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Black Rock changing everything not only In crypto but they're rethinking the way That Baby Boomers are retiring my name Is coach JB and today's video what I'm Going to do is I'm going to break down How black rock is rethinking retirement For the Baby Boomers and also the people Coming up into retirement and also how They're going to radically radically Transform the financial and crypto space What I work to do is make very complex Macro and microeconomic strategy very Simple so the normal everyday person can Implement them what I've done is I've Created free resources for you on the Back end of every video as well if you Stay till the end I break down exactly What I'm doing for my Paradigm one of The questions I get all the time is how I insure my wealth I use cash value life Insurance policies I'm a licensed Insurance agent I have licensed Insurance agents in all 50 states all Over the United States to help you we're Expanding to Canada as well very soon to Help you understand how we pull profits From Risky assets and we secure our Money in cash value life insurance Policies so if you click the description Down below you set up an absolutely free Consultation with my licensed Insurance Team you can also download my absolutely Free book which I show you guys exactly What I do on the back end of every video

So let's jump right into this so black Rock is rethinking retirement they're Changing the whole landscape but Remember guys remember when they told You to look this way they were changing The whole narrative this way so let's Dive Right into this okay so first this Came out from Watcher Guru if I'm saying That correctly it says how it started Versus how it's going so this was the First article was published Friday October 13th 200 17 remember that I've Been telling you guys all about this Black rock CEO Larry Fink calls Bitcoin An index for money laundering let's fast Forward to January 12th 2024 Black Rock Larry Fink says Bitcoin ETFs are just the first step in a Technological revolution of Finance 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 7 years Later it goes from moneya laundering to A radical transformation in the Financial system at the same time JPM Onyx JPM coin I broken all this down for You guys first they resist it then they Sue it then they regulate it then they Join it this whole charade that we're Seeing within the financial system the Lawsuits going on is all transferring us Into a new monetary system that's why I Stay completely calm that's why I don't Jump in and out of the markets that's Why I have a very strict Exit Plan as They go up I don't let any news fud me

In or fud me out I make decisions based On studying history and predicting the Future and seeing waves of energy Remember what goes up must come down When this goes up it's going to come Down even harder so you're going to want To pull profits as these ass asset Managers are going to be involved Without full regul ation so let's take a Look at this we're going to continue to Go through and um look at this black Rock narrative now why do I focus on the Black Rock narrative so much is because Black rock is the largest asset manager In the world they have over 10 trillion Under management they were tapped by the Federal Reserve in 2008 and 2020 to Balance out our markets in America they Are the leader the leader in almost Every single company that you touch from The minute you wake up to the minute you Go to sleep Vanguard and black rock have Thear largest shares in most almost Every single product you touch and Specifically media as well so you can Believe a YouTuber you can believe this Or whatever it is but whatever you're Seeing on CNBC Fox all these things Hitting the news are the information They want you to hear and it's probably Too late so these are the hints that You're hearing now buy the rumors sell The news buy the rumors sell the news The fixed income markets are totally uh

Imbued by ETFs and so at Black Rock when We bought bgi we had $290 billion of ETF Today we have 3.5 trillion let that sink In 3.5 trillion in ETFs now um is and and Then this week Alone just yesterday we launched the Ishares Bitcoin ETF and so I would say To you if we could ETF a Bitcoin imagine What we could do with all fin fincial Instruments and so what we announced in Our architectural change iar was this U Was this business division in itself and We thought that's too in in you know too Exclusive we needed to include the ethos The philosophy the spirituality of what I shares can provide in everything we do At Black Rock okay so I just wanted you Guys to hear that part guys they're Tokenizing everything everything so this Is the um I highly recommend you guys go Read this this is Larry Fink's letter to Shareholders um this is a part of it I Read through the whole thing it says in ETFs we will continue to lead by example Expanding Investments access globally Through Innovation the ETF is an Adaptable piece of financial technology And over time we have been able to do More with it than just make investments More affordable we've been able to bring Better liquidity and price Discovery to More opaque markets one recent example Is the offering to people giving them

