Follow me on Twitter: @moonlamboio

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. None of what I have communicated verbally or in writing here should be considered financial advice; it is not. Do your own research before investing in any digital asset, and understand that investing in any cryptocurrency is inherently risky. If you do, you need to be prepared to lose your entire investment.

Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel if you are listening to this Right now I want to say to you Congratulations because you have Survived a notable crypto ShakeOut uh now at this particular Moment in time what is most probable Well seen from all sorts of analysts That what's most probable is that we see Bitcoin move to the upside there's a Reasonable likelihood uh many analysts Say that the bottom is in regarding the Local crash that we've just seen over The last couple days and it's been it's Been pretty gnarly last couple days Right it's definitely been pretty rough Out there but I will tell you this it's Nowhere near the worst that I've seen Having been in crypto since late 2017 my Gosh for those of you that were around In March uh March of of 2020o pandemic Eror crash whoa uh you know what I'm Talking about when xrp cratered down to 10 cents not so fun times now I wasn't Freaking out then and that was way worse Than this certainly not freaking out now In fact I bought more crypto and I'll Talk about that that briefly but uh Let's talk about what's going on and I'll tell you this listen to this video And if you're a little bit concerned About what's going on well admittedly Nobody knows for sure what's going to Happen yeah of course the market could

Tank further to the downside uh I think After this video if you're concerned About that you're probably going to be Feeling a good bit better because uh Well a not only is it probable that's Not going to occur according to many Analysts but also B I just wonder to Reiterate that uh even if it does it Doesn't change what's happening on a Higher time Frame in terms of what's in intact Structurally Yeah we are not at the top of this Market cycle pullbacks are normal this Is not crazy and so as we got this Dropped to the downside lots of people Freaking out um I'm having fun with this Like I don't know about you guys like I I talked about the potential for this to Happen a couple days ago in little de i0 Like 12 hours later we'd start to see The market tank because you don't know The timing for sure but I just saw all Sorts of analysts saying hey red flags Everywhere might be happening made a Video about it it did happen uh not the End of the world so we'll talk about Bitcoin specifically we will talk about What's happening with alts in a broad Sense what we can generally expect and Also xrp specifically because I Understand look xrp the lowest I Personally saw the other day was 44 Cents which you know if he told people

That when it was more recently at at What 73 cents not that long ago whether It was how long ago was that was it like 6 weeks ago I can't remember now all the Days blur together but you know if you Had uh if you had told people at that Point as they're buying their 73 Whatever it was Cent xrp that in short Order after that it would drop as low as 44 since people lose their ever loving Minds but it's not a problem with xrp It's the entire damn Market my God what A blood bath in crypto the last couple Days so I just took advantage of it Because when there's a capitulation Event I I I tend to just buy that's what I Did um so at the time I'm recording this By the way in case anybody's curious it Is 12:51 a.m. Central Time so it is now Monday so Monday April 15 2024 and uh xrps hovering a little over 50 cents Bitcoin at 65574 got the crypto fear and greed Index at 74 out of 100 so despite this Pullback the Market's still greed which I don't mind seeing that's cool but I'm Telling if you here on social media oh My God people losing their other loving Minds you know but I I think the reason It comes across like that because so Look yes there there there's I get it It's on your screen right now we're in Greed and this particular website tracks

What greed is looking at a number of Metrics not just what people are posting On social media but I'm telling you the The most fearful people in crypto those Speculators they are the loudest I'm I'm Telling you it doesn't mean that Everyone or or necessarily even most People are fearful but wow it's Noticeable uh and so as as as prices Were cratering on Saturday April 13th I Shared this post at 420 PM I I wrote and I was just having a little fun with this Because it's ridiculous and I just Warned that this could happen and not Because I'm some sort of wizard I'm not Even a chart guy I just I follow Reputable chart analysts and then I look At I consider like each analyst Basically like a point and then I see do A lot of analysts agree because when There's a lot of overlap what I found Over the years is that when there's a Lot of overlap in terms of what's going To happen with these reputable analysts There's actually really reasonable Chance it's going to happen though not Always because we're talking when we're Talking about chart analysis it's it's About probability and sometimes the Improbable happens so it just it is what It is and so I noticed that so then when This did happen in short order after I Reported on this um it's cratering doubt I looked at the price is crashing and I

