????XRP Unleashed Update???? ETHGATE Goes Mainstream & Ripple

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a [Music] Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and let's start Off with some narrative carrying on squa Box um about Bitcoin can you explain and We were debating it uh last couple of Days uh about Bitcoin Joe and Becky back In New York all been together you've Seen it what do you think is happening I Mean we saw we saw we saw Bitcoin get up To of7 something, dropped down to $66,000 I was making the argument that It has been very tied to the NASDAQ it's Been very tied to the markets and as a Result it is more likely a function of Liquidity and sort of speculation than It is A function of what the Federal Reserve Is going to do even though the Federal Reserve is sort of been moving the Markets what do you what what do you What's your analysis why it's moved the Way it has okay up dramatically you have The ETFs there's something else going on Around the world there are currency Devaluations taking place that people Are not talking about the Nigerian Nara Is down 50 60% in the last N9 months Egypt just devalued by 40% Argentina Continuing to devalue I think this is a Flight to safety believe it or not Taking place a hedge against devaluation

A hedge against a loss of purchasing Power and wealth that's very important And we saw this even here last uh last Year in the United States Regional Banks Imploded Bitcoin went up 40% uh Bitcoin Does not have counterparty risk I think And and we're putting out a piece in the Next few weeks which is this is both get This a risk on asset and so you talk About the nasda risk but it is risk off I remember we got in at $250 when Greece was threatening to Leave the Euro right but is that folks That are speculating about currency or Is that folks in Nigeria and in Greece And other places saying I got to get my Money out of this currency and and move It themselves do you see what I'm saying Oh yes I think this is an insurance Policy uh against uh Rogue regime or Against just horrible fiscal and Monetary policies okay so there's your Bitcoin narrative for the morning listen To what this guy says they know if they Go to a pure electronic system it will Crash it'll go like that because there's No backing so they're going to back it Initially 40% gold but in that paper They're going to transition out of gold Gold's a transition they're going to Keep the gold on the central bank Balance sheets as a high quality asset To say I we're strong but they're going To take that 40% gold allocation and

They're eventually going to move it out Of the system and go to a pure Electronic fiat currency every single Country on Earth if you want to trade Has to have one of These and so the gold is a temporary Measure that they want to get out of They want to get rid of gold they want To get get rid of cash they want to get Rid of bonds and that's the system but It has to occur in two stages I'm Anticipating it will take until about 2050 based upon the papers I've read for Gold to eventually be completely taken Out of the monetary system and used as a Measure of the financial worth of each Country's relative banking System but it will not you will not be Able to redeem have Redemption rights For the currency they don't want you to Have the gold they want the gold it's The kingmakers the king makers want the Gold because who who has the gold makes The rules the king makers huh and they Know this so stage one is to get Everybody on the digital currency St let Me let me say let me correct them stage One is to is to pump Bitcoin get the Herds to go towards Bitcoin while the Central banks accumulate gold stage two Is going to be to get the currency they Know it takes about a generation to do It how long's Bitcoin been out about 15 Years four or five more years this

Worldwide electronic currency will be The currency of the day that's also in The remember Bitcoin cannot be used in That fashion it's too slow you can sit You think you think they're going to sit Oh yeah we'll just wait on all these Confirmations that's yeah we'll do it That way Paper by the way the funny thing is when You go read these white papers they tell You what they're going to do in 2015 They said we're getting rid of cash We're getting rid of bonds and it's Going to take us 20 years to convince People but thanks to bitcoin we're sort Of on the way so we can accelerate that Timeline and eventually we're going to Get rid of gold out of the system and Everybody's going to be trading on this And we're going to have two systems one For retail one for international that Way they can never have an international Currency blow up because that wholesale Trade from country to country is going To be monitored at a certain level and Then internally each country could blow Up their internal currency their retail Version of this and it's not going to Affect their market like if China's Internal currency blows up they just Issue a new one and it doesn't affect Their trade with Russia or the United States because it's a different Currency there you go I just bought the

