30 Trillion Coming into Crypto!

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30 trillion coming into crypto and trust Me they don't want this to happen until They can profit over it in today's video We're going to break down How Gary Gensler really doesn't want Cryptocurrency in the ecosystem then We're going to break down how 30 Trillion could be flooding into the Markets in 2024 and Beyond and that Could make you very very wealthy so in This video I'm going to break that down And on the back end I'm going to share With you exactly what I'm doing and how We transition from being broke two Taking a very speculative asset and Securing compounding and growing it and The next cycle 2024 to 2025 is Generational wealth building the key is Most lottery winners go broke 85% most Pro athletes go broke the reason why is They don't rewire the foundation to end Up in a different situation Rich parents Have Rich Kids poor parents have poor Kids it's all about rewinding the Foundation and understand what money is It's energy it's frequency and its Currency the middle class and the Working Poor put their money in a bank To pay their bills that's money the bank Turns it into currency and that's what We've teached hundreds of people te Teached dot hundreds of people since May Since we got licens I've been using Index universal life since 2020 I got

Licens in May and we've helped hundreds Of people already understand how we Secure compound and ensure our wealth You can set up a free consultation with My life Insurance team in the Description of this video there's also a Free 16 page guide that shows you Exactly how my blueprint is set up set Up which I bring up on the back end of Every single video and I'm just going to Let you guys know we're actually Bringing our Academy private so I'll be Making an announcement here we have it Open our Academy is going back to Private how we originally did that um And so you'll be able to interview with Our team to ask questions to dive a Little bit deeper um and that will be Announced probably by tomorrow uh but Let's dive right into it so let's first Listen to Gary Gensler we know he is Extreme ly against cryptocurrency now For him my just my opinion right this is All political for him right he is all About moving into his political Positions in 2012 he was part of the Fomc which is a future oversight Committee Gary Gensler was a head Professor at MIT for cryptocurrency Which is ironic right and uh he also was The head of the cftc the uh Commodities Future Trading can't remember the other acronym On that but now he's the head of the SEC

So remember Jay Clayton initiated the Case against Ripple around xrp being a Security then he transitioned into uh uh Consulting for cryptocurrency firms Which he still does now Jay Clayton sits On the board for the bank bailing Committee so they moved Gary Gensler the Head Professor for MIT for crypto into The SEC position and it's just been a storm of cases that he's thrown out Against cryptocurrency right but they're Getting battered this year knocked at The knees every single time so this lady They're at a congressional hearing she Starts asking questions around Cryptocurrency and he kind of gets Snotty if you watch the whole interview But I want you to listen to what he says And then I'm going to share with you how Grayscale shares at 30 trillion could be Coming into this Market 2024 is going to Be one of the most historical years 2024 To 2025 you have to prepare this is our Super Bowl family and obviously the Commission and the staff of the Commission is still hard at work on a Number of issues one of them be dealing With a number of filings of spot Bitcoin ETFs you know chair I have to ask you This question there's been a lot Expected we did something very Significant about the $ 26 trillion Treasury market which is really the base Of our entire Capital markets it's how

We fund our government it's how our Federal Reserve does monetary policy It's how we maintain the dollar Dominance around the globe and you want To ask me about crypto in my defense Commit so listen to that look at him so Okay he just said it though 26 trillion And then as grayscale is going to talk About 33 trillion coming into the market And he's like you want to talk about Crypto yes she wants to talk about Crypto everybody wants to talk about Crypto we know everything's getting Tokenized and we know you're playing Games absolutely we want to talk about Crypto we want to know what you guys are Doing behind the scenes and switching The monetary system commissioner UA also Brought up crypto in this open meeting Priorities I mean the US Treasury Market Is is a very consequential Very important Market crypto Securities are not only Much smaller it's not how we fund our Government it's not how we conduct Monetary policy and for many investors They've been harmed in that market and They're being harmed because there's too Much Non-compliance gotcha gotcha but this System has protected Americans and the Middle class when the middle class is ex Buried in debt they can't even pay their Bills we taught them to leverage them

