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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel here's a headline that the Naysayers wouldn't believe just a few Weeks ago from you today xrp skyrockets 298 in volume as xrp price surges double Digits now to anybody that is you know a Little bit more logic based rather than Emotion-based anybody that's been paying Attention to what's been happening and Even if you're you're not a chart Analyst and I'm not either even if You're just observing uh you know the Trend of every analyst Under the Sun Who's not a toxic Bitcoin Max he's Saying uh xrp looks like it's about to Blow if you've just been paying a little Bit of attention this headline shouldn't Surprise you xrp of course is going to Hit a new all-time high in Enterprise Discovery so long as there's no sort of Weird Black Swan event as long as we Have a full-blown alt season yes of Course xrp is going to take part in that That's my conviction anyway of course Nobody can know for sure and I'm not Pretending to know for sure it's going To happen uh I'm not price predictions But I firmly believe that is what's most Probable I'm going to share with you Some perspective from analysts in this Video um as far as xrp price I'll just Tell you this at the outset and then I'll get to the specifics a little bit Later in the video

But out of all the analysts that I Follow I just keep seeing roughly the Same targets for the short term you know A little over a dollar whether they Think it's a buck 30 a buck 40 maybe a Buck 80 and then they think uh you know In the midterm um for for this bull run You know you're looking at you know five Six bucks and then at the end for a Blowoff top you I've seen all sorts of It's kind of all over the place some People think 10 some 15 some 20 some $25 uh so I'm going to share with you Some of that in this video um it'll be Interesting to see you know out of all Of the expectations what's going to Happen who is closest to being accurate Once this is all said and done but Something's going to happen unless you Think it's all just going to end now but That is not we are not getting signs That's the case Bitcoin is not slowing Down everything that you would expect to Be unfolding at a point where the market Is is about to continue a March upwards That stuff's happening now very clearly You don't need to be a genius to see That um also uh I got to ask you do you Remember what happened four years ago Today if you don't don't I'll remind you It was a it was it was a bad day four Years ago but uh before going further I Do want to be clear I do not have a Financial background of any kind I am

Not offering Financial advice and you Definitely should not buy or sell Anything because of anything I say or Right I'm just an Enthusiast who enjoy Is making YouTube videos about crypto Related topics but just as a hobby and Just for fun all right so xrp certainly At least at the moment I'm recording This holding safely above support it is 7:29 p.m. central Time as I record this Uh Tuesday March 12th 2024 um xrp beginning was low as 66.5 Cents which is uh some Anal would say Pretty much like right at where the Support level is is but just touched That and then has popped up a bit since Then so you know unless Bitcoin comes Crashing down it's pretty reasonable to Suspect that what's most likely anyway Though not guaranteed is that xrp is Going to hold here before moving further To the upside and Bitcoin bitcoin's been Doing fine too I mean yeah there was a Dip today uh Bitcoin getting as low as 68,9 32 bucks um but uh you know all Alltime high again today $728 shortlived again but we just keep Seen that don't we just keep those Little bumps up and then uh you know Flushes to the Downside that's the that's the third Separate day of memory serves where We've seen something like that pretty Fascinating right it's crazy look at

This and then the liquidation wasn't as Immediate this time maybe I don't know People are getting a little bit used to This stuff but there there was a move to The downside xrp Followed um then take a look at this I Wanted to highlight this because there's Um people and and like I find this topic Genuinely fascinating I really do like Where is everyone like we're seeing Bitcoin blast into alltime highs and you Know I would say that it seems like There's more interest now than there was Say several weeks ago when I I was Looking around like it's like we're in An empty room here it's just all of us Weirdos playing with the magic internet Money on Twitter basically like it's It's same same old same old right I was Like where is everybody there's a little Bit more now and I I am seeing some People people report that some of their Family members and friends are are you Know contacting them asking about which Coins they should buy so on and so forth And of course how many shares of those Coins should they have because I don't Know what the hell they're talking how Many how many shares of the Bitcoin the Bitcoin um or are the Doe's right the Doggy coin but uh it still doesn't seem Like this is pq4 it just doesn't and all The other metrics indicate that we're Not in full-blown Euphoria even though

