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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel gigantic news coming out of Ripple this morning Ripple is going to Be launching its own stable coin on The Xrp Ledger as well as ethereum now mind You this news just broke about a half Hour ago at the time I'm recording this It is 8:43 a.m. Central Time April 4th Uh Thursday 2024 so uh not a ton is known beyond What Ripple has publicly announced but They've shared a fair bit I'm going to Share with you what we know at this Point but as far as what the Ramifications of this will be I my brain Has only started scratching the surface And I'm looking forward to seeing what Perspective the community is going to Put out there on social media lots to Discuss so for now uh just going to get The ball rolling here quickly get a Video up but of course there's going to Be a lot more to say about this in Future videos but uh before going Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun now on this news breaking The price of xrp did have a nice little

Burst for those of you looking at the Screen here this is just a 24-hour price Chart for xrp and that looks like a Straight Cliff right there uh xrp Jumping from about 57 C up to 61 cents There has been a slight pullback uh just A hair shy of 60 cents at the time that I'm recording this uh clearly though the Market likes this so this is one of Those extremely rare instances where the Market is responding to something that Ripple is saying uh in in terms of what They're doing now typically when Ripple Announces anything having to do with Their business developments the market Does not respond one way or another not Up not down doesn't care it's been like That for the whole time that I've been In crypto which is over six years I've Been watching it firsthand but it was Like that before I jumped in so the fact That there's a response here I think That it's clear people don't as much Care specifically just about what Ripple's business going On but this impacts The xrp Ledger Directly and xrp in fact is required for This stable coin to exist quite Literally this is something that will Help ensure the long-term viability of Xrp and ripple has made it very clear Their approach has changed they're not Just some sort of fintech company They're trying to do all things crypto

That's why they've gotten into custody That's why uh in I believe it was May of Last year they spent what a quarter of a Of a billion dollars I think it was yeah I'm pretty sure that's right 250 million Bucks they spent purchasing Medico for Custody they're doing all sorts of stuff Here and this is one more piece of the Puzzle these say they do see that stable Coins are highly useful not going away And now they're planting one on The xrp Ledger and they're going to try and grow This bad boy as quickly as possible this Is competition against Circle this is Competition against tether and it's Coming from Ripple which is a juggernaut In the crypto space so with a very War Chest behind them you better believe That this is not going to be some sort Of Fly by Night stable coin if it's Coming from Ripple this is the real deal This is going to be widely supported That would be my suspicion right out the Gate here this is something that is Going to materially matter for the Long-term viability of uh of of xrp and The xrp Ledger and in fact to quickly Make that point and I don't want to talk About Tron a whole bunch in this video But I got to mention this Tron is one of Those coins that popped dramatically in Late 17 and then it just fell off a Cliff like here I'll show you the All-time price chart for Tron uh here it

Is and I I I've owned it since 2017 a Massive massive jump never hit a new All-time high after that but within the Last 12 months here I'll change this Tron chart to the last 12 months uh it's Been trending upwards for for almost the Entirety of the last year until till Very recently which I'll talk about in a Second but the reason that it was Trending upwards this whole time is Because Tron became the the the largest Stable coin ecosystem on the planet Almost no developer activity developer Activity matters on a chain in on most Chains It's a metric that does matter And The xrp Ledger does have it it Doesn't have as much as a theorem Because there's not smart contract Functionality layer one on The xrp Ledger but the market has decided it Doesn't matter which is why xrp is in The top 10 coins by market cap despite That but another thing that is Tremendously important to this ecosystem So says the market on a global scale is The St a coin ecosystem and the fact That Tron has just snagged so much of That uh that market share uh that's the Reason that it was climbing in fact it Climbed so high that recently Tron which Is now number 17 in market cap it was Actually in the top 10 recently I don't Know if there are any other top 10 coins From back in the day that fell out of

The top 10 and then came back after the 2017 rally but Tron did it albeit Briefly and since then if you see that The price falling off a cliff here Towards the later part of February uh That's because uh Presumably bad news Came I mean there was bad news and so I'm saying that I'm assuming that the Bad news that came is the reason the Price went down because it's pretty Major uh it's just the case that for Whatever reason Circle that's outside The scope of this video but circle is Going to be leaving Tron and the price Has been going down but see that Mak That makes my point that shows that the Market cares about this so this is going To be fantastic for xrp and the X RP Ledger uh here's a post from Brad Garlinghouse in this and then I'm going To go through the the um uh the Ripple Insights piece here it's a press release Uh it's titled Ripple to issue usdb Stable coin bringing more utility and Liquidity to xrp Ledger I'm going to Come back to this but first I thought I'd share with you a post from Brad Garland house as well as David Schwarz uh Brad Garland house wrote The Following launching a stable coin is a Natural step for ripple as we bridge the Gap between traditional finance and Crypto we have uh one the years of

