Ripple/XRP-World Bank & World Govt Summit 2024,Ripple Case Update, Hooks & XRPLedger,Hillary Clinton

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines nfts The xrp Ledger And breaking news about hooks you're Going to want every single bit of it we Got the World Bank Ripple case update Steuart aldera Hillary Clinton and so Much more somebody roll that beautiful [Music] [Applause] Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on in Welcome back to the show you can follow Us on Twitter and YouTube for exclusive Content right now I just want to take a Second thank cryptog graphics for making This fresh new overlay for me around the Video it looks amazing and I hope you go To dig Perspectives. and join the freedom Zone It's unbelievable what we're doing in There we're having such a blast or I Know I am for sure no I listen there's Some of the smartest people you're going To run into in there and there's a Private telegram group you can be a part Of as well as being inside the patreon And getting extra content and no Google Ads I tell you it is a great place to Hang no doubt right now $ 1.94 trillion doll market cap for Cryptocurrency the market is up 2.3% Right now Bitcoin is knocking on $50,000 door we're going to keep an eye On it throughout the day 2500 Plus for

Ethereum 96.3 billion plus for market Cap of tether xrp is at 52 cents off by 3% on the 24h hour and up 5.1 in the 7 Day the range of price 51 cents on the Bottom 52 almost 53 cents on the top We'll keep an eye on it let's get Started this is a fresh reminder here That a 20.1 trillion dollar surge in the US National debt is incoming says the Congressional budget office known as a CBO as billionaire Paul Tor Jones warns A debt bomb is ticking when it comes to The United States National Debt this th I I I wanted to start here and listen You guys know I've said it you know Miles Franklin precious medals get some Physical gold in your hands use glint Get physical gold allocated to you on a MasterCard debit card you can have it on An app on your phone it's your gold you Know these things matter when I see Signals like this real information that Tells me okay I'm going to want to I'm Going to want to have something that can Deal with this Fallout once it hits Should it hit and it does feel like at Some point it's going to come home to Roost so I wanted to start there and Then I wanted to remind people according To a report from whale alert staggering 100 million xrp valued at $52.6 million Were transferred to an unknown wallet to Ripple and it wasn't me so we've

Eliminated that and then there's I Wanted to share this number because There's so much negative sentiment out Here right now currently and certainly In the xrp space and the broader in the Crypto space and I wanted to share this Because I thought this was a staggering Number and it was from the quarterly Report just recently released a few days Ago from Ripple the number of nfts Non-fungible token mints on The xrp Ledger surg by more than 400% in 2023 of Q4 now what's incredible to me about This is that we know that the nft Markets bend down right So to me it you know this is a huge sign Of where nfts are going to go when this Market comes back look obviously we saw The example with nfts and art images and Things of that nature but there is there Are so many more applications like real Estate titles and you can just go on and On patents intellectual property you Know the the list literally goes on and On at how n nfts can serve in a very Positive way no doubt about it so I Think we're going to see nothing but big Things certainly uh in the coming days In the future Sparks flew this week at The Bloomberg new economy Forum as Political heavyweight Hillary Clinton Squared off against crypto Advocate Mike Novag Gratz the CEO of Galaxy digital Over the fate of the US dollar this is

What Hillary Clinton had to say and then One more area that I hope nation states Start paying greater attention to is the Rise of Cryptocurrency because what looks like a A very interesting and and somewhat Exotic uh effort to uh literally mine uh New coins in order to trade with them Has the potential for undermining uh Currencies for undermining the uh uh Role of the dollar as the reserve Currency for Destabilizing Perhaps starting with small ones but Going much larger so when we think about This new environment in which we find Ourselves that we've been discussing for The last uh some minutes um we can't Just think about nation states all right So that's her take on it and uh I could Go a I could go very long about how much I don't care for that woman or the Entire family there certainly the stuff That they've done and then when I get Done there I could go on to the Bush Family so it's not a right or left thing Uh but quickly here uh Believe It or Not Mike no grat has a great response he Said the only thing that can undermine The dollar as a reserve currency is Reckless spending by both parties that Period full stop and then he goes on to Say Trump and Biden have normalized huge Deficits and have put us into the worst