There is Extreme greed currently but What's going on why is this well here's Some perspective from chart analyst Income sharks he shared this with his 499,00 followers in social media Platform X and this is a Bitcoin bitcoin Price chart showing a percentage gains From cycle to cycle to cycle when he Said Bitcoin why aren't people as Euphoric it's simple every bull market The gains from the lows are less and Less the average holder is probably up Only 2x or 3x with smaller sizes after a Long barek market stocks have done the Same the Euphoria is with alts and micro Caps okay so that is true I mean this is Something I've certainly talked about a Number of times over the years look back To the 2017 bull run from the bottom to The top he's saying here for Bitcoin it Was a 25 100% gain and um I'll just take His worded I didn't double check the Math before recording this it's probably Right and then the next cycle 1500% gain You know 2000 into 2021 and then um you Know what do we see more recently 2023 up to this point you know he says Very few bought here and had money to Buy 350% uh and so he thinks the average Holder is probably up about 150% so look I can understand why the people only Getting 150% gains or even 350% gains Are not that excited because in the

World of crypto that's not that much you Know like in traditional Finance that's Incredible especially over that short of A time period but in crypto not as much So I could I could buy that argument but But still where are the masses because What happened in previous Cycles is new All-time highs were hit the media Covered that and then that's when new People plowed in so because the people Plowing in those are the people that Don't have exposure they wouldn't Realize that there's far fewer gains in Terms of percentages than back in 2017 These people wouldn't know that anyway So I think he's a little bit wrong on That um that part doesn't make sense to Me but in terms of the percentage gains It does make sense now this is also by The way the reason I'm way more Interested in xrp there's less money in It and so you can see in 2017 when there Was way less money in Bitcoin look at That look at those returns and then the Next cycle less this next cycle like What we're in right now far less you Know in terms of dollars in terms of Absolute dollars way more in terms of Percentage gains which is what actually Matters way less and so there's way less Money in xrp which is why it's much more Enticing and exciting to hold xrp Compared to bitcoin I think it's it's The Sweet Spot because it's a a coin

That's been around tried and true for Over a decade uh you know people have Been trying to hack it for over a decade That hasn't worked and same for Bitcoin's been under attack for 15 years Also can't hack it uh it just works There it's clear there's no rug pull uh Whereas if you you know jump into the Small caps micro caps there's a good Chance that like an hour later you're Going to be crying you know you don't Know there's no no track record for a Lot of this stuff lot lot more risky That's why to me xrp is a sweet spot to Where it's tried and true it's been Around over a decade but there's so Little money in crypto even in 2024 that When this goes it's like I mean Life-changing wealth even from a large Cap even in 2024 that's amazing less Opportunity in Bitcoin and e but in xrp I mean look at the market caps bitcoin's Market Cap let's see 1.4 trillion with a t Xrp's market cap 37 billion with a B way Lower that represents opportunity my Friends um now also I did a a Google Trend search on on bitcoin uh not Looking not looking so hot and this is This is why if you feel like there's not A bunch of uh people here going you Going like full-blown crazy like last Cycle you know with all the celebrities Jumping in pumping coins and the laser

Eyes and the diamond hands uh well That's cuz they're not here like look at The look at the Google searches for Bitcoin it's not even quite half um of What um or it's about I guess it's about Half okay 51 so it's about half of what We we saw in uh in 2021 it's about half And we're at all alltime Highs what that's why there's so much Room to the upside and then you have This post from kongju he's the founder And CEO of crypto Quant and he wrote Here question is retail here answer half Of them are here we're likely halfway to Bitcoin Euphoria now that makes sense Especially when you look back here again To the Bitcoin searches Uh just looking up looking it up on Google Trends it's about half to what it Was last cycle now you know one would Hope that it would blast through that But it's not a guarantee so but either Way if you're if you feel like there Aren't that many people here that's true It's all which so okay so what's driving All of this institutional institutional Money uh and so there are some new Retailers here certainly grant you that But that's not the I don't I don't think That's the bulk of what's going on here Here's a post from Scott milker The Wolf Of all streets today is the 4year Anniversary of one of the worst days in Crypto history when Bitcoin broke 6K