Experience two regulatory footprint Three a strong balance sheet and four a Network with near Global payout coverage To offer the best of crypto enabled Payments using xrp and our future stable Coin Together this is going to be wild I Can't wait to see the full implications Of this but it's going to be wild and This is again the market cares about This now I in the short term okay fine PR xrp it's right at 60 is this something that's going to Make xrp go to the moon now well the Market moves in tandem it'll go when it Goes but you know I'm more interested in What this means for long-term viability It certainly won't hurt to help ensure That xrp this Market cycle hits a new Alltime high and interest price Discovery that sure won't Hurt the market cares about this very Clearly again just let me say it one More time when Ripple launches new Announces News Press releases the market Doesn't care the market cares about this The fact that there's a movement at all Even if it goes right back down to where It was before the news the fact that There was like that happening that is Not normal I'm telling you I've been Watching this over six years firsthand This does not happen in fact I can't Think of a single another instance where

Any sort of uh Ripple business Developments that they announc have Moved the price of xrp not not one Instance now if there is something maybe I'm not thinking of it bring it up but Either way even then you can get the Idea it's extremely rare here's what David Schwarz had to say about this a Highquality USD stable coin on The xrp Ledger with its decentralized Exchange In features like issued currencies Auto Bridging that uses xrp as the native Currency to facilitate trades between Other assets and the automated Market Maker will be a GameChanger for users And devs I believe it I'm looking Forward to seeing what happens here Let's run through this piece real quick Now before recording this video since I Wanted to get this out as quickly as Possible I just quickly browse this so Let's just go through this together and Learn together so here again the press Release tled Ripple to issue usdb stable Coin bringing more utility and liquidity To xrp Ledger Ripple the leading Provider of Enterprise blockchain and Crypto Solutions announced its plans to Launch a stable coin pegged one to one To the US dollar Ripple's stable coin Will be 100% backed by US dollar Deposits short-term US government Treasuries and other cash equivalents These Reserve assets will be audited by

A third part accounting firm and ripple Will publish monthly attestations okay So I'll pause note there as far as what It's backed by that's normal uh whether It's cash treasuries that's what I've Seen from other stable coins uh what I Do like here and let's make sure they Follow through this and I have no no Reason to believe they wouldn't is Making sure that a thirdparty accounting Firm that isn't beholden to Ripple that Truly would would give the bad news if There is any to give if they're really Going to be uh you Know to all to whatever degree it's Necessary auditing this stable coin and Making sure that it is actually 100% Back because that's what they're Promising as long as they do that uh on A scale of 1 to 10 I give that two Thumbs up up in this peace Continues the stable coin Market is About $150 billion today and is Forecasted to exceed $2.8 trillion by 2028 there's clear demand for stable Coins that deliver trust stability and Utility to meet this growing demand Ripple will issue a stable coin Leveraging its decade plus of experience Building Real World Financial Solutions For institutions around the world this Is a natural step for ripple to continue Bridging the Gap between traditional Finance and crypto said Brad

Garlinghouse Ripple CEO institutions Entering this space are finding success By partnering with compliant crypto Native players and Ripple's track record And resiliency speaks for itself as we Launch new products and acquire Companies through multiple Market Cycles This move is also Monumental for The xrp Ledger Community driving more use cases Liquidity and opportunities for Developers and users now my friends I I Will tell you now that I understand Thanks to Tron that agree to which U Speculators at large care about the the Stable coin ecosystem and how much how Important that particular metric is like My simple little Moon Lambo mind has Been exploding ever since I saw this News because I have a a feeling that This is just going to be Massive absolutely Massive and and admittedly like you know As a Speculator here and I think that's True for probably the vast majority of You listening that's what we care about Right like first and foremost we we we Jumped into crypto in the first place so That we could make some damn money right There's opportunity here and then we Found out that there's an incredible Community and that made it a whole lot More fun and we all actually um made Friends I mean for those of you just Listening passively I'd encourage you to

Actually join the xrp community we Pretty much live on X formerly known as Twitter that's basically our home it Just kind of developed that way that's Where crypto well really the entire World of crypto is and um and so there's That which makes it that much more Meaningful but first and foremost I'm Just noting the obvious truth we're here To make money and my God I and I've been saying this a lot Like clearly the attributes The xrp Ledger has in terms of being the best Arguably the best crypto platform in the World for payments broadly speaking That's been enough to keep xrp in the Top 10 coins by market cap the developer Activity yeah it's been turning up for The vast majority of the last decade Half a decade plus anyway and that's Good to see but that's not the endall Beal some people have been making it out To be like well if we don't get more Developer activity and we need more uh Stuff being buil well is it good stuff Being built I think it's quality over Quantity and in terms of quality outside Of just what's being developed look at The actual attributes of the Ledger Itself the world's first ever built in Decentralized exchange just xrp again Broadly incredible for anything payments Related and now home of what I assume is Going to be one of the largest stable

