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Welcome back to the show I've got the One and only with me today it's Andy Sheckman from Miles Franklin and he's Going to lay it down we got a Conversation for you today uh somebody Roll that beautiful intro let's get to [Music] [Applause] It digital perspectives with Brad K's Come on in Welcome back to the show as promised Voila it's Andy sheckman Andy how you Doing man I'm good brother great to see You Brad look forward to seeing you next Week in Vegas and I can't wait and Honored to be there hey man we're Honored to have you we are honored to Have you Andy I can tell you that and I Have told people and I tell them again Today that Lynette Zang Jason cousins Who you've just struck a deal with with Glint which I think is amazing and Yourself will be on stage discussing Gold tokenization cbdcs and you cannot Have the conversation about the new Financial system and a new era of Finance without talking about gold just Like talking about tokenization what say You Andy yeah I mean I I think it's true I think that there is a high probability Of seeing the the on demand liquidity That that xrp Provides with a with a gold bias on a um On a stable coin I think it it will

Become from everything that I read and From talking with you which certainly Pushes me over the ledge I think there's A high probability it becomes the Amongst the favorite vehicles for all The blockchain platforms and in Particular uh I think it's a perfect Vehicle for gold as a stable coin as a As a as it becomes more and more and More I think pivotal and important in The Financial landscape um and I think It will I mean look it was reclassified The only other tier one Reserve asset And you know I think this is the way That countries will move away from us Treasuries that have counterparty risk That have default risk that have Sanction risk you know it was bad enough That Janet Yellen was in Russia excuse Me in Brazil a charter member of the Bricks the be and Bricks saying you know It's it's not enough to sanction uh um Russian assets we need to confiscate Them then a few days later she's Speaking to CNBC and says you know if China gives any money whatsoever even Though they're allies uh in the bricks Again you know the the r and the C uh in Bricks if if China gives any money Whatsoever to the Russian effort to Fight Ukraine forget about the fact that We've given them $200 billion with no Congressional oversight but if Russia Does that well then you know uh we will

Sanction their Banks their companies and Beijing itself and so the the the I Think the need for something other than The Swift system the US dollar Transaction system the bond market There's need for it and when you talk About stable coins when you talk about Gold which is the tier one asset when You talk about the ability to bridge uh From country to country or from Jurisdiction to jurisdiction moving Wealth moving money outside the system Outside of of Swift I think the Probability of of seeing that on demand Liquidity for xrp with a gold bias Become stronger and stronger and Stronger by the day and you just the Things you said to me this morning off Air just pushed me over that line so Yeah I I do think that this conference Is coming at the right time and uh I Think there's a lot of valuable Information that people need to Understand about Ripple and and and what The potential uh it really brings to to A system that is unquestionably changing Brad no question about it we're on the Cusp of some big changes in the entire Financial landscape well you know Andy You know I I love that you started with Swift and the sanctions and Janet Yellen Making the remarks that she did in Brazil and these other places I just Love this because this sets the tone be

You know I think you and I even had a Conversation in one of our interviews it It' been a few months ago where we Talked about like everything they're Doing is driving people away from the US Dollar in fact what we are seeing with The sanctions and seizing assets is Showing the rest of the world your best Chance of survival is to go join the Bricks Coalition because those Swift Sanctions are like the greatest Advertisement to join the bricks Coalition because if you don't want to Be held the way Russia is and have your Assets Frozen and all of this other Stuff the the only way to get around it Is to join bricks it's like the greatest Advertisement in the world so I don't Think they could do a better job in the US of driving people away from the Dollar than other countries that are Saying simply to drop the dollar right Absolutely I mean I mean if you've ever If they've ever Incentivized an effort or incentivize The need for creating non Us doll Payment services or systems rather uh This is it now that doesn't mean that You won't see something with the US Dollar tied to to Ripple I'm not saying That but I but I'm saying that the the Bridge to be able to transact outside The dollar is is growing by the day and You can see that you can feel it um and

I think that the question has always Been what will the rails be how will it Happen and and the things that you've Been saying to me and the things that I've been reading lead me to believe Very strongly that there is a high Probability that Ripple will be the Chosen um The Chosen rails and so yeah I Think you can't make it up um the Weaponization of the dollar may have Been the dumbest thing that we've ever Done as a nation because the country is Or the government our government our Entire system is viewed by a lot of the World as being wholly hypocritical where We can invade Iraq 20 years ago still Occupy their country went there under The guise of weapons of mass destruction Didn't find any sorry destroy their Country toppled their regime still Sanctioning 14 of their Banks and and Directing all of their natural resource Revenue to where they made 95 billion Dollars in oil Revenue in 2023 they Asked for a billion dollars at the end Of the year and we said not a good time So they've kicked a western Coalition Forces out of the country or in the Process of doing that they made trading In dollars illegal there are no more Green dollar bills as of January 1 in Any of the banks in Iraq and they Formerly applied to Bricks these are the Types of moves that we are making that

