine water saying we're

Very very close and you see all of this Taking place is it right behind the Curtain right the team is backed by Panta and led by stable coin Pioneers From maker Dow and Circle who have just filed the S1 to go Public I'm just Saying here's Jeremy aair from Circle Right here shout out to Jeremy more Seamless usdc interoperability with Traditional Bank rails built by a Regulated Bank zapo bank out of jalter If my memory serves me Correctly or at least at one point Introduces USD transactions via AC and Fed wire uhoh network is powered by Usdc commone In uhhuh and meanwhile the European Parliament has passed and approved rules New rules that require tracing of crypto Asset transfers and instant payment Regulations these rules aim to prevent Money laundering enhance consumer Protection Safeguard against Market Manipulation Financial crime and the Rest of it with regulation mandate on Instant payments from all payment Service providers in the EU not some Including transfers of crypto assets Within 10 Seconds now how you suppose they're Going to get thatt Done because I can tell you right now as A former Global

Importer from my own company 10 seconds Would have been a dream if someone told Me they were going to be able to send Money like that around the world that's Amazing this is amazing big things are Coming who's a part of that who's Helping get all of that done who's Really the underpinning of that Infrastructure that's going to allow Those 10-second transactions to take Place we don't know yet but we'll find Out it's all Coming meanwhile we heard from a world Leader last night and he said to us us Is killing the dollar with its own hands And it couldn't be more accurate I want You to hear this right now take a listen To these two clips have sanctions do you Think changed the Dollar's place in the World you know to use the dollar as a Tool of foreign policy struggle is one Of the biggest strategic mistakes made By the US political Leadership The dollar is the Cornerstone of the United States Power I think everyone understands very Well that no matter how many dollars are Printed they are quickly dispersed all Over the World inflation in the United States is Minimal it's about 3 or 3.4% which is I think totally acceptable For the

Us but they won't stop printing how have Sanctions do you think changed the Dollar's place in the World let me get this this I I was Having trouble with my mouse here we go Let's listen to this experts say This ask any intelligent and thinking Person in the United States what the Dollar means for the Us you're killing it with your own hands I think that's a I I think that's a fair Assessment the question is what comes Next and maybe you trade one colonial Power for another much less sentimental And forgiving colonial power I mean are Is the the bricks for example in danger Of being completely dominated by the Chinese the Chinese economy uh in a way That's not good for their Sovereignty do you worry about That Well we have heard those Boogyman Stories Before it is a Boogyman story we're Neighbors with China you cannot choose Neighbors just as you cannot choose Close Relatives and basically look that that To me is him saying look hey you know us Has been the problem here and we're not About to start talking about China Because they're in bed with China right Now listen don't get me wrong it was a Fantastic interview last night and I

Think it was very candidate at times but We do have to understand that obviously You know uh the world leader here has Positioned himself to look like he's a Victim in a lot of ways when we Understand oh let me stop this here so When we also clearly understand that you Know there is a lot of aggression that Comes from Russia as well so let's keep Let's keep some of this in in Perspective here but he is a nationalist And I don't think it's a bad thing Because I don't like glob globalism I Don't I don't like the globalism One World Government that's not my Bag so uh but now what I will say is to The point he was making and obviously You heard Tucker admittedly so agree That yes we are killing it with our own Hands this is the real problem Here and every world leader knows it the Question is what will the US do about it To preserve the US dollar role on the Global stage and as I have said and We've seen this before I put a few Little things on here to make it more Obvious the last five Global Reserve Currencies two of them Netherlands and Portugal had a lifespan of their Currency as the global Reserve currency Of 80 years we are currently at 80 years With the US dollar that doesn't mean That that's the end today put a bow on It but what it does mean is that we are

In a critical window as we've heard Brian Brooks say or Chris Gian Carlos Say or myself or Andy sheckman or Lynette Zang or multiple others say even Jerome pow has leaned into the Idea there could be dramatic change in The US dollar right and its role and how It serves as a global Reserve we I've Played the Clip I don't know how fast these things Happen but this is the moment we're in And I wouldn't let anyone around you Tell you you don't have the right to Discuss it or be concerned about the Fact of the Dollar's role in the global State Knowing Saudi Arabia has joined bricks And that didn't come Up I didn't hear that I listened to the Whole interview I don't think I heard That Part and nobody talked about that Petro Dollar Agreement was that something they agreed To not talk about before the interview Or did it just not happen to come up Because the reality for me is here is That that is a key part of what's Happening right now around the world Everyone understands that Saudi Arabia Has joined that means that they are now Not exclusively using the US dollar to Trade in oil and they've made that Apparent they've done big deals with the

Chinese Yuan to prove It so how much room do we have what's The runway we have five years two years 15 Years I don't know something has to Replace the pet dollar agreement to Continue to give a US dollar the Advantage and to be dominant and for it To preserve its status as a global Reserve currency or it will lose its Status and there will be catastrophic Cascading effects because of It don't believe that it's still true And you don't have to be an economist to Know It all right it's time for us we got to Go Uh that's what's going to do it for me We're going into the freedom Zone ladies And gentlemen that's where we're going And you're going to want to come with us It's a great way to support the channel Co almost next to nothing and it's what We got to do because it's a place where We can talk about whatever we like Censorship or not it's our little Free Speech area because that we've carved Out for ourselves because we know for a Fact it doesn't exist out here I don't Care what platform you like the most it Isn't out here not in the way that it's Supposed to be or intended I gu tell you That I bear witness to it quite often so That we're going in there right now not

Financial advice for me or anyone else I'll catch all of you in the freedom Zone come on In


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