Final Judgement: SEC / ETH vs. Ripple / XRP & Gross Abuse Of SEC Power

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Ignition sequence start 6 5 4 3 2 1 zero Liftoff we have a [Music] Liftoff hey everybody this is the Digital asset investor and look what is Coming out the xrp Las Vegas Swag is apparently being mailed out Mike Jansen who did do my intro and my outro And has been sending me updates on those For years now um he is he has gotten his Xrp Las Vegas swag apparently he's going To be there did not get to meet him last Year so I hope I get to meet him this Year um but there are only two days left Until the prices on xrp go up So you might want to go ahead and get Your tickets if you haven't Already all right um wanted to show you A little bit of this this is um Anthony Pompano uh doing his Bitcoin propaganda On Bloomberg which is one of the Propaganda outlets for Bitcoin what was It last week or a week and a half ago we Were down around 60,000 you get a nice Bump back up 66,000 today Chanel 66,000 But still off those highs let's take That contrarian view too taking a look Look at Bitcoin climbing following the Weekends having remember the having cuts The number of Bitcoin produced daily in Half we're going to discuss that more With pomp Investments founder Anthony Pompano and I think you sit here on a Monday CM after the storm and you wonder

Did it did it work I mean the having Worked but did it really create that Catalyst for crypto that everyone Expected yeah one of the things that Everyone wants to see is like the having Occurs in a minute later all of a sudden The price goes up or down or sideways What's going to occur but what we've Seen historically is that the having Does take some time to kind of work in Um there was great research that came Out of bitwise and what they showed was In the month before the having the Average return over the last couple of Bull markets it's been 19% in the month After the having it's been 1.7% so you'd Say oh if I look at it as a 30-day Before 30-day after it doesn't really Matter but if you actually look at it Over a longer time frame let's say 12 Months or 18 months the having has Marked a point where then we go up and So it's just classic economics 101 right If demand stays the same and you take Away half of the incoming Supply the Price has to adjust up or down okay we Get it but guess who guess who was on The Move yesterday which it would be xrp Price of xrp jumped ahead of altcoin Pack jumping 6% high as 56 cents this Was yesterday what's today's Date guess I'm am I supposed to know Today's date when I start the show all Right today's the 23rd this was

Yesterday when they did this tweet um Amount of wallets 2013 holding it at Least a million xrp has been surging Over the past 6 weeks rising 3.1% and is within what one wallet of Alltime High o does somebody knows something and Then yesterday this happened folks gross Abuse of power two SEC lawyers resign Over the judge's rebuke in the anti- Crypto case this was the debt box case Zero Hedge was all over it um they they Were pushed out so in other words Gary Coward Gary threw them under the bus When he's the one that actually should Be resigning uh judge sanction regulat For gross abuse of power in March how Has Gary Gensler not resigned yet very Good point Zero Hedge met a law man who Knows what's going on says two of the SEC lawyers involved in debt box have Been pressured to resign but the court Found that the misconduct in debt box is Not isolated to a couple of individuals But rather was a pervasive Misconduct demonstrating a pattern of Organized bad faith and broadly Implicates the commission itself picking A couple of scap goats to throw under The bus does not equate to real Accountability when the problem is Endemic to an organization blower seven Steps I recommend for True Accountability at the SEC let's go

Through them one criminal investigation Is warranted well eth gate hello I think Debt Box by the way is just a Distraction eth gate is the one none of Them will even speak of two State bars Need to investigate think Henman Clayton Forget Deb box all of these apply to E Gate eth Gate's the big one debt box I Believe debt box is literally they they Did they focused this on debt box to Take the folks away from the real Problem zgate house subcommittee on the Weapons ation of the federal government Should investigate four Congress should Pause funding this is obvious stuff here Folks pause funding for the sec's crypto Enforcement program why have they not Done that why is Patrick McKenry not Done that what about Tom emmer remember A new day was supposed to be coming SEC Leadership should resign that's an Obvious too SEC should pay for the Damage seven operation choke point 2.0 Should be terminated there is no need to Respond to me this will never Happen um all right then we've got This if I can get it to refresh I said What about what about when the SEC lied In court for over a year about the bill Henman speech being his personal opinion Then we found out it was being emailed All around the SEC that was they lied in Court for over a year Ripple had to Spend millions of dollars to disprove

