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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel well Bitcoin decided to go in a Little bit of a Saturday night run Didn't it just about an hour ago it hit As high as roughly $69,500 so we'll talk a little bit about That and I also want to share with you Perspective from a few xrp chart Analysts one of which who says xrp in Terms of resistance the the resistance Is eliminated and this is something that I keep seeing again and again and again From chart analyst after chart analyst After chart analyst xrp is primed to go I don't normally see this I'm telling You I've been around in the space for Over 6 years holding xrp for over six Years I don't normally see every xrp Analyst Under the Sun saying yeah it's Primed it's it's about to do its thing This is a rare time so pay Attention but uh before going any Further I do want to be clear I do not Have a financial background of any kind I am not offering Financial advice and You definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoy Is making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun uh at the time I'm Recording this it is 8:25 p.m. central Time uh my time zone Saturday March 9th 2024 uh xrp at 62 cents Bitcoin at

69,7 and again I saw it as high as about 69400 about an hour ago uh so that's What the 24-hour chart looks like just Which is interesting cuz a lot of people Weren't really expecting to see any any More fireworks with Bitcoin until at the Earliest you know back till we get to U You know the Monday through Friday you Know the The Daily Grind as it were uh Work week basically but here we are we Saw a bit of fireworks here uh here's a Crypto fear and greed index at 79 out of 100 still in extreme greed which is Fascinating because I understand that We've seen some high volume recently on Coinbase you know in fact I think um Just a couple days ago when Bitcoin hit Its uh I think it was when it hit it its Uh high above $70,000 for the first time Ever brief moment in time obviously Pulled back but um that might have been The greatest volume I'm trying to pull From memory I could be mistaken on that Uh but I think that was the moment where It had the greatest volume in history But even so it's not like it was Absolutely slaughtered and I don't see Sufficient proof that it's because a Bunch of new ret ters are coming to Maybe there's some but to this point yes We're in extreme greed but I get the Sense that this is with the existing Crowd I mean yeah there's you see a you You have seen a little bit of an uptick

From uh mainstream media uh covering Crypto related stuff some people are Reporting that they're getting more Phone calls but I I will just tell you That this does not feel like the peak of Mania in 2021 yes it's obviously hot Like extreme greed sure warranted but Again the way that this tracks it part Of the way that that the crypto Fe and Greed index decides whether or not we're In extreme greed is it's tracking social Media activity so yeah all of us crypto Dorks that have been here for years on End we're all excited about it so you Know it's just it doesn't mean that There's a bunch of new people in here so It doesn't necessarily mean that there's A top and again I don't think that we're Um we're we're not in terms of final Numbers when we see whatever it is in Terms of the highest market cap whatever Peaks out of Bitcoin pick or altcoin I Don't think we're anywhere near that now That isn't to say we can't have that Happen sooner than later I'm not saying We couldn't top out within a you know Even a few months it's possible it's Certainly possible that could happen I'm Just saying in terms of the finality of Numbers Whenever Wherever Whenever we Get there if you look back and compared To today I'm guessing it's not even Close there's a lot of room for a lot of Things to run xrp hasn't even started

For example we haven't even seen eth hit A new alltime high more on that in a Second though and that is important even If you don't care about eth and mean I Hold that I don't care about that much a Little bit uh I've been hold it was the First crypto I bought holding it since 2017 uh it does matter though actually Uh but first I want to highlight this This is a post from this morning from Chart analyst Ali Martinez and I like The timing of this because he wrote Around $61 million will be liquidated Across the board if Bitcoin jumps to $69,000 $120 that was this morning folks well That happened about an hour ago so I'm Assuming the liquidations happened it's Just quit playing with fire you children Jeez in fact take a look at this from Chart analyst Matthew Highland he wrote And this is a Bitcoin price chart he Said tonight Bitcoin completed its Highest daily candle clothes in its Entire history yet no Euphoria or hype Let's keep it like that and so I Wouldn't say I i' slightly disagree with That I wouldn't say there's no Euphoria Or hype um I mean I don't know when I Think of euphoria I tend to think like The final blowoff stage you know what I Mean maybe some people are starting to Feel like that but it just seems like There's a lot of excitement and

Certainly there's no shortage of greed I Would agree with that um I haven't seen Intensite because look here's the deal When you have intense hype what happens Is a ton of retail jumps in and I'm just I'm not seeing sufficient proof of that Maybe there's some people maybe some People listening right now are brand new To crypto in which case welcome and good Luck and such uh stay here I I'll do my best to shoot straight with You folks but uh I've not seen the crazy Numbers flow in yet if you guys have any Data on that to the contary I would like To see it um here's a post from chart Analyst credible crypto he shared this Uh in the early am hours today it's just A ethusd chart with Bitcoin having now Tagged its prior all-time high everyone Knows that eth is inevitably next if You're on the sidelines at the moment You're hoping for for a wick to $3,600 To $3,700 but so is everybody else and I'll Just pause to note the time I'm Recording this eth is at 3,942 bucks and uh within the last Couple days or so it did briefly poke Above $4,000 with the all-time high Being here I'll just pull it up I think It's about 4,800 or so 4,861 bucks According to live coin watch so still Shy of that um and so uh credible crypto Says you know yeah maybe there's a wick