Xrp dip this morning and I used Kip Dynamite from one of the most hilarious Movies ever Napoleon Dynamite Um to illustrate me buying the dip now This is interesting folks Steven nof put This out uh the wait is over turns out Today Steven ner off is taking eth gate And his story Next Level exposing Corruption he has brought in O'Keefe Media that is James O'Keefe for those of You who aren't familiar but I think you All are here's James o'keef actually Announcing it Um now there there's a there's a Discrepancy on the time here it says 5:00 p.m. eastern time but in the actual Announcement uh of the X spaces says 4:00 p.m. so I'm going to be there at 4:00 p.m. just to be safe on the inside Crypto eth corruption and I even uh sent Out a don't forget to set your reminder To V vitalic buam but Joseph Luben Matt Fora this consensus attorney um Andrew Keys who gasperino must have met with The ethereum foundation consensus all The the all our friends over at Squawkbox that have never reported eth Gate Tucker Carlson Patrick Bet David Laura shin coindesk Bankless and Charles hoskinson who Called us a bunch of grand Conspiracists we're going to find out Now it goes mainstream folks this is Huge this is too

Uh when you see pro shares launching a Two times Ultra Bitcoin ETF the first Word that should pop in your head is ah Manipulation this is how Wall Street is Going to control this thing when they Start doing these these leverag ETS Watch out folks this is when this is how These guys play the game th this is how They've been able to manipulate gold and Silver for all these years these ETS F This is how they do It so just get just get ready they're Going to turn the Grand Vision of Bitcoin into a joke is what they're Going to do this is all for control Check this out so not only is James O'keef stepping into eth gate but this Friday the uh the fruition production Guys that are doing xrp Unleashed They're dropping their next trailer Excited to share our progress and Showcase the broader story of xrp thanks To all we've interviewed so far let me Tell you What the Whispers I'm hearing is that This trailer is going to blow your minds Now I can tell you for 100% sure when You see uh some of the parts that I Did your mind will be blown I can Guarantee you that uh I'm kind of braced For impact on that myself to be Honest you're going to want see that Trailer though John Deon is pointing out Um he's wanting to know you know uh

Elizabeth Warren all she ever talks About his billionaire tax cheats and all This stuff but for some reason she's Never been interested in really getting Into Sam bankman freed and his parents John Deon says here Elizabeth Elizabeth Warren claims crypto is primarily used By terrorists and criminals yet when Gary Gensler testified before the Senate Banking Committee which oversees the SEC She did not ask giner a single question About his private meetings with Sam Bankman free freed nor has she called For an investigation considering her Aggressive stance on crypto why not also What about Sam bankman Freed's parents They received $ 1010 million in FTX Customer money and also had luxury real Estate in their names but have yet to Face charges is it because his parents Have friends in DC like Senator Warren His Mo mother Barbara freed runs a Democrat super pack called mind the gap When Senator Warren ran for president Spf's father Joe bankman helped Formulate Senator Warren's tax plan Joe Bankman happens to also be an expert in Creating shell companies for the Purposes of tax avoidance look at the Shell corporations he helped design for His son I thought Elizabeth Warren stood Up against people who avoided paying Their fair share of taxes and if you Look at this chart and I've done it in

My group before we looked I I went and Looked up some of the names of the Companies that are formed here and many Of the names of the companies are Streets at uh Berkeley in California Where Joe bankman went to Undergrad so and people I know from Experience people name companies after What they're familiar With and Sam bankman freed did not go to Berkeley okay Elizabeth Warren has Minions everywhere I'll Just sh let you Hear the very beginning of this and I'll Make the point you've referred to crypto As a lawless industry I'm just wonder in Your opinion is there any good use for Crypto out there right Now well you don't have to have my Opinion I mean it's objectively true They've had 14 years to come up with a Legitimate um socially useful use for Crypto and they have not crypto is only Useful for wild speculation gambling and It's the preferred Financial product of Worldwide from money laundering tax Evasion ransomware that sounded very Familiar to the way Senator Warren talks So I just went and typed in his name in Senator Warren and what pops up here's An oped in the Hill from back uh in 2019 Wall Street should support an Elizabeth Warren for president and it just happens To be written by Dennis kellerer and That's as far as I even look this guy's