Is fostering the need to break away from The Swift system and to break away from The treasury market and I think both of These things are happening in real time And so the need for something Transparent as zultan posar says we are Entering Breton Woods 3 A system that Will be based upon Commodities and Transparency what better way to marry Gold which is the only other tier one Reserve asset in the world that the Central banks have been buying hand over Fist and something as elegant and as Transparent and as Immediate as as the Ripple Network so Yeah I I'm excited to be part of this I'm excited to learn more look I I come Into this I came into this crypto space Kicking and Screaming this is something That was very foreign to me and the more That I understand certain elements of it The more intrigued I become because I do Believe we are entering a phase where The current system has run its course And it's almost as if we are Incentivizing this purposely just as a Corollary and I I I don't want to go Down this road I've talked a lot about It this week but I want people when they Have a few minutes to Google cloward Piven Theory and the cloward Piven Theory blew my mind and I I want to Thank my buddy Mark m for opening my Eyes to it but everyone should read the

CL cloward Piven Theory and it's a Theory that was taught by husband and Wife floward and Piven professors at Columbia University just so happens that Several us politicians including Barack Obama uh and also the current um lead Economic adviser to the the White House Jared Bernstein went there and Understand this Theory now Jared Bernstein's main thesis is to lose the Reserve status it's a privilege we can No longer afford so weaponizing the Dollar signing executive order to go Green that's a good way to start the Ball rolling for sure but check out the Cloud pivon the you can't make it up and I I think it will blow people's mind to A degree that you'll say to yourself oh My God they're doing this right now so Do yourselves a favor something to read Over the weekend won't take you more Than 20 minutes to read it it'll blow Your mind I definitely will be reading That over the weekend I can't wait to Read it well when you do you'll Understand exactly your own your own it Will reinforce your message there's time It's a need there's a need for a change And there's a need for transparency and There's a need for uh for a new system That that um the US has really I think Uh Squandered um being the center of free Trade in the world Reserve currency and

And there is Indeed um I think a a perfect breeding Ground for something like xrp and ripple And and transparency and um and speed That really isn't at the behest of one Central Authority like like the Federal Reserve or the US government so anyways I'm excited to be part of it I'm excited To see how it all unfolds oh me too I'm So very excited and you know speaking of That excitement you know Ripple has Recently announced that they want to Launch a stable coin this year but There's some interesting macro things That are kind of taking place at the Same time Andy and let me just lay these Out here like I did off camera see if I Could kind of string it together here And we don't know this is speculative Right so we're speculating but these are The things that are taking place so at The same time that Ripple says we're Going to be launching a stable coin this Year the United States is closer than Ever to launching a stable coin bill This year one of the funny things inside That stable coin bill is a provision That says that if a stable coin bill or Provider is is not operating compliant Or in illicit manner they could take That over with the FDIC and as a Conservatorship and figure out what to Do with that entity after that point now What's interesting is is that USD tether

And it was just recently cited by some Of these same Senators like Senator Lumus and shared Brown that there is Elicit activity happening through tether From China to Russia to avoid these Sanctions that you and I just talked About and who would ever thought that Janet Yellen would be the biggest Salesman for bricks Coalition right but All the things that she's been saying is Driving everyone there into a d Dollarization movement now right when I Look at all of these things Andy knowing Ripple's on the edge of launching a Stable coin then I remembered and I like Popped up out of sleep I remembered I Was like wait USD tether announced late Last year that they were partnered with The Secret Service and the FBI and I Started asking myself Andy well that Sounds a lot like a Conservatorship and knowing the Secret Service was originally created to combat Financial terrorism and counterfeit Money and they still do today they're Partnered with tether and I think wow Ripple wants to launch a stable coin Government's launches a stable coin bill They got a provision to do Conservatorship if you're out of Compliance it appears that tether's Already under some kind of Conservatorship what if the acquisition Is to stable coin Bill launches and then

We see the Federal Reserve or or the FDIC take over tether for that Conservatorship and then give it to Ripple which has the xrp Ledger which Also is a decentralized exchange for the World and you've just plugged in 95% of All transactions for the digital asset Market on The xrp Ledger yeah you know it's it's funny a Lot of the things that I talk about I Take all of the facts like you just did The facts uh and then put them together And then apply aam's razor what is the Most likely and plausible outcome I mean I think you make a compelling argument For that the facts that um tether has Has had you know all sorts of question Marks surrounding it its practices its Ability for these countries to sidestep Us sanctions and still trade in dollars Uh is is very is very probable so when You talk about that plus all of the People who are on the board or who have Worked with ripple it becomes even more Um interesting so I think the key is and And you do a very good job of this and I Try my best on you know as it relates to Precious metals and what's happening With the bricks you take all of those Facts you put them together and you look What is the most plausible realistic Outcome I think there is a high Probability of that and uh uh you know I I I've been waiting for tether to blow