Everybody's going to be looking for it Though and so he says would not be would Not surprise me to see eth simply keep Pumping another 25% plus to the upside Before any significant pullback and so Look the reason this is significant is Because typically what you see is Bitcoin goes first and fine I get it We've got this weird segment of the mem Coins popping off I'm well aware of that And there's been some excitement some Random coins popping off with AI I Understand it the AI thing and the mem Coins got it but typically what you see Is Bitcoin goes eth goes and then money Really starts getting cycled large cap Midcap small cap so on and so forth and So there can be outlier instances Because like I keep saying um you know History doesn't literally repeat it just Kind of rhymes with itself so the fact That we're seeing certain coins pop off Right now and things seem to be Happening a little bit sooner if you Look at where bitcoin's is at the cycle Right now I okay I I I understand that It's not going to perfectly line up but We can have a rough idea of where we are And the best still is yet to come I Think that seems pretty obvious at this Point right The Best Is Yet To Come But uh I wouldn't of course I wouldn't Be surprised to see eth blast off first Hit an all-time high first before xrp

Would hit an alltime high but we have That all to look forward to so yes eth Is moving but you're going to see xrp Moving too it's G to happen Son here's a post from chart analyst Gert van login he said by printing an All-time high bitcoin price doubled Within 10 18 or 84 Days a move to $200,000 before the Having gets in increasingly more Feasible yeah so and that is true and I Actually mentioned that um there because There's a daily hdle article that that Mentioned that and I I I I shared that Data once I think uh at least once but I Wanted to highlight then because it's Highlight it it again because it's Fascinating I mean historically you're Talking about once Bitcoin hits an Alltime High the price literally Doubling anywhere from 10 to 84 days That's what's happened the last three Times a new alltime high was hit so if That's the case we're not going to have To wait long for that like you can Imagine so again you know I put Bitcoin At what $140,000 and we'll see it doesn't mean That it's going to happen but I'll tell You um I'll still I'll start scaling out Of my Bitcoin position finally um Certainly before that maybe it would be Maybe it would be a little before $100,000 uh because that's a

Psychological level obviously so there's Going to be some pullbacks there I would Imagine so maybe a little bit before That and then I'll save the most of most Of it for selling above1 ,000 but um you Know i' I've been holding it since 2017 I first bought it at about 6,500 bucks So that will be I will be sufficiently Enticed let's say at a little over $100,000 and then if it does run to2 200,000 or $250,000 I'll say good for Everybody else that is selling it there I will not be feeling bad because for Selling it around $100,000 plus or minus That a little bit because I can't know Where the top is I can't time it and It's it it makes no logical sense for a Person to beat themsel up for selling Getting ridiculous returns and then Seeing it went higher and then just be Like oh but I messed up no you didn't Mess you can't know how high it's going To go you just have to sell when it's Suff sufficient for you that's it period That and that's how I'm treating all of My crypto I will not be beating myself Up because people get uh what do they Call it the uh paralysis of the Analysis just freaking out and like ah But I should it's running but what if I Sell now am I an idiot uh people go Through that and I know that like so Many people are going to be going Through that uh when when things start

Blasting off including xrp but it's just It's it doesn't make logical sense you Just got to if you're happy with Whatever those returns would be when you Sell it you just got to sell it and then Let it go because otherwise you write it All the way up and then you're going to Miss on an opportunity to sell and then You'll look back and say wow I would Have actually been really happy with Those prices that's what happens to most People and we're about there and if I May remind you uh so some some analysis Having to do with xrp specifically Here's a post from dark Defender he said Hi All here is your weekly time frame Update the resistance is Eliminated in The Weekly frame two no Obstructions above 66.4 n Cs and so he thinks that uh we're going To be blasting up there and he notes That the targets for him are uh I'll Just use round numbers here a buck 88 $585 per xrp and then supports would be 60 and 52 so to get the party started Running up to almost two Bucks I look nobody knows for sure and I'm not pretending to know either you Know I I have my conviction but I could Be wrong and I admit xrp could go to Zero but I don't believe that makes Sense I mean unless we just have a

