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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and I'm up a Little early this morning I can't talk As loud as normal noral but maybe it Doesn't matter maybe the people are Going to be waking up soon check this Out this is from one of the bankless Guys narrative carrying bankless guys The developers of Samurai I guess Samurai were arrested This morning one extradited from Portugal Samurai a Bitcoin wallet that Makes Bitcoin private these developers Face up to 25 years in prison for Writing code the US is sending a message No transaction be Private this this uh makes me want to Get a ledger in Nos and and put a lot of Stuff on it when I see this because That's ultimately what the these Government people like Senator Warren Are terrified of is the idea that Someone would be have be transacting and Have a private wallet and not need the US government to monitor all their Transactions and all that stuff but you Know what the big problem is is here you Know what the the the real big problem In the US is well it's all captured in This video watch this a daily reminder That these are the people that actually Decide basically everything on behalf of

The entire country where our money gets Spent how much we pay in taxes whether Or not Tik Tok gets banned what's Considered Freedom what's not these People probably don't even know how to Attach a PDF file to an email these People probably don't even know how to Connect their phone to the Wi-Fi these People haven't worked a real job And probably 30 years and also keep in Mind that once you get voted into one of These political positions you get paid At minimum like $200,000 for the rest of Your life so they can just sit in Congress and you get health insurance For your family and everything else Nothing and just age gracefully in Quotation marks the worst part about Elderly people being in political power Is that they're not even going to have To live through the decisions that they Are making on behalf of everyone else They'll be gone by the time actual real Consequences come from their actions That they're deciding on right now it Just makes me sick and if you look down There I don't see a single person that Looks like they are even at the age of 40 every single one of these people is 60 plus and there's a reason for that Yep and it's both sides of the aisle and They're both just make me Sick I I want to show you this I've been Doing these um these uh Twitter X spaces

With uh Brad CS uh to talk about xrp Las Vegas coming up we did another one Yesterday today and we'll probably do Several more and just kind of just pop Up out of nowhere but uh we've been Having a good time yesterday we got to We had Zach Rector on there we had James From crypto forlife we had metal law man On there and talked a lot about what's Going to go down at xrp Las Vegas Including this code 589 if you want to Have dinner with Brad Garlinghouse go to xrp Las vegas.com and You can um it's the uh the Chamber of Digital Commerce Fundraiser it's a fundraising dinner and They' with that code 589 you get like a 25% discount save you like 200 and Something bucks I think definite you're Going to want to do that and they're Almost out of general admission tickets So you need to go they already sold out A VIP ticket so you're going to need to Go check it out go to xrp Las Vegas.com and um that I think we're s Days away so you better hurry up if you Haven't gotten your ticket now this Folks let me explain why this picture Gives me so much Satisfaction I was talking about five Years ago to one of my I wouldn't even Say it's a friend but just a guy that I Know who was a financial adviser at Morgan Stanley and for those of you that

Don't remember I was a financial advisor At Morgan Stanley up in Atlanta back when I was younger and I was talking to him and I was telling Him listen man the only reason this was 5 years ago I said the only reason you Guys aren't selling Bitcoin and and Crypto is because they haven't set up a Way for you guys to make money off of it Yet I said when they do because he was Telling me he just rolling his eyes About the whole crypto thing and I said But the second that they do allow you to Sell it and make money you'll be you'll Be selling it all the time and he Laughed at me rolled his Eyes da and now just in Morgan Stanley May allow its 15,000 Brokers to Recommend Bitcoin ETFs to their clients In other words they'll be able to They'll set it up so they can get Paid and that's what it's about now Remember this buy Bitcoin sign a few Years back 2017 um Janet yelen Federal Reserve Chair testimony at the time well the Thing has apparently sold for 16 Bitcoin Worth over a million dollars at auction And here it is that is that isn't it Funny how life Works something as silly As that could later have that kind of Worth now I would be much more inclined To spend a million on that than a Cartoon monkey at least I've got

Something in a little plaque that I can Put on the wall and tell the story About and I could see there being a Market for something like like that Because there's only one it's Historical um now check this out Russian Court has ordered the seizure of JP Morgan Chase funds totaling 4395 million it Begins I mean if that is Not I mean if that is not a punch back At the Fiat monetary system I don't know What is they cut Russian they they use Um s the sanctions to cut Russia off and To basically steal a lot of Russian Money us does from cut them off from Swift I think is what what what was done And Now they seize JP Morgan Funds check this out now this is one of The one of the worst members of Congress In my opinion one of the most Anti Crypto members of Congress one of Sam Bankman Freed's buddies who who blew a Kiss to him cuz he was giving all his Money to the Democrat Party remember That and here she is this is if you want To be bullish this should be bullish Because the second let me tell you what You want to see something send the Crypto markets off watch them pay for The first time ever watch Congress pass Stable coin legislation you will see it What are the things about this bill it's

It's been very complicated we have so Many entities that are involved uh we Have uh the feds we have the treasury we Have the White House everybody has had Something to say and we've had to Recognize all of those concerns but in Doing that in the final analysis it's About making sure that investors and That the people are protected and that We don't have uh you know a stable cor Bill where people who are you know Basically the companies don't have the Assets that they say that they have we Have to ensure uh that they have those Assets to back up well then why don't You go after tether stable coins we are Talking with the Senate side we've met With Schumer I've talked with sherid Brown we're on our way uh to getting a Stable coin bill in the in the in the Short run all right in the short run That sounds like everybody's on board Now look at this this is um I don't know What her name is but I think that she's Someone from Ripple talking about Ripple And cbdc Platform I have a question on how the Platform can interact with other clients So let's say if one country uses a Platform can they customize how much They want to be interoperable with Another country's cbdc platform using Both Ripple or a similar solution yeah So that would be so we basically a lot

