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Hello this is Matt on the moon Lambo Channel I'm going to share with you Perspective from an inside source who Says that a spot Bitcoin ETF not only is It coming but it's coming this year now Folks we're already in the second half Of October so we got somewhere in the Neighborhood of two and a half months Left before this year's out and he's Talking about this news dropping before Then and it just made me think back to This video I published within the I Don't know the last two or three days Whatever it was and I was highlighting Look um here's perspective from a chart Analyst and I happen to share the spe The the perspective just in a general Sense but this analyst one of the things That he was saying was you know for Those of you and I'm paraphrasing here But for those of you that want to Accumulate cryptocurrency right now you Don't have half a year you know because At the at the later end if you're Talking about a spot Bitcoin ETF the Latest that the SEC could push back Would be March of next year 2024 not That far off from now but they could Approve a spot Bitcoin ETF any time Before that and so we point it out once This happens uh it's Off to the Races Bitcoin price is going to absolutely Explode and of course as I noted in that Video it's going to bring up the entire

Market so in terms of correlation for Xrp yeah it's going to do the same thing Now in terms of percentage gains you Know when the news breaks that's Bitcoin's day and that's fine but Bitcoin always leads the market anyway I'm excited when that happens because I Understand what that is likely to mean For my xrp Holdings in terms of Increased value because you know what's The greatest predictor of XR Price Bitcoin if bitcoin's rallying and We're in Euphoria mode xrp ultimately Fils that's just how this stuff works And I'm fine with that I accept that I Don't mind it uh I love it in fact I I See no indication that that's it's going To stop being the case here and so it's Interesting to know again about two and A half about two and a half months until The year's out and this Insider says That uh you know he believes that you're Going to see a spot Bitcoin ETF get Approved before the end of the year and I'm going to share with you perspective From a number of people on this topic in This video not just this one inside Source and the Reason by the way the Reason you'll see as I get go this video The reason I'm calling this guy an Inside source is because he's a Billionaire he's well-connected he runs His own fund and he knew exactly what Was happening coincidentally wink wink

Uh leading up to the Billy boy Henman Ethereum free pass speech he knew what Was going to happen he said it publicly And then it just happened to occur Exactly like that cuz he just had this Sage Wiz just he thought of it on his Own right no it's because he knows all Of these people he's a billionaire guy Who runs this this crypto fund and and He knew you know he's connected with Joe Luin and so and so forth so he's sitting Here uh saying that yes this thing's Going to happen and it's going to be This year so folks we don't have that Much time Left um that's that's pretty exciting in Of itself but before getting into Anything further on this topic I do want To be clear I do not have a financial Background of any kind I'm not offering Financial advice and you definitely Should not buy ourself sell anything Because of anything I say or right I'm Just an Enthusiast who enjoys making YouTube videos about crypto related Topics but just as a hobby and just for Fun all right so before I get to the Billionaire inside source here I just Want to note that there's all sorts of Other reasonable speculation that can Lead us to the same Conclusion uh here is an individual Named Andrew who shared this post on Social media platform X and um I've seen

Him I don't know this guy's background I've highlighted his posts on my channel A couple times because he keeps getting Reposted by some really well-known Accounts on X uh but here you can see in His little bioh her founder of x3 Finance Bitcoin blockchain and so Andrew Shared this clip of Gary guinsler uh Being interviewed on national television And Andrew wrote The Following update There are conversations within the SEC That the spot Bitcoin ETFs may not Stretch into 2024 this video is a tell and that giner Is acknowledging their viability and Attaching compliant language to them Yeah and so that is spot on I'm not Going to play the clip it goes on for a Little over a minute but it's Gary Guinsler and he's not going through his Usual routine of ah crypto scams husters This or that uh or I can't comment on That uh he acknowledged the the state of Things that they what he said eight or 10 firms you know seeking to get Approval for exchange traded funds Bitcoin spot ETFs and and so again that In conjunction with what Andrew stated Here conversation within the SEC that The you know Co ETF may not stretch into Next year so that's the first point I Wanted to and by the way that was Reposted by Scott milker The Wolf of all Streets on X with 92,500 followers and