Exposure to bitcoin through TFS what You're seeing now guys is democratizing Of private financing now or excuse me of Financing so what they're going to be Doing is they're going to be giving the Whole financial system is going to be an Even playing field so you're going to be Able to buy fractional shares of an Apartment complex right so if you can't Afford to get a full Bitcoin you're Going to be able to get an ETF a small Percentage of it you're going to be able To buy in companies they're going to Tokenize everything just like the stock Market guys but everything is going to Be tokenized everything going to move Through blockchain very very important To understand this is a wave of energy So what I'm doing is I'm buying the Rumors and I'm going to sell the news so As this becomes really hypy and all the Public starts coming in and the news Says it's the best thing ever I have Already sold profits and then when it Collapses back down I buy back in that's Just how I do it it's a wave of energy We're in now in this like it like the The pot is boiling from the bottom up Right so the Frog sit in the have you Ever heard that before where the frog Sits in there if you throw it in boiling Water it jumps out but if you put a frog Like a crypto investor right that's Waiting for the top into a boiling a

Warm water and you boil it slowly they End up dying because they don't Understand when to get out of the water You have to get out of the water in time Guys do you think they're just going to Let this keep going up the Bull Run just Going to keep going up no you have to Pull profits you have to pull Profits as I say in your letter you talk A lot about the success of the capital Markets all that they've accomplished at The same time you do mention the problem With particularly US debt you you think It's more urgent than anytime I think You said you can remember in your Lifetime put those two things together To what extent has has the success of The capital markets come specifically Because we've taken more debt on the Public balance sheet we've shifted debt From private balance sheets to public Balance sheets no question let's just Use a a statistic and I think that when I talk about this statistic I get Frightened in the year 2000 the US Deficit was Trillion it's $34 trillion so 23 years Later we increased our deficit by$ 26 Trillion so for the first 230 odd 40 Years Listen we increased our deficit to eight Trillion and in the last 23 years we Went we we increased it by 2 so let that Sink in guys in the first 20 30 years

Who increased it by8 trillion in the Last 23 years by 26 Trillion Jerome pal the head of the FED Said this is unsustainable he's talking About how dangerous this is this is the Rumors right here he's giving you the Rumor he's saying we're token we're Changing the financial system we're Tokenizing this well and then all Of a sudden it'll be the news when JP Morgan and Wells Fargo and Bank of America will custody to your crypto FTX Celsius it was all the narrative it's Not it's not safe but when they when They have it all set when they can run It through their systems they'll be like Hey guys it's safe come on in water's Warm it's already boiling you you lost All your profits guys6 trillion dollars I think that speaks volumes of what's Happening in our in our in our country Today the problem with these type of Deficits is and now with with and I Believe higher interest rates for longer Listen the cost of financing our Deficits are going to erode more and More of our of our disposable income as A country and I do believe there we're Getting to a point where our public debt Is going to start PRI uh crowding out Private capital and we're going to have Structurally higher interest rates what Can the private sector do to trigger Some action in that regard I mean you're

The head of the largest asset manager in The world Larry think it's not just you But you have some influence at this Point we have candidates running for President who aren't even talking about This not even a conversation Um So in my letter I talk about the need For more public private Investments well The United States is one of the last Countries where we've had private Capital investing in in our Infrastructure and I believe if we Changed our policies privatized our Airports and privatized maybe our ports And having private Capital investing That then our public spending could be Rededicated to more urgent social needs More urgent needs elevating our Education elevating you know our our you Know issues around Social Security and Health care and and and so I believe the Need is to rethink what is a role and Responsibility of the public sector for The development of better 21st century Infrastructure we know that we are going To have to digitize our entire economy We know we're going to have to move Forward on and decarbonization the there You go guys the whole economy is being Digitized okay so we know coin Bas is Back in uh 2022 coinbase selected Black Rock provided Aladdin clients access to Crypto trading and custody via coinbase

Prime so we know coinbase is connected To ladden black rock through Aladdin uh This was on March 21st 2024 uh the headline is Black Rock Launches build fund for digital yield Black Rock the world's largest asset Manager partnered with cryptocurrency Exchange coinbase to Launch Black Rock Institutional digital liquidity fund a Blockchainbased investment fund designed To offer US dollar yields through Tokenization the announcement on Wednesday marks a step in the Integration of traditional Finance let Me read that again to you the Announcement on Wednesday makes this Marks the step in an integration of Traditional Finance with blockchain Technology oh this is so exciting man so Exciting okay so we need to be careful We need to understand guys that the Amount of profit that's going to be made In the next 12 to 24 months is not Normal guys it takes people their whole Working at a you know a corporation a Whole 30 years 40 years sometimes to Make the amount of money some people are Going to make okay it depends on when You got in but for me I'm just sharing With you guys exactly what I'm doing Okay so I've been in crypto late late Late 2019 I got introduced 2020 I Started getting really a lot of exposure To it and so from 2020 to 2022 I'm going

