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This is a huge warning for 2024 this video is extremely important For all Americans and people worldwide What I'm going to share with you today Is just my opinion don't make any Financial moves based on this or any Moves with your family based on this but Just listen to The Logical circuit that I'm going to express to you through my Own understanding my 89 hours a day of Research and the things that I am Practically applying to my life so in This video I'm going to break down how You're going to see a massive separation In between the left and right and 2024 Is going to be the greatest year of some People's life and it's going to be one Of the most destructive chaotic years of A lot of people's lives some people call It the Rapture some people call it the Great Awakening some people call it the Great reset but I'm here to tell you you Will come back to this video in 2025 and you will see that this is very Very accurate so my name is coach JB What I work to do is make complex macro And microeconomic strategies very simple So the normal everyday person can Implement them to be completely Transparent if you've been following my Content I was broke on my parents couch After they shut my business down during The pandemic so I made a commitment a Commitment to transform not only my

Financial life my spiritual life and Understand that the system is not rigged Against you it is designed for you to Win but you have to go through the path Of difficulty to get there and when you Realize that these taac codes are not Designed against you that if if you dive Into it the system is D designed for you To win and if you love God with all your Heart and you love Humanity as you love God you will win in the end so I'll dive Into all that in just a moment so what We've done is we've helped over 8,000 Warriors worldwide and I have some free Resources for you number one is people Always ask how I talk how I ensure my Wealth I talk about it all the time in Tier one Capital so in these volatile Times I ensure my wealth and index Universal life I'm a license agent I Have license agents in all 50 states in Description of this video or in my Platform my social media platform you Can set up a free consultation we're not Going to ask you to send us money we're Not asking about your portfolio you'll Get a call and a message from my team Saying you're from coach JB's team it's An insurance contract so these scammers Are out of control we're not asking About your portfolio that's not me on Whatsapp I am not communicating with you I also have a free 16-page guide in the Description of this video on the end of

Every video if you've never been here Before if you choose to stay I break Down exactly what I'm doing in 2024 to 2025 so let's dive in so I'm always Going to give you guys a little bit of a Different perspective now I just watched The documentary last documentary that's That was subconscious right or or Predictive programming right there I Just watched the Netflix show leaving The World Behind there is so much Predictive programming in that guys I'm Not going to get into it on this but There is so much predictive programming And it matches up dramatically close to What I've been speaking about guys the Country right now is going to go into Civil unrest as we go into 2020 24 Here's why I'm going to show you stuff Around Elon Musk I'm going to show you Stuff around Trump again this is about Taking your bias lens off taking the Right and left lens off and just looking At it from a logical circuit guys it is About to get wild like I said there's Going to be a group of people that are Depressed angry fighting invisible enemy They're going to go deeper into Depression and there's going to be People who are expanding their Consciousness who are going to raise up Into a higher frequency and transform Their family's life financially Spiritually and mentally but guess what

It always ends up we win in the end guys But there's a big transition 2024 is Massive okay so this stuff happening Right now we're going to watch this Narrative around Elon Musk uh what's Happening now remember I showed you that Video where he told advertisers to f off That I told you was the the the gap or The the Gap the trigger around the great Transition or the great reset there's Now going to be a separation in between Left right conservative non-conservative Right it's it's going to cause this Massive divide and it's all by Design to Get us to point out each other's Differences so we're not focused and We're looking this way my prediction Well let me let's watch a couple videos And I'm going to share with you you want To pay attention around December 25th Through about January 15th I believe There's going to be some big Distractions are going to make you look This way and I think through that Process you might see a Bitcoin ETF get Approved you're going to see some news Come out that's just going to get pushed Off to the sidelines and it's all going To be pushed into these narratives right Here you're going to they're going to Put so much attention right here and There's going to be some crazy stuff Happening behind the scenes that when You wake up and the dust settles you're

Going to see that you were looking the Wrong way see commissioner Brendan Carr Is the man raising the red flag here he Joins me now the justice department Brendan recently sued SpaceX for Discriminatory hiring practices the SEC Has a u probe going on into X um it Seems like there's a big swirl around Elon Musk suddenly what's going on yeah Thanks much look I think it's obvious so That's key there's a swirl around Elon Mus going on because he basically told Everybody to f off okay he also brought Back what the most banned people in the World back on X okay so he's bringing Back the most banned people Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox News he is Exploding on X you had Andrew Tate who Got deleted he got brought back onto X You had um Uh what's his name oh my gosh I just Forgot his name uh Alex Jones right he Was brought back right so now these are All triggers of the massive separation Of Consciousness guys the left Consciousness and the right conscious The logical or the excuse me the left Hemisphere of the brain the carnal mind And the high frequency high frequency God frequency mind the 90% the carnal Mind left side the right side higher Consciousness okay this is a repetitive Pattern over and over again is to Everyone What's Happening Here I think