He he shared that and wrote the language And tone have changed approval of a Bitcoin spot ETF is coming and so folks As I somewhat frequently say I feel like I've said it fair bit recently it seems Like the price of xrp is never going to Do anything it feels like that to some People anyway it's never going to go We've been moving sideways so long oh my God what am I doing I'm so impatient Until one day you wake up and then it's Just going and this is one of those Things that would be such a catalyst and Even though again it will result in a Fantastic day primarily for Bitcoin Directionally everything else is going To the same thing and that sets the Stage for everything moving up in tandem Further so just because it starts with Bitcoin like again the asset the asset Class is what it it just we have over a Decade worth of data showing it just Moves into it just Does that's exciting there's no Indication that it wouldn't why would it Just suddenly stop that that's a silly Idea that that's not reasonable to Suspect that's the case and so again Here Scott melker says approval of a Bitcoin spot ETF is coming I firmly Believe that to be the case and my Prediction has been that black rock gets Approved first that's been my number one Guess my second guess has been that

Multiple firms get approved all at once And I don't know I could definitely be Wrong maybe my number two guess is the One that actually happens at this point I'm not that that had a huge gap between One or the other not that I was way more Confident that it would just be Black Rock for fun that that has been my guess Up to this point Point um recently I Feel a little bit less confident in that It seems like it could just be the case That a bunch get get approved all at Once I don't know it's just a four fun Guess either anyway the bottom line for Me is that it's going to happen whether It's Black Rock first or it's a bunch All at once including Black Rock cool it Doesn't really matter that much the by The way the primary reason that I was Saying it would be black rock is just Because they're so well connected and I Just I don't trust anyone at the SEC There're a bunch of scumbags over there So you know playing favorites this or That if it's going to go through I I Just thought okay I mean that was part Of the thinking Anyway um and then there was this from Attorney John Deon he reposted that from Scott mker and wrote Scott is correct I'm someone who said I wouldn't be Surprised if the SEC wrote a long Dissertation citing data or anecdotal Evidence denying a spot Bitcoin ETF

Again that wasn't part of the sec's Original denial that has been deemed Arbitrarily and capricious by the appell Court Gary gendler could would have used This opportunity like he has in the past To bash Bitcoin as being used to fund Terrorism or criminal activity he didn't I could be wrong but I attribute it to The court loss coupled with the Larry Fink effect and so I'll pause note of Course Larry Fink that's the uh the CEO Of Black Rock the world's largest Investment firm with 10 trillion in Assets under management seeking to spot Bitcoin ETF and then Deon says ginzer Only cares about what the major Incumbent donors I mean institutions Think yep pretty much spot on that's That's absolutely correct but that's not All let's talk about billionaire Mike Novogratz now I know what some of you Might be thinking as I site this what What this guy said here because Mike Novogratz I'll tell you this I know he Runs a crypto fund but when it comes to Investing I'm not exactly trusting this Guy let me explain a couple reasons why So billionaire Mike Novogratz um here is uh here you go Here's a picture of of of a that he Shared of himself in January of last Year so this would be you know several Months roughly before the world the Crypto just started melting down and

He's sharing a new tattoo he got of Cryptocurrency Luna this is real he Shared this several months later after He got this tattoo Forever on his person Luna went to Zero this is what kicked off the decline Of crypto in 2022 it led to the failure Systemic failures in the world of crypto Including three Rs Capital there was Blocki there was Voyager so on and so Forth you guys at Celsius you know the Whole deal right this is what kicked it Off he thought that Luna was an Incredible cryptocurrency to the degree That he actually got it permanently um Permanently tattooed onto his body so he Thought that one was going to work but He thought that he's never thought that Xrp makes any sense look at this Headline from Fe February 5th 2020 Before the SEC started attacking xrp From coindesk Galaxy's novag grats xrp Will underperform immensely again this Year now I'll just tell you this before The SEC ultimately attacked Ripple and All xrp holders as a result in December Of 20 uh 20 you know what xrp did it TR It it it tremendously performed it was Hovering around for months in the 20-some Cent region and then it rocketed Up to over 90 something cents and went Back down a little bit and then back up But it was it was looking great before The SEC did what they did so he was