To share with you exactly the same cycle I'm doing 2024 to 2026 okay so I don't Care what people I don't care when People think the bull Run's going to end I do it based on price targets and That's why we created Merlin all of you Guys get 30 days for free to try it out It's an interface we don't hold your Keys or combos 36,000 lines of codes we Created it we built it from the ground Up and you can set up exit plans so we Used to use spreadsheets we created this Tool and we decided to bring it public Because it's freaking amazing it helps You understand my my greatest example a Ship just went parabolic just recently And I was able to exit two Targets so uh Merlin sent me an alert on my email I Was like boom you're ready to rock and Roll no emotion boom exited put my money Away for taxes put that into uh and I'll Share with you what I do with that so For me say we have 100% of my crypto Portfolio Okay I'm exiting 50% if it hits the targets during this Bull run okay 50% is staying in my Portfolio for legacy forever okay that 50% I will once everything s s down After everything settles down after the Bull run I will stake some of it for Interest income free money and then I Will leverage some of it to buy to get Taxfree money to buy more assets okay The 50% that I'm exiting for me most of

Them will be long-term capital gains I'll put my money away for taxes for That and then the profit will go into Max Fund my index Universal Life Policies that's exactly what I'm doing They're set up ready to Max Fund my Money will go into my index Universal Life policies they'll be available to Access the cash value okay also it's a Longterm strategy for me though guys This everybody's like insurance is sexy On the back end it's not sexy on the Front end it's not a retirement policy Either it just allows you to access Because of tax code 7702a that's a tax code it's not a Policy it allows you because that tax Code to access your money around Retirement age or access your money Taxfree right so to build wealth it's Always great to be able to access your Your money taxfree right would you Rather get taxed on the money on the Back end or taxe so if I want to buy More assets I'll borrow for myself Taxfree to buy more assets so if I Borrow at 5% and I'm making 7% when it's Indexed I'm still making 2% on my money And I'm using OPM other people's money To buy more assets okay so I'm Diversified in Precious Metals which is Silver I'm using Bitcoin as my gold um Businesses Diversified in business Across Information Technology attention

And education um and then Self-development self-d then we're Heading into real estate so um that's The next phase for us but Uh and then on top of that I have the Rockefeller trust set up which is the Waterfall waterfall system set up on top Of that so I got my insurance my money Insured I got the trust over all that And so it's just it's a great way to Protect to grow and to take advantage of These shifts in um Economic Times right So but I just wanted to continue to Bring these messages out and share with You guys what I'm doing because there's So many people getting emotional right Now and there's so many people we see The same wave of energy everybody's Getting into meme coins now that is such An addictive I'm sorry it's such an Addictive behavior to create because It's just like it's just like the casino You hit it big a couple times you think You're going to keep doing it and it Creates addictive behaviors those are Not good strategies those are not Healthy for wealth building that's not Healthy for generational wealth you want To diversify you want to have you know a Risky part of your portfolio have some For me like the insurance is at the Bottom of the risk pyramid you know There's there it's insured money like That's crazy right it's insured money um

I have businesses you know some are Doing well some are struggling right now Some are you know so my point behind This is be careful of addictive Behaviors because you hit a couple times You think you're going to do it again You end up losing your whole Nest Egg Rule number one don't lose money Warren Buffett rule number two is follow rule Number one so we don't play games with Our money we don't play games with our Money it's not something we do um it's Very very coveted we honor it it's a Resource it's a frequency it's an energy Um I love you guys so much I appreciate You so everything in the description Down below so you can in the description Video you can set up a free consultation My insurance team you can download Merlin 30 days for free you can download My free book you can join our Academy if You choose to uh there's all kinds of Things we can do to support you so I Love you guys I appreciate you as we Always say Warriors rid it's also my Social media platform as well or the Link up there love you Guys N


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