Couldn't help but laugh I mean you got To have a positive attitude about this Like I thought it was it's just it's Silly the timing of it all and I know How ridiculous and I know how humans are When this this happens so all I could do Is is just kind of chuckle about it Because I know it doesn't matter I know It doesn't actually matter you know the Market's not going to zero it's not like The bull Market's over none of that crap That is not the case and so I wrote in All caps let it all burn and I shared This bitcoin price chart uh Bitcoin at The time 62,000 and it got um so yeah I Got to the lower 60,000 it did and then Um and then 6 minutes later I posted This xrp price chart because it moved Down in tandem with the rest of the Market with you know led by Bitcoin and I was just joking around here in all Caps I wrote leave nothing but ashes xrp 45 cents and it did get a little bit or Well it was a little bit lower than that Right before I posted that it got as low As the lowest I saw was 44 cents anyway Uh so I'm just laughing because it's so Ridiculous and I know like for all of of You that have been in xrp for for years Like again I just you have a positive Attitude because Like I think that all you can do Reasonably in a situation like this is Laugh and the part of the reason I'm

Able to do that is because I absolutely Recognize that what is happening in Terms of price action right here despite It massively moving down uh this in and Of itself is not an indication of the Long-term viability of xrp this in and Of itself is also not an indication of The degree to which xrp will perform by The end of this this Market cycle we Don't choose when this stuff happens it Just it is what it is xrp moves in tanum People get upset because other coins are Doing better well it's true of every Coin though compare any coin to some Other coin and if it hasn't run yet then Yeah it's going to look like crap but it Doesn't matter this in and of itself Does not mean Anything not to me because I'm a Long-term holder that that's it and I Treat xrp this way but I treat every Coin that hold this way and I hold 42 Cryptocurrencies currently which is a Little ridiculous but I've been here a While I just hold I've been holding my Bitcoin from 2017 my eth my xrp you name It I just hold I don't choose when the Stuff pops off I I understand when this Happens it doesn't matter this is not an Indication of anything detrimental for The long Term it to me it just it just meant that There was opportunity and so um when we Had uh the last dip when was that anyway

Was that like a little over a month Month ago I'd have to go but anyway uh I Talked about what I did the time I ended Up buying actually it ended up being a Total of 12 cryptocurrencies that I Purchased there was 11 I made a video Talking about that and then I did one Separate one after that so 12 in total Because I was like well I got money it's Got to be invested somewhere or anyway I Feel sufficiently enticed I didn't feel Like I needed to top off my bags but I Just bought some stuff now in this case I've had a busy weekend I've had a great Weekend it was mostly a non- crypto Weekend for me person personally I I had Not just a date night with my girlfriend I it basically a date weekend we haven't Had a weekend like this where we're just Just her and I and it was fantastic we Had lots of fun we did all sorts of fun Stuff and so I wasn't focused on crypto But when I did look at my phone I Noticed the stuff and so I was out and About I had to make a few posts and I Showed her we were just kind of laughing About it because she gets it too how it Doesn't mean anything um in the long Term and and so um you know well that That that was the case but um You you know I I would I would just say That after having some fun laughing About this stuff um and then after Having a little bit of downtime uh last

Night not much because I was tired and I Wanted to go to sleep I did take a look At um a couple different Cryptocurrencies but I didn't want to go Line by line all the ones I hold to see What had pulled back the most and I I Thought you know what I own chain link I've been I've been holding chain link Since 2017 and and I looked at it and and here Actually I'll just show you the chart Cuz this is what I bought I only bought One coin cuz I just don't care I don't Need more crypto but I was like okay Twist my arm you kind of enticed me Enough um you know I bought it around I Think last night about 24 hours ago uh $13.70 something like that it's a hair Above that now it doesn't matter but That you know that's that's about the Price level that chain link was at as it Was coming out of accumulation towards The end of 20123 so I was like well okay It's about there and I I haven't bought I haven't bought chain link since 2017 Um you know and I could have bought it Back uh you know last summer around five Or six bucks but you know I hold a lot Of coins I can't buy everything it is What it is but since I have more money Because I keep earning more money it's Got to go somewhere okay I was like fine You enticed me and I bought something I Really don't need more crypto I'm ready

