WARNING: Bitcoin ETF Approval Today JAN 10th???

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A Bitcoin ETF approval today on January 10th 2024 I have a huge warning for you Yes this is very exciting people are Going to make a lot of money in a short Amount of time but I want to give you The facts figures numbers logic and how Not to get wrecked in this crypto Market My name is coach JB what I work to do is Make complex macro and microeconomic Strategies very simple so the normal Everyday person can Implement them we've Been indoctrinated very deeply since the 1900s to not understand how money Currency moves through the system so That's what I hope to do on my channel Here from my family's heart to yours I Love you and I appreciate you so as I Share with you guys all the time we get Thousands of messages we created a free Resource two free resources one is a Free consultation with my licens Insurance team teaching you how we Insure our wealth during these volatile Times securing our principle and when Crypto booms we secure in what's called Index universal life we've been using it For years it's worked very well for us So in description down below you can set Up an absolutely free consultation to Ask questions to get your family set up For the future there's also a 16-page Absolutely free guide on exactly how my Blueprint is set up and you can also Apply for our Academy that is a paid

Academy it has helped over 8,000 people Since 2020 so if you're tired of trying To try to figure all this out and you Want support we got you all right so Let's Dive Right into this so I'm going To take you guys on a little bit of a Deeper narrative as everybody wants to Do they want to Hype you up around Bitcoin and all the things happening yes This is very very exciting but what I'm Here to do is to kind of deflate your Excitement a little bit not for Negativity but to raise your Frequency Family nobody no influencer on here has Insight they're lying to you none of us Have Insight on what the big big big Money is doing all we can do all we can Do is do the best we can to navigate These emotional Cycles so that's a key Word write that down emotions remove Them from these markets the hype train Is here so I'm going to take you through First they resist it then they sue it Then they regulate it okay so let's Pause for just a moment we're in a high Interest rate environment High inflation America's buried in debt they can't pay For critical Services they think there's Going to be a soft Landing not a hard Landing they're going to avoid the Recession by printing money again I Promise you what's going to happen is on The back end of this year and you need

To pay attention this yes there's a Bitcoin ETF there's a Bitcoin having but On the back end of this year when they Lower interest rates your assets are Going to go through the roof and on the Back end of this video I'm going to show You share with you exactly what I'm Doing I'm exiting these markets Everybody's like hle hold on hold on you Want to hold on and come crashing back Down like 2022 absolutely not you want To pull secure compound grow repeat the Process so we're first going to go back To a narrative and and then I'm going to Take you I don't know if the Bitcoin is Going to get approved today the Bitcoin ETF on the SEC there was they supposedly They got hacked like I think it was 311 It got posted and all of a sudden they Got hacked it was like come on guys They're doing that stuff to maybe They're doing the stuff to pump the Price to pull profits all that stuff so You may see a pullback uh but this is it Guys this is a Super Bowl so I'm going To take you back to Elizabeth Warren's Narrative right around the crypto Banding bill this is all a motion They're trying to ban crypto they're Saying hey okay you guys push on crypto You try to ban it as we get it set up Over here so we're going to FUD the Market we're going to get it to come Down we're going to buy more and then

We're going to bring it back up and then We're going to pull and we're going to Wreck all these people and then once we Wreck them we'll bring it underneath the Banking system like hey see how Everybody got wrecked FTX Celsius all These consumers lost their money in These unregulated markets come on into The banks guys you're going to come back To this video and you're going to see Eventually in a couple years now Wells Fargo Bank secure your crypto all right So watch this video I'm going to take You guys on the true Narrative of what's Happening like this anti uh AML bill That is being helmed really by Elizabeth Warren is picking up steam what is the Chamber hearing about this what do you Think well first we need to call it what It is Senator Elizabeth Warren's Anti-money laundering bill would Effectively ban cryptocurrencies in the United States this would be detrimental To our national security okay we'll Leave it at that so we know that she Came out with her anti-crypto bill her And um uh Oh my gosh uh Jamie Diamond sorry the Head of JP Morgan my brain just went Blank for a second head of uh um JP Morgan they teamed up right during that Congressional hearing and he said if I Was the government I would shut it down Too they have their own blockchain