Probably all over the place when you Start looking for him and Elizabeth Warren now check this out this is Caitlyn long and it it was a clip from Uh this guy right here Cyprus de Manore De deanan cor put the a couple of video Clips out you got to see them both Because Caitlyn Long's talking about Multiple insiders she's talked to watch This after the FED denied us and told us Everything that happened and it was just Very clear that what was happening to us Was was political it was not on the Merit Uh and and uh the impact is one of the Other insiders subsequent to that as I've been talking about this on podcasts More insiders have come forward and one Of them I asked the question essentially The same question you just did and I Said what is driving Elizabeth Warren to Do what she's doing and because he he Pointed out that she's basically in Control of all the financial services Appointees in the Biden Administration I Can't prove this but multiple people Have now talked about it including novag Grats um who's a big Democrat and has Tried to meet with her but apparently She won't meet with him it's now an open It's not even a secret it was an Open Secret for a while it's not even a Secret anymore there was a deal Apparently cut between Biden and Warren

That she got to put her people in those Positions and and as you know she's very Anti- crypto uh and what was driving it And the answer the same question you Asked me was this person who's a Moderate Democrat um he he said they're All leninists they want a central bank Digital currency they don't believe in Private Industry and they certainly Don't believe in having any private Banking but I remember when I first got Into Bitcoin seeing videos of Len she Said they're they're all leninists Political ideology developed by Russian Marxist revolutionary Vladimir lenen That proposes the establishment of a Dictatorship of the proletariat led by Revolutionary Vanguard party as the Political Prelude to the establishment Of Communism with Warren uh campaigning And uh taking you know taking to it's Amazing we have one nut case like commi Nut case like Senator Warren that's hold She and her minion Gary G are holding This country up while they prop up the Communist Party of China you think That's a coincidence no it is not Holding feet to the fire of Wall Street Of the banks uh and now she seems to Have flipped in the last two three years And now seems to be in the pockets of w The banks I don't understand because uh Jason my has written a brilliant book About why democrats should embrace

Bitcoin um yeah there's some really Powerful arguments by progressives for Why they should embrace Bitcoin yes Absolutely so why why what has changed With her I don't now check this out Here's a second clip this this clip Should terrify all of you and by the way There's one man that is has already Saved crypto to an extent John Deon and He is running against he's running Against her he's going to help he can Help save us from this woman and put her Out to pasture where she belongs get her Out of our democracy so that she can't Impose her communist will that's John Deon go to John Deon for senate.com and Donate to him stop this woman go follow At Deon for Senate Too this woman has to be stopped folks So I have I mean I've never met her um She was my law school roommate's Favorite professor at Harvard Law School She is a renowned scholar in bankruptcy Law I don't know what's driving it and Ryan celus asked this of novag grats Right he's a he's one of the biggest Democratic donors and she won't even Meet with him but he said he's on stage When Ryan asked him at at mainnet what This you know what's driving this and Novag grass couldn't answer but he said I've talked to all of her staffers and They disagree with her so she she stands Alone even within her office in how

Virulent her her views against this Industry are the only thing that makes Sense to me and again I'm speculating I Can't prove this this is just what Insiders have come forward to tell me is That she really wants to tear down to Build back better um and and and that Definition is that there will not be any Private financial institutions and and We will all be banking at the Fed And they will be able to turn on and off Our access to our money based on based On what they desire that's what Operation choke point 1.0 is and and Operation 2.2.0 as well right it's it's It's basically saying certain industries Can get access to their money and Certain industries cannot wait till they Do certain people can get access to Their money and certain people cannot It's it's uh I have heard of individuals Who've had bank accounts closed just for You know sending a wire to coinbase and The like so it's did that happen to you Yeah yep I know people that happened to As well now boring sleuth is on the March folks and here right here boring Sleuth is saying well on August 17th 2015 the ethereum foundation sent out a Round of eth payouts to the early Contributors in one particular in one Particular wallet received 154,000 178 e the owner of this wallet Claims they never received any eth and

Builds their brand on this lie do you Have any guesses okay who it could be And he they put the wallet here and then This person says hosy as in Charles Hoskinson no I I covered off I covered Off on hosy already so he's saying it's Not Charles hoskinson well in D xrp.com I'm going to tell you I I think there's Only one or maybe two and I really think Only one maybe two who this could be and I really think it's only one who this Could be I'm going tell you who I think That who who I think those two are and Why in dp.com and we're also going to Show you an Insane Conspiracy and as you as you know here Anything they call a conspiracy is Eventually proven to be true that's the World we live in now I'm the digital Asset invest I'm not an investment Adviser this is for entertainment Purposes only Please Subscribe hit the Like button tell your friends and Family here we [Music] [Music] Go [Music]


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