Themselves their future selves by Borrowing against themselves an American Dream the average American retires with $300,000 the wealthy keep getting Wealthier the 1% in the wealth Gap keeps Increasing dramatically since 1971 we Got you we got you you're just upset Because there's a new even playing field Where the normal everyday person can get Involved it's not just non-compliance With Securities laws it's non-compliance With a raft of other laws our sister Regulator in the market space the Commodity Futures Trading commission the US Department of Treasury and financial Crimes Enforcement um but again I do ask and if You look at the focus and the priorities The US Treasury Market and what we did Today is really quite important to our Capital markets absolutely so he avoids A question I like this lady she comes Back and says we still need to talk About it dude like quit avoid like this Gentleman Gary Gensler avoids all the Congressional hearing questions he Dances around it every single time that Should give you a hint guys when they Push back so hard on something that Means there's something coming I've Played this game for years now I do the Opposite inversion now check this out She pushes back I'm proud of her Absolutely and that's why we have

Discussed it but you are actively Engaging with a number of matters Related uh to crypto specifically so I Think sir this is this is fair game Especially when you are having staff With meeting with a number of issuers in Recent days I'm glad that at least now Agree that the priorities were more to The treasury market so what is your Question about she didn't agree to Anything you narcissist sorry that's Crazy like she didn't agree he says did You hear him now that I'm glad that you Agree that she didn't say anything that She agreed Bitcoin or maybe she did I Might have missed it but maybe my ego Was kicking in there seen in recent days SEC staff engaging with issuers of a Number of which have filed for for spot ETFs we've seen a number of amendments To those filings it it seems that market Participants in crypto have a sense that We are reaching the end stages here Typically is this kind of Engagement With the SEC not prejudging anyone Filing but the level of Engagement we Are seeing signifying of things getting Easier closer to resolving or things Getting more difficult again we have I Think somewhere between eight and a Dozen filings in front of this agency With regard to exchange traded products Around Bitcoin and the staff of the various

Divisions uh respond when Market Participants have Filings uh we also had a court case uh Earlier this fall uh in this regard and So we do things according to our Authorities and how courts interpret our Authorities and that's what we'll do Here as well I think you're referring There to the grayscale case just one Final question that you lost okay so Let's dive into that so he's basically They're they're they're just buying time Guys that's just my opinion just my Personal opinion they're buying time so That they can get their claws in this Guys but here's the Benefit if you can get rid of the greed Gene and you can have an Exit Plan and The fact that it is a extremely Speculative asset this is not a Retirement strategy guys I I when people Say oh you know I'm going to retire You're going to retire off crypto if you Properly pull profits and you properly Secure compound and grow in real Wealth Builders right cryptocurrency until it's Got its own legs underneath it the Volatility is going to wreck people guys But I'm excited about it I've made a Great amount of money it's helped me Quite a bit and I'm going to make a Great amount of money in 2024 to 2025 But I'm also going to secure compound And grow now we're going to listen to

Gray scale it's about a 4-minute video But I want you guys to hear all the Context of this and I'll narrate a Little bit of this so they're talking to Grayscale um around the Bitcoin ETF for A look at the crypto industry heading Into the new year Michael sun and shine Grayscale uh CEO we got we got a crypto Super pack trying to get things done Maybe that's maybe that's what's maybe That's what's needed to get Congress to Finally do something Michael you part of This uh so that was actually just Announced this morning you know for us In at grayscale over the last year we've Spent I can't even tell you how many Weeks on the hill really ensuring that We're advocating for our investors and Making sure that as our Regulators are Looking at crypto they're doing so Through a really informed lens so for us It's really been about education well The the you think the easy gains have Been made people couldn't figure out What was happening with Bitcoin was it Moov from 25 to I think it almost got to 45 uh at one point but now you know We're talking about 41,000 even gold I Think was trying to get through 2100 and It failed in trying to do that this was All interest rate related and and uh Pivot related remember guys I've been Telling you interest rates it's all Going to be interest rate related next