Support and dropped to almost 3K that's Right $3,000 March 12th 2020 and he says look How far we have come you guys remember That day right it was with the pandemic Uh uh pandemic Panic if you want to call It that uh yeah everything dro dropped It wasn't just crypto now crypto did Drop but look at this this is a a post Shared by uh the fin twit account on X And it's showing just pick a stock son Like it's all down you like Apple down Over 12% Amazon over 8% this is just a Screen grab at some random Point uh it Was a blood bath and so for stocks those Are big numbers for crypto it was way Worse because yeah you get that was Moves to the upside that offer life Changing wealth but when it goes to the Downside the percentages are way more Devastating than in traditional Finance Of course that shouldn't be surprising Xrp got down to 10 cents 10 Cents so bloodbath and he said it was One of the worst days in crypto well not If you're in a buying Mood um and so I wasn't able to buy the The perfect bottom but when when we were There four years ago and I talked about It publicly on my YouTube channel at the Time I did buy xrp at 15 cents that's The cheapest I've ever bought it in my Entire life and I was pretty excited for That like I was I was feeling good like

I wasn't scared about any of this is What it is um obviously the market Wasn't going to stay down forever and Here we are 4 years lateer Way higher Obviously um and then there's also this Post from crypto Insight UK post this Just a few hours ago this afternoon Bitcoin update liquidity below us taken Price defended back to the range looking For that move to $74,500 next so he's Looking for a new alltime high if that Happens it's going to make it much more Easy for xrp to continue moving to the Upside which I believe is what's most Probable uh here you had a post from Dr Martin heok I'm probably the name he's The head of research at cryptocurrency Exchange uphold and he wrote The Following we are finally seeing the Fruits of increased development on xrp Since the lawsuit was settled and xrp ETP is around the corner too there is Life in the old girl okay couple things On this when he said settled um it's Probably not the word he should have Used he was probably thinking in terms Of the legal status of xrp that matter Is settled but there was not a Settlement of the lawsuit that would be Major news I'd making a video about that But that has not happened to this point Could happen I'm not convinced the is Going to go that route but hey for the

Rest of it um but then as far as an xrp ETP I I look I think it's an Inevitability you're going to get that It's just a question is is it going to Happen with the current Administration I Still don't think so but yeah when he Says there's life in the old girl yes Signs of Life clearly displayed Yesterday and by the way in case you Didn't hear I made a I mentioned this a Video yesterday uh xrp was no number one In terms of performance yesterday out of The top 100 coins by market cap it Supposed to be dead though people have Been ripping it to shreds on social Media in recent weeks and months right It's supposed to be dead everything's Out salana is outperforming it look at Bitcoin go all this crap dog with hat All that crap xrv is dead until Suddenly It's not and it was number one out of 100 Coins which is what I always tell you to Expect and that was just the first Really fun move of 2024 we ain't seen nothing yet folks we Ain't seen nothing yet here's a post From chart analyst Nick crypto Crusader at this point everyone is under The impression that every xrp rally will Be met with an immediate retracement Back to base point no one is going to Take xrp Serious at the most important Moment once 92 cents is broken things

Change yeah and so he's talking about Sentiment there surrounding xrp and that Is true once you hit a higher level and I I'd argue especially once you break $1 Yeah A lot of the negative sentiment goes Away because higher price it uh this is The way humans operate and it doesn't Make sense on a logical level but it it Adds some sort of validity to the asset When it moves up and so in this case xrp Getting to those levels yeah it will do That of course it will this happens pick Your coin it happens with all of them Now of course that doesn't mean it's Actually good or fundamentals or Sol That the action in and of itself um Although in the case of xrp certainly That is true Fundamentals very strong developer Activity been increasing for a span of Years um it's clearly got a special Place in the world of crypto actually Useful All That Jazz but uh but yes People have some PTSD going on here I Think because a lot of times when xrap Would pump it would just come right back Down to roughly where it is or where it Was uh in a bull market like this not That it can't happen but when you have Big moves like this it's not as probable You know if it's going to go back down It's probably going to be because Bitcoin sneezed you know I mean it took

