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Welcome back to the show everybody check Out these headlines we have for you Bitcoin alltime eyes alltime highs Headed our way how about gold as well And 8 hey how about xrp ladies and Gentlemen let's talk about that we're Going to how about this conversation Currency devaluations but it's who's Talking about it that's going to blow Your mind uh Senate cbdc Bill we got to Stop it ladies and gentlemen you need to Know everything about it we got CEOs Larry Fink from Black Rock and so much More somebody rolled that beautiful [Music] [Applause] Intro digital perspectives with Brad KES Come on [Applause] In welcome back to the show you can Follow us on Twitter Youtube and dig Prospectives decom for exclusive content Right now $ 2.63 trillion market cap the Market is up 1% 66 6,000 slightly over For Bitcoin 3,300 Plus for ethereum 104.7 billion market cap for tether xrp At the number seven spot as usdc takes The number six spot here 58 cents for Xrp we're off by 1.4 and a 24 we're off By 6.1 in the 7day range of price very quickly ladies And gentlemen it's 5843 right now we see Xrp is on the bottom of the range Ranging between 58 and 61 cents we'll

Keep an eye on it I'd like to see it Turn around and I know you would too and I believe that it will this is just a Moment this is not everything this is Just a moment so let's take a look at This we're starting right here with Kathy Wood and I want you to hear her Talk about one of the Catalyst for the Flight to safety of these Bitcoin spot ETFs it's currency devaluations that Nobody's talking about can you explain And we were debating it uh last couple Of days uh about Bitcoin Joe Becky back in New York together You've seen it what do you think is Happening I mean we saw we saw we saw Bitcoin get up to70 something thousand Drop down to $66,000 I was making the Argument that it has been very tied to The NASDAQ it's been very tied to the Markets and as a result it is more Likely a function of liquidity in Speculation than it is a function of What the Federal Reserve is going to do Even though the Federal Reserve is sort Of been moving the markets what do you What what do you what's your analysis Why it's moved the way it has okay up Dramatically you have the ETFs there's Something else going on around the world There are currency devaluations taking Place that people are not talking about The Nigerian Nara is down 56% in the Last nine months Egypt just devalued by

40% Argentina continuing to devalue I Think this is a flight to safety believe It or not taking place a hedge against Deval valuation a hedge against a loss Of purchasing power and wealth that's Very important and we saw this even here Last uh last year in the United States Regional Banks imploded Bitcoin went up 40% uh Bitcoin does not have Counterparty risk I think and and we're Putting out a piece in the next few Weeks which is this is both get this a Risk on asset and so you talk about the NASDAQ risk but it is risk off I Remember remember we got in at $250 when Greece was threatening to Leave the Euro right but is that folks That are speculating about currency or Is that folks in Nigeria and in Greece And other places saying I got to get my Money out of this currency and and move It themselves do you see what I'm saying Oh yes I think this is an insurance Policy uh against uh Rogue regimes or Against just horrible fiscal and Monetary policies which is really where We are right now I mean Kathy's got it Spot on And I've been look you know Kathy might Not be aware of who all of us are but I Tell you what we've been talking about Currency devaluations and mainly the US Dollar and maybe that's why we're seeing Charts like this for Meg rag crypto that

New all-time high could come for Bitcoin In April or May remember it's well over A trillion dollar market cap at the Moment you can see the next cycle push Us up into the 150k range Check that out but that's not all to go Along with the currency devaluation Conversation that's extremely real gold Is actually pushing all-time Highs egg rag crypto called for gold at 2,300 it hit 2280 uhhuh I got to give that to him Because I don't remember anybody else Saying it would happen I'll give you That as far as I'm concerned you can Crown egg red crypto nailed it I'll give The $20 difference next Target 3,000 by The end of 2024 I'm trying to get gold too look That's why I'm telling you guys right Now you don't have to do it but that's Why I'm telling you precious metals Investments miles Franklin is the great Place to get any kind of medal you want They've got it at the best prices but in Order to get the best prices you need to Do two things one email them info@ Milesfrom information under the video And put dig gold in the subject box d Gold for the best prices protect Yourself your family and your Portfolio xrp eyes a meteoric rise in Engagement of Market participants as the Xrp volume moved and surged

80% House of xrp says same narrative Seven years straight you know what it's Not I know it feels that way House of Xrp but you know what it's not so many People said it would be a slow and Steady thing it hasn't it's been flat And stagnant for five years Right that's really where we've been but I think it speaks to the understanding That when something is designed to Complement and work within the financial System you're going to need the Regulators and the legislative bodies to Give you that finality and that Clarity In order to introduce it in full or in Or in in scale inside of that Financial System that's what we're waiting for Make no mistake about it Meanwhile the FED better be looking for Some kind of a Solution Jim Rickards reminds all of us That the Federal Reserve had an Operating loss of 114.3 billion in 2023 largest loss on Record he said I had dinner with a Federal fed Governor once who told me Central banks don't need capital I told Her we'll see what the public thinks About That then this is a reminder that There's a new bill introduced in the Senate to ban a police state Central Bank digital currency happily baned Includes any Bank intermediated cbdc