Year too when they lower these interest Rates Bitcoin having Bitcoin ETF lower Interest rates on the back end and get Ready for that parabolic move but you Got to pull profits and the perception That maybe the FED eases next year with With some cuts when does it refocus on a Spot ETF and do you expect that to to Get things moving again well I think if You look back at this year the price Appreciation you've seen in Bitcoin has Really been driven by both the macro and Micro forces I think you're right on the Macr front inflationary pressures Rising Rates have caused investors to think About Bitcoin as a store of value or you Know a hedge in their portfolios but on The micro front you know earlier this Summer when my team had our court Victory I think that certainly unlocked A lot of optimism amongst investors and That's why Gary Gensler didn't want to Talk about it to that lady he's like Where's your priorities at because he's Getting stomped the SEC is getting Stomped around Cryptocurrency about gbtc and the Prospects for it to uplist as a SP Bitcoin ETF so as we turn the corner Into the new year I know there's a lot Of focus on that from the investment Community the 65,000 100,000 I I don't Know what you think it it is in the Cards but what do you think it's already

In the in the uh the asset right now if You want to call it an asset is it Already there uh once it happens do you Expect it to to go to new highs or it Just seems like we've already paid a lot Of it forward with with the move we saw From I mean as low as 177,000 last uh This year sure sure well you know Joe I'm not one to make price predictions But I do think there is a lot of Optimism again in the market I think a Lot of investors are adding Bitcoin to Their portfolios and when we look ahead To the hopeful approval for spot Bitcoin ETFs it really is going to unlock the Opportunity to a part of the investment Community that for better or worse but I Would say For Worse has unfortunately Been locked out of the opportunity to Participate in having Bitcoin Expos Ure In their portfolios so we're really Talking about the advis market here in The US which is today about $30 trillion Worth of advised wealth um that we hope The approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs the Uplisting of gbtc will allow for that Opportunity and for those investors to Partake in it as well boom that's Exactly why that's a tie in I wanted you Guys hear that's exactly why Gary Gensler didn't want to talk about it he Said it he said 26 trillion he said About 30 trillion guys 30 trillion Gary Genso doesn't want that unlocked until

They can get their arms in it guys That's it but that's going to get Unleashed that's why they're holding off They're holding off they're holding off When that Bitcoin spot when the Bitcoin ETFs get approved grayscale Black Rock Guys man it is going to be front page News it's going to put institutional Investors in there okay so let's talk Strategy well let's talk about let's Show you Super PAC really quick this What they were talking about uh this is The crypto Super PAC uh Network that Goes into 2024 so 75 5 million as it Aims to influence election so there's a Super PCT really focused on Cryptocurrency guys it's here this is a Super Bowl it's not this crazy spective Asset it is a spective asset right now But it's becoming extremely legitimized Guys it's going from a pet rock it's Going from money laundering larf to a Flight to safety guys we're here okay Now we got to get disciplined we have to Get this is like the NFL this is like The Super Bowl and this is your practice The Super Bowl is is a ail to 2025 okay Now why do I say that okay you're going To have a Bitcoin ETF get approved okay That's going to cause some probably some Price appreciation I would assume right It's going to be a national news Worldwide news then you're gonna have The Bitcoin having don't quote me on

This someone someone comment down below Maybe April 20th I think April 20th Right and I think it's about 90 days After the Bitcoin happen goes parabol But with the Bitcoin ETF being approved And the having happening it could just Create a massive parabolic move then Macroeconomic I'm the macroeconomic guy You're going to see an interest rate Decrease on the back end of 2024 due to The economy getting smashed that's going To cause hyperinflation in our assets so It means it's it's called parabolic so Assets cryptocurrency specifically Because it's so spective is going to go Straight up houses are going to go Straight up right so if you're in the Process of buying a house probably a Good time to get into a house right now Even with interest rates being higher Get in now and then refinance if Interest rates go down uh that would That's what I'm doing right so that's What I did I bought and then I'm going To financement interest rates go down Instead of waiting for the interest Rates to go down and then hyperinflation Shoots through shoots your house through The roof that you want to buy okay so That stuff is going to go straight up Now here's the thing you have to pull Profits guys because somebody has to be The exit liquidity every single one of You has to go into Merlin and set up