For this just take off but again if you Twist my arm fine I I'll buy some crap Let's do it um but I shared this post And this might be might sound a little Silly to you guys but here's what I Wrote I just bought some chain link last Time I bought it was 2017 and it was 25 which I still hold this is Capitulation though so I bought and Folks that's that I didn't have more Time I was exhausted at the end of the Day I mean look at this post it was 12:59 a.m. that was that I'm done I I Bought one thing but it was a fairly Large purchase I would say subjectively You know that's to me that yep it it's Meaningful what I just purchased but I Hadn't bought it since then and it's Funny because this coin Actually this is the greatest multiple I've ever had been in crypto for a Little over six years because I bought It at 25 cents it peaked at let's see a Little over 50 bucks yeah $52.95 so a Little over a 400 fold increase and uh And I'm just holding it you can make fun Of me for that but this is just what I Do I hold I hold everything I hold Bitcoin from back then I hold eth from Back then I hold xrp from back then I Hold chain link this is it and So Eventually I just figured when there's a Market cycle where Uh every you know it's enough for me

Where I'm going to get enough multiplier Effect it's going to be life change that That's when I'd sell and I'm expecting This Market cycle to do it so you can Make fun of me for not selling previous SI I don't care I've talked about it in Depth I don't want to say much more About that uh than this in this video That I Have but um but yeah so fine totally Totally got me there came down enough Where I'm inticed and I know a lot of You were purchasing all sorts of Different things uh cuz I asked about That in a separate post not pull for the Purpose of this video but uh I mean look This coin went down it lost like 33% of Its its recent high so like what was That 22 Yeah close to 22 bucks you know A little over a month ago so I was like Okay easy decision so I did something Now the blockchain backer he was he's One of the guys that was warning that We're going to see a drop like this and So on Saturday in the afternoon he wrote Got cash me too But it's fading as I'm starting to Accumulate these levels 702 rejected it Violently a constant concern we watched It for months wasn't fun for me or you I Saw the viewer numbers now we can return To looking for optimism and reversals Up and then he uh reposted that and this Is uh the 13th also in the afternoon he

Wrote unfortunately I'm not home so You're getting the classic chart from Phone for this one not sure I've ever Done that before anyway concept for me To start accumulating is where the Market cap arrived this is a covid crash Is yeah so it's violent it's to the Downside we knew that there was a good Chance that this was going to happen uh It's certainly not as bad as the co drop But uh still meaningful for a lot of People enough that even I bought some And I'm like I just I'm I'm ready to Just I'm ready to have a take off so I Can just sell everything and have the Life changing wealth but even me even Though I feel like my bags are packed Like well entice me enough and hasn't Matter okay and so the blockchain backer Was kind of thinking along uh those Lines in terms of like does it make Sense to purchase here and for him the Answer was yes and so he has so take That for what it's worth I think that Makes sense I buy capitulation events That's what I do and I talked about this In November when FTX collapsed everybody Was panicking bunch of chickens with Their heads cut off and I bought I Bought a bunch of stuff I talked about What I bought And I'm glad I did because it's worth Way more than that now when people are Fearful that's the time to buy and it

Feels icky and bad and it makes you feel Like you're an idiot for buying as it's Low that's what it does to people Broadly speaking I mean I used to be Like that I'm not like that now uh but Those are the times where broadly Speaking like it does make sense to do So it's more scary in those Moments uh here's a post from chart Analyst credible crypto and this is one Of the reasons that I was saying like Like it's for the blockchain backer too Like the sign of optimism there for a Good reason well credible crypto uh he's Thinking that you Know maybe maybe this is the point where Actually things are going to start Moving to the Upside um and so I had a couple things From him the first one he's talking About the drop in 2020 and the drop in 2018 so check this out 100% And he's Responding to somebody else's reply Where they were sharing their story About what happened during the pandemic Crash in 2020 and he wrote Co crash was One of the worst the only other time I Think sord went that sideways that fast Was a drop from $6,000 to $3,000 in 2018 And so about Bitcoin uh when bitmex the Binance of that time sworded the bed and Went down because their liquidation Engine got overloaded from the cell Pressure if you think yesterday was

