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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channnel I'm sure the vast majority of You listening have heard the phrase this Time is different Famous Last Words Typically because as it turns out uh the Way humans behave in markets doesn't Really change a whole lot because from One cycle to the next it's the same Humans with the same DNA making the same Dumbass decisions trying to time markets Getting in and out of positions all that Crap right so I I'll tell you this this Time isn't different it's it's not and Look I I say history basically repeats If you want to get precise fine it kind Of rhymes with itself it's not that Every single metric and and to a Specific degree is actually going to be 100% the same it's I'm just trying to Get an idea across of course but this Time is not different xrp is going to go Berserk it's going to hit a new all-time High and into price Discovery that's my Strong expectation anyway and yes of Course I acknowledge nobody knows for Sure what's going to happen with the Price of xrp but it's behaving like it Has in the past which is to say it Tortures people causes people to panic And give up and all that crap and then It just goes that's historically what Has happened I firmly believe that is What is most probable I'm going to share With you perspective also from a chart

Analyst who says uh yeah xrp is going to $10 but before going further I do want To be clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoy making YouTube Videos about crypto related topics but Just as a hobby and just for fun at the Time I'm recording this video it is 8:33 3 p.m. central Time and it is Sunday March 17th 2024 xrp at 62 cents Bitcoin At 67,5 51 bucks and um just about 20 Minutes ago we had a bit of a dip here Looks like it's getting out of there at Least at the time I'm recording this but Xrp was as low as 60 cents uh Bitcoin Got as low as 20 minutes ago what low Well still low 67,000 it's called 67362 bucks um and I'll just flip back And forth between these two charts xrp And Bitcoin charts to illustrate a point That I've been making the last couple Days which is that the asset class moves In tandem these are basically the same Damn charts and if you think that xrp Isn't going to follow this move to the Upside uh you might be brain dead Because I think that the well fine Technically it's possible I won't give It 100% certainty but I think it's Ridiculous to assume that all these

Other coins are going to the upside Bitcoin's going to keep going on a tear Ultimately perhaps even breaking $100,000 and xrp is just uh just going To sit there and eventually fall out of The top 10 because reasons even though By just about any metric you look at uh It it's incredible like the compare xrp To the Past like the last Market cycle And the cycle before that pick aetric And it just shows further adoption like I just so even if you care about util Like it makes no sense for xrp to fall To the top 10 or not have some crazy run Given that the asset class moves in Tandem and if you want to say that if You're the type that believes that you Is actually what's going to drive this And I I've said my piece on that uh but Even if you believe that well then xrp Has that in space I just I don't see the Problem Here um here's a PO here's um not a post Here's uh the crypto fear and greed Index at 77 out of 100 so it dipped a Lot compared to the other day within the Last few days but uh it's still extreme Greed at 77 out of 100 happy to see it Actually I don't mind here's a post from Chart analyst Matthew Highland coin Closes the weekly below $69,500 Bitcoin now in a range between 65k which Is the April 2021 high and $69,500 which Is the November 2021 High We Now wait

For it to choose a direction if it Chooses consolidation then we expect Continuation as we have for the past Year plus and so folks I don't pretend To know where this thing bottoms out Before moving to the upside maybe we Actually already are about there um but It doesn't matter because as far as I'm Concerned because we are not seeing top Signals and not just I'm not and I'm not A chart guy so I'm not even specifically Talking about chart stuff although um I Have that in the back of my mind as well Because I follow perspectives from a ton Of different analysts that's just not on The radar right now but even if you Consider the way people are behaving There's all sorts of metrics I've been Talking about my recent videos we're not There this is not a time to be Afraid um here's a post from chart Analyst JY who said my entire timeline Was in shambles two days ago I checked Theart chart after a Weekend of chilling and would you look At that it looks like people got shaken Out while Bitcoin successfully retested The key level below that magnet will Start pulling soon see you at $100,000 yeah $100,000 Bitcoin sounds Totally plausible that's not crazy and So from this point anybody buying Bitcoin uh you're not going to achieve Life-changing wealth this Market cycle

