Ripple/XRP-Miles Franklin CEO-Andy Schectman-Week In Review-USD Stablecoin/Ripple, Gold,BRICS & More

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All right welcome back to the show we've Got the one and only it's going to be Andy sheckman from Miles Franklin I Can't even wait all the stuff we're Going to talk about somebody just roll That beautiful Intro digital perspectives with Brad K's Come on In welcome back to the show everybody Before we get started today I want to Tell you if you're interested in Precious medals you need to put an email Together that says info@ milesfrom and In the subject box put dig gold and You're going to get access to the best Prices and best service certainly for The best precious medals in the world And we've got him right here it's Andy Sheckman from Miles Franklin Andy how Are you this morning good to see you Brother I'm well thank you how about Yourself oh man I'm doing really well Ripple says they're going to launch a Stable coin this year you USD tether's Now being targeted by the US government And we've got a whole bunch of other News to talk about too I'm hearing glint And Miles Franklin may have some news They want to share with us too Andy yeah Absolutely I you know it's weird how the Universe works Um I've struck a deal with glint uh to Represent their F their fine platform And and to be on their Advisory Board um

They're they're great people people with A great product I went to London uh and had some really fantastic Meetings with Jason and Andrew um number Jason is is the owner and CEO of glint And and Andrew is his right-hand man and And really became very fond of them First and foremost because to me Integrity uh is everything and it exudes From them but by the same token um their Platform is is absolutely first class And I look at it as a very symbiotic Relationship but it's interesting how The world works because I I notice that Uh Jason and I are on the same panel now That is independent of one another and I When I noticed that I said you know That's that's just uh the the heavens Talking to me saying I made the right Decision look the bottom line is simply This I've been approached by others uh In the space uh hands down the glint Platform is like I was able to download The the the the app at lunch with them Um and in five minutes make my first Purchase that is um literally tied to a Master Card which I've received already Here it is right here uh you know my Gold glint MasterCard and which is Really cool I mean it's something that I Never really understood um just how neat It would be to be able to have that Liquidity uh to buy to sell and to Actually transact uh immediately if I

Want using the gold held for me in a in A in a Secure Vault in Switzerland with Brinks so anyways there'll be more and More to talk about it but I just thought It was neat to mention it being that Jason and I are on the same panel at Your show coming up here in a few weeks In Vegas and I figured it would be a Good time to announce it to the public Oh well I tell you well this is a Fantastic fantastic announcement and I'm Super excited for both companies and Everybody involved because you know it It it appears that you're bringing this Utility to your clients and customers And then you're also bringing the Ability to receive your physical gold in A much quicker uh smoother Way by Helping glint customers too so this is Just a great fit and to speak to the xrp Losw Vegas having both of you gentlemen On stage to talk about gold tokenization Cbdcs and everything that is happening Now in the GE geopolitical stage is so Important and speaking to that gold is Hitting all-time highs talk to us about That Andy yeah you know Brad what what's Really crazy about gold hitting all-time Highs it's doing so in the face of a Very strong dollar it's doing so in the Face of positive real return if you Believe the numbers coming out of the uh Uh BLS I usually prefer to take the L Out out of that phrase and instead of

Calling it The Bureau of Labor Statistics just the you know the BS uh Labor or the BS Department rather Because normally the stuff that they Talk about you know is skewed Substantially when you talk about the CPI number anyway I mean John Williams Of Shadow stats will tell us it's north Of 10 11% not the three and a half perc They want us to believe but even if you Know look let's just take it for face Value you have uh inflation at 3 and Half % and and return on the six-month Treasury at 55% so that's supposed to be the death Nell for gold when you have a positive Real return and Rising rates and a Strong dollar these correlations that Supposedly uh mean so much are being Ignored by the central banks because the The public participation if you take a Look at the ETFs the the the8 billion Doll have been drained out of the uh GLD ETF now I talked to my friend Bill Halter about that he says well a good Portion of that is uh share redemptions By the Insiders who are using the Ability to drain gold out of the ETFs Quietly in a much more opaque manner Excuse me um but a good portion of it Would be that the consumer who has been Selling gold into the rally in disbelief That it's this High maybe they need Money or maybe they're chasing yield in