Their lie where' that one go Then this is from Elanor terret um According to the LinkedIn profiles Welsh And Watkins these are the two attorneys That had to leave had only one and a Half so so in other they had a one and a Half year experience at the SEC so what They did is they threw they picked two Guys that really weren't implicated in Probably things like eth gate and other Things and just got rid of them and Probably told them don't worry we we'll Make sure you're taken care of prior to Their SEC appointments Welsh was working At Co l l p that's where Nancy wos works And Watkins for Parson whatever that one Is interesting side note while it cooly Welsh helped represent crypto company Kick in its lawsuit bought brought by The SEC in 2019 under chairman Clayton and then I said I wanted to make Sure we highlight this debt box this Debt box thing is a nothing Burger Compared to eth gate and the SEC lies in Court there to this day nobody will even Speak of the word eth gate that that's Where the real SEC skeletons are where Are those resignations where are those Investigations of Clint Clayton and Henman why has not one Congressman Called for an Investigation and then there's this um Hester Pierce you're supposed to be You're supposed to be crypto mom you're

The good guy right why why is Hester Pierce not say why is Hester Pierce Nothing doing nothing but writeups why Isn't she blowing the whistle why is Hester Pierce not Helping out in a real way instead of Just writing Notes is it because she's good cop to Gary's bad cop and that's the way it's Always been and then I wanted to point Out another obvious thing this all you Have to do is raise children like I've Done to understand this concept if your Children if if your child does something Wrong and you don't discipline them for Doing something wrong they're going to Do it again because why wouldn't they Nobody's corrected the behavior so why Wouldn't they do something wrong again Well Gary gensler's no difference I know Everyone's highlighting the SEC Corruption that caused a couple of their Attorneys to resign today but what did You really expect when you appoint Someone who didn't even have to answer To this what do you think they will do Answer continue the behavior when does Gary face Repercussions hey real quick last Question I think it might have came up You were Hillary Clinton's CFO in the Campaign right it's of my history were You yes or No in 2016 did you facilitate the

Payment for the steel dossier since you Were CFO of the Hillary Clinton Campaign sir yes or no sir yes or no That that was that was not you're under Oath chairman Gensler yes or no I know It was not something I was aware Of i y back the rest of my time you Don't behave like Gary Gensler unless You feel like you're protected and until Someone breaks through that Protection and makes him personally have Repercussions then this be nothing's Going to Change New York Stock Exchange considers Staying open 247 F folks make no mistake This is in response to when when the Crash happened over Iran attacking Israel the other day and all of a sudden The people that own Bitcoin ETF realized That they had a disadvantage because the People who owned physical Bitcoin could Trade on the weekends while they were Stuck until Monday that's what this is About so you can see crypto's already Changing the whole the way everything Works breaking X has now acquired a Money transmitter license in half the US States this is lifechanging opportunity For ex creators monetization is coming And it and it it'll create millionaires Let me tell you something I don't know If I've ever said on this channel that Is worth mentioning I know for a fact Folks I have 360,000 Subs uh followers

On X and I don't make hardly anything on On X terms of their monetization and I Mean almost Nothing and I see people on here doing This like almost every day when payments Happen what they're doing and I can tell You for a th% fact they're creating These fake screenshots that make it look Like they're making tons of money I've Seen I see people and I want I want to I Know some of them some of them are in There at xrp community and I know a Particular one or two that if if I see Them in xrp Las Vegas I'm going to ask Them why are you not telling the truth About the money you're making on X I've Seen them put screenshots up and these Are people that have like 80 or 90,000 Followers to my 360,000 and I I've never Made even in the realm of the kind of Money that they're put they're posting Up and there's no way it's true and I'm Not going to say any names but I will Pull P them aside and and say what are You what are you doing here what are you Up to because I don't like it um I don't Like it when anybody's just bold-faced Lying because that that is Major red Flags for me uh James fan has filed its Opposition to the sec's motion for Remedies and entry of final judgment um So this is remember they asked Ripple For like $2 billion and then check this Out Ripple is seeking to pay no more

