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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I'm sure by now many of you have Heard the big news of the day which is That attorney John Deon is running for United States Senate against Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts and I I say Arguably Elizabeth Warren is the worst Citing United States Senator and she is Absolutely anti- crypto and so uh my Policy is on this channel I don't talk About politics other than if it has Specifically something to do uh with Finance Andor crypto and this most Certainly does I mean John Deon is one Of our very own xrp community members And he is going to bring the fight uh This is going to be quite the battle but He does need support uh so I'll get you Caught up to speed on some of what's Been going on here and what's being said Uh but Elizabeth Warren she's looking a Little bit Afraid before going further though I do Want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoys Making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun and so the news broke this Morning here you can see the uh I think This is the first post from Attorney

John Deon 8:37 a.m. Central Time uh he Shared his um this video clip a little Over two and a half minutes kind of Laying the groundwork here and he wrote First it was schoolyard bullies then it Was greedy corporations and the SEC and Now I am taking on the Washington Elites um and so um I I I shared a Couple posts I'm not going to read one Of them's on your screen right here um But I I did want to note that um Attorney John Deon is definitely going To need some help here so it it turns Out um and I we'll see where the funding Comes from uh but I think that there are Going to be some really big names Individuals and businesses that are Going to be putting money towards this Uh including obviously in the world of Crypto and you know I saw on um on Bloomberg on national television today Brad garlinghouse brought up that Attorney John Deon is running for Senate And then in the same sentence mentioned That um Ripple along with coinbase and Andreon harwitz put together a super Pack and each of them each of those Entities those businesses each uh Contributed $25 million so that's $75 Million so I'm hoping some of that is Going to make its way to attorney John Deon Brad Garling house didn't clarify One way or another but to say that in b The same breath I'm hoping that means

That uh that some funds are going to be Thrown this way because it's obviously In the best interest of any entity Operating in the world of crypto but He's going to need help and so um I did Donate today and uh look just if you're Willing to contribute you can do so on On his website if that's something that You want to do um and I will just say That my perspective when it comes to Stuff like this to contributing you may You may feel like um you know you're You're not really helping if you only Put in a little bit but I'll say this Even if you can only contribute a little Bit I think the point is that we are a Big ass Community the xrp community is Freaking gigantic even if each person Just puts in a little bit my God that's Going to go a long way and to fight this Machine and for John Deon to get elected Which I believe he can he he he Absolutely can win this I firmly believe That he it can happen but the funding Has to be there it's expensive Outrageously expensive to run these Campaigns and it's public knowledge now It's been covered in many news articles That attorney John Deon put up $500,000 Of his own money to kick this thing off He is not joking around about this um And I again we we'll see what happens Here but I firmly believe that he Absolutely and can can win and so there

There are many calling this like a long Shot race and you know what I don't I Don't even know if that's true but I'll Say this it was a long shot that uh that That John Deon would end up being Allowed to represent over 75,000 xrp Holders it was a long shot that he'd Defeat the SEC and he was a huge part of Defeating the SEC it was a long shot That that those efforts would lead to Legal Clarity for xrp and you know John John Deon has consistently overcome Longshot odds for his entire life so I Think that this is absolutely possible And I just I I just I'm proud to call Him a friend I'm proud that he's in our Xrp community and I am thrilled that He's pushing back against Elizabeth War Because she's she's an absolute monster She's phony she lies it's just Disgusting and I think that she's she's A little bit Afraid um in fact take a look at this Post from this afternoon 12:26 p.m. Central Time today this is her official Account with 5.8 million followers she Wrote apparently the mega Republican Machine couldn't find a single Republican in Massachusetts to run Against me so they brought in someone From Rhode Island who will have the Backing of the GOP and special interest Groups folks that is just so dishonest And it's not surprising to see something

Dishonest from her the mega Republican Machine John Deon on of his own valtion Decided to run nobody pulled him into it It's just complete dishonest nonsense But she's happy to lie and mislead to Her voter base that's the type of person That she is she's despicable as far as I'm concerned but I do think that she's A little bit afraid in fact alanar Turret Fox Business journalist uh shared This this is a screen grab from an email That was sent to her and ellar turet Wrote The Following Senator Warren is Rallying her donor base in anticipation Of a challenge to her Massachusetts Senate seat from a pro crypto candidate And I'll note that this was shared Yesterday U before John Deon uh Technically announced but I mean if You've been paying attention you know That for much of the last week There's Been Rumblings about this I I haven't Covered it on my channel probably about A week ago um so she knew this was Coming and she knew it was John Deon but Uh anyway then the El tart wrote in an Email sent to me by a source who Received it Warren directly addresses The Boston Globe report speculating that John Deon will run against her in this Year's election Deon has not yet Announced whether he intends to run Warren says she's not worried but her Tone tells a different story as she