Something like Nvidia stock or in in in The massive run we've seen in that and In Bitcoin and in other things so what's Very interesting I guess what I'm trying To get at is that this rally in Gold has Happened in in the light of really very Uh non-old friendly economic news strong Dollar Rising uh yields positive real Return and the public largely based upon The ETFs and the fact that the Gold Eagles the number of sales that the US Mint has made in Gold Eagles is about as Low as it's been since 2019 the American public is not really Participating in this yet I look at it As a massive contrarian indicator um a And something that when the the public Jumps on board for whatever reason I Mean I could look to a million reasons To point to leading up to the Election um I think the sky is the limit So yeah it is at all time highs last Night over 2400 and and this morning What do we at here it's it's falling Back you know when when the uh Israeli Retaliation happened last night it was Up$ 30 some dollars we're up three bucks Right now to about 2383 so retrenched a Little bit but you know within uh within Um sight of its all-time high and you Know to to speak to the macro kind of uh Elements that I pay attention to quite a Bit in this space you know what I see Happening in a very general macro sense

Here is that everything we understand is That when the countries and the world is In Turmoil God's money Rises to the top and We know that aside from these Geopolitical conflicts that are taking Place around the world we happen to be In a transition of the financial system And I think you know to speak to the Point that like you know retail uh Consumers around the world have not Really woken up I I think that's the Larger issue they haven't woken up to Right none of us have been alive to Witness A monetary transition right you know the Last time that happened was in 1944 I Don't think the dollar is going to go Away necessarily but I think there are Going to be massive changes to the way The monetary system works and I think We're seeing the elements of that now And soon I think the retail consumer Will wake up because they're going to Dawn that's going to Dawn on them too at Some point do you think so Andy 100% And 100% And and really what's happening on A larger scale know last time I was on Your show I talked about how Janet Yellen was in Brazil which is a charter Member of the bricks and saying hey you Know we need to not just it's not enough To just sanction the Russian 380 billion In Forex reserves we need to confiscate

It to use to fund the Ukrainian effort Um when you cross a line like that as The world Reserve currency when you Cross the Rubicon of sanction versus Confiscation you know there's no one in The world specifically in the southern Hemisphere that will ever trust us again But but from the too stupid to be stupid Category I mean here you got Janet Yellen here just the other day uh giving An interview on CNBC and she says the United States is ready to sanction Chinese Banks if they aid Russia's War Machine the United States has prepared To sanction Chinese Banks and companies As well as Beijing leadership if they Aid the Russian military invasion of the Ukraine I mean look at the Hypocritical light that this paints Us In in the respect that hey you know we Can take care of of uh we can confiscate Russia's Forex reserves and use them to Aid Ukraine our Ally but China we know Your allies with bricks I mean with with Russia in the bricks if you Aid them Well we're gonna sanction you too it's This sanction happy government that is In many ways viewed as wholly Hypocritical that is going around trying To flex its sanction muscle already Sanctioning Iran and Russia and now China threatening you know three of the Members of bricks this this doesn't go Very well listen to what she has the

Nerve of saying she Says China is entitled to have a Relationship with Russia well thank you Janet that's fantastic she said noting That much of the trade between the two Countries is seen by the United States As nonprotic well that's very nice of You if I were Xi Jinping that's or Putin That's what I would be saying but the Provision of military aid from Beijing To Moscow will trigger sanctions well You know you can't continue to go around And do this we are a paper tiger in the Respect that we're broke we're Insolvent and and we've lost our bearing Here at home in many respects when you Look around and see the things that We've talked about the justice Department the electoral system the open Borders the lawlessness all of this Stuff that is not lost on our foes for Sure and they're saying you know this is A country that is going around and Making these statements and trying to Sanction acting as though they are Holier than th where we can do this you Know to the Ukraine or Aid the Ukraine Our Ally but no no you're not able to do That or we're going to sanction you that That that is the fastest way to push all Of these countries into a common Union Uh and that's where you will see a Marriage between blockchain technology And commodities you know you mentioned