Wrong about that too and there are Separate videos circulating all over the Internet Because the Internet is forever Where he just says stuff like I just Don't understand xrp how it makes sense I'm paraphrase but he he says he says Stuff like he doesn't get it and I don't Get how he doesn't get that utility Actually matters I don't know how he Can't there's just facts out there he Doesn't get that but to him Luna made Sense so I get it when you're talking About Mike noats you might look at the Guy and be like I'm not trusting a word That guy says and I get it when it comes To investment and expectations on that Front yeah I'm not exactly going to be Trusting his perspective and insight There either but he's a billionaire Crypto investor with a firm that's Gigantic and he knows people and to to Just bring that point home here's an Article from June 6th 2018 this is eight Days before Bill henman's ethereum free Pass speech and here's a headline from Business Insider Mike noat says a CNBC Segment on buying a Bitcoin rival shows Why Regulators are clamping down on Crypto and I don't need to read the Whole article but there is a a Particular quote in here which has Become famous within the xrp community And here's what Mike noat says and he's Referencing what the SEC is going to do

He's and here's the quote I bet dimes to Donuts Regulators uh will say ethereum Probably was a security but it is not Anymore end quote and it's a famous Quote that I think a lot of us know Within the xrp community from Billionaire Mike noats he has Connections with people at the SEC see Jo Luben all this and so he knew exactly What to expect and he was right he said This is what to expect he didn't want to Come right out and say Here's the names Here's the reasons I know here's who Told me this but he did publicly say it In a roundabout type of way so for those Paying attention like he's connected he Has inside sources he he is an Insider He's an actual Insider here he has those Connections and so when he says that he Believes a spot Bitcoin ETF is going to Happen before this year 2023 I'm Listening I'm not going to listen to him For crypto advice and what to invest in Because what in the ever loving hell but He does know people and I understand it Also doesn't mean for sure that this is Going to happen but uh I'm taking this With more than just a grain of salt you Know like I I'm I'm like to me like Myers are open on this so here's the Headline from the daily hodle Billionaire Mike novogratz predicts Bitcoin ETF before 2024 says Gary begins their feeling the

Pressure billionaire Mike novogratz is Predicting that a Bitcoin exchange Traded fund will hit the market before 20124 as pressure mounts on Gary Guinsler the chair of the US Securities And Exchange Commission in a new Interview with CNBC the Galaxy digital CEO says that all signs point to toward A spot Bitcoin ETF being released this Year and so folks just pause a note here Again as I was cited at the outside of The video if this is the case we know That Bitcoin is going to run Which means that there is not time left To ACC not much time anyway not at these Prices anyway that's that's that's just What I so it's not Financial advice I'm Not telling you to go buy stuff or not Buy stuff I'm not nothing of the sort I'm just having fun talking about this Because I find it to be an interesting Topic and sharing my unprofessional Perspective on this but we already saw What happened when the fake news of a Spot Bitcoin ETF broke a few days ago Because of coin Telegraph those idiot Sticks over there they I'm sure most of You are aware they they falsely reported And correctly reported that Black Rock Spot Bitcoin ETF was approved and uh and And Bitcoin just started running inside Of like 10 or 15 minutes whatever it was Bitcoin went up like 10% in that short Of a time period and xrp directionally