Stresses that the crypto Lobby has put a Target on her back for trying to get the Industry to comply with regulations and Protect consumers from scams and so look At how this reads I'm going to read it Exactly to you so this is this is the Email that sent out new reporting from The Boston Globe indicates I officially Have a republican Challenger considering Running against me for Senate in Massachusetts a guy who just recently Moved here is prepared to Kickstart his Campaign with $500,000 of his own money And has been a big cheerleader for Crypto interests ever since I began Speaking out about protecting consumers From crypto scams and making that Industry follow the same basic Regulations as Banks and all other Financial institutions the crypto Lobby Has put a Target on my back so Disingenuous do idiot voters think that This is something that's actually oh my God the frame of anyway and she says and And we know that the GOP will do Anything they can to take Democrats Senate majority away look I'm Not Afraid Yeah right but this now means we need to Prepare to compete against funding from Powerful special interests Wall Street And the GOP so can you please Russia Donation of $28 or anything you can to Keep my reelection campaign so I can Keep fighting in the

Senate folks she's worried this is this Is a legitimate threat to her it Absolutely is I'm telling you like John Deon can win this thing he Absolutely can he does need support but He absolutely can win this thing um and And so I'll I'll note the following this Is a post from Attorney John Deon on February 14th and this is around the Beginning times of Rumblings about uh John Deon potentially running here and Um so as far as this narrative that John Deon had to be pulled in by the the the The mega machine whatever the hell she Called it into to Rhode Island because There wasn't a sufficient candidate in Massachusetts which is basically what She's getting out here it's just bogus Nonsense here um and so John Deon was Actually talking about his ties to Massachusetts and yes it's true that he Changed his residence from Rhode Island Massachusetts but he's practically On The Border anyway and so check this out Check out all of his connections it's Not like he's just it's not like he's Moving across the country to randomly Enter a political race like he has real Ties here and so John Deon wrote The Following um not sure what you're Getting at Ellie but for the record in Addition to living in Swansea Massachusetts I've been a Massachusetts Lawyer for 23 years representing

Massachusetts as bestest victims against Corporations and insurance companies I've lived in Roxbury East Boston and Malden and I graduated law school at New England School of Law in Boston I signed My enlistment papers for the USMC in Boston and was selected by the Marines To represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts over students at Harvard BC Buu and Suffolk law schools I Couldn't afford Harvard but I did beat Out a Harvard applicant my second Daughter is a senior at University of Massachusetts Amherst in addition to Representing Massachusetts miso theom Victims for over two decades I represent 627 xrp holders in Massachusetts against The sec's gross overreach as Amicus Council in the secv Ripple case as well As Massachusetts coinbase customers and Secv coinbase my business loan is with a Mass Metts bank and the list goes on Regarding my connections to Massachusetts and so folks obviously uh Strong ties to Massachusetts And you know Senator Warren being the Disingenuous piece of crap that she is She will continue to paint this false Narrative that he just he just pulled in And oh my God because we didn't have Anybody else and he has no ties well That's that's bogus nonsense obviously And so I wanted to highlight that um

Also El tur shared this afterno Afternoon 1:33 p.m. central Time new Senator Warren Challenger uh Deon John Deon is not a so-called Crypt bro but he Will soon be accepting campaign Donations in cryptocurrency uh the Donations in cryptocurrency I noticed There was no option to donate using Crypto on his official campaign page but He has confirmed to me that supporters Will be able to donate directly using Their coinbase accounts in the coming Days yeah and so um I was talking a Little bit with John Deon yesterday Before this announcement and he not he Noted that coinbase probably wouldn't be Available right out the gate But that um in the coming days it would Be available so people uh will be able To donate in crypto uh very soon but um Right now it is possible to donate even Just using like a credit card on his Official uh website which is on your Screen right now John Deon for Senate Pretty amazing stuff here and so whether You're on the left or the right I'm Telling you like I don't care what your Personal politics are and again I'm not Going to preach to you guys on this Channel but you have to know like he's Fighting against a senator who is anti- Crypto and does not have your financial Interest in Mine John deon's on the right side here

On the right side of history and he's Got a real shot here so um it looks like He's already getting a ton of support And I hope to continue seeing that as Weeks and months pass but this is a real Thing this is incredible I just I love Seeing This I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say all right that would Be a very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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