WARNING: This will make Crypto go Straight up…

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This is a huge warning to all Americans These moves on the back end of the year Could make your cryptocurrency go Straight up so in today's video we're Going to break down the moves that the Feds are going to make on the back end Of this year and also the cracks in the Banking system that is going to make Cryptocurrency specifically Bitcoin Extremely attractive to not only Wall Street but the normal everyday person so In today's video I'm going to break down The fed's meeting yesterday I'm also Going to show you how a New York Bank Needed an emergency cash injection and I'm going to show you something one of My dear friends sent to me about a loan That was given to banks that should make You feel a little weary and then at the Back end of every video I share with you My exact strategy on what I'm doing to Protect my family so we're going to jump Right into this video so my name is Coach JV what I work to do is make very Complex macro and microeconomic Strategies very simple so the normal Everyday person can Implement them we Get hundreds of questions about JV you Talk about ensuring your wealth and your Family so what I basically did is I got Licensed last year and we've taught Hundreds of people how we ensure our Wealth and our family during these Volatile times so you can set up a free

Consultation with my licensed Insurance Team in the description of this video or In my social media profile just click The link you can also download my Absolutely free PDF book it'll be right In your inbox on exactly what I talk About on what I'm doing every single Video so let's Dive Right into this so Yesterday this is the boring stuff but This is a stuff that you to pay Attention to because remember you're Paying for your attention so they said It's likely I know that drone po doesn't Want to lower interest rates the Inflation is not where it needs to be But it's likely that they'll lower Interest rates now in a presidential Cycle they always lower interest rates Because it makes the stock market look Good that's where you need to prepare Because when they lower interest rates So we have the Bitcoin having in April Okay that is going to reduce it from 800 Down to 400 it's going to cut the supply In half wall Street's involved now and Then they lower interest rates you're Going to see a straight up move in your Cryptocurrencies that's why you have to Have an exit plan so we're first going To listen to Jerome Pal's or listen to The the rate cut U narrative I'm going To show you guys something around the Banking system and I'm going to show you A loan syst thing that was created in

2023 that shows you that they are Worried about these Banks needing to be Bailed in well this was actually a Bailout which was interesting I'll Explain that on the back end of the Video we believe that our policy rate is Likely at its peak for this tightening Cycle if the economy evolves broadly as Expected it will likely be appropriate To begin dialing back policy restraint At some point this year but the economic Outlook is uncertain and ongoing Progress toward our 2% objective for Inflation is not Assured reducing policy restraint too Soon or too much could result in a Reversal of progress we've seen in Inflation and ultimately require even Tighter policy to get infl inflation Back to 2% okay so let me explain that So basically what he's saying is hey we Pumped interest rates really high to Stop us from going into a recession okay It jacked up the economy we want to get It down to 2% we will get it down to 2% But they're in a delicate tight RPP Right now guys you know that the President wants them to lower interest Rates guys to make the stock market look Better they are going to lower interest Rates Jerome Pal doesn't want to lower Interest rates he doesn't okay he's been Saying in his meetings hey we control Money supply and the job markets that's

Our job Congress gets in the way okay so Right now we are literally sitting here As a middle class and they are just Controlling us with taxation interest Rates this is the greatest time though In human history to become wealthy this Is the narrative around here I want to Show you guys this is pretty interesting So this is the stuff that I pay Attention to how I do my investment Strategies okay so New York Community Bank gets 1 billion Lifeline 1 billion Lifeline from former treasury secretary Steven minuchin's company this came out On March 6 so basically this bank is on The verge of collapse so they got a Billion injection okay now I told you Guys about the bank bailing committee This is a that would be a bailout They're injecting money into the company A bailin is when they take all the debt And they turn it into equity and they Sell it to the bigger Banks what you're Going to start to see is bailin that's Why the bank bailing committee was Created and that's why uh Jay Clayton Sits on that committee basically what They do is the the larger huge Banks Bank of America Chase Wells Fargo are Going to start to monopolize these Banks To have a liquidity crisis there's Nothing to worry about because they're Going to get bailed out they're going to Just inject cash into these Banks just

Like this but you should start to Diversify you should start taking Sovereignty of your wealth that's what I Did and it completely changed my Family's timeline now I want to show you A narrative that nobody's most people Aren't talking about there's only 4,000 Views on this it's basil 3 endgame that They're creating which puts crazy Regulations on banks which is going to Destroy the small Banks what I think the Narrative is they're working to destroy The small Banks so the big Banks can Monopolize them and they can bring us Into distributed Ledger technology they Can bring us into cryptocurrency and This new even playing field that they Call It writing very extensively about all of The new rules bosel 3 and now you have The FDIC on top of that what does this Mean for the Divergence between these Midsize banks that have not seen these Types of rules compared to the biggest Of the big which already have the Buffers to weather this kind of a storm Well if there's one conclusion for What's taking place this year it's that Goliath is winning the largest most Heavily regulated banks have Outperformed on so many measures they Are more resilient they have more Capital they have more oversight they Have stress tests and this is completely

Different than the prior 50 years so the Performance of big Banks uh has been Really much stronger than many had Expected and that's in contrast to many Of the regional Banks which are now Going to have a lot more big Bank Supervision having said that I'm quite Amazed myself this is my fourth decade In analyzing banks at just how much Change is going to take with the largest Banks I mean for the last decade you've Had the stress test you've doubled Capital you've increased liquidity the Big Banks came to support the economy During the pandemic I mean I'd say job Well done thank Regulators I thought Mission accomplished and then you have What's known as bosel 3 end game and Look out starting the week of September 11th it's the conference season on Wall Street we'll have Banks to say what just That bowel 3 endgame means and I think It means much more complexity much more Competition on an uneven playing field And much more cyclicality Pro guys You're just watching the monopolization Of the banking system guys they're going To make it so hard so hard for the Little guy to survive middle class to Survive and there's going to be a Massive massive wealth Gap massive Wealth Gap in between the rich and poor So I'm gonna you gon I want you guys to Watch this really quickly we're gonna