It goes back to the White House last Year President Biden stood behind the Podium adorned with the official seal of The president of the United States and Said that Elon Musk is worth being Looked at he was asked by a reporter how The president looked down and said There's a lot of ways and in fact there Are since then we've seen a deluge of Actions by the administrative State as You noted the FAA the doj the FTC the Nlrb even the wildlife services have Been looking into Elon Musk and as you Knowed the FCC we work just this week we Issued a decision that Rak back a 2020 Award of nearly $1 billion dollars to Bring high-speed internet services to Rural Americans in a decision that Simply doesn't make any sense when Viewed from the lens of the facts or the Law or the policy in fact we made up an Entirely new standard and applied it to Only one entity which was so let that Sink in they applied a one standard for One entity Elon they don't want this Star link out to the rural areas what's Going on guys I don't know comment down Below what do you think is happening Okay more news around it the FCC Ambushes Elon starlink right all of the Sudden they're ambushing the hell out of Elam mus why why think about that you Have to use logic in this guys but Here's the cool part about this well

There's nothing cool about this let me Take that back Sorry God here's the Thing about this in historical pattern If you pay attention and you understand What's happening you take care of your Family you build a relationship with God You built some principles and Foundations you'll see that the most Wealth spiritually mentally physically Is done during these times so prepare Your family a 2022 decision to deny Elon Musk's starlink internet service nearly $900 million in rural Broadband Subsidies earlier this week the two Republican Commissioners on the five Member FCC dissenting from the decision Senior Republican FCC commissioner Brendan Carr writing this in his descent Quote after Elon Musk acquired Twitter And used it to voice his own political And ideological views without filter President Biden gave federal agencies a Green light to go after him today the FCC adds itself to the growing list of Administrative agencies that are taking Action against Elon musk's businesses Isn't this the pot calling the kettle Black isn't that so weird right it's Like this we're literally in the Crosshairs of little kids having adult Fits guys that's what it is sovereignty Is here man sovereignty is here so Chairs of group that led effort to boot Trump from oh this is the next narrative

Right so the chairs group that led Effort to boot Trump from Colorado Ballot donated to Biden I mean guys it's Going to go on and on and on and you're Going to see it's going to get extremely Chaotic extremely chaotic We Begin this Morning with a Fox News Alert former President Donald Trump Trump vwing to Fight back after being removed from the GOP Primary ballot in Colorado the state Supreme Court ruling that Trump violated The 14th Amendment of the Constitution Because of January the 6th the Colorado Supreme Court confirmed That the district court got it right That he did engage an Insurrection I Think uh section three of the 14th Amendment has to apply to the presidency Because if not it's a get out of jail Free card literally Smith who would Charge Donald Trump with absolutely Everything including jay walking if he Could get away with it didn't even Charge Donald Trump or most of the the Riers on January 6th with Insurrection Presidential candidate in former Governor okay guys this is getting wild Guys getting wild so this is this is the Dog and pony show guys it's gonna get Really really chaotic okay so now There's something else going on here Guys so around January for some reason In January the federal judge orders Documents naming Jeffrey Epstein's

Associated to be unsealed huh around January isn't that interesting timing to Do that around January they're waiting Till Jan why not now why can't they Release it now I don't know I'm not a Judge but around January those are going To be released but how much Front Page News do you think that's going to be or Is it going to be Trump trying to shut Him down is it going to be shutting down Elon all these people giving out false Narrative right it just flipped guys you Have to finally ask yourself are you Done playing the puppet game guys goes Left it goes right it goes up it goes Down but what is always the same is God God God God God is my president and CEO Jesus I'm his running mate simple as That I don't care what religion you are I love you I don't care what belief System you have I love you you're not Raising my family Trump is not raising My family Trump doesn't help me invest In my uh in my crypto he doesn't help me Exit the markets he doesn't help me set Up index universal life I make those Decisions I make decisions whether I'm Going to text lustfully whether I'm Going to text positive I make the Decisions what I'm going to pull up on My web browser I I make the decisions of What's on my social media feed I make The decisions look at my debit card Transactions but if you look at man or

Woman's debit card transactions you look At their social media feed and you look At their web browser you can probably See whether they're and their friends You can see where they're going to be in Five years guys this is about raising Your higher Consciousness right now so Here's exactly what I'm doing my exact Blueprint okay and in the 16 page guide Down below you guys can see exactly what I'm doing so now I'm heading into next Say so phase one is cryptocurrency that Was my phase one so in cryptocurrency so We created Merlin because we were using Spreadsheets 36,000 lines of codes Everybody should own Merlin okay it's 30 Days for free you should all go in and Practice what's called your exit Strategy let me show you this okay so It's right here you're going to see your Exit strategy you go in there everybody Has to have an exit strategy because Think about this okay a Bitcoin having Is going to get approved okay it's Probably going to happen during all These crazy news so a lot of people Aren't paying attention to it then You're I'm sorry Bitcoin ETF then you Have the Bitcoin habing then you're Going to have interest rates interest Rates interest rates interest rates Coming down on the back end of the year With this crazy presidential election And that's going to cause hyperinflation