Where the government keeps control of Course this ban won't pass because the Uni party desperately wants the Surveillance and the control they can Only get from a central bank digital Currency shout out to pener St own for That you know that's the truth and There's the threat right but the FED Knows they need to do something because They can't continue to support what is Happening right now around the world With the pr money Printing I know everyone wants to Portray like it could just be endless But it Can't that's why geopolitical movements Are taking place around the world like The growth and expansion of bricks Coalition creating their own new Financial system and platform and Payment system and intend to introduce Their own currency that serves as a World Reserve currency at some Point the writing is on the wall there's Enough elements and Catalyst that have Really come from all directions whether It's the money printing which adds to The Debt or the geopolitical shifts to Create other alternative Payment Systems the movement to dollarize from The US dollar and to cause and inflict Hyperinflation on its citizens back home The these these are all factors that

Must be dealt with at some point but I Certainly don't want to see a cbdc That's issued and released by the Government directly to Citizens or the Federal Reserve because there he is Peter St o Is exactly right and that's all they Want is the surveillance the control and The the ability to manipulate each and Every one of us and if we give them the Opportunity to create a central bank Digital currency from the federal Government and directly issue it to us We're Screwed even Larry thinkink the CEO of Black Rock understands that they need Something they need something else Listen to what he says and it may be a Bitcoin or maybe something else that has Developed some form of of a of a Digitized Curr currency is going to play A bigger role in the future and it may Be a Bitcoin or maybe something else That has developed Bitcoin is still a Very small market and it it can move in Very large increments with small Movements of money uh this asset Category is so small relative to other Asset categor it could be another store Of wealth uh but right now it's still Untested it has huge volatility of Moving in five and six% increments with Small dollars Investments moving it and So for for anything like that to be um

To be truly successful it's going to Have to have a broadening of the market Gonna have to have a broadening of the Market well you know what Larry think we Know that it costs too much to do it With Bitcoin and it takes too long to Settle but I'm not down on bitcoin you Know I've got some exposure to it but I'll tell you this There's plenty of other assets out here And I'm pretty sure that Larry Fink's Aware knowing full well that Robert Mitchnick used to be at Ripple and is Now the head of digital assets at Black Rock I'm pretty sure he's got Larry's Ear about the power of Ripple and the Digital asset Xrp not to mention this reminder that we Know Iso20022 is a payment system that's been Around for more than a decade but it's Been chosen as the standardization Protocol and message system to be used To update and to begin to work in the Coding of digital assets so they can Move the actual value with the payment And the messaging system and that rich Data that goes with It and we know that the Catalyst here to Do these things is really said best by Bob way shout out to him Anders shares It says worth post again Bob way former Ripple employee Iso20022 but just to clarify I 20022 is

Way bigger than you might think at first The reason this 2022 transition is Extremely helpful to Ripples Bank sales The team is this meant that every bank Is required to implement new Technology and we know that Banks don't Like to do that it's way bigger than you Might think at first is it it replaces The previous Swift standards Mt and MX And adds a lot of other things like the Ability to code and move move digital Assets like cbdcs stable coins and other Digital Assets in Cryptos that's what we're talking About says right here the team and every Bank is required to implement new Technology in the banking World Banks Hate to change and already working Process change can introduce new Problems which means bankers get Fired this is happening Swift is doing This we reported on this heavily Yesterday Yesterday this is going down this is Happening and you might realize just how Important Ripple and xrp are to the Financial system when you understand That there have been measures Taken in order to have Ripple validators Housed underground bunker in Switzerland that's how important this is And I bet you dimes the donuts that they Got validators and nodes all over those Starlink satellites which is our new

Internet I I don't know what else to say You know we're looking at things in a Down market like today I am super Bullish and you don't have to be like I Said earlier this morning not everybody Has the same appetite for risk not Everybody has the same threshold for Patients And it looks to me at this stage of the Game it is patience that becomes the Greatest attribute of any Investor Bitcoin analyst says xrp to Skyrocket 8 159% to $6 now this aligns this is a guy named Mikey who's a Bitcoin analyst you know What it probably took for that guy to Admit that he sees this on a chart God Bless him But we know that this Falls in line with Egg rag crypto and others like dark Defender by the way dark Defender I Think was just sick and he's doing well And getting better so if you have a Chance and you're on Twitter go wish him Well and send him well wishes just like All of us have done he does so much for All of us all right not Financial advice Of me or anyone else I'm going into the Freedom Zone ladies and gentlemen and You're going to want to come with me Today because today we're going to tell You what the Mia mainstream media does Not want you to know And you're going to love it every single

Bit of it come on In all right


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