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This could absolutely wreck the middle Class or it could make you very very Rich in today's video I'm going to break Down what the feds are doing their Announcement today that is going to Appear to look to help the middle class But it could absolutely wreck them but If you're an investor and you're paying Attention and you planted seeds you are Going to Bear amazing fruit from 2024 to 20125 my name is coach JV what I work to Do is make very complex macro and Microeconomic strategies very simple so The normal everyday person can Implement Them that's what I did four years ago I Finally got fed up with the system Coming from the banking system and start To really understand how money works the Wealthy are not doing their money the Same way we are so we made it our Mission and our lice message to Understand how money moves through the System and we've helped over 8,000 People sorry coming up on 8,000 very Close people radically transformed their Life since 2020 I have three amazing Resources for you I'm going to repeat This every every single day and on the Back end of every video I'm going to Share with you exactly what I'm doing I'm only speaking for my current Paradigm as I gain more education I'll Come back and teach here okay so number One is a absolutely free consultation

With my license insurance team we teach You tax code 7702 how the wealthy ensure their wealth They teach you how to ensure your life Your car your house we teach you how to Ensure your wealth be able to compound That wealth and also have access to the Cash value taxfree number two is a 16-page guide on exactly how my Blueprint is set up it's absolutely free And number three if you're ready to dive Into our education Academy it's 7 days For free in 2023 and you can join us on January 2024 for 120 day challenge okay Let me get off my soap box so I am Traveling right now I want to share with You guys um I'm able to talk about it Now uh right now I'm in La we're going Into production today uh so I'm part of Very honored to be part of a documentary Around the xrp Ripple versus SEC case Uh so I was picked as an industry Industry expert to be part of this um Pretty neat documentary that is going to Be to me I think we had a production Meeting last night is pretty Earth Shattering it's really going to give the Public a deep insight to what is Actually happening in the financial System from all different perspectives So the perspective that I'll be bringing To this documentary is from coming from The banking system a macro microeconomic View and sharing with the normal

Everyday person how our financial system Is set up and how it's going to Absolutely ruin the middle class and how The middle class has an even playing Field right now so uh my videos are Going to look a little bit different the Next couple days it'll be a lot shorter More condensed because we have a lot of Production stuff going on Wednesday and Then Thursday and Friday we'll be Traveling um so I want to share with you Guys I didn't want to miss my videos so I'm just getting these done but I'm Going to speak just like this and then At the end I'll just share with you what I'm doing there won't be a lot of Context or videos and things like that Other than what I'm sharing with you Guys so today the feds are meeting this Is if if you guys are watching my videos What I ask you to do is have a pen and Paper out if you're not driving have a Pen and paper out because I repeat the Same things over and over and over again And there's strategy behind that guys so What I've learned is what you repeatedly Do gets ingrained in your subconscious Mind what gets ingrained in your Subconscious mind becomes an unconscious Activity how I took my family from Completely broke indoctrinated in the System four years ago four years ago to Now Financial Freedom making money 24 hours a day

Doing the opposite of the 99% was Because I studied I listened and I paid Attention everything is inverted Everything is backwards when they say Something is good for you it's going to Destroy you when they say it's not good For you it's probably going to make you Wealthy in America so today the feds are Meeting they're going to talk about Lowering interest rates now there's all Kinds of news about it some people are Saying they're going to do it six times Throughout the year some people are Going to say they're doing on the back In the year some some people say it's Already priced into the markets but Here's the thing it sounds great to the Middle class when you're used to Inflation skyrocketing your gas prices Food prices and then interest rate Skyrocketing through the roof and it Feels like the liquidity got sucked out Of your family so if you made $100,000 In 2020 you now make about $75,000 a Year without doing anything so when you Hear the feds and the media say they're Going to start lowering interest rates To help right to help with inflation or To help with the markets because the job Markets are about to get smashed about To get smashed guys and I'll explain That in just a moment you feel like They're helping you but I want you to Write these three things down okay I

