Ripple/XRP-USDTether = RugPull?, Stablecoin Bill-In Short Order, Ripple Secret Weapon

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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines at stablecoin Bill It just got a lot closer we got that and So much more somebody roll that Beautiful [Music] Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter YouTube YouTube and Dig prospectives doccom for exclusive Content right now $2.47 trillion market Cap for crypto the market is off by 4.8% In the last 24 hours what did you do all I did was go to sleep what the hell Happened 63,0 400 plus for Bitcoin 3,100 Plus for ethereum now $19.9 billion uh market cap Plus for Tether number eight spot is xrp at 51 Cents we're off by 4.8 on the 24 and We're up by 4.2 on the 7day the range of Price very quickly here between 52 and 54 cents we'll keep an eye on it I do Want to let you know there is seven days In Counting till xrp Las Vegas ladies and Gentlemen listen if you haven't gotten Your ticket for the future of digital Asset din benefit dinner get it right Here click this button and get it and Use the code 589 and it will give you a 25% discount on the private dinner with

Brad garlinghouse with John Deon with Congressman Wy nickel The Honorable Chrisan Carlo you get it this is a Remarkable opportunity and breaking news There will be a live music performance With myself on drums honorable Christian Carlo on guitar and artist Ronnie Nash Who is absolutely remarkable and we are Going to have a hell of a time at that Dinner so make sure you get your ticket For that and get your general admission Ticket to xrp Las Vegas before it's too Late ladies and gentlemen Black Rock has Confirmed it has no commercial Relationship with hadera and that it did Not choose that uh hadera hashgraph to Tokenize Black Rock funds including Shares of its $22 billion money market Fund well there you have that part but Listen we know it's still good news Ultimately right so we're going to we're Going to watch it and follow it closely You know how these things go sometimes You might be a little bit ahead but then You know there's other influencers out Here that if it's not literally to the Letter they get very particular about it But we'll just see how this unfolds But Ultimately it is the adoption and Integration of digital assets into the Financial system and that's the Direction we want to go but not this one This right here from Ryan sha Adams the Developers of Sam Samurai were arrested

This morning one extradited from Portugal Samurai is a Bitcoin wallet That makes Bitcoin private uhoh these Developers face up to 25 years in prison For writing code the US is sending a Message no transaction will be private And this is the question I've been Asking about Tether I don't know tether to be kyc and If they are you can correct me How do you get tether to be compliant And become Kyc I just don't know how you do It and here is Hester purse right here Look I mean and and to speak to this About the people getting arrested here What I see happening and I have said This you can't stop Bitcoin you can't Stop it it's a technology you can't stop Bitcoin you you better get a clue if You're one of them people that think That you better sit yourself down and Start doing the math again cuz somewhere Along the line you forgot to carry the One I've said this before I even had a YouTube channel if the government Doesn't want you using something the Tech isn't what they need to worry about Because you can't stop the Tech all they have to do is pass a law That says if we catch you using it I'll Send your ass to Jail that's all they need to do What I see taking shape here is the

Defining lines between what will become The dark web of the internet of value And just the internet of value just like We have the internet of information Today and the dark web Today that's what's coming listen to Hester Pur talk about how she doesn't Approve of what the SEC is doing but That's what we're doing yeah I mean I've Been fairly clear with My own view that I think we're taking an Enforcement first approach in an area Where we should be taking a regulatory First approach am so I've argued that we Can tackle different issues and we can Provide Clarity around those different Issues we can think about rule makings Or about um guidance or about exemptive Orders we have broad exemptive Authority And we should be using that and that Would be a way to do when you talk about Innovation that would be a way to Iterate on innovation using that Exemptive order process which is Congress gave to us precisely because Congress knew that things would change And we would need to make adjustments And so that's what we could be doing I Fear that when we craft enforcement Settlements um with one one party and Then we use those settlements to try to Set the standard for the rest of the Industry that leaves a lot of voices out Of the room that leaves um not only