Panic SL fear you ain't seen nothing Yeah and so I I agree with that I've Seen much worse than what we just went Through but still it scares people it Just does there's this post from Credible crypto and this is where he's Saying yeah we're going to go much Higher he wrote about half the bids were Filled and then we popped back to the Upside and let me pause to note also uh This was uh just what a little over yeah About 6 hours ago so 6:18 p.m. central Time on the 14th Sunday he wrote uh Again about half the bids were filled And then we popped back to the upside Now the remaining bids plus some more Have just been moved up meanwhile spot Still trading at a premium suffice it to Say I think we are going higher smiley Face then there was also this from chart Analyst blunts now this was shared on The 13th so that' be Saturday at 3:19 P.m. and this is basically right as We're pretty close to the bottom at that Point and he wrote um we we got the Sweep I think that's the low so again That was Saturday afternoon then he Posted the following day at 5:35 p.m. so This is Sunday the 14th he wrote it Was so he's so and by the way blunts Here he is one of the analysts that was Warning hey we're going to have a pretty Big drop he's one of the analysts that I Highlighted a couple days ago saying

Yeah this is this is probably going to Be a pretty big drop and we got it that Was it that did occur he thinks that That's like that's it in its totality Though in terms of terms of downside Action and now we just go to the upside And of course nobody knows for sure like I said earlier on in the video it's yeah It's fine it's possible nobody knows for Sure sometimes the improbable happens Maybe we keep diving further but that Doesn't change anything it doesn't mean That crypto is no longer viable or any Individual coin is no longer viable for The Long Haul that's not what this means It's we are in a bull market and in Bull Markets there is still shake out events That is what this is that's it it's Really not more complex than that here's A post from chart analyst Ali Martinez And he posted this a little less than 12 Hours ago 2:47 p.m. central Time Sunday The 14th he wrote the Bitcoin realized Profit loss ratio has fallen below one Suggesting that investors are currently Realizing more losses than profits Historically this trend has indicated a Local bottom for Bitcoin over the past 6 Months and so now you have another Analyst independently coming to the Conclusion that yeah that was pretty Much it that was the L we just saw it That's It and again none of them know for sure

There are no guarantees in any of this I'm just it's just fascinating to see Multiple analysts come to very similar Conclusions and sometimes for a little Bit different reasons actually I find it Fascinating and Useful uh now let's talk about alt coins Uh and also xrp specifically so this is The last Bitcoin specific followed by Altcoin post this comes from chart Analyst jelly and he wrote Bitcoin still Holds key levels looks primed stick to The plan and he posted that 11 hours ago 11 hours ago and then he wrote alt coins Got murdered flight to safety makes Sense when World War III headlines Dominate the news and folks uh I am not Going to be commenting on that that is Not the purpose of this channel I'm sure That you're all aware by now and if not I don't know go go to any sort of Mainstream media outlet and you can see Exactly what's being discussed there uh Not for me to comment on this channel I'm talking about finance and crypto Specific stuff Uh just noting that yeah there's some Stuff that has been impacting markets I'm going to leave it at that though and Then he said they'll prob take some time To recover but and he's talking about Altcoins here but if Bitcoin enters Price discovery which I expect will Happen in the next month or so they'll

Do well too patience is the key yes it Is patience is the key which is why my Whole plan is to buy stuff and then do Precisely nothing which I've been I'm Good at doing nothing folks I've been Doing nothing for six years after buying I do nothing it's been a fantastic plan Broad exposure to the AET class and then Just sit back that's it and people can Make fun of me for not selling and this And that I don't care I don't care I Have very strict requirements for me That I set way back in the day when I Jumped into crypto and I am I am being Very strict with myself in how I treat This stuff and so you could say could Have done this or that I don't care I Don't give a damn you do your plan I'm Doing my plan my plan is I buy and then I don't do anything uh unless one day It's worth so much that I'm finally Enticed to sell that is it Period here's a post from chart analyst Techdev altcoin accumulation the most Vertical leg since 2021 appears on Deck So as far far as altcoins anticipating a Major move and he did post this at 8:10 A.m. on Saturday so before we saw that Drop the Saturday drop which is two days In a row of drops uh But he uh he reposted this so he clearly Has the conviction so after the most Recent drop just on Sunday he reposted This still believes that's the case so