Think it might be four just maybe three Okay so first one if you're in Cryptocurrency and you probably are You're interested if you're watching This Bitcoin ETF just write that down You don't even know what need to know What a Bitcoin ETF just just write that Down and pay attention to that news Okay Bitcoin ETF first quarter number two is Write down Bitcoin having which is Around April or May in 2024 so one is Bitcoin ETF two is Bitcoin having number Three is what I'm about to talk about Right now which is interest rates okay So let me explain where we're at and Then what will happen when they lower Interest rates so where we are as an Economy in America in 2023 I think it's December 13 2023 right now okay we're we Have high inflation we have high Interest rates the printing machine is Turned off okay so there's no Quantitative easing they're tightening The balance they're shrinking the Balance sheet okay they cut off money Supply money is very expensive now which Is making the dollar attractive because When interest rates are high uh people Put money into the dollar it's the Dominant or the world Reserve currency Right okay so now they're at a really Bad position even Jerome pal watches Meetings now he's like they don't know What to do with this economy guys in the

1980s when inflation was high and Interest rates were high we had a Phenomenal balance sheet okay we had More income than we had debt the Difference in 2023 is we have more debt Than we have income and every single Dollar in the system is somebody else's Debt so now you have a system where that Every single dollar is somebody else's Debt we have more money than we have Income our government has to raise the Debt selling to pay for critical Services and our taxes are going just to Pay the interest on the debt think about That for just a moment we're in a very Weak economy with weak leadership and Americans and the government are Basically bankrupt the average American Retires with $300,000 that may sound like a lot of Money if you're middle class or maybe You're in you know surviving paycheck Guys $300,000 will last you maybe maybe Three years in this economy maybe okay a Million dollars now is nothing it's Nothing guys if you retire with a Million and say you're getting 4% let's Let's let's uh let's lowball it you're Making about $40,000 a year can you Survive at retirement with 40,000 how Are you going to live your life it's Time to wake up okay so that's the bad News but here's the good news so when They lower well a little bit more bad

News when they lower interest rates so What happen sounds good right so when They lower interest rates if you're not An investor and you're maybe a family Trying to get your feet underneath you You're trying to get a home as soon as They lower interest rates boom assets go Through the roof so you think you can't Afford a home now you will never be able To afford a home a $ 600 $800,000 house If they lower interest rates down is Going to shoot over a million dollars so If you're an investor like us if you Have homes if you have real EST or if You have real estate if you have Cryptocurrency you're in the stock Market you have gold silver you have Assets when those interest rates go down And and especially in America's economy Right now because America is not being Looked at favorably guys what happens is Assets are going to go up through the Roof because the big money is going to Pull to a flight to safety okay so when You see interest rates start going down You don't have to get you don't have to Chase charts and all that stuff you just Have to go okay boom JV said interest Rates are going down when interest rates Go down we should see a flight to safety Into things like cryptocurrency stock Market and then the most important thing And I'm going to repeat this so Annoyingly consistently because we saw

So many people get wrecked and that's Why we created the tool called Merlin The smart the wizard the smartest way to Track your crypto because what's going To happen is it's going to get really Exciting okay remember what was it Number one Bitcoin ETF okay that's going To flood institutions number two Bitcoin Having now what is the Bitcoin having Sorry Bitcoin having is when they reduce The supply that can be mined which makes Bitcoin more scarce there's another Thing about Bitcoin as well is that There 70% of supply has not moved guys So when institutions come up they have To pump the price to get access it it Has to be pumped guys there's only 30% Of Supply left okay so that tells you Something 70% there's never been an Asset like this and also it doesn't Can't just be printed it can't just they Can't the government can't just turn it On and the government can't shut it off Right in the current Paradigm that we Understand now okay then we have Interest rates so Bitcoin H ETF is going To cause institutions to come in Bitcoin Having is going to reduce the supply Which uh organically every four years it Creates a parabolic move about 90 days After that so bitcoin's going to go up And then all your alternative coins Ethereum xrp xlm Doge all those things Are going to start going up now here's