A dive and then xrp is just following Outside of that it's not particularly Probable to be honest with You here's a post from chart analyst Dark Defender this is an xrp USD chart And oh yes these targets these sound Good to me take a look at this says hi All xrp had the breakout yesterday as we Expected and folks he says as we Expected because he's been calling for What happened yesterday for at least on It I don't remember exactly when he Started he's been talking about it for a Long time and I've been highlighting it And he's one of many analysts calling For roughly the same Thing and it's just it is not common to See so many analysts say to come to Independent conclusions that roughly the Same thing is going to happen like when That happens I've just noticed Historically when that Many pretty much every analyst agrees Yeah it's time then I'm like yeah it's Probably going to happen I don't I Pretend to know exactly when doesn't Mean it's going to be today or tomorrow But yeah and then he says in the monthly Time frame it is obvious the move has Started the huge resistance of 6 66.4 n Cents is broken in the daily and Confirmed so that's right folks Resistance is now behaving as support And it wasn't long ago xrp was at 49

Cents here we are turned that 6649 Cent Resistance into support that's what at Least at the time that I'm recording This and then then he says 6649 will be Confirmed for the weekly and monthly Frames our targets are closer now to $11.33 Mid resistance and $188 and $585 Fibonacci Targets in the upcoming Weeks expect solid strikes April will be Hot have an excellent day yeah that's Plausible because we are in an Environment where this makes sense for Anybody that's been following me to when I started this channel you will Rec you Will know That I don't the vast majority of the Time that I I've been running this Channel and been in crypto I have not Believed that urgent you know imminent Calls for that type of price action I Have not believed that they were Actually going to come to pass and I I've articulated such on the channel Because I've been running this channel Over half a decade now and I've said Much said as much this is different Because we are in a full-blown Bull Run This is the time for it to happen Everything is aligned right now you saw The first fun burst of it yesterday get Ready for more it's Coming in that sense this time is not Different it's

Coming here's a post from chart analyst Egreg Crypto xrp and so yeah so in terms of The short term here and that's why I Said like this is not that far from what Dark Defender is saying you know $11.40 so he's got an update on this and He says check the post from March 2nd 2024 where the below targets were Mentioned and they have been hit spoton And then he says those levels were 66 Cents 70 cents and 75 cents now as far As 75 cents I haven't seen that um Personally I haven't seen that on live Coin watch or coin market cap but that Doesn't necessarily mean anything um Probably he's just aware of it hitting That level on multiple exchanges and um And and the way that lifecoin watch for Example or or coin market cap pulls the Data would not necessarily indicate that So I I I'm just noting that I haven't Seen 75 cents the highest I remember Seeing was uh 74.3 cents uh which so I'm Not saying he's wrong I'm just I'm just Noting that in case anybody is curious Because I'm sure I'm not the only one That hasn't seen with my own eyes 75 Cents but that doesn't mean it's not True I'm just Mentioning and then he says what's next It has to hold 64.4 cents or 63.6 cents on the weekly Time frame he says xrp stay xrp Army

Stays steady the blast will be fast and So you know as far as the crucial level Slightly different what dark Defender Saying but on the whole not that Different so even though what I keep Finding is analysts slightly disagree on What the exact level might be which Would be EI you know support in this Case uh and they disagree slightly on What what the price targets should be But not by much we're splitting hairs Folks that's the point like the the Answer is number go up xrp number go up Here's a post from Dusty BC crypto xrp Price chart and and he shared this Yesterday in the afternoon he wrote xrp Breaking out of the 6.5y year Downtrend and this is true and it's Obvious if you've been looking at the Charts xrpusd xrp BTC xrp dominance they All look like they're in the gutter Which historically has been the time When it starts running because enough People start to notice wow this looks Undervalued and then money flows in and Then it goes it's not that hard to Understand this is the moment in time We're at and it's during the bull market Of course this is happening so 6.5 year Breakout he's Saying and so for Target one you can see What he's pointing at here call it what Probably somewhere around $3.40 and then Target Two although