Like Just I mean the amount of money you'd Have to put in to bitcoin to get Anything cuz what what's the multiple You're going to get like from here like A 2X maybe if you're lucky like a 3X it just but but still I I love seeing Bitcoin Drive the market still happy to See it but um for those of you not Looking at the screen I'll just note Here that he's he's citing this level That we're at right here um just bounced Off it as support according to chart Handles jelly and he's noting that uh This is a key level back in 2021 you can See that this is right where we were November of 2021 where the top was and It's looking pretty good he he's saying So no guarantees but perhaps a move to The upside is most probable uh and That's what credible crypto thinks so Two posts from him the first one was From yesterday and I shared this in a Video yesterday I'm just kind of setting The table here but he said uh regarding Uh Bitcoin lower time frame price action Overnight is looking a bit corrective so We may range for a couple days more Before we are ready for the next Impulsive leg and so he is certainly Expecting move to the upside and then Just this evening 5:58 p.m. central Time My time zone regarding Bitcoin he said So far so good here on bitcoin tapped

The green zone area of Interest while I Was on my flight and saw a nice reaction As expected don't fight the blue Squiggly embrace it and so for those of You not looking at the screen here he he Drew some squiggles here just kind of a Rough idea of what what he expects Bitcoin uh will likely do anyway and you Can see if it actually does file this in The short term here uh he's expecting Bitcoin to blast through $80,000 so we just have to deal with a Little bit of this um this pullback here But I I I hope you guys don't find it Intimidating because I sure as hell Don't I'm having a blasty blast I'm Having the time of my life here just I've never felt like I'm so close to to To achieving this life-changing wealth From crypto uh just it's been a long Journey for me relatively speaking uh in Crypto it's a long time anyway in terms Of investing in traditional Finance it's Not it's been a little over six years For me but um it's it's been a fun ride And this is the first uh of of uh the First bull run I've ever been through Where I actually know that I have the Opportunity like I feel like it's a Virtual certainty that the life-changing Wealth will be there because I've Accumulated so much over the last six Years so it's my third bull run this Will be the time I think where I finally

Cash out and I think for a lot of you Who who have been here a while I'm sure That for for a lot of you your Expectations are probably somewhat Similar you probably been stacking You've been waiting for this patiently Going through all the fear this and that Well we are about there uh here's a a Post from chart analyst Max he says I I Keep reminding everyone that turbulence Like this is absolutely normal and Expected for this phase of the Cycle uh looking at the price action in 2020 is a perfect example of this total Three and I'll pause note here to the Total three chart which is what's on Your screen here it's the crypto total Market cap excluding just Bitcoin and Ethereum that's it it's so it's every Coin but those two and that's that's What total three is and again the reason I want to highlight this is because it's Just another um indication of course That this time isn't different and so Anyway he says total three and he's Talking about 2020 here total 3 had a Negative 31.25% ShakeOut while Bitcoin Was chopping around the previous All-time high those that fell victim to Our red ShakeOut Zone missed an 800% Move look at the folks I got to pause Here look at the chart if you can this Is what he's talking this is basically What we're going through right now what

I'm circling except for this is back in 2020 you know bumping up hit hitting the All-time high chopped around a little Bit for a while for those of you around You may remember this this moment in Time I've kind of forgotten it but it Happened obviously um but after that After getting through that 800% move It's just there's historical precedent For this you know once Bitcoin hits a New alltime high it chops for a bit and Then it Goes um so for those that did get shaken Out and there were plenty who did they Missed that Insanity which is why my Strategy when it comes to investing in Crypto is to buy stuff and then do Precisely nothing and I will do nothing Until I'm actually sufficiently enticed To sell period and then he says now is Not the time to Jeet your alts your Altcoins give Bitcoin some time to Really Blast Off through 70k and you'll Be astonished at how well your alts do This cycle is playing out like the Previous two cycles just a little faster Yeah and so that sounds about right to Me and I will continue to wait here Patiently it's fine uh my fellow ex YouTuber ml shared this I kind of got a Kick out of this this is great uh he Said stop whining and then he shared This screen grab with the the quote why Won't xrp move because look people are