Your exit plan it's 30 days completely Free guys completely free for 30 days You can try it you can practice you can See what an exit plan is you can do go To our FAQs you can watch the videos on Exit plans you can reach out to Customers service okay you set up your Exit plan so what does mine look like I'm exiting 50% of the market long term I'm going to repeat this on every video Because what you repeatedly do gets Ingrained in your subconscious mind what Gets ingrained in your subconscious mind Becomes an unconscious activity and I Would rather be judged and here in about A year from now be like thank God that I Had an exit plan because guys what goes Up will come down it will come down hard Okay remember institutions are coming in Somebody has to be their profit it's Going to be most of the public okay so It's going to go straight up and I'll be Lading out on the way up of 50% example If xrp goes to $3.7 I'll exit 10% of my Portfolio if it goes to5 to $7 I'll exit 15% right on up and if it doesn't hit my Targets I don't exit and I hold right And then I hold 50% longterm then when I Pull I'm Max funding index Universal Life policies I have my policy set up I'll Max Fund those policies and then Once they're Max funded I'll open up new Policies for me I like securing my Principle and I like getting those

Market like returns with the knowing That if it's set up properly I can Borrow against my policy so I have Access to the cash as well so instead of Storing my money in a bank I stored an Insurance policy and I ensure my wealth And tax code 7702 then we have business Information technology and attention we Continue to expand I I believe business Is one of the quickest ways to wealth It's helped me get there um and then we Have precious metals so I'm in silver I'm gonna be getting into gold very soon Here and then real estate I'm going to Be stacking real estate so um it's Something I'm going to each quarter I'm Going to be focused on getting more real Estate that's going to be my goal for Tax liabilities um and um yeah tax Liabilities too I'm not really worried About the doors because uh that's why I Wasn't attracted to real estate until I Got educated you know I was using I Wasn't educated in it so I was like oh Well why would I go get a bunch of Properties and get made $200 off a door When I can open up a company and you Know increase it to you know make $300,000 a year in in profit right and Open up another another company bring in $200,000 a year in profit and I can Increase my earned income pretty Dramatically through business right Especially with Innovation and

Technology so then somebody educated me Like dude then I got my tax bill and I'm Like what they like you need real estate Then I got my first property and I had Really nice decrease uh based on Interest income so now I need rentals Because now I know you can depreciate And I'm speaking from baby knowledge Right so I know that you it's a Depreciating asset I can depreciate it I Can write off the interest income and Then I'm make some money off the doors Right and then if I something happens or Something breaks I get to write all that Stuff off so instead of parking my money In a bank account to pay my taxes I'm Going to park my money in real estate And then see how that mitigates my taxes So um those are all the things that I'm Doing um I'm excited again our Academy Is going to be going private so you have To interview to get into our Academy so We'll make that announcement tomorrow so If you're not part of our Academy we are All launching January 2024 so by Tomorrow you'll be able to set up an Interview with one of my team members And they'll show you exactly what we do Inside the academy we've helped over 8,000 people worldwide radically Transform their life so we're going to Bringing on a 100 people as we go into January 2024 we're all going to launch Together uh in our 120-day challenge so

It it will radically transform your life Guys over 1,200 testimonials over 8,000 People have gone through the academy and Have they radically transform their life Through my 120 challenge so uh stay Tuned for that uh you'll be able to Actually physically talk to one of our Team members they'll show you exactly What we offer so I love you guys I Appreciate you and as we always say Warriors Rise Again Merlin 30 days for Free go down the description download it All of you guys should have Merlin set Up practice your exit strategy and get Ready for your Super Bowl talk to you Soon


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