There's not a number directly next to it It looks like he's pointing at something Maybe closer to six Bucks now that is in line with what tons Of analysts are expecting for xrp and These are very reasonable targets it's Like the these do not sound like moonboy Fantasy land targets to me these sound Perfectly conservative to be honest with You I don't know how high xrp is going To go assuming it does ultimately hit a New all-time high an Enterprise Discovery which is uh is what my bet is Nobody knows for sure but that would be My guess I feel pretty strongly about That uh I I would I would think you know Depending on how hot the rest of the Market is it's pretty reasonable to Suppose xrp could go a lot higher than That Frankly so we'll see here then there was This post from Mac attack xrp and he Simply wrote xrp bull flag with little Smiley facing glasses because we've been Having some fun price action he shared That this morning here that's extrap was About 70 cents at the time and I just Thought I'd mention this and it's it's I'm glad to see him rejoicing with all The rest of us uh but he's the one that A month ago got a ton of crypto media Coverage for a viral post he had on Social media platform X when he called For ripple and ripple Executives

Including David Schwarz and Brad Garlinghouse to do something to prop up The price of xrp which I think no Offense to him I just thought it was so Silly I talked about it at the time Ripple doesn't have that power it's it's Just a lot of emotions causing stuff Like this but now a month has passed and As soon as xrp starts going sentiment Shifts and that's Good that's good it's good to see that And this is we should be feeling better That's why I said yesterday multip Diamond I have fun with this like it's Okay to have fun with this stare at your Phone constantly constantly check the Price have fun with it cuz these days Are few and far between most of what it Is to be in crypto is sideways and Downward price action so when you get These days fine stare at your phone way Too much look at the price watch it go Up watch it go down a little bit and Then more up up more hopefully I do it There's nothing wrong with that have fun We deserve it especially after what We've been through in the xrp community With all the SEC nonsense over the last Few years xrp finally having legal Clarity it's just look if if this Thing's really going to keep ripping and All indications I think are yes my God We're finally going to get ours xrp new Alltime high entering price Discovery

It's going to be so fun to to finally See that and enjoy that with all of you It's going to be absolutely incredible And welld deserved for all of us and It's not guaranteed yet you know it's It's well it's not technically ever Guaranteed but when it happens and I Think it's going to Happen that will be Like the moment the day the day that xrp Hits a new all time day high that will Be a day I will never forget and you Know I've got multiple xrp wine bottles That's i' I've been saving them um I Opened one of them ever um and it's I Don't know I actually Shar it on social Media platform actually I don't have a Picture pulled up I didn't know I was Going to talk about this but um I I have These xrp branded wine bottles I bought Them just for fun just for like the Novelty of it uh the Wine's fine it's Whatever it's just regular wine um But I I opened one the day that xrp got Legal Clarity and I shared a picture Because that was an exciting day that Was a day to Rejoice um and I but I've Got more I've got more bottles for Various targets and the day xrp hits a New all-time high you better believe I'm Going to be cracking open another one of Them bad boys and um and then when I Finally finished selling all of my xrp For the cycle or you know like that'll

Probably be another day that I'd open up Another one of them I got a bunch of Them so uh just all that to say I'm just Saying have some fun with it because I'm I am I'm I'm going to continue to and I'm going to share all that stuff on on Social media I'm sure I'll pull it up on The channel when I do it because it's Fun right we're a community have fun With this stuff share what the hell You're do and too absolutely I'd love to See what you guys are Doing I mean on days like that like yeah Celebrate this is awesome like this i' I've never been so optimistic for the Future of xrp what an incredible moment In time and it just feel like we're on The precipice of something something Truly great we just got to wait a little Bit more but I really believe it's Coming Folks I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy or sell anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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