Fiscal crisis of my lifetime don't blame Bitcoin it's a report card on fiscal Responsibility listen there is some real Weight here to that state statement but But however I I you know here's the Danger with Bitcoin ladies and Gentlemen because it was designed to be Outside of the financial system and to Be anti-government anti-establishment I Believe that's why you have seen the Introduction of Bitcoin spot ETFs and certainly the Futures ETFs that Were introduced a few years Ago and the reason I think that those Things were introduced is as they did With the Futures ETFs for Bitcoin they Popped the bubble on bitcoin by Introducing the Futures and it was Intentionally done according to Christian Carlo they knew why they were Doing it so the question is here is that Introducing these products on top of Something like Bitcoin really gives Wall Street ultimately over time the control Over this asset at some point and that Is concerning in itself now there's a Whole host of other other things but I'm Not going to get my needle stuck on that I want Bitcoin to make it through I just Want to get some of these you know There's a few gray area let's find out Exactly who the Satoshi are make sure They're not tied to bad actor States Like North Korea or Russia or some other

China or some other state right let's Let's get those answers and then I'll Feel a lot better about all of it and I'm sure a lot of you will as well so Here's This Charles gasparino shared a few few Days ago because steuart alara's been on A Heater I got to celebrate this Guy when Charles gasperino came out and Said the SEC BRAC him for ma major Exodus excuse me of senior enforcement Lawyers leaving because of the way that Things have been handled from the SEC Overseeing crypto Assets in the Cyber Unit they're seeing that mass Exodus Start to happen there steuart aldera Said will any of these lawyers be brave Enough to blow the whistle and share Details about gendler's controversial Leadership with the sec's office of Inspector General or with the house Committee in oversight Accountability how about that that's a That's a real good Question that's a very good Question you Know you know seeing Stuart be this this Strong the way he is on social media With these comments it really you know Maybe I don't know maybe I'm seeing him Wrong but you know it makes me feel like You know it's not really sounding like Somebody who cares to negotiate

Right so maybe something's already Figured out there with ripple or not Maybe that's more of doubling down on Just how bad a guy Gary gendler really Is and that's believable Too breaking news ladies and G gentlemen Smart contracts could be coming to The Xrp Ledger as hooks are being Repurposed to go live on the native xrp Ledger how about that one we will look To learn more information as it develops But that is exciting look we're talking About functionality I want to remind Everybody right now think about Clawbacks which was just brought and Amended to The Ledger Remarkable strictly for the issuance of Cbdcs and stable coins so they can claw Transactions back and who do who does Those things payment providers financial Institutions they're gearing up to serve The entire financial institution right In industry and then don't forget about Automated market makers yes there was a Bug but it was very quickly found and It's already been submitted with the fix And then they're going to make sure that It's working and then they will begin to Vote again but here's the good news About that we already know that the vote To have it approved is already there cuz We saw it Happen so once this bug is cleared we

Should be cleared to see the automated Market makers brought to the Ledger in The near term as well exciting stuff That's happening then think about all The different products out here like ETFs you know I certainly believe that We're going to see thousands of ETFs Just like we're seeing thousands of Cryptocurrencies and who knows what it Means for the United States will we be Able to continue continue to get these Assets directly as United States Citizens and Retail investors in the Long term or is it the idea of Gary Gendler that he really push all of this Stuff into offering the ETFs for these Products and then shoving the assets and The exchanges offshore I don't I don't Know I just know that he is absolutely Not right to be a leader in this space And he's got to go but with that I do Believe at some point in the future we Will see xrp ETFs here in the United States just like We're I think we're going to see you Know xlm and XTC and all kinds of other Crypto ETFs not just Bitcoin or ethereum And then we know ethereum's got to have Some clarity by the way too right then There's this from purist this is Something to really watch out for and This is not the first time we reported This so we're just touching it again Because it's here and it's so close and