Up for a very long time or for it to be Taken over or whatever it may be but you Know it's just uh it's one of these Deals that seems to make a lot of sense And in particular with the board Members that seemed to give this whole Program tremendous legitimacy you would Think that it would be enough to push it Over the edge to do just that um you Know I think that that is a high Probability it's exciting if you think About it and it's one of these things That happens just like that once the you Know once the plug gets pulled you have To be able to move seamlessly into Something else and it would seem to me That that this would be the perfect way That you could accomplish that that you Could move right from one platform to Another rather seamlessly and do it in a Manner that has Already made sure that all of their Ducks are in a row to be compliant let Alone here in the United States rather Than domiciled Somewhere In Another Country off off the grid uh where you Know there isn't the ability perhaps for The over oversight by The Regulators the Way that they they would be able to Oversee things here in the United States Um with a company based in San Francisco You know it it begs the question when You bring in the board members of Ripple You know you're referencing you know or

Just anybody or Ripple advisors even From Ripple advisers to Ripple board Members I'm gonna run down some of just Some of the names I know Susan Freeman Came from the treasury she's now head of Policy over in UK we had uh Craig Phillips who was there for a minute and I don't think he's there still today but Uh Michael S Bar who you know came from The US Treasury architected The Dodd Frank act and epso also now left and is The vice president Federal Board of Reserve Federal Reserve Board of Governors and he's working on stable Coin legislation we have Rosie Rios the 43rd treasur her name is on more money Around the world than any other human Being on Earth to the point you're Making and the and the speculative Thought that I'm looking at I'm like Well if I look at it like Ripple's about To be awarded you know or or Receivership of USD tether and that Could be their stable coin I'm not Saying it is I'm just saying I could see A moment where you could bring it in Compliance very quickly because not one Transaction on Ripple net has not been Kyc or AML or CFT which is all compliant For regulation and finance so all of This really starts to say hey even if it Isn't there's certainly great signs of Of understanding like Ripple is looking To be inside the financial system with

That heavy of a roster in their can yeah Well look there's failure of trust in Many of the American icons the banking Practices the financial Market controls The economic statistics all of these Things um and I think the need for Transparency is tremendous and if you Are going to usher in a new system or You are going to try and regain Um you know your hegemony that seems to Be slipping maybe already has slipped Away in terms of hegemony but you could Say the dollar Supremacy is still there But the trust isn't and I think you need Something like a a a ripple to be able To show trust to show legitimacy to to Not be opaque to not say we promise and Um uh it makes a great deal of sense it Truly does and you know uh it's exciting To be to have a very small part of it um Watch in real time and I do believe and I've been very consistent in this I do Believe there will be a marriage between Something like Ripple and gold to Have Transparency and to have something that Is immutable and to be able to show the World you you can't when you squander Trust the way that the United States has On many levels I think in order to get It back there has to be no question That what it is that you're proposing is Not only completely and totally real and Legitimate but that it's transparent for

Everyone to see because I think it's Very easy to become very cynical these Days in the world that we see around us And that's going mad and when you read The cloward Piven Theory and put it Together with what's happening here in The United States it it becomes very Obvious that this is a a country that's Kind of off the rails and so to to bring It back into Focus you need something And a good place to start is with the Financial system one that is um you know An attempt to to take back some of that Lost trust there's no doubt I I don't Think you could say that any better than You just said it the Lost trust right it It is about lost trust it is about the Fractional lending that is the backbone Of our Keynesian system right our Debt-based system and it is about this Transition I believe to the Austrian Style right of where you're going to go To an asset back multi-polar asset back System and you just don't do that in one Day that is that is a major philosophy Transition and I I get why the banks are Fighting it you know they don't want to Be held one to one or a surplus they've Been fractional lending forever they They're kicking and screaming all the Way to the dance right they don't want This no I I I I do Believe that it It will become amongst the favorite