Frustrated right now why isn't xrp going All these other coins are going oh my God then every time xrp goes up it's Great and then it goes back down right To where it was you hear all these Comments right and I've talked about That in recent videos there this is how Xrp has always behaved so when it goes Up 20% just about in an hour and then it Crashes back down and in Fair short we Back to about where it was there the History is replete with examples of it Doing this so for you to think that xrp Shouldn't be doing this now would be for You to say that you want this time to be Different the fact that it's not Different should be it should like warm Your Heart Right make you feel very Comfy and cozy right it's just I but People don't seem to think that you know They want it they want their xrp to be On the moon so they can have their Lambo Now that's pretty much it and so he Shared the screen grab of the xrp price From 2014 into early 2017 with five Arrows pointing down with the quote why Won't xrp move because in those moments It wasn't moving and people were indeed Bitching up a storm and then it just Went xrp doesn't care about when you Want it to go it will go when it goes It's the market it just is that's how It's always been it's no different right Now and so then I actually shared this

Uh last night um these are my actual Wine glasses here my xrp wine glasses I've actually got a couple sets here and Um and so I wrote this this is a this is A joke for my girlfriend actually she Said you she's like just post this it's A total dad joke but I love this type of Hum she wrote don't whine about xrp Price going down but oh it's so stupid The wine was good though had a fun Little date Night um and then there's this post from Steve Courtney chart analyst talking a Little bit about xrp because again this Time is not Different xrp symmetrical triangle Pattern from 2013 through 2017 resulted in a 58,4 31% increase will the current Six-year pattern follow suit the stotch RSI shows promising momentum and so Honestly the only thing that was Different last cycle because again it's Not that everything's literally exactly The same but the one thing that was very Clearly different was that xrp was under Attack the SEC was suing Ripple and by Default effectively suing xrp olders They might as well have been uh and so Xrp yes ran with the market but didn't Hit a new all-time high so extra long Consolidation here but hey when it goes It goes and I still firmly believe xrp Would have hit a new all-time high last

Market cycle if not for that dumbass Lawsuit but now xrp does have legal Clarity it is Unshackled this is Fantastic this is the best opportunity There's ever been uh for xrp holders you Know at least in the time that I've been In crypto so because like even if you Talk about 2017 yeah there was a big Move to upside but there wasn't exactly A lot of time to do research if you just Jumped in and get a big ass position um And so yes there had been you know fine If You' purchased back in 2013 and 2014 Okay yes buying for like at its all-time Low of 210 of a penny cool would have Been better but within roughly the last Six years there's never been a more Promising moment than right now I firmly Believe that I've never been this Excited about holding xrp well and Everybody's bitching up a storm and Crying and I'm like no this is great are You kidding Me here's a post from chart analyst Nick Crypto Crusader my range on xrp is $5 to $10 This cycle I see so many people saying That it won't or even can't happen these Are the same people cheering for eth to Hit $7,500 to $110,000 and also Bitcoin To hit $100,000 to $150,000 think about this logically for A second even going off of the fully Diluted market cap of xrp at $5 $10 the

Market cap would be $500 billion And1 Trillion eth at $751,000 Would be valued at 900 billion 1.2 Trillion Bitcoin at 100,000 and $150,000 would be valued at 1.97 Trillion and $2.9 Trillion so now I ask you does it seem Crazy to think xrp could hit $5 to $10 This cycle absolutely not in my opinion In fact I think it's conservative and Folks I firmly believe that this is Well-placed within the realm of reality This is probably at least possibly Conservative I don't know for sure where The price is going to go I'm not making A price prediction but I would not be Surprised if we look back on this once The Cycle's done be like yeah $10 that Ended up being pretty conservative Wouldn't be surprised in the least Especially if you're talking about Bitcoin and eth going up to those levels That's a lot higher than the last one or Two Market Cycles right way higher right So you know what that Means that means that if we do see those Price levels there's going to be that Much more money that's capable of Rotating into xrp it'll be monstrous It'll just be Gigantic and if less money goes into Bitcoin and Ethan less less go intox rp2 But if you're toping at actually getting That