Technology JPM coin their wealthy Clients can invest in cryptocurrency Just so you Know anyway so Elizabeth Warren this is A bill here on December 11 2023 Warren Expands Coalition of banking committees Support Bill cra cing down on crypto use In moneya laundering drug trafficking And sa invasions this is the key part That's their narrative okay money Laundering drug trafficking so if you Bring it underneath the traditional Banking system okay you'll have your kyc Know your customer so this is all a Narrative to tell the public because There only 5% people that have exposure You you guys are watching this you are The Elite of the public go ask 20 people About cryptocurrency oh I've heard of Bitcoin I've heard of Dogecoin you are An elite group of people do you realize That okay so we're going to listen to Jamie Diamond so Elizabeth Warren's best Friend here um and what he thinks Happening with the economy okay this is Really interesting he's going to give us Some hints of what's goingon to happen a Flurry of deals in healthcare announced This week as JP Morgan kicks off so he's Goingon to talk about healthc care and You know um uh Investments and stuff Like that but listen to what he says About the capital markets and soft Landing most well attended investor

Conference in the industry the annual JP Morgan Healthcare conference underway Right now in San Francisco with more Than 8,000 investors and healthc Care Professionals and 550 Global healthc Care companies attending and presenting I spoke with JP Morgan chairman and CEO Jamie Diamond from the conference where He said debt Capital markets are wide Open right now and there are indications That Capital markets activity is coming Back this year after a two-year drought He still however is not convinced of the Soft Landing to come Watch and I think I the table I just sat At for lunch they were telling me it Just it feels better this year and as You mentioned a couple deals announced This morning I think a lot of things Will be happening in healthcare this Year for coming off of this little bit Of a drought in capital markets activity I'm wondering if you're getting a sense That the Log Jam is going to break this Year in 2024 yeah I think you've seen part of That Log Jam actually broke early last Year so you see IPOs you know not as Many but they're coming back slightly Different types show a couple of big Healthcare IPOs m&a you're seeing if you Want to do a huge deal you could do a $30 billion deal $30 billion financing Probably today so yeah it's open so as

Long as we have you know soft Landing Ideas and credit spreads stay low and Markets stay high you're still going to See quite a few transactions I always Remind people you have pipelines Pipelines open and close so yes it's Pretty good today but you know you never Quite know it doesn't take a lot to Change sentiment right now you know People are the Market's expecting it's Kind of priced in it's soft Landing you See that in equity prices credit spreads Being very very narrow so the good news Is the consumer has jobs wages going up Finally more at the lower end home price Are up which is good for their balance Sheet you know credit is normalizing but It's still lower stock prices are up Consumers in good Shape consumers are in great shape uh Jamie Diamond you might want to come out Of your mansion and walk around the Cities and ask people how they're doing With their $2700 rent payments okay so let's jump Into the big narrative that's happening Right now where you need to practice Practice your emotional intelligence not To be condescending but emotional Intelligence means raising your Frequency up and not believing all the Hype knowing that crypto is going to go Parabolic but you cannot get caught in The greed Gene I'll explain that on the

Back end of this video the crypto Community expecting a call from the SEC Any day now on the approval or rejection Of the spot Bitcoin ETFs though Approvals are pretty widely expected at This point joing us right now and what That could mean for crypto at large John Palmer is the president and CEO of Digital it's a separate entity from Parent company CBO Global markets which is the listing Agent or I should say exchange for spot Bitcoin ETFs CBO e digital is not Involved in the process of launching ETFs but it would benefit uh from their Approval what do you think we're going To hear and is there a wrinkle in what We might hear well I mean I think you've Seen quite a lot of uh progress right Made really last couple weeks even Yesterday we you know we saw some back And forth between the commission and the Issuers on the s1s U so I think that's Good sentiment right I mean progress Here is good you're seeing the the the Agencies engage you're seeing the Issuers engage and and all the filings From the exchanges are all up to date at This point from what we can see so so Let's assume that there's an Approval do you think there's certain Ones that get approved you think it's a Whole all of them get approved at the Same time how does that work and then