Followed by the way not not to the same Percentage but again that's bitcoin's News so that's fine that's not Surprising but you know alt coins Eventually catch up but you like we know For sure the price is not baked in Because we just saw that and then the Price cratered back down after the new Stop and this is just going to get more And more attention so that so that news Breaking that'll cause some sort of Rally and then that separate from the Actual impact over time as major firms Throughout the United States uh have Their Salesforce which means investment Advisors go out to their clients and Pitch the product which we already own That's what's going to happen they're Going to sell that product which we own For us that is amazing all and they're Anthony scari of skybridge capital he Said look there's over 100,000 Investment advisers on Wall Street They're all going to be pushing this When it gets approved and you're here First congratulations to you it is that Big of a deal it is Coming and everything's again the market Moves in tandem everything's going to Ultimately run and so you'll have the Excitement at first then you'll probably Have a retracement to some degree and And then you know the more impactful Stuff the more profound movements are

Going to result over a prolonged period Of time where those investment advisers Are pitching the product the ETF to Their clients bringing more money in and The fund is backed by actual Bitcoin the Asset class moves in tandem what do you Think happens and it's it's going to Start this year so we don't have much Time if billionaire Mike noats is Correct on this based on his information And so here was the quote from him it Will get approved we think it happens This year in 2023 all the indications of dealings Seem to be heading in the right Direction in quote according to novag Grat chair ginzler is feeling the Pressure to do something rational uh now That the SEC stance regarding the Creation of a spot Bitcoin ETF was Deemed inconsistent in court quote the Most significant piece was the SEC lost In court the judge said what are you Talking about SEC you have a Futures ETF And you're saying you can't have a past ETF so let me just pause to note what He's referencing here is is grayscale Grayscale defeated oh it was glorious Gray scale defeated the SEC because they Had their spot Pi an ETF application Denied and that was actually summer of Last year so they sued SEC finally got To court this year uh judge came to the Conclusion uh no that doesn't make any

Damn sense and they Lost so that is something that is Markedly different than what had Occurred in the past with previous Denials from the SEC they can see the Writing on the wall here and then uh Mike noat says quote that makes Intellectually zero sense I think that Put the SEC on the back foot I think Guinsler needs a win there's a Tremendous amount of pressure to do Something that is rational the American Public wants this end quote novag grats Go novogratz goes on to say that the Positive news of an ETF approval coupled With a rush of institutional Capital Will inevitably send crypto markets Higher quote the market will head higher On any positive news you're going to Have the Invesco Salesforce Black Rock Salesforce Kathy Wood Salesforce all out Selling Bitcoin Bitcoin has always been An instrument that is sold not bought in Quote yeah and by the way just for Context here when he says that it's Always been an instrument that's sold Not bought he was if I listen to the the Clip he's in if you have the proper Context you understand when he says that It's being sold he was talking about Sold in the sense of a salesperson Pitching it that's what he actually Meant it so he's saying that like that's What has to happen and then in terms of

You know not being bought it's through Context I could get that what he was Saying is people aren't as so much going Out and just buying it on their own they Need to be sold on the idea they need to Be told it I think that's what he was Saying and not that I 100% agree on that I think a lot of people they they just They see it whether it's through Mainstream media crypto media friends Family whatever and then they do their Own research and then they buy it so not Necessarily that but that seemed to be What seemed to me anyway to be what he Was he was seeking to articulate there And so all that to say this stuff is Coming we're at another point and I Understand that there are people that Have been feeling down because in recent Months there's been a lot of downward And sideways price action in the world Of crypto in general but it's just like That until one day it isn't and that's Going to happen again we are going to Have that positive price action uh as Far as I'm concerned that's a certainty We don't know exactly what that's going To look like but this is an exciting Time to be in crypto it is hard to Overstate the significance of the Approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF and yes Like I say I said as many times the Initial burst it'll be fun we'll see how High it

Goes but the most profound in Impact From this will be over a span of years In in Decades and and not that we have to wait Decades to see some of the most exciting Action as a result of this but what I'm Saying is this sets something in motion That is going to change the supply and Demand Dynamics permanently and then you Will see additional crypto ETFs approved Ultimately you'll see a bunch of package Together you'll see individual ones I'm Sure that some point in the future there Will be a spot xrp ETF it's coming and We are here first folks how could you Not be excited about This I'm not a financial adviser you Should not buy yourself anything because Of anything I say or right that would be A very very very bad idea until next Time to the Moon Lambo


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