It's the xrp about to explode Ripple Partner purist has been working very Hard to usher in more developers Investors and Banks to The xrp Ledger by Bringing the evm the ethereum virtual Machine and making it interoperable the Two networks interoperable with each Other and this is going to pull more Functionality more interoperability and Draw more liquidity I believe off of Ethereum Which is centrally controlled by China And JP Morgan right so you know these Things matter so I you know how this Goes and how long all of that La I you Know there's a lot to be determined not To mention the fact that Fred risoli Forced the SEC to answer in Clarity that They have not made a decision about Whether ethereum is or is not a security But prometheum the digital asset Platform that has been blessed and gived Given the coveted special purpose broker Dealer license by Gary gendler Prometheum CEO Aon Kaplan has said They're going to list ethereum as their First asset and they're going to do it As a Security the plot thickens if that Happens could we see a mass Exodus off Of ethereum because of such a thing and If so is The xrp Ledger poised to bring It all on board Board then we know just a week or so ago

We heard the gentleman from Arch Ax from Back at Ripple Swell this past Year the CEO Graham rodford said that by 2025 there will be in his eyes he said 30 to 50 million uh trillion 30 to 50 Trillion trading volume on The xrp Ledger and that could equate to a $900 Xrp but the reason I'm showing it is Because we're not there yet obviously But in order to get there I have been Saying we need legislative and Regulatory Clarity I have been saying payments First I have not been Saying that it is the only thing that Ripple is working on David Schwarz has Said that payments have been hard to do On paraphrasing with banks because They've acted like they're not Interested but the reason they've been Acting like they're not not interested As we go to Brad garlinghouse because Brad garlinghouse told us the office of Comproller of currency Brian Brooks's Former office said he headed up the OCC Told Brad garlinghouse his words he said That after the Judgment was cleared that Xrp was not a security the banks told Him that the OCC said they can't move Forward so in order for us to have all Of the beautiful things that we know That this technology and Innovation can Bring us tokenization institutional defi Stable coins cbdcs all the rest of

It it all comes down what custody the Foundational block of how you get all This done how are you going to get all This Moving you need regulatory Clarity you Need legislative Clarity because every One of those things are about payments People custody millions and billions of Dollars because they need to make Payments so it needs to be in a safe Place people want tokenization so they Can make payments Faster people want institutional defi so They can make a loan and make payments And spend the money invest the Money all of this comes back to that and It's just you know it's a shame that we See so much negative sentiment but I Want to play this clip for you it's not Long at all but I want you to hear what This gentleman says from the World Bank Is to think about what to do with the Private sector There is a lot to be done with them We've created a private sector lab which Is helping us understand what we can do Better to help them put trillions to Work in these countries I think that's Going to be Mission critical to to put Trillions to work in these countries With the private sector but listen to What he says what we do we cannot rely On government balance sheets and Multilateral development balance sheets

Only to get this done that's right so How do you incentivize and drisk that For the private sector so there's a Series of things that they talk talk to Us about and the first one really is if You really want me as a private investor To put money to work in a country I need To have some degree of regulatory policy Certainty regulatory policy certainty if You want me to put all this money in This space what did you just say to put Money to work in a country I need to Have some degree of regulatory policy Certainty there it is there it is and It's shocking how often they don't get That exactly so I think therefore one of The tasks and the bank is good at Working with countries on providing Regulatory policy Clarity it doesn't Take it doesn't get done in a hurry it Takes years that's right it takes Discipline and dedication but it's a Very important part and I give the Example very often of how in India as an Example Prim Minister Modi in his first Term said I'm going to go to 30% Renewable by 2030 by setting that out and by creating A certain sets of regulatory policies Not everything that the private sector Wanted was what he did he has his own Trade-offs to make but he made a certain Set of announcements today India's Installed capacity is at 40% the

