????XRP “Strap The Hell In”????Bizarre Bitcoin & Ripple / JP Morgan FOIA

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Lift off we have a lift [Music] Off hey everybody this is the digital Asset investor and we have ourselves an Over six $65,000 bit coin over 65 cent Xrp in the last 24 hours xrp has gotten Up into a 66 or so rent uh Cent range And there's a lot of these chart guys That are talking about things coming Dark Defender um xrp strolling strictly Around the FIB level at 64 cents the Lines are clear and accurate then he Goes on we expected 91 C to $1 in March As indicated on 28th of February I'll Update you with the weekly and monthly Time frames so he's calling for 91 Cent To a dollar in March but then look at This one this is a person who I love Covering these because it's not people That are like xrp into xrp or whatever Anytime I can find somebody that does Charts or this kind of stuff that's a Bitcoin Maxi or just somebody that's not Really into xrp that's when these get Exciting RP holders better strap the Hell in cuz I have a feeling about this One remember I was the only person who Called the SEC case pump a week before It happened based off money flow Indications I was tracking I'm seeing Very similar action now let's see what Happens man that looks good I think all

Right check this guy out this guy said Bitcoin's basically just going to Replace gold I think you know having Track Bitcoin for a while one Of I learned is that making price price Predictions is super super hard and I I Guarantee I'm going to be wrong if I Make a price prediction but what I can Tell you is Bitcoin is in the process I Think of demonetizing a lot of the big Assets out there I think everybody talks About gold is one of them but it's not Only gold it's gold real estate stocks Right and these are assets that are in In other orders of magnetude of Bitcoin Right if you just look at the you know Gold for example we're talking about the $10 trillion in market cap and you know Bitcoin is coming for gold there's no Question about that I think you know to Look at the performance of gold compared To bitcoin that says everything that you You need to see uh but it's not only Going to be Bitcoin as I said I think The the process of demonetization is Going to happen is going to happen most Of these large asset classes I think Investors have for many decades been Looking at ways to monetti save their Assets you know and and make sure that They they they're free from debasement Okay okay so basically I mean Look I think crypto is going to go up Bitcoin is going to go up but the idea

That it's somehow going to replace gold While all the central banks are buying The gold folks come On that now now look it could it could Even get market cap prices that are and Rival gold in that respect but here's The problem gold is not going anywhere That's why I do have a sponsor miles Frankman in the description of this Video and I do own gold and I buy gold Myself but I also have the crypto Covered so um now I want to show you This as long as we're talking about Bitcoin and gold I want to show you this Bizarro clip right here the from the kid Jack MERS th this the fact that they Have these kids like this as spokesman That are obviously people they picked For marketing Purposes I I this kid it this is part of What has always made me nervous about Bitcoin is that this kind of stupid Stuff gold is stuck in your Butt I can you imagine listening to People from Ripple on stage even saying Anything about your butt so Stupid let's go come on what's going on Here let me see if I Can okay sorry accidentally stopped Recording there I'm starting back and I'm getting my uh making sure my Volume's right for some reason I can't Get this guy to play I'm going to see I'm going to do something and see if

That changes it watch this see if he Wants to play Now gold is stuck in your Butt in your brain All How would I put gold how would I get Gold through the airport I can't put it In my brain right my ear my ear hole Isn't wide enough Right it's got to go up my butt I Guess that is just so weird all right so Then we've got Kavita gut now this is Funny because here's CNBC Squawk boxes And they never have covered the truth About eth gate they've they've ignored The top Completely and now they're having the Woman on who sued Joseph Luben to to interview and they don't Even I I mean I haven't even watched the Clip yet but I'm pretty sure they don't Even ask her about luin and consensus They're just wanting her to analyze Bitcoin I don't follow the other ones And I always just in it's sort of a Simpleton with all this there was Bitcoin and there was everything else The sa you know there's the the name is Sh coin for a lot of these other things But some of them are real and they have Some some blockchain uh characteristics That uh that will be you think Utilitarian in the future yeah a lot of Technology underneath basically so

Bitcoin has always been as we have also Talked in the past about the currency The storage value and it has always now Bitcoin also coming up with a lot of Technology Beyond just settlement but Ethereum is looking really really great With all the decentralization e ETF Which is a lot of expectations about to Happen then when we talk about Solana Them changing their technology also the Big drop in Solana prices up down to Around $16 approximately was also Because of the SEC naming Solana polygon Bunch of tokens as maybe security Without any proof but we are seeing the Technologies coming back and the Technology making those tokens really Pick up the price so we're going to have To Bone up on this stuffff back here Like jeez no let me let me tell you what Really happened is somebody in their Network of people who pump up all these Tokens called the SEC and said salana is Our next pump no I'm just kidding but Trust me the salana thing is just like Bitcoin and ethereum were a marketing Program with many people involved that Now they're doing the exact same thing With Salon it's the same group of people They just all happen to start showing Support for salana and they're all all Of the sudden interested in Salana there's a reason for that I think I think ethereum got so tainted that