What does it mean in terms of as they Get launched how much Bitcoin they're Going to be buying in the market what That does to the price as as have we Already bought bought the rumor sell the News what's the Thought I love that he Said that bought the rumor sell the news You have to write that down guys bought The rumors sell the news that's exactly What's happening guys the public is Buying the news the elites are buying The rumors and selling the news yeah It's it's obviously a pretty big Competitive Milestone right you have uh Quite a quite a few different issuers With filings in uh the SEC has different Dates for different um rule filings on The exchange side that they can approve But it's it's you know there so there's A couple different scenarios right they Could as you mentioned approve a few of Them out or they can approve them all Once you know so time will tell I think Between okay so we'll see what happens Today it's supposed to get approved Today I don't feel like it's going to Get approved today uh it was an Interesting day on Twitter yesterday Where the SEC got hacked supposedly uh And it said that it got approved and They came back and said that was a hack And that's just really weird right uh But we're going to listen to this and This is this guy's price prediction on

Bitcoin to to end on give me your um Your one year and Fiveyear price target for Bitcoin uh I think in the next 12 months Uh something over 100,000 you know maybe 150,000 and you know in the next five Years again it's you know it's a there's A finite Supply and now we have a Potentially huge increase in demand with A spot Bitcoin approval so I think in Five years you you know something around Half a million would be potentially aiap All right here's what where the emotion Comes in guys half a million 250,000 the Influencer going to tell you it's going To go to 300,000 guys all you need to do Is focus okay you need to get Fundamental about your crypto portfolio If you've never had wealth before you Have to listen to me very intently right Now you have to create an Exit Plan guys I here to tell you that we saw thousands Of people get wrecked from 2021 to 2022 As this st came collapsing down 5% let Me ask you a question do you think JP Morgan do you think Black Rock do you Think Fidelity gives a flying about Your retirement do they think they care If you get rich Absolutely not they are here to make Their clients money you're playing in The market that they don't want you to Plane it's unregulated right so they are Going to buy the rumors and sell the

News so most people in the public are Going to be making decisions based on The news just like that type of stuff so What you do is you say okay I'm taking The greed Gene out of this okay I'm Taking the gree out of this I'm going to Set up an Exit Plan and I'm going to Pull now here's what changed the game For me so I I went through the first Cycle which was 2020 to 2022 and this is How I set myself up now I'm in a totally Different Paradigm because like other Influencers and people in crypto when Crypto was booming they were rich and When it collapses they have to do a Bunch of sponsorships I have zero Sponsorships I've never been paid by a Crypto company because I stayed focused On God and intentions okay and I built My own ecosystem because I never wanted To be in a position where I had to rely On crypto but I'm very bought in to the Idea of crypto but I know it's extremely Volatile and this is the greatest Opportunity in human history okay so all Of you go down below and download Merlin It's 30 days free I'm one of the Creators and co-founders 36,000 lines of Code here's why I'm very proud to share My products on here because these are All things that we've developed Everything I talk about is something I Own okay so Merlin 30 days for free You're literally going to set up your

Exit plan you're going to practice even If you do it for 30 days free and cancel But I guarantee you'll keep it because It shows you all your cryptos daily Gains and losses on one place okay we Don't hold your keys or combos Completely safe so you're setting up an Exit plan so what I am doing currently Let me bring myself bigger on the screen So I can look you in the eyes okay so What I'm doing and I share this every Video and I hope that you watch this Over and over again because I promise You what you repeatedly do gets Ingrained in your subconscious mind what Gets ingrained in your subconscious mind Becomes an unconscious activity okay so I have a fundamental crypto portfolio I Have some shitcoins in there if Shitcoins go parabolic I'm pulling Profits big time I'm exiting 50% of my Portfolio as it goes up I'm holding 50% Long-term Legacy okay so as it goes up So let's pretend the 50% is 100% now Right so we'll use xrp as an example a Lot of us are big xrp holders so if it Goes to $3.7 I'll be the exiting about 10 to 15% There's some variance there I'll make Decisions based on you know where I Think the markets are going to go then If it goes to like5 to7 exit another 10 To 15% see what I'm saying there's exit Targets there's no motion to that I'm