Since 1944 that's Breton Woods one Breton Woods 2 Loosely was when became The Petro Dollar in 1973 well we've Screwed that Pooch real bad by signing Executive order and watching all of the OPEC countries join the Belt Road and Saudi Arabia United bar emites join the Bricks um this is happening in real time Brother and and yeah I think that the Public will wake up globally I think When something happens an event instead Of Being um you know I guess you could say Uh thinking things through before they Happen that the the the public is often Times a little too reactionary and That's why I point to the massive AC Quisition by the central banks they're Not only the the Wealthiest uh but they're they're the Most well informed and they're being Proactive rather than reactive whereas The public is much more reactive than They are proactive and I think you know There will be a rush that if I had to Guess that will very quickly change the Dynamics of of this entire Market well You know you said so many wonderful Things in there I want to grab a couple Things out of that uh the us being Hypocritical 100% spot on number two I want to point To a key key word that really sets up Why we're going to those changes that

You spoke about uh which I think is so Spoton sanctions sanctions sanctions Sanctions because sanctions point to the Ability to have control over where some Other country gets their money trade or Supply or not and that is the really That Central bottleneck that the other Countries realize certainly bricks Because they've been the first coalition To come together and say we developed a New payment system because we're not so Into your little fancy sanctions right And this is where it comes down to it And I you know I I have to say this and I've said it on my show since we started Doing the conference this year your Panel is specifically designed to Address exactly why we've seen the hits To the market that we've seen and it's Absolutely no mistake why your panel is At xrp Las Vegas and every other panel The the theme of the conference is a new Era of finance and you guys will be Dealing specifically and there's Information we're not even talking about Today that's going to be discussed on Stage that they're going to get the most Accurate reflection I believe of the People we've amassed to show them Exactly the moment we're in and why it's So important to have this awareness Right now because as we watch these Countries develop these new platforms Because they're tired of the sanctions

They're tired of the US hypocritical uh Stance that they take do as I say not as I do right because we see that go on They talk about currency Wars the United States has been doing currency Wars just As much as China's been doing currency Wars but they don't like to mention that Here right you know so this is an Extremely critical time and it's a very Very important time in the history of Mankind because we don't see these Moments but every for every hundred or 200 years right yeah it it it is it's It's a Once in a generation shift yeah But you can go back 500 years or so and You see Western domination you know and And continually and so these countries Who have never had really the Wherewithal um militarily Financially um to stand up to the West For you know the last five centuries and That's changing these countries have Become industrialized they've become Wealthy they've become shrewd and they Become uh much more I think uh joined Together in a common cause and you're Right it is the sanctions the glue that Makes it work is I believe a a a Marriage of blockchain technology and Commodities yep where it's not about Opaque debt instruments uh debt Instruments and Promises from from a Government that has lost a good deal of Its credibility from a government that

Is over $150 trillion do in debt and I Say this all the time people don't get How big that is man and a trillion Seconds ago was 31,6 188 years ago the numbers are so Big they're extraordinary we are adding $1 trillion do in debt every 90 days it Took over 200 years to do that the first Time we're adding over a hundred billion In interest payments roughly Over N Every 90 days these are numbers that It's like a hockey stick when you look At the debt accumulation you know and Just boom it's going into that into that Terminal phase into that parabolic phase And and this is not lost on the rest of The world either and and you know we're Broke and yet we're we're lending money All around the world that we had to Borrow first you can't make up the Stupidity and so and then telling people How to run their Affairs so this is Something that probably won't end so Well but will definitely and if is Definitely being addressed one way or The other by a good portion of the world When you add the Belt Road initiative uh Which by the way just came out with you Mentioned they just came out just the Other day they just issued let me Mention one thing yeah because I was Saying when you when you add the Belt Road initiative which is the largest Infrastructure project in human history