They all said man we might have to jump Ship talk and really talk up another one Uh because looks like it's and don't Forget because this is Key FTX was big into Salana And folks folks we know FTX all this It's the same group of people the same People that were involved in in FTX then The money goes to Ukraine comes back in Goes into the Democrat Party it's all the same group of people That were on stage at FTX the same group Of people that you see at these these Major conferences the same group of People Who who it's almost like they have a Pack never to mention Ripple or xrp But talk about Bitcoin ethereum and now They've added salana same group of People here to stay and I Know people are waiting for uh ethereum And ether for for the ETF they think That's just a matter of time at this Think about this as long as we're on This topic think about This Bitcoin High fees slow Confirmations takes forever ethereum the Gas fees are a joke still the gas fees Are a joke salana the Network's gone Down what four times in the last couple Of years but the one that you ignore That has has has no none of those Problems that works the one that you

Ignore and never speak about is Xrp that's a there's a reason for that Folks that's why I'm here I mean I've Never been able to understand other than The fact that these people are trying to Use regulatory capture and everything They can think of to stop the one that Actually works because theirs are all P Of garbage like it's a matter of time But it also depends upon how SEC takes It like in the past even for Bitcoin ETF They took all their great time and like Even when the commissioner announced the SEC commissioner announced that the Bitcoin ETF is here it was pretty much Forced by the court because there was no Reasoning not to do it uh I think with Ethereum it either going to be super Easy or it's going to be little bit more Difficult because the Commissioners have Always been have very very contrarian Views about whether it's a security or It's a utility one commissioner saying It's a utility like commissioner Hillman In the past but currently they have not Taken a really great stand about it said That the expectations in the prices and The numbers have already baked in if you Look at the jump from in last two months You can see that e ETF expectations and A lot of Technology products which has Been launched the adoption of defi which Decentralized Finance has already like 8 Billion on new protocols like

Multi-billion dollar game we are not Even talking about Millions actually Loged there has already I think e is Right now is very underappreciated do You see ethereum the same as Bitcoin I See the utilization of those two very Different ethereum I see like an Infrastructure layer like anything which Long time back a lot of Microsoft or uh Like U you know oracle was Bitcoin I see More of as a current though the Technologies are getting there but it's Going to take time to come with respect To technology to eat I feel like the Technology tokens we have not seen the Real rallies there and I think end of This year we're going to see the real Rally in those technology tokens whether It's ethereum whether it's polygon Whether it's optimism anything which Actually going to push the institutional Adoption of anyone who's holding this ETFs whether it's Bitcoin they need Custody they need the way of settlement They need a way of transacting these Things even as the most basic Utilization whatever you do don't Mention Xrp check this out uh this weekend we Were talking about this Ashley prospers Freedom of Information Act request she Was at the point where she was going to Sue the SEC because they would not Release to her her Freedom of

Information Act they found like 2117 Instances where JP Morgan and S the SEC Had some type of communications about Ripple Andor xrp and they wouldn't give Them to her so we were making um the Empower organization aware this weekend And this is the president of the Empower Organization and he says this because I Asked the question why on Earth would JP Morgan be communicating with the S with The SEC about Ripple Andor xrp and he Says excellent question we'd like to get To the bottom of uhoh these guys don't Stop once they start Folks okay I like this Tweet Bitcoin Supply shock this is good Good morning crypto right now over 10,000 Bitcoin are purchased daily with Only 900 new coins being produced that's An 11 times Demand versus Supply ratio Come late April daily production is Reduced to 400 50 Bitcoin creating an Astonishing 22 times Demand versus Supply ratio brace yourselves for the Supply shock of a Lifetime interesting um then this came Out yesterday that Gary gin when the SEC Got a win um in in with judge Tana Lynn Ruled the case fell under uh under SEC Jurisdiction she called um some of the SEC C crypto assets on the secondary Market Securities then Ashley prosper is Commenting on it says on March 1st SEC Obtained a default judgment against the