The thing guys then they're going to Lower interest rates and then all of a Sudden you're going to see a parabolic Move you are not rich or wealthy unless You pull money out of the market the Best example is the Dogecoin millionaire He is no longer a millionaire guys he is A thousandaire he bragged that he made a Million dollars off Dogecoin and guess What he didn't pull profits you have to Pull profits you have to family pay Attention to this message right here This will save so many people's Portfolios you have to pull profits That's why we created Merlin the Smartest way to track your crypto okay Merlin was designed by my team 36,000 Lines of code because we saw thousands Of people get wrecked every single one Of you should have Merlin guys we made It 30 days for free so you can go in There we already have God every day I Make this announcement we're up to 1400 People that have Merlin since July guys That should tell you something this Thing is the best way to track your Crypto number one and number two you set Up your exit strategy you have to remove The greed Gene guys if you think so if You have $10,000 in crypto and you make $100,000 do you realize what type of Return you just got and if you meet with One of our team members and our licensed Insurance team and we can teach you how

We do these things guys wealth is not Sexy wealth is not quick wealth is slow It's methodical it's patient it's Planned out but gosh dang when you get This down and the feeling that you feel When your family is secure for Retirement guys crypto and fiat currency The US dollar is Funny Money guys it's Funny money think if they turn the Printing machine back on when they lower Interest rates guys your money is going To be worth nothing it's not worth Anything right now just our belief System in it so when this crypto goes Parabolic I don't want you to come back To this video and go I should have Listened to what JV said I'm just Sharing with you what I'm doing guys I Finally got out of the indoctrinated System I stopped following influencers That were pumping and dumping cryptos Another thing too that we're very proud Of is we have never been paid by a Cryptocurrency company do you know how Much money we were offered in the bull Market guys thousands and thousands and Thousands of dollars to pump cryptos we Never took one offer we decided to take The high road we decided to build real Companies real solves for real people Doing real things we've decided to build Things that would help the middle class Get their together because we knew That if we took temporary uh uh uh

Dopamine that it would destroy our Companies and we didn't take one dime From these companies and that allowed us To stay strong during the bare Market Allowed us to build real ecosystems During the bare Market cryptocurrency is Not not our retirement it is an Opportunity for the middle class to be Part of an even playing field this will Never happen again in your living waking History let me repeat that this will Never happen again in your living waking History the middle class will never have Access to an even playing field like This ever again I promise you once this Goes parabolic and it gets normalized it Will be back to the old system it will Be centralized it will be controlled Guys you they're not going to stop the Centralization System and if they do good perfect but I'm playing like we're going it's going Back to a centralized system I would Rather eror on the side of caution okay So you have to pull profits you need to Secure it you need to get into God's Money things like gold silver uh a Brick-and mortar real estate things like That you need to diversify guys and then Hold a bag of crypto I'm holding 50% Long long term for the rest of my life Okay so 50% staying in there for Legacy And the rest of it's coming out and I'm Securing in that stuff that's what I did

It one cycle guys I did it one cycle Which made me financially free now I'm Doing the next one which will be Generational wealth okay so I'm being Very Stern about this because I do not Want to see my family Get Wrecked again Okay so Merlin all of you need to go Down in the description and download Merlin it's 30 days for free and if you Don't like Merlin which you'll see our Customer service is the probably the Best in the it is the best in the Industry also in your FAQs we show you How to do an Exit Plan there's videos Customer service everything you need to Be successful the 30 days for free and If you want to cancel you do not have to Call anybody go into your app boom hit Cancel we're not playing games Guys These are our ecosystems we have built So every single one of you that watch This channel should download Merlin it Will save your crypto portfolio so Here's how it works so you're sitting There we don't hold your keys or combos It's just an interface it's just a a a Screen of all your cryptos in one place Right so uh you have full control of it Someone and some this is a question People ask around security someone hacks It they the only thing they would get Access to is seeing what you have in Crypto they don't have access to your Crypto that's that's through security

And stuff like that it's just an Interface okay the second part is the Exit strategy so imine you're sitting There at dinner with your spouse partner Loved one and you're having a great time And then boom xrp goes parabolic right And you don't see it you're sitting There and you go and like you get home At midnight you had a few cocktails oh you're trying to exit and the Exchange is completely shut down or You're sitting there at dinner having a Nice dinner and then ding mland sends You a text message hey Co shy you're About 10% away from your first Target Hey honey I'm going to go take a go to The bathroom real quick you go in the Bathroom boom you exercise that first Target you got profits in the bank baby Right then the next one hits same thing Boom boom and then as everybody's Panicking when it's at the top when they Drop you 30% before they they always Crush you 30% before the top whatever The news says it's going to expect 30% Less and you're panicking because the Exchange is shut down because they're Getting liquidated you come sliding down Down the back end okay we're sitting There with profits in the bag pay Uncle Sam we do our thing we secure our money In index universal life we buy more gold And silver we're going to get in more Real estate and we're going to keep