Pulling that when I pull I personally am Max funding my index Universal Life Policies it's worked for me phenomenal So when I Max Fund those index Universal Life policies I'm not only protecting my Principle so if the markets come Collapsing down I'm good you guys 401K Your crypto boom collapses my principle I secured it I can also get market like Returns six to 7% and I can also borrow Against my policy tax free if it's set Up correctly very very very important Okay then I'll continue to expand in Business go deeper into business which Is the quickest way to wealth you know We information technology and attention Social media is absolutely amazing for Business we own equity in multiple Companies and we've continued to expand Consciousness you know precious metals Uh real estate and then my relationship With God that's the number one thing That I'm focused on is my relationship With God therefore building a foundation With my family and working to build and Strengthen that relationship because if All this gets taken away I'm Good the physical that I'm experiencing Is coming from the internal the Relationship as Jesus talked about the Singular eye right he said he was going To tear the temples down in the physical And the temples it wasn't a physical Temple that came back right he's

Teaching us to tap in tune in that we Are the creators it's in our mind here So if you're emotional and you're you're You're believing all this hype you're Operating in the worldly things you're Operating the left hemisphere of the Brain it's time to raise your frequency To the right hemisphere of the brain Raise it up to that higher Consciousness To that to that amazing love frequency Creation vibration You are creating your reality right you Are creating your reality it doesn't Matter what happens in the physical it Matters how you react to What happens in The physical there's going to be things That happen there's so many different People within the Paradigm but it's how You react to those things but the things That you're experiencing your spouse Your house your job your crypto Portfolio everything is from you you Made those decisions but they taught us This this outside and effects is a deep Rooted indoctrination a deep rooted Indoctrination that got us deep into our Left hand hemisphere of the brain riding With your right hand your right hand is Controlled by your left brain right Non-creative your right brain controls Your left hand when someone uses their Left hand or their ambidextrous they Hemisync they're bringing their left and Right hemisphere brain together okay

When we tap in tune in Jesus says cast Your nets to the right they're in the Same boat same Ocean on the left there Was no fish but on the right there was An abundance of fish and if you add up Those numbers equals nine which is God And you look at fish that represents Wisdom he said cast your nets to the Right and they cast their Nets right Moses went up into the right of the Mountain soon as he saw God he gave him All his iniquities oh speech impediment Blah God's like uhuh you're up on the Right now your higher Consciousness your High Vibe brother your high Vibe you are The great be after this my name is The Great I Am that I am powerful right Powerful powerful stuff Jesus said don't Let your left hand know what your right Hand's doing your left hand is Controlled by the right hemisphere of Your brain the right hand is controlled By the left hemisphere of your brain Shall we we continue Jacob said I saw God face to face he called it what Pineal he fell asleep on a rock closed His eyes pineal gland activated in his Dream he saw a ladder God was going up And down L paraphrasing right there's so Many hints the Bible is the greatest Book ever written God Is So Real Jesus Christ is the Risen King you are Powerful you are strong you are worthy You are abundant you are worth it you're

Amazing you're amazing you don't have to Go to a church when two or more are Gathered I'm not saying you can't go to Church I'm not saying you shouldn't go To church I'm saying when two or more Gather that is church you know I think That's that's one thing that we need to Bring back into America is God I'm not Talking about God these evangelists on TV and you know asking you to send them A bunch of money to buy their you know Big mansions and their planes and the Prosperity preachers they're preaching Pro physical Prosperity we're touching Here like Jesus said when the disciples Went up to him and said you know raboni Master you look hungry he said I have Food that you don't eat of I understand What he's talking about he says I have Food that you do not eat of God is so good Jesus is so good and I'm Not talking about a religion guys I'm Talking about expanding Consciousness Oneness together whatever religion you Are I freaking love you man what if we Locked arm in arm and we expanded Consciousness what if we worked together What if we worked harder on ourselves And we did anything else all this would Go away because they've tricked us to Believe that it's external they tricked Us to believe that it's an outside and Effect when you are the cause you are The effect go watch the movie The Matrix

Again it's a story of the Bible Neo the Womb The Matrix that's what the womb Means in the Bible the Matrix they were Sitting in those water inside the water Inside the womb they came into the Matrix and the whole time where you're In this Matrix you're trying to escape It but you created It you created it you're the one the Neocortex Neo all right we'll leave it right there If you want to check out a little bit More of this type of information uh Subscribe to my refined Integrity Channel which is down below in the Recommended channels it's called refined Integrity refining the Modern Men so I Love you guys I appreciate you as we Always say Warriors rise get your Together


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