When you add that to uh the bricks when You add that to the um Shanghai Cooperation organization and the Eurasian economic Union these are all The the same uh countries you're talking 90% of human history uh human population And and you know the the mass is growing As they say in crypto currencies you Know critical mass or mass adoption We're seeing that but in terms of you Mentioned something interesting and you Talked about The the the payment system that they're All building well the Chinese government Has just launched a new blockchain Infrastructure Platform uh for the uh Belt Road Initiative and and it's through the Confluence network not sure exactly what That is but the point of it is is that The main focus of the project is to Create a public blockchain Infrastructure platform that will able Support uh will be able to support the Implementation of crossborder Cooperative projects along the Belt Road Initiative the B Road initiative in and Of itself Brad is 75% of human Population and 50% of Global GDP you put It together with all of these countries That are that are coming together under This um this common rallying Cry of Pushing back against the hypocrisy and And the the

Hemony yeah it's it's becoming real and And like you said I I really do believe There will be a marriage uh of Blockchain and commodities BL this is is As as Zan posar called it brettonwoods Three and and that's the phase we are Entering into Transparency and commodities and and That's what you know that's what xrp and Ripple would bring to the equation that Is what gold brings to the equation and And you know I guess we'll have to see How it all plays out but we are Definitely moving in that direction we Really are and to that point of moving In that direction that brings us to USD Tether which has recently been cited as A Target by the US government and it's Always been in question the new state Coin bill that was just recently Introduced has language in it that says Essentially if you're not regulated by The US you're operating illegally Doesn't matter if you're in the US or Not and you know Brad garlinghouse the CEO of Ripple was just on Fox News Yesterday and he was asked about uh Their infrastructure that they've built 95% of their customers are outside of The US currently right now and he says Yes and he basically acknowledges and I'm paraphrasing that that Infrastructure is basically basically to Capture all of that outside of the US

Business but what's remarkable is Talking about that moment of integration Of this new technology with you know Tokenized instruments like Commodities And things Ripple has announced that They're going to be launching their own Legitimate you know uh transparent Regulated US dollar stable coin on the Ethereum network and The xrp Ledger that Are interoperable with each other which Is amazing in itself but when I start to Factor in Andy 95% of Ripple's customers Are outside the US the US government Appears to be targeting USD tether Ripple is to launch their US dollar Stable coin this year in 2024 Ripple Also is a member of fed now's new Payment infrastructure Plumbing on the Back end for banks everyone says the US Is behind but what I might be seeing Here is that if the US government adopts A value protocol like The xrp Ledger and Even goes as far as to deem Ripple a Bank or systemically important as a Non-bank financial institution uh what I Could see is that Ripple could be the Link between 95% of the rest of the World that they've already built Market Infrastructure to and tying that in as The missing piece that propels the United States into the pole position of The fourth Industrial Revolution yeah I mean look look um it Would be very interesting if indeed

Everyone's been focusing on the the Battle between them and the SEC that Through this all they've worked out a a Deal and worked out a deal that you know Maybe through it all and through the Research they said hey this is Legitimate and and let's partner with Them the very fact that they're on the FED now platform look you know fed now Is something that I believe will will Take the place of checks and wirers here Very soon uh it it's it's like right in VMO backed by the Federal Reserve and um We are moving in that direction and I Know that they also have a partnership With the bricks they are doing stuff With the brics Nations and with Saudi Arabia and look uh it it's becoming very Obvious that this Fiat system isn't Working yeah and we need transparency And and when you talk about a onetoone Peg with the dollar you know backed 100% By Dollar deposits yeah it it it could Very well quickly challenge um tether And and out probably really should Challenge tether uh and if it's done if It has the the blessings of of the SEC And the US government it gives it a Massive leg up so yeah maybe there are Is working uh they are working behind The scenes to do this um even though Most people think as you say the US is Behind the curve on this just maybe They're not look I mean uh the number

Two in charge at the White House house L Brainard uh I think is is someone who Has you know she ran point on fed now She worked with MIT and developing the The cbdc so we're moving in this Direction if indeed we see this marriage There's no reason to believe that that It's not legitimate and and isn't Something to be very excited about for For the people who have been holding This based upon your message and others For a very long time um you know I I Think I applaud you for having the Foresight to be able to see so clearly So far in advance about what's coming And it looks like you're going to be Proven right you know it's going to be Tough and it is exciting like we don't Yet know but I you know it's exciting to Me because we see this Market Infrastructure for years already being Developed with as you said so many Bricks countries with ripple helping in That regard deep ties with India right Deep ties with Brazil I mean deep Connections to China even I mean there's So many different direct and indirect Connections to all of those correlated Countries in the bricks Coalition and Understanding that hypocracy Understanding that you know it is the Sanctions the things that they're upset About and they have reason to be we Understand this and knowing that all of