Defendants in SEC versus wahi this case Named several digital assets of Securities all but one operated on the Ethereum network the cryptos named in The case are these this only increases My suspicions that the SEC is going to Officially label ethereum as a security At some point in in the not too distant Future Fred rpol also weighed in he's an They're I think they're both attorneys It's not great but but this was an order Entered as a default judgment against a Defendant that fight that fled the Country before the SEC could get him Judge just copied sec's motion for her Her order as there was no opposition not Very strong law and probably won't even Be reported be a reported Decision all right and then perryan Boring is is warning everybody about Congress targeting digital assets what Is the crypto ban campaign well that's Our campaign to stop this bill okay for All these reasons that that we've been Discussing but you should you should Care whether you know you you're into Bitcoin or you're not because once a Government bans an entire industry where Does it stop what kind of precedent does That say right what's next so and if you You know again come back to this you Know example of of China mhm Um you know what if you know the person In power who controls this money system

You know what if they what what if They're not aligned with the lgbtq Community what if you buy or attend you Know you buy a pamphlet or attend an Lgbtq event the government sees that They're not aligned with that can they P You out of the system make it impossible For you to pay your rent or survive or What if that the you know the Govern in Charge is not aligned with you know with Something else that you're in yeah so It's this isn't a fight about Bitcoin The bill is a is a is a crypto digital Asset bill but it it's much bigger than That it's a fight for human Freedom Right it doesn't matter what group Affiliation you claim or religious Affiliation or Like if you seed that power to one Centralized entity Then it's game over for human Freedom okay so that that was Perry and Boring from the Chamber of digital Commerce and remember she's going to be At xrp Las Vegas okay and and um the This is the stage where the they've Already sold out of the VIP tickets this Is the stage where they're going to About they're starting to sell all the All the general admission this thing my Prediction is that this thing will be Sold out um I think it'll be sold out by I wouldn't Be surprised if it's sold out by mid a

Maybe end of March even so anyway that's My Prediction I don't we I don't make price Predictions but but I do make xrp Las Vegas predictions how about that I think It I think it's okay to do that I don't Know maybe the crypto police will show Me otherwise um now John Deon um who is The solution to Gary and senator Elizabeth Warren cracking down on crypto You can go to John Deon for Senate and Donate to him I've already donated and I'm going to donate more but here's a This was a I think it's a Boston news Station that interviewed John listen to This John Deon is taking on Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren The Republican is new to politics and is Making a return to Massachusetts to run For the seat Deon has been living in Rhode Island but recently moved back to Massachusetts to run for the seat he Attended Los school in Boston and lived In Massachusetts for years um I have a Deep connection to this state um lived In Roxberry lived in East Boston Malden Worked at Legal Seafood throughout law School at Copley mall he knows his Candidacy recently and has built his Platform around his life experience he Grew up in poverty in Detroit went to College and eventually law school where He joined the Marines Deon describes Himself as fiscally conservative

Socially moderate and as someone who is Identified with aspects of the Democratic party Independence and most Recently the Republican party we have to Have someone who's loyal to the Massachusetts voters and to the country Not loyal to a party or a political Agenda or a person and that's something That I bring I've never been a partisan Person in my life and I won't be as a Senator Deon has been a practicing Attorney in New England for years Working on asbest and mesoa cases he Says his goal is to help poor people and Ensure kids in Massachusetts can climb Out of poverty if they work hard Something he said he was afforded but Doesn't believe is possible today Deon Says this is what separates him from his Opponent incumbent Elizabeth Warren she Likes to fight against the wealthy and The rich and they should pay more and They should pay their fair share but Instead of fighting against them I fight For the poor and for the middle class And that's a fundamental different Approach and that's what makes me Different than Senator Warren we reached Out to Senator Elizabeth Warren for her Response and a spokesperson told us Quote Senator Warren is taking nothing For granted she has a strong record of Delivering for working families and Continues to fight hard for the people

Of Massachusetts Deon is still in the Infancy of his campaign but he says he Is committed to his desire to help fix Income INE equality and he hopes he has The opportunity to do so I'm Amanda ke Pretty good stuff John's out there Working hard um now we're going to go Into dip.com and here's what's going Down uh I'm going to I'm going to let You know who I'm uh I've got I don't do Them often but today I'm going to Interview someone and what I'll do is I'm going to post the full interview in Dp.com and then what I'll do is I'll um I I'll I'm going to put clips of it out On uh X but I'll I'll let you know who That is is when we go into dip here Shortly I'm the digital asset investor I'm not an investment advisor this is For entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and tell Your friends and family here we [Music] Go [Music]


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