Than a total of 10 million in civil Penalties out of the 2 billion for its Institutional sales a far cry from the Two billion from Ashley Prosper the Court should deny the sec's request for An injunction for discouragement and for Prejudgment inurance and and should Impose civil penalty of no more than $10 Million that would make Gary Gensler Look like the biggest a-hole on the Planet which he Deserves steuart aldera our our Opposition to the SC 's request for two Billion in penalties for legacy Institutional sales is now public in Case that had no allegations or findings Of Reckless recklessness or fraud and in Which Ripple won on significant issues The SEC sec's ask is just more evidence Of its ongoing intimidation against all Of the crypto in us we remain confident That the judge will approach this final Remedy phase Fairly um and then Brad garlinghouse com Comes in feels feels appropo that we Will file our response to the same day That two SEC lawyers resigned for their Misconduct in the debt box case the US Will be picking up the pieces of the Agency's disastrous policies long after Gary Gensler is gone true story now we We've played this clip before but it's Important um after years of Investigation more than uh and more

Years of Discovery the SEC uh does not And cannot point to any in institutional Buyer that lost money as a result of Purchasing xrp from Ripple this is key Folks because this is what this is how Ripple could just drop kick Gary Gensler the bigger argument here in my View is uh Ripple caught a very very Lucky break recently the second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled at the end of Last year that in order for there to be Discouragement there have to be victims Of the fraud victims of the Securities Law violation there has to be something Called pecuniary harm and that means Losses actual losses so when you read The sec's filing on their damages Theory They have a heading say hey no problem There's pecuniary harm here but they Don't actually identify a single Purchaser of xrp who lost money what They say is some purchasers and remember We're talking about sophisticated Institutional buyers hedge funds VC's You know Wales buying xrp and they Bought at discounts and then presumably Sold not the next day but periodically And so the SEC says some of the buyers Got a lower discount than others and Therefore they were pecuniarily harmed Which does violence to that term there Have to be actual losses and they do not Identify a single quote unquote victim Uh uh institution that lost money in

Their deal because they bought all of This xrp at some significant discounts Yeah and and just to to tie a bow on it This concept of Discouragement uh while it is a party Who's done something wrong issued an Unregistered security is supposed to Give back their net profit from doing That that money is supposed to go to Victims not to the treasury and so if There are no victims the entire Rationale for the discouragement goes Away and so if there's no discouragement By the way Scott then there's no 200 Million in interest interest triggers Off of discouragement and so that would Go away now that the odd is you could Still have a penalty in the absence of Victims and a discouragement judgment But it would be weird for an $850 Million penalty in a situation where There's no discouragement no victims no Restitution fund no nothing that would Be pretty odd and so that the court then Would have a lot of discretion in Establishing what the penalty might be And I think it would be substantially Lower than that 850 all right good stuff now I wanted to Make sure that I pointed out in this Tweet all these people you know the Entire crypto industry is now wanting to Jump in on the the whole SEC party Everybody's everybody's gotten bold and

They want to take shots at the SEC and Here's Laura Shin who's never spoken of Eth gate and here's um Jake travinsky Who's never spoken of eth Gate and uh or who never they don't ever Want to acknowledge eth gate and I said Dirty little crypto secret before the Xrp Army exposed eth gate nobody body Including judges was fighting or calling Out the SEC for its corruption you're Welcome crypto sincerely xrp Army and I Do mean that sincerely now um and I and I want to uh I think Steven ner off's Over the target here See debt box is nothing folks eth Gate's The Big Kahuna and there's a reason none Of them want to talk about it and he Says Black Swan lurking in crypto Markets shadows and he's got a ride up Here and he's right folks this is the Big one this is the one that takes them Out be this thing it's not just the SEC Folks it's it's cftc too remember they Were meeting with both but anyway he's Right now um Jeremy Hogan's going to be Talking more about the's big legal Problems that they have in this case He's going to be on live When did he tweet this say today he's Going to be on um on crypto law on John Deon's Channel 1.95 billion or 10 Million or what will it be so Jeremy Hogan's going to be talking about now in here's what we're going to talk

About we're going to talk about possibly Now this could go in in the conspiracy File it could go in the all the worlds Of stage file but we're going to be Talking about possibly the greatest Sting ever conducted it would invol Involve crypto it would involve politics It would involve everything and there's A lot of this that just tugs at your gut That will make you think to yourself man Some part of this has to be true that's Kind of what I'm thinking I'm the Digital asset investor I'm not an Investment advisor this is for Entertainment purposes only Please Subscribe hit the like button and tell Your friends and family if you want to Know about this is a very interesting Story by the way the great the possibly This would be the greatest sting ever Ever done so here we go [Music] [Music]


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