In this type of economy in a normal Positive economy lower interest rates Causes great economics and this type of Economy is going to destroy the middle Class so if you're looking to buy home This is your time buy it during High Interest rates guys because I own a $600,000 single family home that thing Is going to shoot over a million dollar Guaranteed when interest trates drop so If you own assets you're in great shape But remember what goes up must come down It will come down hard so I'm going to Be exiting 50% of my crypto portfolio From there I will be Max funding my Index universal life policy I don't know If it worked for you but it's worked Remarkably for me I secure my principal Okay I'm compounding my money I'm also Able to borrow against the cash value if It's set up properly very important set Up properly I can borrow against cash Value and I can buy back into crypto When it dips or I can buy real estate or I can buy precious metals or I can Invest more into my companies okay for Me business has been my biggest wealth Builder I've equity in multiple Companies I've scaled my companies I'm Now the CEO of all the companies I have A COO and a CFO that runs the companies Okay so I've got myself out of the Business business and I'm running the Businesses so I have freedom of time I

Have freedom of cash flow now okay so With that cash flow I'm always making Sure it multiplies so I'm in silver now Not a ton of silver but I'll be getting More into precious metals specifically Gold next year real estate real estate Real estate as I said I'm not a real Estate expert but I'm I'm surrounded Myself with I've surrounded myself with Experts and I will be getting into real Estate for tax liabilities okay or Depreciation excuse me and then the Interest off of the taxes okay now the Next phase and it's actually in process Now which I'm very excited about um I'm Setting up what's called the Rockefeller Trust okay when you meet with my Insurance agents they can refer you to Our trust our trust attorney one of the Top trust attorneys in the United States Okay so I'm sitting down with them uh We're in the process all the documents Are being done the Deeds of my real Estate things like that I'm setting up What's called The Rock there's different Levels of trust so this is the high one Of the highest levels they have which is Rockefeller so Rockefeller is basically The setup okay where basically um and I'm I'm a baby in it I'm just learning It's like my mind is like this is why I Know now that the tax go are not Designed to keep you poor they're Designed to keep you they're designed to

Make you wealthy you just have to Understand it you have to stop getting Out of there in doctor state of mind so I'll have a Rockefeller trust it'll be Done in about a month and basically all My assets all my insurance real estate Everything will be underneath the trust Okay and basically it'll be a it feeds Itself right so every single child born Into my family will have their insurance Policy going into the trust when they Die the death benefit goes into the Trust and it expands and expands and I'll have rules parameters within that Trust and as I I die I know that I did The Godly thing to help generation to Generation we're also setting up a Foundation right so we have a foundation Where we can park money in there for Affordable uh for affordable housing um Just this is all these things I'm Learning right now okay remember when You hear these things oh the rich don't Pay taxes well guys they own a lot of Companies we pay a shitload in payroll Taxes um all those different things guys So when you see an entrepreneur and you Say they don't pay taxes they pay a Shitload in taxes guys but there's Vehicles that you can help mitigate tax Liabilities by adding employment by Giving to charity there's all kinds of Things you can do so these are now again I'm just learning this stuff so that's

The next phase for me which is Generational wealth now I spoke this Into existence guys you've been Following me since 2020 I said I was Going to do this I spoke it into Existence boldly I have went from Faith To knowing now and I share with you guys We will build a billion dooll ecosystem We will it's here already I already Believe it it's already done it's Already finished so I'm trying to help As many people as possible within my Ecosystem become Millionaires and if I Can help more people I would rather make $2 million and be surrounded by people Who make six figures I'd rather make 10 Million and have a bunch of millionaires Around me than me making 30 40 million In my people not eating well right if I'm eating well at the table I want my Family to eat well and if they're eating Well I want their family to eat well and The more that I do that and the more That I help other people succeed the Wealthier I become and I become the Richest man in the world it's not about Me this is about others this is about Expanding conscious of about love high Frequency and it's about my relationship With God and that is what makes me the Richest man in the world because you Could take all this physicality from me The Financial Freedom all that stuff It'll all come back because it's here it

Will come back to me super fast because I mastered it here I already know what Did Jacob say he saw God face to face And he called it Pineal Jesus said the singular eye he Called it pineal and many of you guys Are going to comment down here I highly Recommend you ask yourself this question Why do you believe what you believe keep Asking that question until you find out The origin of why you believe what you Believe Jesus was the greatest teacher And the greatest master of all Time remember you can you will you must You should never give up you are The Great I Am that's what God told Moses And his name became the Great I Am I am Powerful that I am I am wealthy that I Am it's all about intentions it's all About your Heart to see a man's fruit is to see his Heart and what's done in darkness comes To light study what it means to pray in Your closet it doesn't mean you can't Pray in public dive into origin guys has Nothing to do with you can't pray in Public it has to do with how the brain Works in darkness go study go deeper go Into origin God is real God Is So Real Jesus Christ Christ is Real okay go deeper guys go deeper on Why they call him Jesus Christ his name Is Yeshua with a Y go deeper just all I'm trying to do is challenge you and

Maybe get you know kind of trigger you a Little bit so you'll go study and you'll Go deeper and deeper and deeper and You'll see seeking you will find finding You'll be disturbed once you're Disturbed you'll be astonished once You're astonished you'll realize that You're actually the king and queen Warriors rise get your together Love you guys so much talk to you Soon


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