Watch a little bit of this um this is um Patrick McKenry um and this is the uh Financial oversight committee right here Listen to this Welcome Back Cher pal Since you last appeared before the Committee in June of 2023 the Conversation Washington surrounding Inflation shifted significantly to be Clear it's not because in inflationary Fire has been extinguished from the most Recent data available food costs are up 21% since President Biden took office Energy costs are up nearly 32% shelter Costs are up more than 19% and you'll pay 37% more for a dozen Eggs in America Today as you stated in January people Are still paying more for the basics of Life and the prices they're paying are Still high families aren't happy about It as you know and as our colleagues Know but according to the Biden Administration many of my Democrat Colleagues and many of my Democrat Colleagues they should be thrilled in an Attempt to score political points many In Washington have decided the best Strategy is to tell people what they're Feeling isn't actually accurate they Claim bomic has brought down costs and Their partisan so-called American Rescue Plan put our economy back on the right Track of course we know the opposite is True since inflation skyrocketed soon

After uh the American Rescue plan was Enacted um which was uh predicted by Several former Obama administration Economic officials instead of working to Solve the underlying issues causing high Prices the Administration has played the Lame Game citing corporate greed So-called Shrinkflation some Democrats have even Trained fire on you chair pal blaming Interest rate hikes which were Necessitated by Democrat spending for The high cost in brazenly calling you uh To make Cuts Prematurely okay so this is what's going On now you're seeing the separation I've Been talking to you guys about it's Extremely important to understand what's Going on you're starting to see the Separation within our own I mean it's Always been separation but now you're Seeing polarization right Ray Delio's Changing World Order is playing out Exactly as he wrote it exactly large Debts printing in money weak leadership Polarization within its own Community Which is America left is completely Separating from right they're battling Against each other within our own Government now and now here's the only Silver lining in this the middle class Is getting wiped out lever Source Technology but the Silver Lining is the Middle class you have access to Wall

Street right now but Wall Street wins 100% of the time okay we have an asset Col class called cryptocurrency this is Exactly what I did this is my Paradigm I Took an asset K called class called Cryptocurrency in 2020 and I started I I Cut out all frivolous spending and I Started pouring into it okay but then I Saw wise counsil and you see all these Crypto oh you're going to get rich You're not going to get rich off crypto If you don't have a game plan wall Street's going to win because when this Goes parabolic the exchange is shut down Number one number two is you're going to Get the greed Gene you're going to think It's going to keep going up as you think It's going to keep going up they're Pulling profits so what I did was from 2020 to 2022 I pulled profits and I Laded on the way up using a spreadsheet Okay with those profits I use index Universal life that's what I personally Use okay I put it into my index Universal life for the benefits of Insurance then from there I can borrow Against the cash value taxfree I could Buy other assets so basically I'm taking My profits securing my profits at the Bottom of the the risk pyramid and then I can borrow against the cash value how Did I pull profit so Merlin the smartest Way to track your crypto we created this With the co-founders and creators 36,000

Lines of code okay we don't hold your Keys we don't hold your combos it's just An interface so here's the interface Okay then you go down here and you look You have an Exit Plan here so an Exit Plan allows you to be non-emotional About your cryptocurrencies so you set Up your exit plan say you do you're Going to sell 50% of your portfolio I'm Going to sell at 20% % I'm going to sell At this price 69,000 I'm going to sell 20% right so when it gets close to 20% Merlin sends you an alert and you not- Emotionally exit the markets okay Because if you don't have a plan every Crypto influencer is goingon to tell You're GNA get rich you're G to do this And you're going to get emotional and You're going to think it's going to keep Going up and when that stuff Peaks how Many of you have seen it the exchanges Shut down when the exchanges have shut Down everybody's panicking and I've Already sold 15 20 30% and I'm already Putting that money to work It's really important that you create a Game plan very very very important and I Got a tool coming for you guys so like If you go into Merlins 30 days for free You can also uh reach out to customer Service exit plans but also um we built A uh free training around Exit plans and I'm going to be getting that linked in Here for you guys very soon so you can

Understand what an exit plan is first Before you know you even download Merlin So you can see how important they are Okay so for me it's really important for Me to spread this message to Americans Because these are going to age very very Well guys the whole world is changing Specifically the middle class in America There's going to be the very very Wealthy in the extremely extremely poor You heard it guys Americans cannot Afford to live anymore so I took Massive Action on my finances I took Massive Action on building my companies I took Massive Action on my cryptocurrency Portfolio and I took Massive Action in Diversification and you can do the same Thing the key is community guys who are You surround in yourself with who are You listening to for me my pres Co is God and I run with Jesus Christ that's My goal so I love you guys very very Much I appreciate you with all of my Heart um and I thank you guys I thank You guys as well uh for supporting us um There's so many free resources in the Description of this video set up a free Consultation with my insurance team you Get a free download of our book I'm Going to get you a free Exit Plan very Very soon here um but also if you'd like To jump in our Academy um you can join Our our paid products as well so I just Want to share with you guys uh we want

To make sure that people have access to The free stuff as well so you can get The information but if you're looking to Dive deeper we do have paid products Where you can dive in um and get that Coaching so it's totally up to you so I Love you guys I appreciate you as we Always say Warriors rise get your Together let's Go


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