Other Market participants out of the Room but users of the technology and so I think it's it's not the right approach And I'm hopeful that we will um will Embark on a more proactive U regulatory Approach and then of course there's a Role for enforcement we all know there's Plenty of fraud in the space But even Once we have the rules in place um There's there's room for enforcement There as well so it's a balance but I Think we've got the balance wrong right Now well there you go and I think we got The balance wrong right now I mean we All know that but uh listen you have to Imagine the courage that it takes for Eser to say those things I mean she Knows that Gary can't fire her right so She has her own voice but the reality is It takes a lot of Courage you know to Stand up and go to these conferences and Say these things you know soon enough Gary gendler's going to be gone the Question is is the devil you know going To be better than the devil you don't Know we that you know that's not in we Don't know we don't know well we'll See billionaire Ray doio says he's Owning gold to hedge the risk of debt And inflation crisis that he sees coming Well this is what we've been talking About this is what I tell you about Miles Franklin put dig gold in the Subject box when you sign up or just

Send him an email and put dig gold in There info@ mfranklin docomo in the Subject box look you know there's a Change of coming ain't no doubt about it It's not even and we don't know EX Exactly when but it is coming meanwhile Stable coin issuer tether this is where It gets fun for Everybody stable coin issuer tether says It will freeze wallets that are using Usdt to evade sanctions on oil exports In Venezuela good job yeah what happened to The illegal transactions that were Happening with China and Russia care to explain or is it just the Oil exports in Venezuela you're worried About now you know I don't know whether Tether completely collaps you know Whether they shut it down and then push The entire market cap of USD tether into Usdc and potentially Ripple's uh US Dollar stable coin when it Launches but something like that would Make sense to me you know I if the if The governments around the world wanted To eliminate the 20 matter fact let's Take a look real quickly here one second There's currently let's see uh according To coin gecko over 14,000 coins I know Coin market cap I think has over 20 some Thousand right so the the the the point Of all of that is to say Basically if I wanted to eliminate the

Majority of those 14,000 coins all I got To do is get rid of tether and if I have Two regulated places that I approve of Like usdc and Ripple's US dollar stable Coin for the money to flow why not shut It down like I said earlier I don't know How you kyc AML Tether because it hasn't been so I don't Know how you do that with its customers At this point guarantee that it's CFT CFT which is combat Financial terrorism As well it's obviously failing on those Fronts right so you know where this go Or or or is it taking taken over by the FDIC like uh is spoken about in the Stable coin legislation we're aware Of and then brought under credential Regulation I don't know the Answer but I know something's coming and If they wanted to rectify this market And get rid of a lot of it and wash it Out getting rid of tether would be the Way to do That be very uh uh aware of where your Positions are in your portfolio This here is a clip uh just a comment Here from Eric Van miltenberg from Ripple and he says that uh stable coin Is a natural extension of what we're Trying to do and I love it he says here He explains the introduction of stable Coins and other blockchains like polygon In the LA in the past have increased the Level of total value locked on the Chain

Improving trust in the blockchain these Stable coins are an important ongoing Ramp and offramp into the system he said Says it's kind of a rising tide it lifts All boats introducing highquality stable Coins into The xrp Ledger ecosystem is Going to be good for that community and Will be good for xrp as well and if we See the United States government and the Secret Service which is already working Hand inand with tether shut tether down Couldn't we be watching a flood of that Market cap of 109 10 billion plus pour Into the legitimate regulated stable Coins and network and ecos System and voila you have the regulated Internet of Value Right and this is safe to use this xrp Ledger the ethereum network because a Stable coin will be there as well and Then other networks and protocols can Begin to connect to that Interoperability of that ledger right Because the xrp Ledger also acts as a Decentralized exchange I don't know These things are starting to take shape It looks like it makes sense for now We'll See now the US government May favor Ripple stable coin for domestic Transactions and ripple aims to balance Xrp and stable coin use in crossb Payments very quickly here there was an