You can see if you're looking on the Screen where I'm circling right now this Is where we are but you can see that He's also highlighting this is Equivalent to where we were in 2021 Right before some major moves Upward um for for all coins and what he Has here is the crypto market cap um Excluding the top 10 coins and you can See he also highlighted the equivalent In you know for the the market cycle Before that in uh in 2016 in in 2017 then there was this post for Mikey Bll crypto definitely has a pretty Similar expectation here detective he Wrote altcoins market cap perfectly Following the previous alt season path Bouncing off the support band as it did In 2020 before it exploded Upward and mind you last Market cycle Too we had some major pullbacks same Here we are in Bull mode folks like this That's what I Believe this this pullback doesn't Change Anything you know not to the negative I Mean it's just it is what it is and We're going to see continuation to the Upside whether it's right now or a Little bit later even if the improbable Happens and we go a little Bel lower Okay whatever it's not going to change What I'm doing I'm just tracking it Because I have skin in the game and as a

Result of that it's fun to track this on A regular basis and run this YouTube Channel talking about crypto I have a Blasty blast with this stuff uh here's a Post from Mikey B Mikey crypto talking About xrp specifically this is an xrp Price chart in USD on your screen and You wrote Xrp this seems like a last trough Point Like in 2017 before the explosive upward Move and I want to reiterate because I've been talking about this concept ad Nauseum in recent weeks and probably Fair to say months especially I Understand how dismal xrp looks in comp You know if you price it in Bitcoin I I Got that I understand if the xrp BTC Pair I I'll say again these moments where it Looks that abysmal those are the moments Before it takes off now in this case of Course he's got an exrp USD chart but Still compare it to what had happened in The past you can see the point that he's Making here eventually there does does Come a time where a bot there is an Actual bottom unless you think that xrp Just because reasons won't be Participating in this crypto rally but Other altcoins do like what are we we Just don't have alt season like what you Even getting at here no xrp is part of The asset class of course if we have an ALT season xrp will be part of it

Because it's part of the asset class Don't over complicate This then we have this from chart Analyst egg crypto talking about xrp and That's an xrp price chart on your screen In USD he says Xrp uh xrp is showing a wicked move with The bulls defending fiercely on the Weekly time frame to close above 50 Cents this potential lower high is still Ascending the channel indicating a Strong structural formation that remains Mega bullish it's a livetime setup and Trade opportunity xrp Army stay steady If you were waiting for a dip to buy This might be your Opportunity and so despite the fact that The other day xrp got as low as 44 cents Weekly close above 50 cents and that's Pretty much where it is right now as I Record this Video xrap fine it really is I Understand it's at AOW price than it Would be had the SEC not attacked it Because there are all sorts of people That don't own xrp that would have Because of last Market cycle had that Nonsense not occurred but it's still in The top 10 by which is amazing it's Still in the top 10 coins by market cap For over a decade it's always been in The top 10 that's Amazing and when it runs it runs it just Does you don't choose it I don't choose

When it Happens but if we're going to have a Full-blown uh Mania session here in the World of crypto xrp is going to be a Part of it that's what I believe if I'm Wrong I'm wrong but I just I would be Really shocked if that's the case so We're going to find out together but I'm Excited for this I I I just you know What I'm glad I got me some more chain Link haven't bought it since it was 25 Cents paid way more per chain L you know All you know over six years later but That's fine and you might be like wait How do you how do you feel how do you Feel clean doing that even you bought You bought it for 25 cents Moon L but What are you doing buying it at almost 14 bucks well it's quite simple I think It's going to be worth more than what I Just paid for it that's it I'm not going To let the fact that I once bought it at A cheaper price deter me from putting Money I recently earned into it when I Because I do believe it's going to go Higher and so I'm not going to have I'm Not going to expect some sort of crazy Multiplier like from here so fine I'm Not expecting a 400x from this point you Know but if from this point I get you Know a four 5x I don't know 6X something Like that you know getting into new Alltime high territory that like that'll Be enough for me maybe I'll finally just

Sell it or at least the portion that I That I just bought why not it was just Icing on the cake anyway you know I'm Ready I'm ready for this thing to go Folks so tell me how you guys are Holding up there what did you guys buy I'd love to hear from you in the Comments section below what coins did You purchase and I'd love to hear what You think about all this whether or not You think that the Bottom's in at least For this portion you know local time Scale a shorter time frame um it seems Like there's a real good chance it is um Either way again even if it's not it's Not the end of the world the Bull Run is Not over okay but I'll wrap up here I'm Going to sleep I'm kind of tired I'm not A financial adviser you should not buy Yourself anything because of anything I Say or right that would be a very very Very bad idea until next time to the Moon Lambo


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