High yeah it's going to go bananas That's that's my expectation here but People still not exactly uh I mean maybe It's not you maybe you're one of the Level-headed individuals out there but Some people they just even though you Can go out there if you have the Internet you can type you know with your Fat little fingers whatever you want to And look up all sorts of historical Evidence and and data having to do with Xrp price action and what you'll find is What I've been talking about right here Which is that xrp tortures people that Move sideways and down for most of its Life that's just what it's done and then Has these big bursts to the upside Occasionally and that's why it's still In the top 10 cryptos by market cap Despite mostly going sideways or down That's why and and you can find that Even when it does go up it so frequently Goes right back down and it just people Just lose their minds over it and so Even though xrp's behaving as we should Expect it to it literally is right now Behaving exactly how we should expect it To whether you like it or not what it's Doing it's doing what we should expect It to uh you know hate it all you want But the data is there to be seen to be Understood but even so people don't like What it's doing and they think that xrp Continuing to behave the way it has for

Over a decade is right now at this exact Moment in time an indication that it's Just never going to do anything that is Illogical my friends that doesn't make Sense and yes I absolutely admit nobody Knows for sure what's going to happen With the price action but in terms of What's most probable based on historic Precedent it is not reasonable it is not Logical to think that this time is Different this is the moment where it All falls apart it just doesn't make Sense that does not compute to me and so There's an xrp Community member named MX3 who wrote to Nick crypto Crusader And he said you guys with your calls Based on zero sentiments are absolutely Delusional can you not see there is no Demand for xrp at all can you not see When Market crushing xrp does the same But when pumping xrp is lagging no Demand and I can't see it stays in the Top 10 at all now this is literally just Not true I mean you can you can look at The volume for xrp I mean know for the Last what do you mean there's no $2.5 Billion Doll in demand over a 24-hour period and It's it's come down a little bit in Recent hours so but even still like how Much 1.75 trillion okay or not trillion I'm sorry Billion okay lots of demand and in fact If there if there weren't a lot of

People like a ton of people that Actually value xrp and think it makes Sense it would not be number six in Market cap it wouldn't have been in the Top 10 cryptos by market cap for its Entire life and this is the moment where It falls out this time is different when We're in the bull Run this does not compute to me it's Just people that can't take it anymore And just whatever happening in the Moment they just feel like it's going to Be like that forever that's just how People respond it's not logical to think That that's what's most probable but People as you can see this is one Example here nothing against the guy he Probably feels emotionally beat up I Would guess but it doesn't make sense to Feel this way in my humble op and so Nick wrote back to him and said then Sell and move on question mark no one is Forcing you to hold LOL and MX3 wrote Back to him and said why I should sell Because I don't believe in your hopium Calls are you not seeing people having a Laugh with you or guys $5 1027 it barely Reached 70 when everything around is 5 to 10 x Get back on the earth dude so Apparently $5 to $10 for xrp is hopium Now are you kidding Me I mean if you really believe xrp is Going to fall in the top 10 during this

Bull run okay fine but that's Laughable not impossible but not Remotely probable in my estimation Anyway and so Nick reposted that and Said a $5 xrp is now considered hopium Like I said the majority are not ready For what happens when the real rotation Begins spot on Nick crypto Crusader I Agree with him and I think he's being Perfectly reasonable this is not hopium Stuff are you kidding Me why would we not expect xrp to blaze To the upside at some point during the Bull Run why would we not expect it just Doesn't make sense but you people were Talking this crap last Market cycle and The one before that And then and then a lot of people miss Out So whatever people can do whatever they Want I'm just sharing my thoughts on it You know just you guys tell me what you Think but I could not be more optimistic Because as as it pertains to xrp Specifically this time isn't different I'm not a financial adviser you should Not buy or sell anything because of Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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