Exchange online here on uh Twitter te Crypto spot uh says here is this Basically Ripple now saying for us International payments we do not need uh The xrp token anymore and we won't need It for conversion of the USD into Recipient native currency explain it to Me like I'm a toddler because I'm not The sharpest sometimes laugh out loud Well first of all that's not true T's Crypto smart he's smart he's smart guy So he he he playing a little little like Crazy like a fox here a little bit the Way it seems to me right but Nevertheless he called out David Schwarz And got him out of the shadows and David Schwarz responded and says the idea is To get people using payment software That can settle with Xrp then there's no reason for them not To settle with xrp where it works best It would be kind of silly to try to get People to use a solution where it's Inferior where xrp works best we don't Want any barriers to people using it and Getting the best experience where xrp Does not work best we don't want people Using it just to make us happy and Suffering an inferior experience or Worse economics there it Is and that's exactly how I understand It too the native tokens on The xrp Ledger if this is done right to if I Understand the vision right is cbdcs and

Stable coins those are the native Tokens on The xrp Ledger xrp just is Used where applicable and when the best Outcome is possible and that's the best Case scenario you don't want to force it To use it even when they don't need to Now I'm going to give you just a piece Of this listen to this from different Third party analyst groups and uh Nothing is more important to us um than The Partnerships that we've built with Different countries we're we're honored To be working globally with uh many Central banks I think we've we've Publicly released uh six uh governments That we're working with most recently we Announced a partnership with the National Bank of Georgia we're honored To be working working with them uh we Have uh several others that we working With uh privately um all of those Projects are uh unique and different for For us um they're a fabulous opportunity To go in and learn about the country and Um offer our solution um to uh to their Cbdc uh objectives and it's interesting To me because you know I mean if this Were to work out in the grand scheme on A on a on a a grand level here you know I could see I could definitely see a Situation where you know xrp Ledger Builds the liquidity Bec the you know Desired networker protocol largely here And Stellar too right you know you know

I I don't know I I see a space really Coming together at this point and listen What Maxine Waters who has been holding Up stable coin legislation for two years In the house after saying that they were You know she soled no problem a Bipartisan effort then she decided to Hold it up but now listen to what she's Saying here what of the things about This bill it's it's been very Complicated we have so many entities That are involved uh we have uh the feds We have the treasury we have the White House everybody has had something to say And we've had to recognize all of those Concerns but in doing that in the final Analysis it's about making sure that Investors and that the people are Protected and that we don't have uh you Know a stable coin Bill where people who Are you know basically the companies Don't have the assets that they say that They have we have to ensure uh that they Have those assets to back up stable Coins we are talking with the Senate Side we've met with Schumer I've talk With shered brown we're on our way uh to Getting a stable coin bill in the in the In the short run Ah now all a sudden it's coming ladies And gentlemen well this is super Interesting to me because this is Lauren Bive uh the head of public policy in Government for ripple and uh

Interestingly Enough she's sitting at this table with So many important people and all of These people are very very very Important people but this is her right Here head of public policy and Government at R Ripple sitting right There just two seats away from Nelly Leang under secretary for domestic Finance at the US Treasury and Paul Wong Director of product cbdc institutional Assets Stellar development foundation Sitting right Here this is the stuff that just Fascinates me when I see stable coin Bill getting so close and these two People sitting at the table with the US Treasury under secretary and then Understanding that for years we have Known that Craig Phillips Susan fredman Rosie Rios Michael westbar all from the Treasury have come through the Ripple Camp some are still There I can't help you you know at this Point everybody has to figure it out for Themsel I figured it out for me this is What we're waiting For and it is clear to me that Ripple And I believe Stellar as well will be a Part of the interworkings of the finan Ccial system as it transforms with the Introduction and the uh integration of Distributed Ledger technology and Digital assets and iso20022 that's where

We're at ladies and Gentlemen not Financial advice of me or Anyone else is just my digital Perspectives we're going into the Freedom zone right now ladies and Gentlemen and you're going to want to Join us for it too we'll see you in the Freedom Zone come on In all right welcome back


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