These countries have the ability to now Have their own operating system that Works flawlessly for them as everyone Does and then ultimately you can Reintroduce prod the digital dollar and The bridge currency xrp for all those Countries who don't want the dollar you Won't have to hold it and that brings us Back to stable coin legislation which I Really believe I've seen evidence in There that allows non-bank institutions That will be able to issue private Stable coins under credential regulation Obviously and that's great because then That tells me that's a signal that tells Me they're counting on some level of Hyperinflation coming home because Letting non-bank private institutions Develop a stable coin themselves creates A new use case to soak up to te bills That might be hyperinflated coming home Offering a digital dollar to every Retail consumer and that there will be There you're spot on brother I mean that That was actually very eloquently said Because I do believe there will be look Right now the treasuries are being shed And and and I believe they're buying Gold in replacement for it Because gold doesn't have the sanction Risk it it doesn't have counterparty Risk it's outperformed the bond market Over the last 25 years by a huge Magnitude and if you look at what the

Chinese are doing as an example they They have about 750 billion worth of of Treasuries they were at 3 trillion not Too long ago and all of these countries Are shedding treasuries because it is Also the tool of sanctions where you Have Janet Yellen saying we need to Confiscate those 380 billion in Forex Reserves so if you're holding us Treasuries or a a a large amount of US Dollars yeah you're in trouble and and When you see these countries joining Together uh and you see our country who Signed an executive order to go green And is going around bullying people and Sanctioning if OPEC says we're not going To take dollars anymore for oil which Isn't really far-fetched United barab Emirates just said it and they don't Want it and and they're the seventh Largest producer of oil in the world and Just join bricks alongside Saudi Arabia So if OPEC says look you guys sign an Executive order to go green we don't Align 9 logically with you we don't like Your sanctions we've done we're done Taking dollars for oil whatever currency They choose whatever it is or whatever New platform or bang every country in The world who stockpile them for 50 Years dumps them including treasuries Which creates a hyperinflationary event And and that's exactly it I do believe That we are on the cusp of something

Like that happening You could argue Already that you're beginning to see That slowly as these count are shedding Treasuries and not only that not Settling all of these transactions that Always settled in dollars they're now Settling them in their local currencies This is the beginning stages of a Massive dollarization and I think it Starts out as a trickle and it starts to Gain momentum to the last scene in Trading places where one Duke brother Says to the other sell Mort merell as He's watching his fortune disappear That's how fast it happens look the Little by little by little part of Logarithmic decay okay people there're a Lot of naysayers it takes too long they They disregard it they say it's a Nothing Burger because how long it takes For for these things to happen the Infrastructure to be laid but the all at Once like going over the falls I think People will be blindsided and shocked by How fast it happens and in a Hyperinflationary event like that you Know in wear Republic people would get Their money and run as fast as they Could to the store to use it before it Became worthless well in a in a world Where everything just like that is Transferred you know from rip from from Zel and venmo or or wire transfer or Even cryptocurrency payment where money

Is so fast the hyperinflationary event Would would would be exponentially Faster than people can even I think Begin to imagine so yeah again having All of these things in place gives a Perfect Runway to to a solution so it It's something I think again to to um to Really focus on and I I love that you Brought that up yeah well thank you and You know uh and to wrap this thing I Think you make a great Point too about This new introduction of distributed Ledger technology into the payment System and what it will do with the Velocity of money and how necessary it Will be to ignite the velocity of money Because of that hyperinflation Andy Sheckman from Miles Franklin man thank You so much hey we're doing this every Friday right here it's like a weekend Review we get to hang out with Andy Sheckman and get the latest of what's Going on I hope you guys love it I know I do Andy thank you so much for being Here appreciate you brother look forward To seeing you next week picking up where We left off you stay well and have a Good weekend you too man take care


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