Complete collapse of the entire crypto Space and then I'd be like well yeah Everything collapsed outside of that if Everything's going to run what Everything but xrp no get the hell out Of here with that nonsense that doesn't Make any logical Sense and so um to highlight this Further that every analyst I come across Believes this unless I mean they unless They're a toxic Bitcoin Maxi troll Because anytime I see an analyst and say I haven't heard of them before or even If I have and then they're like xrp is Not going to do well blah blah blah it's Just you look at what what they're ual Stances are about xrp and you find out That they're either Bitcoin Maxi or They're just ideologically opposed to to Xrp just for whatever reasons they have Because there are people that have Warped Minds in the crypto space they Drank the Kool-Aid back you know over Half a decade ago uh Ripple bad Bankers Coin all that crap xrp bad all of it but If you find an analyst who has did not Sip on that Kool-Aid then uh they don't Think that I can't find a single analyst I'm not saying don't exist I can't find Them and so here's an example this is an Analyst I've never heard of before not That that means anything but it's an Analyst named Kush I just came across it Again and the reason I'm highlighting

This on my channel and again I can't Speak to you know the accuracy of this Individual analyst because again the First time I came across him but I'm Bringing it up to make a point I can't Find anything different than this I Can't find anything different than this You go just WR hashtag xrp and he's Pointing to where we are at right now And he has other post there too like he He just he thinks it's going to blast Off Here look at where he has the arrow see What happened back in 2017 I keep seeing This this is not I don't normally see This in the crypto space no I do not Normally see this but I can't find an Analyst so if you can show me show me The Unicorn I'm not saying that the Unicorn doesn't exist there they Probably it's a big planet there's got To be somebody but I I'm not coming Across that individual so here you can See pointing at 2017 what happens with The with the breakout point he's saying That's where we're at right here and I Keep finding basically that same Analysis all over the damn place and This is on an xrp USD chart but even if You look at an xrp BTC chart same Thing here's a post from uh an analyst That I just became aware of so I'm just Curious so I am now following and Tracking it's

Cryptol and uh was highlighted by uh Techdev um somebody who I've been Following techdev for over half a decade Um who I think is a very sharp Individual and um highlighted crypto's Work as it pertains to a bunch of charts Including xrp and so I'm tracking it now I'm going to see because you know again I I'm just I'm very curious to see who Pretty much gets it right once Everything's said and done and who was We off that's what I'm curious about now When it comes to xrp everybody agrees so It's like I mean if xrp doesn't go then Everyone was wrong if it does go then Everyone was right pretty much pretty Much but here you can see this is xrp Priced in total market cap and it looks Pretty much the same as xrp BTC chart Honestly it looks awful right but that's A good thing right this is what you Should expect and so he wrote xrp total Total market cap so that's xrp price and Total market cap when you look at the Chart you convert all your coins into Ripple with three laffy emojis # xrp and You'll note that he put Ripple in bold So um with three laugh emojis so I think He knows he's just have a little fun Like obviously it's xrp and he did write # xrp so presumably he's aware of the Difference between Ripple the company And xrp the cryptocurrency here but um He again when you look at the chart you

Convert all your coins into Ripple well again looks the same as xrp BTC pretty much and you can see the the Historic precent for all this 2017 2021 2024 what this time is different is It is it Famous Last Words folks this Time is different famous last words no Xrp is going to melt faces and I'm not Convinced it's going to do it in one go But I will I don't think we're going to Have to wait long to be seeing xrp above A dollar I would not be Surprised my conviction is what it is And if I'm wrong I'm wrong and then We'll have to re-evaluate stuff once the Bull market winds down but I just don't Think that makes any damn Sense here's a post from popular chart Analyst Bob Lucas 265,000 followers on X And he Wrote uh most people rotate assets at The very very worst time their reason uh Their reasoning is mostly emotionally Based and I thought I'd highlight that Because obviously that's correct but Where are we at with xrp look again look At this xrp price in crypto total market Cap this is the like I have seen posts About people just giving up capitulate I've highlighted it on the channel uh Too bad so sad for those people but it's A good sign for us because that's just Part and parcel of the whole process That's what you see

So again yes people they they they Rotate assets at the very worst time Right before they're about to take off Because the pain is too great it's Purely emotionally based it's not about Logic it's not about the fundamentals of Any coin changing it's not about that It's their impatient other stuff is Taking off but this one isn't and they Don't like the timing of it it's hit Hits them in the Fel fields and so they Just they just sell it's capitulation it Is what it is so you guys do whatever You want uh I patiently hold I have no Fear about any of this I am purely Excited because that's what makes Logical sense as far as I'm concerned This is fun as hell I am having a blasty Blast here my friends some people crying On the sidelines not Moon Lambo I'll Tell you That oh what a good time so anyway if You can find an analyst who is not a Bitcoin Maxi Troll and doesn't have a Record of hating xrp and that analyst Doesn't think that xrp is going to blast Off And just in a a meaningful way show me That analyst I can't find them Somebody's got there has to be some Right again it's a big ass Planet bring them to Me I not a financial advisor you should Not buy yourself anything because of

Anything I say or right that would be a Very very very bad idea until next time To the Moon Lambo


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