Repeating this process over and over Again guys it's time for the middle Class to wake up it's time guys it's Time to wake up the average American Retires with $300,000 that is not the American dream The way our grandparents and our parents Did their money will not work anymore Guys it's it's it's I know it's a hard Conversation I know it's hard for your Parents to to you know to let go and you Know I always say you know it's it's Time to stop taking advice from people Who are broke the most skeptical people Are always the most broke facts and the People who complain the most are doing The least the most skeptical people are Always the most broke and the people who Complain the most are always doing the Least so seek Wise counsil Guys very Very important okay I'll get off my soap Box I'm really fired up about this guys I think the documentary is getting kind Of my juice is Flowing because I'm very Proud to be part of a documentary like This because this will give access to The normal everyday person who normally Doesn't see this type of stuff to be Able to get this message because the Middle class has an opportunity of a Lifetime right now but because the System is so rigged and because the System is designed for you to I think The system is designed for you to win

But in our indoctrination we believe Believe that it's designed that it's Rigged if you don't understand how it's Rigged yes you will get played so open Up your eyes open up your mind write Down every single time you come here I'm Going to I'm going to work to give you Tools to make you successful right so my Job as a generator in human design is I Go forward I Forge a trail I make Mistakes I build safety I come back and Teach so what I'm expressing to you is Just what I'm doing that's all it is Okay so I have a crypto currency Portfolio a strict exit strategy through Merlin when I exit I'm Max funding my Index Universal Life policies okay then Very important though very important That's why we got licensed how your Agent sets it up is so unbeliev Believably critical we train our team to Make sure that they maximize the clients Living benefits and they're not their Commission very very important guys so Important that you ask questions and Seek wise counsel with these things That's where the bad rap comes in with Insurance because these agents are Maximizing their commission not the Client's benefits let me repeat that These agents are maximizing their Commission not the client's benefits we Train our team to make sure they listen To the client

They listen to their needs and they make Sure they match a product to their needs We're focused on iul but there's many Other products I doesn't work for Everybody guys iul does not work for Everybody it's not a one siiz fits-all Product not everybody needs an index Universal life policy it's very Important to understand you know I see a Lot of these guys out there like Everybody needs an i no not everybody Does not everybody needs an I sometimes It just doesn't make sense but the Conversation you have I you have all Kinds of different products and services That you can use to to be outside the Normal tradition Financial system to Help yourself okay then we have precious Medals I'll be getting into gold uh more Next year so well transparency I have no Gold I'm into silver for bability okay I'll be getting into gold I'm going to Be going heavily into real estate it's You know my goal is to have another Property first quarter and my second Property a rental property fourth Quarter but we want to go into apartment Complexes we will not want we will go Into Department complex with a 506b next Year uh for tax liabilities for the Interest income interest off our taxes Depreciation tax liabilities and and a Little bit of income I'm not really Worried but business business business

Business is the quickest way to wealth 100% the quickest way to wealth that's How we built our wealth we have equity In multiple companies we've scaled our Businesses that's why I can travel Around and have a microphone in a Computer and then I take that income and I don't buy Ferraris Lamborghinis and Houses I put it back into assets that's Exactly what I've been doing guys for uh I think we'd say four years to be fair 2020 20 21 22 23 holy cow it's almost Been 5 years holy time flies by Anyways that's what I'm doing so Everything description down below uh These videos are going to be more like This uh just the next couple days as we Travel so I love you guys I appreciate You again all of you guys should Download Merlin um try it out check it Out set up your plan practice practice This is our Super Bowl guys this is it Our Super Bowl is 2024 back in you need To be practicing like an NFL athlete Right now because it's you can't walk Into the Super Bowl with with freaking Cold legs man you got to practice now Love you guys Warriors R get your Together let's Go


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