Lot of our Central Bankers are Interested in permissioned blockchains Um we have a bridge model that uh Ripple Sort of proof of concepting working out And it just came out with um sort of an MVP that basically is a model where we Have this it's called a Federated model But it's it's a validator who's able to Uh check two different permissioned Blockchains can clear or it can watch The clearing of a transaction say in USD On a us cbdc blockchain uh do the actual Movement across a bridge and then watch It clear um it would be still USD on Maybe the Euro chain and then from there We could do when we have a market maker It could go cross currency right so that Kind of graduated validator um it's a Node and it would be basically a scheme There would be multiple of those and These two countries could you know come Together and decide to have a valid data Do that on two different chains but of Course interoperability also means a Bunch of different things cross currency On the same chain is very easy The xrp Ledger has a decentralized exchange um That's been doing that for years um and When it comes down to it I think a lot Of that will happen at the Commercial Bank level as well the operator Application we had brought up is Multicurrency we're expecting commercial Banks to accept multiple

Cbdcs um and all of this is enabled uh By The xrp Ledger today so would The Cbdc Ledger be able to talk to uh Ripple The public Ledger and ripple net yep That's exactly the idea with the Federated Model ah check this out remember Ian Kane well they did a Politico article on Ian Kane yesterday and this is from the Politico article I'll read this part Second this is his quote this is the guy Who was a Democrat and then he changed To be a Republican just to run right After John Deon announced his run this Guy all of a sudden wants to run as a Republican and he's a he's a uh uh what He's a Um city council member in Boston so he's Right there in Elizabeth Warren's Territory and I and he ha I think he has Happens to be friends to Elizabeth Warren and I'm convinced this guy was Sent as a setup to try to stop John Deon By Elizabeth Warren here's this quote I've seen Elizabeth Warren come out as An anti- crypto and I've seen John Deon Come out as Pro crypto what What what that really says to me is that They're both grossly out of touch and Out of step with Massachusetts voters C Told Politico crypto will not be the Number one issue on the minds of Massachusetts voters C said and I think If they're both leading on both ends of

This then they're not the right people People for the job so think about think This three folks this is the kind of Dirty tricks that people like Elizabeth Warren would do they would have these Guys like they're basically like plants That are out there posing as neutral Parties not one party or the other and Then they they just wait for somebody Like John Deon to come along and they Say okay now now's the time you're going To run as a a Republican and what we Want you to do is we want you to to Distract John Deon away from the crypto Is indust crypto issue because that is Where Elizabeth Warren is I mean people Are furious with her they hate her over This one issue and they Should and so get John Deon off talking About all these other issues since this Guy will be running against John Deon First get John to go off and get Distracted by all these other Massachusetts Issues and it gets away from the topic Of crypto which is a where Elizabeth Warren is most vulnerable that's the Play you don't have to take my word for It here he is right here it says he's Not enrolled in a political party this Is before he announced R he briefly Joined the Democrats years ago for a cup Of coffee as he puts it before Unenrolling anyway so bottom line is is

A guy posing as a Republican and look That's him being all giddy ask yourself Any of you out there would you be giddy About meeting Elizabeth Warren over About anything I Wouldn't here's John Deon weighing in There's this Open Secret that you may Have a fellow Republican Challenger Launching his own campaign to unseat Liz Warren very Ian Kane he's filed with the Federal election campaign I believe for A potential Senate run I think he filed Last week or the week before but it's a Little bit late in the day to be Launching a campaign isn't it I mean you Filed back in early late February early February I saw I announced on February 20th uh and by conventional wisdom that Was late Elizabeth Warren had a a year Head start on me but the reality is I Don't worry about that Ellie uh I'm Focused on Senator Warren and I can tell You I can tell your viewers that um I'm Going to be on the ballot 100% as the Republican nominee and I'm going to be The Republican nominee and I'm going to Retire Elizabeth And that's what I'm focused on and Nothing or no one is getting in my way Of that there's I love it that's the Kind of optimism we need more of in this Country um now the most significant Thing that I saw that I've seen in the Last 24 hours is this picture right here

Subjective views knocked it out of the Park in fact they've even got a pla Their own placard here they knocked it Out of the park so Well um found this picture and this Picture is Lauren bive head of public Policy and government at Ripple this one's Paul Wong director of Product cbdc and institutional assets Stellar development Foundation okay right here is Nelly Leang under secretary for domestic Finance from the treasury Department Folks I mean I I feel like I'm almost Tired of asking if my son to draw a Picture since he's been retired for so Long from drawing pictures about how Obvious some things in crypto are but Folks the reason I'm sitting here the Reason I've been doing this is because Ripple is no ordinary company now you Can make you can take from that what you Want but Ripple is no ordinary company And they came to put a D in the universe They did not they came to either put a Dent in the universe or go away and I Don't see them going away even after an SEC lawsuit Folks if you can't put two and two Together on what all this is at this Point you're just going to have to come In my group because we're in the group We're going to go into we're going to go Further into this and we're going to go

Into the all the World a Stage file Too And we're Also I'm going to show you I don't know If I've ever told you guys this but There's one thing on YouTube that I have Been that everybody I know there's one Topic that everybody I know has been Censored on and can't talk about can't Even say the word without being censored Back during Co it was the word covid-19 The second it came out YouTube started Censoring anyone that said anything but That's how that's part of the way I knew That Co was something bad Wrong but back Then but there's another topic that YouTube does not want you talking about At all and there's a video I wanted to Show you around that Topic which I'll do in a minute I'm the Digital asset investor I'm not an Investment advisor this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button tell your Friends and family in the N Dp.com we're going to go into the all The worlds stage file and we're going to Talk about who all these people Are here we go Oh


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