Vehicles for all the blockchain Platforms uh that where you're trading Stable coins and Um this is something that is needed There's no question about it and when You look at all of the things that Ripple has going for it um when you take A look at you know the xrp Ripple Network and and all of the things they Have going for it and then put it Together with Gold's reclassification Ation is tier one it's a it's a perfect It's a perfect symbiotic relationship um And I'm not saying it will just be gold But I do believe that there will be you Know you could say tokenization of Assets across the board not just gold You know to gain legitimacy and all Sorts of things having that immediate on Demand liquidity on demand you know Transaction ability is is is something That something that is is is long past It's it's you know time we need it now And and um I think it's happening in a In a manner whereby if if something Doesn't happen here rather quickly for The US dollar or for the US system we Don't transition away from the current System into one that inspires trust this Country is in in in for uh a very big Eye openening Awakening moment because The rest of the world is is trying to do This in and of themselves if you look at What the bricks are doing they're doing

This already with the project embridge And so there this is something that the Rest of the world sees as a necessity Transparency the ability to transact Outside the Swift system and something That and I don't mean to use the word Tether but something that tethers Legitimacy to to A system that you know All politicians since the beginning of Time have chosen inflation uh over Austerity and and even in the way that We've given money if you will to to the Ukraine $200 billion with no Congressional oversight no oversight no One knows where that money went the lack Of transparency inspires an awful lot of Cynicism uh and I think that's what this World needs and that's what xrp would Bring to this the table would be Transparency would be speed of Transaction and a perfect vehicle to tie Sorts of stable coins you know to to A System that uh I think you could make an Argument could go far beyond uh gold Stable coins and and much deeper than That and it's it's a very Interesting it's a very interesting Thought experiment to think that how Quickly things would change if this were Implemented across the whole gamut of All financial services so yeah I think You know you're you're at the tip of the Spear and your knowledge in this field Is extraordinary I learn a lot from you

Just by talking with you and I'm trying Very much to bring my old school Mentality into you know into the the 21st century um and I see it and it's Hard for me to almost sometimes even Admit that uh but I do see it and I do Think it is highly probable that we will See this marriage and that you will be Proven right and one of the biggest Reasons I feel that is like you said the Board members the people who who are Attaching their name to this program are Are highly accredited um and you don't See that type of movement from people Who were you know up in the highest Ranks of government or or in the Federal Reserve or in the treasury uh that are Attaching their names to this without it Being very very substantial oh I think You make such a great Point Andy and I Want to remind everybody that you know Couple thing I mean there's many things I just want grab two things that you Said out there and wrap us on this point One your mention of the the structure That Ripple has done with xrp and xrp Ledger and that business model structure And incorporation of how they use that Tech stack and I think that's such an Important thing because it allows for That transparency that you're talking About and then on top of it gold when You talked about the loss of trust it's Gold gold is God's money and no one

Argues that gold has value and that it Really is a currency and with the Combination of the technology today we Can truly now move it around the world Just like money and what an amazing idea That is Andy take us out with a final Thought here yeah and then I like like That last point that you just said you Know using the project mbridge we saw The first ever Gold Transaction cross Border using the digital Yuan yep so There's no reason to not think that this Is exactly what we would see here and And you're right gold now being tier one Considered as wealth a riskless Asset uh I'm excited to see brother I Really truly am and and we need it and Uh what better way to do it than than The xrp Ripple Network who seems to have Backing by By a lot of people who um had careers in The traditional form of of wealth and Money in the treasury Department whatnot They too realize that we need a new System and these people are putting Their name and the reputation behind it Uh it seems like you know using aam's Razer again the most logical outcome is Probably the right one and and to me it Seems ridiculously logical it screams Logic and uh I'm excited to ride ride Shotgun with you or even in the back Seat and just watch as much as I can and Be part of this so thanks for allowing

An old school guy like me to to cut his Teeth in this to learn about it it's Very exciting to me and one of the Things that that I think is the most Important thing is to always remain Open-minded and as it pertains to this My mind has actually been blown open and Continue every day to look forward to Learning more from you and all the People at the great show that you're Putting on next week in Vegas and and uh See where the chips fall well look I Wish I could leave it at just your Welcome but I'm taking from you too and So is my audience right the Belt Road Initiative all your knowledge going on Over there and what's going on with Bricks believe me this is not a one-way Street we are taking from Andy sheckman At the same time but I encourage Everybody in my audience to take Advantage of the best prices of precious Metals which is in fact at Miles Franklin and all you have to do is put Info miles Franklin in your email and in The subject box write dig gold that's All you got to do you're G to get the Best prices of precious metals in the World period it's that simple Andy thank You so much for being here look forward To seeing you next week brother again Thanks for having me and your right it's Info@ mfranklin decom digold and we'll Take good care of your people questions

Or just the price list you name it safe Travels to you to Vegas I look forward To seeing you and again much thanks Brother appreciate it hey thank you Andy Safe travels yourself we can't wait to See you and everyone else there likewise


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