Coins on the entire damn Planet because Ripple with a veritable War chest of Money is pushing it that's why I'm Assuming that and of course this all Still has to unfold and won't even start Until later this year but fine anyway And then the press release continues at Launch the stable coin will be available On the xrp and ethereum blockchains with Plans to expand to additional Blockchains and decentralized finance Protocols and apps over time and I'll Pause note in case you're not aware uh Tether and usdc they are on multiple Blockchains uh basically any anywhere There's a coin that has you know any Sort of notable usage it makes sense to Expand to that absolutely it makes all The sense in the world uh you're just Going to get more market share that way This is absolutely fantastic anyway and Uh anyway continues issuing our stable Coin on The xrp Ledger and ethereum will Serve as a pivotal entry point to unlock New opportunities for institutional and Defi use cases across multiple Ecosystems added Monica long Ripple President The xrp Ledger native Capabilities including a decentralized Exchange an automated Market maker were Built to utilize xrp as the bridge asset Bringing a trusted stable coin onto xrpl Will drive more adoption and development Contributing to a vibrant ecosystem key

Benefits of Ripple stable coin include And then they got five bullet points Listed here number one Enterprise grade Ripple specializes in blockchainbased Enterprise grade solutions that Financial institutions and Enterprises Need Ripple will leverage both xrp and The stable coin in its payment solution To further improve the customer Experience and serve as the first Enterprise use case of the asset at Scale there is demand from Ripple's Customers and Emerging Markets to enable Stable coin payouts and folks even Though it'll be on multiple blockchains I have a feeling that as it pertains to What Ripple's doing uh the vast majority If not all of it the way Ripple's going To be using engaging with their Customers would be on The xrp Ledger That benefits Ripple obviously and that Requires Xrp just saying bullet point two Compliance first mindset Ripple is Committed to Regulatory Compliance and Has a growing license portfolio in key Regions around the globe the company and Its subsidiaries collectively hold a New York bit license nearly 40 month Transmitter licenses across the US a Major payment institution license from The monetary authority of Singapore and A virtual asset service provider Registration with the Central Bank of

Ireland earlier this year Ripple agreed To acquire standard custody one of the Few crypto companies that holds a New York trust Charter to expand its Licensed footprint to better serve Enterprise customers bullet point three Liquidity on the decentralized exchange While xrp is the native currency on the Xrpl The Ledger was built to support any Any type of asset issued to trade on the Decks and quickly settle anywhere in the World with low transaction costs Bringing more credible assets on the Decks such as Ripple stablecoin will Drive numerous benefits for users Developers and apps four transparent Stable coin Reserve backed by a onetoone Reserve of cash and cash equivalents Ripple stable coin is designed to ensure Transparency and reliability once the Stable coin is available Ripple will Publish monthly attestations of the Assets and five multi-chain Compatibility the Ripple stable coin Will be issued on The xrp Ledger and Ethereum networks using xrpl native Functionality and erc20 token standards Developers on both the xrpl and eth will Be able to incorporate the Ripple stable Coin so that users can transact with Stability confidence and Trust the Ripple stable coin will expand native Issuance to other blockchains allowing Users to benefit from CR chain

Interoperability and then they wrap up By stating the following for over 10 Years Ripple has been in the industry The industry leader in providing Enterprise blockchain and crypto Solutions it was the first company to Address the multi-trillion dollar pain Points associated with crossb payments Utilizing blockchain and crypto at scale Ripple's payment and custody Infrastructure has experienced Continuous Global growth with live Custody offerings in 20 jurisdictions And Payment Solutions available in 80 Plus payout markets representing more Than 90% of the global Foreign Exchange Market and so then they note that it's Going to be available later this year so We'll see exactly when that happens um Wow it says applicable to to regulatory Approval but I mean come on uh pretty Wild stuff here didn't know we were Going to be seeing this this morning you Know there had been some Rumblings about This recently but um I don't know if It's just people were saying hey it Would be nice if it were ha if it would Happen and then it came out or if there Was some sort of rumor that leak that Led to this if so I I I don't know that That was the cause but I did see some Discussion within the community recently On this exact topic so I don't know for Sure but uh it might have just been

Funny timing sometimes that happens in Life but uh I'm just going to get this Thing uploaded real quick you guys Please let me know in the comments Section what you think about this um I Need more time to think about what the Implications are I want to hear from Others about what the implications may Be but suffice it to say very good very Very good this is absolutely and he People bitching up a storm worrying About the long-term viability of xrp Here's the here's the millionth reason Why it's here to stay served to you on a Silver platter damn it I'm not a Financial adviser you should not buy or Sell anything because of anything I say Or right that would be a very very very Bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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