Generated capacity is still not at 30 Because they still have to complete the Technology and the connectivity to the Grid for some of that capacity but They've got 6 years to go they will get There the power of regulatory Clarity is Second To None the power of regulatory Clarity is second to none and that's why So many projects jumped off of ethereum Because ethereum got a fake free pass We're looking for a legitimate legal Clarity right for the entire space Not Just Ripple not just xrp I want to see It for the entire space so we all Understand how to invest in this space And put our money certain places and Understand what the risk are right now We don't fully understand that because We don't have the regulatory Clarity so We're guessing to a great deg degree but You know what we're not guessing on is That it's going to take payments because People tokenize thing because they need To make payments and they want to do it Faster and they want to do it digitally Right so at the end of the day payments Whether the banks are hot about it Because a regulator told them they can't Regulatory certainty is what we need Keep listen this guy's got it man for a Private sector investor the second part Is the political risk guarantees that You might still need over and beyond That that's where the World Bank can be

Useful okay we have institutions called Migga inside the bank that does this We're today doing about to 7 billion a Year of guarantees our ambition is to Get to three times that number by 2030 The third big issue is foreign exchange So if you're investing in dollars and Yen and you're going to get paid in Local currency and typically a renewable Energy project is a 2030 year investment That's a large unhedged exposure to try And get past that is some of the work We're currently doing saying can we be Part of that solution so can the private Sector investor take the first risk can The country which is receiving the money Take some portion of the risk Beyond and Foreseen amount and then for the tail Risk which nobody could calculate can we Step in and absorb it there it is there It Is the private sector's got to take the Innovation risk Without having the clarity then at some Point once they see the benefits of it The countries have to step in from the Other side and accept some Responsibility and provide that Clarity who's responsible at what point Of the leg of this digital journey is it My fault that the payment didn't go Through or is it your fault that it Did and then there's the World Bank Sitting back and saying and for anything

That we haven't found through all of This the risk that something very wrong Could go on the World Bank has to Understand what risk they may may be Willing to take on for any shortfall of Not being able to understand every bit Of the pros and cons of moving to a new Digital system like this this is where We are and it's very frustrating to be Here and to be this close but this is Where we are so there are ways to do This in a way that Dr risks not the Natural risk which the private sector Should bear but the unpredictable risk To get them over the edge to bring the Money in there you go to get them over The edge to bring the money in the Private sector should make the risk Because that's what Innovation and That's what VCS do they invest in new Ideas new grow get out in front of Industry that's a growth industry like This and they take those chances and They should not be protected because That's what investment and risk is all About that particular portion is on you It's on me it's on all of us it's on Ripple to invest the way that they do And the way other companies do this to Me this gentleman has just said exactly Where we are and as I've always said This is why the Ripple case is so very Excuse me so very very Important because it's going to be that

Clarity that we need that absolute Clarity we're not talking about an email We're talking about moving money and in Some instances very very large amounts Of Money there has to be absolute legal Clarity in that regard and legislative And Regulatory right here is a reminder Ripple versus SEC upcoming key dates for The xrp lawsuit March 13 2024 deadline For the SEC To file its remedy related brief April 12th uh is the deadline for ripple to File its opposition to the SEC remedy Related brief and April 19th uh is the deadline for the SEC to File its reply if any to the Ripple Opposition brief a ruling is expected in This summer remember uh David Schwarz Has said it is possible right there's a Possibility that this case could end in 2024 I hold out glass full around here That's the way we like to do it until we Know otherwise glass half full right now It's the freedom Zone ladies and Gentlemen we're going in there I hope You'll join us dig Perspectives. come on in and join us if You just want to support the channel it Costs almost nothing and I tell you this You got a private telegram group in There I'm going to put that link up in The top of the feed so you guys can find It and there's no Google ads you're

Going to love what's going on in here And some of the smartest people you'd Ever want to be around not Financial Advice from or anyone else I'll catch All of you on the next one


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